Maintenance | Bungee AND Spigot support! icon

Maintenance | Bungee AND Spigot support! -----

Lets you activate a maintenance mode on your BungeeCord as well as Spigot server!

For a full changelog, see HERE

The Maintenance.jar file is universal for Spigot and Bungee.
To use the plugin on Sponge or Velocity, check the other files.
----------, Sep 17, 2024

Happy birthday Minecraft once again :)

For a full changelog, see HERE
----------, May 17, 2024

  • Velocity/Bungee: Added `commands-on-single-maintenance-enable` and `commands-on-single-maintenance-disable` config options to define commands to be executed after maintenance has been toggled on a proxied server
    • Commands inside the `all` list will be executed for any proxied server, but you can also define commands for specific servers by adding arrays with the server names as keys
    • You can use the placeholder `%SERVER%` in commands to be replaced with the server name
  • Start-, end-, and schedule timers for proxied servers now also include the server in the feedback message
  • Updated language files from Crowdin (including new language files for Danish, Japanese, Korean, and Hungarian)
----------, Sep 17, 2023

  • Added config option `enable-playercounthovermessage` to be able to toggle the player count hover message
  • Removed platform specific command aliases (e.g. `maintenancespigot`)
  • Translations
    • Moved translation editing to Crowdin
    • Added Turkish translation file (thanks to Proomp)
    • Added Swedish translation file (thanks to Sup33r)
    • Added Ukrainian translation file (thanks to Mrlucke)
    • Added Japanese translation file (thanks to yu-solt)
  • Added bStats metrics to Velocity and Sponge modules
  • Fixed disabling the `enable-pingmessages` setting not working on Paper servers
  • Fixed variable replacement in messages with gradients
  • Fixed the message for cancelling proxied server timers not replacing the server argument
  • Setting `enable-pingmessages` to `false` no longer disables custom player and player hover messages
----------, Apr 17, 2023

Sorry for the delay on this fix, I figured I'd wait a while to fix any other issues that would come up. Turns out none came up
  • Fixed the config sometimes breaking on saving/upgrading
    • If it has already been broken for you, you might have to delete your old config to let it regenerate properly

As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Apr 17, 2022

Welcome to 4.0.0! This update brings you (good) rgb support with an amazing new component format as well as some other updates and fixes.
  • Added support for hex colors in messages and replaced the component parsing with adventure-minimessage
    • Your config and language file will mostly be updated to the new format automatically, you won't have to change anything manually except for the %NEWLINE% variable to <br>. You might still benefit from letting new config and language files generate.
    • This means that section symbols (`§`) are no longer the intended/supported format
    • You can use the following page to edit and preview formatted text:
    • You can find full documentation on the format (including normal colors and formatting, rgb, click/hover events, and more) here:
    • Note that the player count and player count hover messages do not support rgb colors
  • Updated Sponge module to SpongeAPI v8 (Minecraft 1.15+)
  • Changed `%NEWLINE%` replacement to `<br>`
  • Changed `enable-timerspecific-messages` to default to `true` in newly generated config files
  • Added `prefix` entry in language file to use the placeholder `<prefix>` instead of copy-pasting the actual prefix every time
  • Added `singleServerMaintenanceListEntry` language string
  • Added Polish translations (thanks to Slasherss1)
  • Updated French translations (thanks to Aurelien30000)
  • Updated Spanish translations (thanks to Jaximo)
  • If you were using the MaintenanceAddon, you need to update it to version 1.2.0
  • Fixed missing language key warning for the scheduletimer command
  • Fixed typo in `singleServerMaintenanceListEmpty` default language string
  • Fixed typo in language key `whitelistEmpty` in the German language file (by Ceddix)
----------, Mar 17, 2022

I'm hoping to bring in proper rgb/adventure support at some point, but that's all I can say for now. In the meantime, enjoy this minor update:
  • Bungee/Velocity: '/maintenance add <name>' now works for offline players as well
  • Added config options 'commands-on-maintenance-enable' and 'commands-on-maintenance-disable' to define commands to be executed after maintenance has been toggled
  • Added config option 'enable-pingmessages' to can change whether a custom maintenance motd should be displayed during maintenance
  • Added language fields 'scheduletimerBroadcast' and 'singleScheduletimerBroadcast' with the variables '%SERVER%', '%TIME%', and '%DURATION%'instead of using the normal starttimer broadcasts
  • Fixed SQL loading issues on some platforms
  • Fixed missing language key warning for the debug command
  • Velocity: Fixed the update message
----------, Aug 17, 2021

It's update time once more!
  • Added maintenance schedule <minutes> <duration> command
    • This starts a timer for maintenance to be enabled, after which another timer will be started to disable it again (in contrast to starttimer and endtimer, which each only do one of)
    • On proxies, you can use maintenance schedule [server] <minutes> <duration> command to schedule maintenance on a proxied server
  • Added command alias mt for the Maintenance command
  • Added secret argument to the whitelist add command: You can use maintenance add <uuid> <name> to add offline entries per command
  • The maintenance's base command is now properly registered with a permission on each platform, so that it is excluded from tabcomplection to unauthorized players
  • Some improvements to the French language file (thanks to @Aurelien30000)
  • API addition: Added MaintenanceReloadedEvent
  • Fixed not setting custom singleserver kickmessages throwing warnings
  • Bungee: Fixed linebreaks in the playercount hovermessage for 1.16+ clients
As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Feb 17, 2021

Yet another 17th with a small handful of tweaks and fixes!
  • The plugin identifiers are now Maintenance instead of the previous MaintenanceSpigot and MaintenanceBungee
    • The plugin directory will automatically be renamed accordingly when starting the server
    • If you are using the MaintenancePlaceholderAddon, you need to update it to 1.0.3
  • Bungee: The 'fallback' field can now also be set as a list to define multiple fallback servers
    • For example: "fallback: [server1, server2, server3]"
  • Bungee: Added language fields to choose custom kickmessages for individual proxied servers
    • See here for an example setting
  • Added Chinese language file (thanks to @yeban)
  • Added Italian language file
  • Updated Russian language file (thanks to @En_0t_S)
  • Removed automated config migration from 2.x->3.0
    • See here on how to do that manually - virtually noone should be using such old versions anymore
  • Fixed the MySQL 'use-ssl' option being inverted
  • Fixed disabling the playercount-message still hiding online/max players
  • Fixed config parsing with multi line strings
  • Bungee: Fixed compatibility with other motd changing plugins using the 'HIGHEST' ping listener priority
As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Jun 17, 2020

And another 17th, this time with some quite small feature additions and fixes
  • The plugin identifiers are now Maintenance instead of the previous MaintenanceSpigot and MaintenanceBungee
    • The plugin directory will automatically be renamed accordingly when starting the server
    • If you are using the MaintenancePlaceholderAddon, you need to update it to 1.0.3
  • Bungee: The 'fallback' field can now also be set as a list to define multiple fallback servers
    • For example: "fallback: [server1, server2, server3]"
  • Bungee: Added language fields to choose custom kickmessages for individual proxied servers
    • See here for an example setting
  • Added Chinese language file (thanks to @yeban )
  • Added Italian language file (thanks to @TheViperShow)
  • Updated Russian language file (thanks to @En_0t_S )
  • Removed automated config migration from 2.x->3.0
    • See here on how to do that manually - virtually noone should be using such old versions anymore
  • Fixed the MySQL 'use-ssl' option being inverted
  • Fixed disabling the playercount-message still hiding online/max players
  • Fixed config parsing with multi line strings
  • Bungee: Fixed compatibility with other motd changing plugins using the 'HIGHEST' ping listener priority
As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Jun 17, 2020

It's been a while, but it is update time once more - stay safe everybody :)
  • Bungee/Velocity: Added config option 'waiting-server' to send players to a waiting server when global maintenance is enabled (instead of kicking them)
  • Bungee/Velocity: Added config option 'use-ssl' in the mysql section to disable SSL connections
  • Added Russian language file (thanks to @En_0t_S)
  • Updated missing translations in Portuguese language file (thanks to @JoaoPinto)
  • Updated bStats metrics
  • Fixed singleserver timers using input as seconds instead of minutes (by @aex32)
  • Fixed singleserver timers broadcasting globally
  • Fixed language updating with an unknown/self-translated language file
  • Fixed Velocity server autocompletion in the maintenance command
As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Mar 17, 2020

Drumroll please - time for an update!
  • Bungee: Added 'maintenance.singleserver.bypass.<server>' permission to give individual bypasses for proxied servers (`maintenance.bypass` will still bypass everything as the super-perm)
  • Added the messages of the help command into the language files
  • Added config option `kick-online-players` to disable the kicks when maintenance is enabled (new connections will still be blocked)... not sure why you'd want that, but you can :p
  • The language file will now be automatically updated as well, so no need to delete and recreate it anymore, yay!
  • Updated missing and new translations in French (thanks to @Zendrique) and Spanish language file (thanks to @Vixo_Ulises)

  • Bungee: Fixed the join-notifications being sent twice if both global and server maintenance are enabled
  • Bungee: Fixed players being kicked after the initial connection and thus triggering a join and leave message before being kicked
  • Bungee: Fixed the kickmessage not being displayed in some cases
  • Paper: Fixed the playercount message not being displayed on Paper servers with ViaVersion
  • Paper: Fixed the motd not being changed at all on Paper servers with ProtocolSupport (-> ProtocolLib listener used, since ProtocolSupport does not fire Paper's ping event)
  • Fixed the config autoupdater when the config contained strings broken over multiple lines.

As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Sep 17, 2019

If you didn't already know - today is Minecraft's 10th anniversary :coffee:
  • Added config option 'timerspecific-pingmessages' to have specific pingmessages shown when endtimers are run
    • You can also set them ingame by using '/maintenance setmotd timer <index> ...' instead of '/maintenance setmotd <index> ...', along with '/maintenance removemotd timer <index>' and '/maintenance motd timer'
  • Made dumps a little prettier
  • Support Sponge 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Support latest text/Velocity (now only supports Velocity builds from May 7th upwards)
The config will be updated automatically, the language file won't.
You can see applied config and language changes here.

As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, May 17, 2019

Yet another 17th, what a beatiful day
  • Created an addon to have PlaceholderAPI placeholders on Spigot when running the Maintenance plugin on Bungee (see here)
  • Added config option "continue-endtimer-after-restart" to have endtimers continued, even if the server restarts during their runtime
  • Made the endtimer message customizable in the language file (you have to add them manually or delete your language file if you want to change these values)
    • motdTimer: "%HOURS%:%MINUTES%:%SECONDS%"
    • motdTimerNotRunning: "-"
  • Spigot version: If running on Paper 1.12.2 or higher, ProtocolLib will not be needed anymore
  • The jar now only includes Bungee and Spigot (whereas before Sponge and Velocity as well) and has been further minimized in size, to cut it in half
  • Added a custom eventsystem to the API
  • Removed bStats metrics from Sponge module
  • Actually fixed compatibility to other plugins using the same MySQL library (such as LuckPerms) in the Bungee version
  • Fixed an issue with executing the maintenance change with MySQL enabled on connected proxies
  • Fixed an occasional error on pings of non clients in the Spigot version
  • Fixed 1.13 clients on sub 1.13 servers not showing the playercountmessage in the Spigot version
  • Minor fixes/changes to Spanish and Portuguese language files
I also want to thank everyone for their nice responses and suggestions over the last couple of months.
I'm more or less happy with the current state of the plugin, there's only so much you can do with a maintenance plugin (which doesn't mean I will stop updating it. If I have new ideas or bugs to fix, I'll hop onto them :p).
There is still one or two bigger things left I want to do, but those will require a little more time and learning from my side.

As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Apr 17, 2019

The bottom contains important information for users previously using this plugin!
Oof. Where to start? Well.

  • This plugin now also supports the platforms Sponge and Velocity!
  • Added es (Spanish) language file (thanks to @Vixo_Ulises !)
  • Added tabcompletion for maintenance commands on all platforms
  • This plugin now uses a custom config system, which means comments won't vanish after saving them and the different configs have been unified (more info at the bottom)! - with great help from PSandro !
  • You can now also add and remove (offline) players to/from the maintenance whitelist by using their uuid (i.e. /maintenance add <uuid>)
  • The %TIMER% variable can now also be used in the playercount-, playercounthover- and kickmessages
  • To make life easier for people running on Bungee without an extra permission plugin: the 'maintenance.admin' permission gives access to all subcommands (also works on the other platforms)
  • The command '/maintenance timer abort' has been renamed to '/maintenance aborttimer'
  • Added additional aliases: '/maintenance end' for '/maintenance endtimer', 'start' for 'starttimer', 'abort' for 'aborttimer'
  • Made bug reports a little easier with the new "/maintenance dump" command
  • Moved 'kickmessage' field from config to language file and added its default translations
  • Added a config option to disable update checks (not recommended)
  • On false command syntax usage, the reply will be the specific help message for that command, not the entire help window as it was before
  • Fixed a startup issue with other plugins using the same MySQL library on Bungee (for example some versions of LuckPerms)
  • Fixed an error on Bungee when single servers are set to maintenance with no fallbackserver set
  • Fixed an issue with starting server timers while also running a global maintenance timer
  • Fixed a rare problem with adding and removing players to/from the maintenance whitelist
  • Fixed the "/maintenance status" not appearing in the help overview
  • Improved update checks and updater
  • Many many other runtime improvements and some major internal refactoring
Also, don't be afraid of the relatively "big" size of ~800kb, it's still probably the most efficient and lightweight maintenance plugin (+ also offering a nice variety of features) you can find,
most of it comes from other libraries and the fact, that the jar contains all 4 platforms (which doesn't affect performance or anything else whatsoever) ;)

The maintenance-icon now has to be in the plugin folder, not the server's base directory as it has been before!
The old configs have been unified and the SpigotServers.yml file removed, which means a "config.yml" file will be created and the old one (bungee-config.yml or spigot-config.yml) if present deleted on first startup.
The language file has a few new fields as well as some old ones removed, that file is also the only one not automatically being migrated (see below).

Updating from 2.3-2.5.2
  • One thing you might have to do: On startup, your old language file will be renamed, after that you can move your old custom messages to the newly created language file
  • Else don't worry, your old config + maintenance-icon (and SpigotServers.yml if on Bungee) will be automatically updated to the new format :)
Updating from earlier versions:
  • Probably not every field will be migrated, save the old config somewhere BEFORE restarting the server, as it will be deleted. Most fields + maintenance-icon should be fine though

The Velocity page can be found here:
Sponge here:

As these numbers of changes lines of code might suggest, I changed quite big chunk of the plugin, which means there *might* be some new bugs (though I tried my best testing and double checking everything).
If you encounter any, please report them on the issue tracker and I'll fix them as soon as I can.

Do you have other problems/questions? Click the wonderful icon below ✨

----------, Feb 17, 2019

  • Added French "fr" (thanks to @Zendrique) and Portuguese "pt" (thanks to @JoaoPinto) translations!
  • Improvements to MySQL stuff on the Bungee part
    • If enabled, single servers (on the Bungee part) that are under maintenance are now saved into the given database as well!
    • Fixed the maintenance value only loading on the first server ping, not on startup
  • Fixed an error while setting maintenance to single servers, when the executor is something other than a player
  • Fixed the maintenance-icon not loading on 1.13+ Spigot servers with ProtocolLib
  • Some other general improvements and a small message fix
(If you received 2 different notifications for this update, don't worry, I just fixed a minor mistake in the portuguese language file -> If you want to switch to that, update again, else you don't have to)
----------, Dec 17, 2018

  • Fixed an occasional file loading error on startup
No other changes, just a small hotfix for 2.5
----------, Nov 17, 2018

  • Added the possibility on BungeeCord to also enable maintenance on Spigot servers managed by the proxy! (permissions and more info at the bottom)
  • Added a multiple-language-support system! It's currently not that big tho, with the only language added being de/German
    • If you like this plugin, know French or Spanish (or any other language that isn't yet supported by the plugin) and want to contribute a bit to it, translations of the default language.yml are greatly appreciated!
    • Note: There will be a new 'language-en.yml' file created, so if you changed any messages before, you have to do it again in the new file!
  • Improved updatechecks
  • Made the help message a little fancier
  • Fixed a bug with starttimers not being able to start properly
  • Some API changes
Applied config changes can be viewed here.
As always, please report any occuring bugs on the issue tracker (or otherwise in the discussion section with a detailled description of the bug)!
For any other questions or chats, you can now also join my Discord server!

Description of the new single server maintenance in the Bungee part:
  • /maintenance <on/off> will still simply enable/disable it for the entire proxyserver
  • /maintenance <on/off> <servername> will now set maintenance to a proxied Spigot server
  • /maintenance <starttimer/endtimer> <server> <minutes> works analog to the normal timer commands
  • /maintenance status shows proxied servers that have maintenance enabled
Added permissions for this are:
  • maintenance.toggleserver - to use the command with single servers
  • maintenance.servertimer - to use the start- and endtimer commands for single servers
  • maintenance.status - to use the status command
The single server maintenance is NOT implemented into MySQL, yet, as I haven't really figured out an efficient way of doing so (the normal/global maintenance still is, so that will work as usal for multiple proxies)
----------, Nov 17, 2018

Another 17th with another * quite * big update!
  • Edit nearly every message to your hearts content with the now introduced language.yml file!
  • Added "/maintenance removemotd <index>" command to remove a motd via an ingame command (if you have multiple ones)
  • You can now include the "%TIMER%" variable into your maintenance motd - *If using the maintenance endtimer*, it will display the time left until maintenance will be disabled!
    • Simply shows "-" if maintenance is on without any timer.
      A nice integration could be "&cExpected to come back in: &6%TIMER%", which would look somewhat like this:
  • You can now choose to show the normal playercount during maintenance instead of a custom message by changing the "enable-playercountmessage" value in the config
  • You can also include the playercount in a custom playercountmessage by using the 2 variables "%ONLINE%" and "%MAX%"
  • If there's a new update available, the update notification will no longer be sent on every single login, but rather just on the first one after startup
  • Removing players from the maintenance whitelist now accepts uncapitalized names
  • A couple of other bug- as well as typo fixes too little or irritating to explain :p
Note for users previously using an older version of this plugin: Even though the config will theoratically be updated automatically, you should delete it. As many fields of the old config have been removed, I'd just recommend you deleting the old one to create a new, much cleaner one.
Applied config changes can be viewed here:

As always, please report any occuring bugs on the issue tracker (or otherwise in the discussion section with a detailled description of the bug)!
----------, Sep 17, 2018

  • When a string in the config is missing, the plugin doesn't cancel the current process and throws an error anymore, but rather gives a soft warning in the console and returns a backup string
  • If MySQL is enabled, the plugin will only make a database request at least x seconds after the last request, whereas you can define the value in the config under mysql.update-interval
    • Example: If a first player pings the server after startup, the value will be updated -> No update in the next x seconds even if a player pings -> After elapsed, as soon as the next player pings the server again
    • Especially helpful as well as recommended for servers with many players
  • Another improvement for MySQL support: After enabling maintenance on one proxy, the other connected ones will then also kick all non permitted players and switch their ServerListPlus state!
  • The "/maintenance" command helppage now only shows the commands the player actually has permission to execute
  • Minor improvements
The config will be updated automatically, so you won't have to change anything if you were using an older version of the plugin.
Applied config changes can be viewed here:
----------, Aug 17, 2018

Another 17th, another update!
  • Added the possibility to have multiple pingmessages, of which one will be randomly chosen on each ping when maintenance is enabled (you can also just keep it at one)!
  • Added permissions per subcommand (see below or on the overview page under the "Permissions" section)
  • Reworked / fixed the "/maintenance setmotd" command
  • Added "/maintenance motd" command to list all set maintenance pingmessages
  • "/maintenance whitelist" now also shows the UUID connected to each name
  • Minor message changes / typo and description fixes
  • Minor improvements
The config will be updated automatically, so you won't have to change anything if you were using an older version of the plugin.

New permissions:
maintenance.command (required to use any of the commands)
maintenance.toggle (to use /maintenance <on/off>)
maintenance.reload (to use /maintenance reload)
maintenance.update (to use /maintenance <update/forceupdate>)
maintenance.timer (to use /maintenance <starttimer/endtimer> <minutes>)
maintenance.whitelist.add (to use /maintenance add <player>)
maintenance.whitelist.remove (to use /maintenance remove <player>)
maintenance.whitelist.list (to use /maintenance whitelist)
maintenance.setmotd (to use /maintenance setmotd <index> <1/2> <message>)
maintenance.motd (to use /maintenance motd)
... or use the "maintenance.*" permission to have access to all of the ones listed above

The rest of the already existing permissions can be found on the overview page.
----------, Jul 17, 2018

  • Changed the loading of the maintenance icon to be more predictable
    • It will load directly on startup and can now be reloaded by using the "/maintenance reload" command as well
  • Changed the reload message to read the proper reload changes
  • Removed an obsolete config comment
  • API fix
----------, Jun 17, 2018

  • Added "/maintenance setmotd <1/2> " command to edit the maintenance mode motd via a command
  • The Bungee version of the plugin will now automatically create a MySQL table if it is enabled, so you won't have to manually create one anymore
  • Fixed the ServerListPlus motd only changing on using the command, but not on the server startup
  • Fixed an error with canceling the start-/endtimer in the Bungee version
  • Fixed an error with removing players from the whitelist in the Spigot version
  • Fixed some other minor bugs
  • Some internal code cleanup
----------, Apr 17, 2018

  • Great update for the Spigot version of the plugin as well as performance improvements and bugfixes in both versions!
  • If you have ProtocolLib installed, you can set a custom server icon while maintenance is enabled, also the playercount-message and the playercount-hover-message are now available (as it has already been in the Bungee version)!
  • The Spigot version should be much more compatible with other motd-changing plugins, such as SexyMotd!
  • In the BungeeCord version of the plugin, the "/maintenance remove <player>" command now also works for offline players
  • Fixed some other issues with the ProtocolLib integration
  • Removed the plugin's prefix from some messages
  • Minor textfix for the updatemessage in the Spigot version
  • General performance improvements
If you were already using an older version of the Spigot version of the plugin, you have to delete your old config, so it'll create a new one.
----------, Mar 17, 2018

  • Massive code cleanup for both the Bungee and Spigot version of the plugin
  • Minor performance improvements
  • Fixed start- and endtimers not being cancelled properly
  • Fixed an error for the "/maintenance update" command in the Spigot version
  • Fixed an error regarding the ServerListPlus integration in the Spigot version
Adapted changes from 2.0
  • Fixed some permission and message bugs
  • You can now put the plugin not only inside your Bungee plugins folder, but also your Spigot/Bukkit one! Both will have the same feautures, but simply on their own platform. However, the Spigot version doesn't have MySQL support (as you would normally use BungeeCord for connecting multiple Spigot/Bukkit servers) and you can't use playercount-message, besides this, it has all its main features.
    • On BungeeCord you can make your own custom messages for the playercount
      On Spigot you will see "N/0" (N being the actual count). If you also have ProtocolLib on your server, "0/0" will be displayed.
  • As many of you asked me: MaintenanceMode now supports the plugin ServerListPlus
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed problems with adding and removing players from the maintenance whitelist
  • Fixed update checks
----------, Feb 17, 2018

  • Readded ServerListPlus integration for the Bungee version
Changes in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2
  • As many of you asked me: MaintenanceMode now supports the plugin ServerListPlus
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed problems with adding and removing players from the maintenance whitelist
  • Fixed update checks
----------, Feb 16, 2018

Temporarily removed the ServerListPlus integration for the Bungee part because of some unexpected errors (still working for Spigot/Bukkit)
----------, Feb 16, 2018

  • As many of you asked me: MaintenanceMode now supports the plugin ServerListPlus
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed problems with adding and removing players from the maintenance whitelist
  • Fixed update checks
----------, Feb 16, 2018

  • Recoded some parts of the plugin for a higher performance
  • Fixed some permission and message bugs
  • You can now put the plugin not only inside your Bungee plugins folder, but also your Spigot/Bukkit one! Both will have the same feautures, but simply on their own platform. However, the Spigot version doesn't have MySQL support (as you would normally use BungeeCord for connecting multiple Spigot/Bukkit servers) and you can't use playercount-message, besides this, it has all its main features.
    • On BungeeCord you can make your own custom messages for the playercount
      On Spigot you will see "N/0" (N being the actual count). If you also have ProtocolLib on your server, "0/0" will be displayed.
If you happen find any bugs, let me know in the dicussion (or even better at the issue tracker). More updates with some performance and code improvements will follow soon enough, as I was a bit lazy while recreating the plugin for Spigot besides the Bungee version in one. :p
----------, Feb 15, 2018

  • Added MySQL support! You can now connect multiple proxies with a set value in your database without having to enable maintenance on every single proxy by hand! Create a table with two columns, one named "setting", the other named "value", the config will do the rest!
    • Even timers will enable and disable maintenance mode on every proxy connected to your database!
    • The only downside is, that the whitelisted players will still be saved in the file on each proxy individually, but you could also just use the 'maintenance.bypass' permission instead.
  • Fixed a bug with the kickmessage not being displayed properly
  • Minor performance improvements
If you were using an older version of the plugin, you will have to delete your old config!
----------, Jan 17, 2018

  • If you want offline player support for the "/maintenance add/remove <player>" commands, simply put the MaintenanceBungee.jar onto your Spigot/Bukkit server and type "/maintenancespigot" !
  • Added the update command to the help message
  • Fixed wrong error message when not being able to load the maintenance-icon
----------, Dec 22, 2017

  • Added "/maintenance update" command to automatically download the newest version of the plugin onto your server!
  • Added "/maintenace add/remove <player>" commands to allow specific players to join on the server even though maintenance is enabled
  • Added "/maintenance whitelist" command to get a list of all players on the maintenance whitelist
  • Some performance improvements
No config changes
----------, Dec 14, 2017

  • The timer command of version 1.6 is now accessable by using "/maintenance timer endtimer <minutes>" - It will enable maintenance mode for the given time in minutes. After that, it will be disabled again - also, you will have to delete your old config!
  • Added "/maintenance timer starttimer <minutes>" command - It will active maintenance mode after the given time in minutes with broadcasts in between (take at look at the config).
  • Added aliases to "/maintenance timer abort": "/maintenance timer stop" and "/maintenance timer cancel".
  • Raised max timer time from 7 days to 28 days (to 40320 minutes).
  • Removed the MaintenanceBungee prefix from the enable and disable messages, so you can choose your own one.
  • Removed command usage from config
  • Some performance improvements
If you were using an older version of the plugin, you have to delete you old config, so the new lines will be generated in it. Else, you will get errors on executing the commands.
----------, Nov 17, 2017

  • Reached 1000 downloads! Thanks! :D
  • Added "/maintenance timer <minutes>" command. It will activate maintenance mode for the given time in minutes
  • The timer can also be stopped by typing the command "/maintenance timer abort"
  • Activated and deactivated messages will now be broadcasted to the whole proxy (after kicking players without the permission), not only to the sender enabling it
  • Improved performance
----------, Nov 6, 2017

  • Added the possibility to enable notifications when a player tries to join the server while maintenance is activated
  • Fixed some messages not having the given color-codes
  • Code cleanup
If you were using an older version of the plugin and if you get an error when starting your Bungee, try deleting your old config, so it'll generate a new one with the new lines.
----------, Oct 16, 2017

  • Added the possibility to split up the text on different lines (works for
    kickmessage, playercounthovermessage and pingmessage)
    This can be done by simply putting "%NEWLINE%" in between the text.
    • Example: playercounthovermessage: "&cCurrently under%NEWLINE%&cmaintenance"
----------, Aug 25, 2017

  • Fixed a bug, because of which sometimes UTF-8 characters wouln't be displayed properly
  • Made some other advancements for a slightly higher performance
----------, Jul 14, 2017

  • Added the possibilty set a custom server-icon while the maintenance mode is enabled!
  • Added the possibilty to change whether you want it to change or not (set to false by default, you can enable it in the config file). If set to true, it will pick the "maintenance-icon.png" in the Bungee folder
While maintenance mode is not enabled, my normal server-icon.png is shown.

After enabling the maintenance mode, the maintenance-icon.png will be shown.

You *might* have to delete your old config once again, so it'll create a new one. Heh . _.
----------, Jun 6, 2017

  • Added the possibilty to create a message while hovering the placercount (will look like this, if you move your mouse to the text in the top right corner)

Important: Again, you have to delete your old config so it'll create a new one, if you were using an older version before. It's the last time, I promise... (again) . _.
----------, Jun 5, 2017

  • Added the possibilty to edit the no-permission message, the command-usage message and the maintenance de-/activated message in the config
  • Removed the annoying "Could not check for updates message", if the server has no internet connection
Important: Again, you have to delete your old config so it'll create a new one, if you were using an older version before. It's the last time, I promise . _.
----------, May 29, 2017

  • Added the possibilty to change the playercount to a custom message, while the maintenance mode is enabled (as seen in the top right corner of the screen)

You probably have to delete your old config, so it'll create a new one. I don't know. Messed a lot with the configuration... . _.
----------, May 28, 2017

  • Improved a lot of code
----------, May 25, 2017

  • Tiny change of code
----------, May 20, 2017

  • Added the "/maintenance reload" command to reload the config file while ingame (with the permission maintenance.reload)
  • Fixed a save bug
  • Fixed a loading bug
  • Edited the updater message
----------, May 16, 2017

  • If a player connects while the maintenance mode is on, the kickmessage will now be displayed (before, it would only give a java error message)
----------, May 15, 2017

  • Major textfix (recommended to update)
----------, May 11, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 84,913
First Release: May 10, 2017
Last Update: Sep 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
115 ratings
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