The bottom contains important information for users previously using this plugin! Oof. Where to start? Well.
This plugin now also supports the platforms Sponge and Velocity!
Added es (Spanish) language file (thanks to @Vixo_Ulises !)
Added tabcompletion for maintenance commands on all platforms
This plugin now uses a custom config system, which means comments won't vanish after saving them and the different configs have been unified (more info at the bottom)! - with great help from PSandro !
You can now also add and remove (offline) players to/from the maintenance whitelist by using their uuid (i.e. /maintenance add <uuid>)
The %TIMER% variable can now also be used in the playercount-, playercounthover- and kickmessages
To make life easier for people running on Bungee without an extra permission plugin: the 'maintenance.admin' permission gives access to all subcommands (also works on the other platforms)
The command '/maintenance timer abort' has been renamed to '/maintenance aborttimer'
Added additional aliases: '/maintenance end' for '/maintenance endtimer', 'start' for 'starttimer', 'abort' for 'aborttimer'
Made bug reports a little easier with the new "/maintenance dump" command
Moved 'kickmessage' field from config to language file and added its default translations
Added a config option to disable update checks (not recommended)
On false command syntax usage, the reply will be the specific help message for that command, not the entire help window as it was before
Fixed a startup issue with other plugins using the same MySQL library on Bungee (for example some versions of LuckPerms)
Fixed an error on Bungee when single servers are set to maintenance with no fallbackserver set
Fixed an issue with starting server timers while also running a global maintenance timer
Fixed a rare problem with adding and removing players to/from the maintenance whitelist
Fixed the "/maintenance status" not appearing in the help overview
Improved update checks and updater
Many many other runtime improvements and some major internal refactoring
Also, don't be afraid of the relatively "big" size of ~800kb, it's still probably the most efficient and lightweight maintenance plugin (+ also offering a nice variety of features) you can find, most of it comes from other libraries and the fact, that the jar contains all 4 platforms (which doesn't affect performance or anything else whatsoever)
The maintenance-icon now has to be in the plugin folder, not the server's base directory as it has been before! The old configs have been unified and the SpigotServers.yml file removed, which means a "config.yml" file will be created and the old one (bungee-config.yml or spigot-config.yml) if present deleted on first startup. The language file has a few new fields as well as some old ones removed, that file is also the only one not automatically being migrated (see below).
Updating from 2.3-2.5.2
One thing you might have to do: On startup, your old language file will be renamed, after that you can move your old custom messages to the newly created language file
Else don't worry, your old config + maintenance-icon (and SpigotServers.yml if on Bungee) will be automatically updated to the new format
Updating from earlier versions:
Probably not every field will be migrated, save the old config somewhere BEFORE restarting the server, as it will be deleted. Most fields + maintenance-icon should be fine though
As these numbers of changes lines of code might suggest, I changed quite big chunk of the plugin, which means there *might* be some new bugs (though I tried my best testing and double checking everything). If you encounter any, please report them on the issue tracker and I'll fix them as soon as I can.
Do you have other problems/questions? Click the wonderful icon below ✨