Yet another 17th with a small handful of tweaks and fixes!
- The plugin identifiers are now Maintenance instead of the previous MaintenanceSpigot and MaintenanceBungee
- The plugin directory will automatically be renamed accordingly when starting the server
- If you are using the MaintenancePlaceholderAddon, you need to update it to 1.0.3
- Bungee: The 'fallback' field can now also be set as a list to define multiple fallback servers
- For example: "fallback: [server1, server2, server3]"
- Bungee: Added language fields to choose custom kickmessages for individual proxied servers
- See here for an example setting
- Added Chinese language file (thanks to @yeban)
- Added Italian language file
- Updated Russian language file (thanks to @En_0t_S)
- Removed automated config migration from 2.x->3.0
- See here on how to do that manually - virtually noone should be using such old versions anymore
- Fixed the MySQL 'use-ssl' option being inverted
- Fixed disabling the playercount-message still hiding online/max players
- Fixed config parsing with multi line strings
- Bungee: Fixed compatibility with other motd changing plugins using the 'HIGHEST' ping listener priority
As always, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨