Maintenance | Bungee AND Spigot support! icon

Maintenance | Bungee AND Spigot support! -----

Lets you activate a maintenance mode on your BungeeCord as well as Spigot server!

Version 2.4 Changelog
Another 17th with another * quite * big update!
  • Edit nearly every message to your hearts content with the now introduced language.yml file!
  • Added "/maintenance removemotd <index>" command to remove a motd via an ingame command (if you have multiple ones)
  • You can now include the "%TIMER%" variable into your maintenance motd - *If using the maintenance endtimer*, it will display the time left until maintenance will be disabled!
    • Simply shows "-" if maintenance is on without any timer.
      A nice integration could be "&cExpected to come back in: &6%TIMER%", which would look somewhat like this:
  • You can now choose to show the normal playercount during maintenance instead of a custom message by changing the "enable-playercountmessage" value in the config
  • You can also include the playercount in a custom playercountmessage by using the 2 variables "%ONLINE%" and "%MAX%"
  • If there's a new update available, the update notification will no longer be sent on every single login, but rather just on the first one after startup
  • Removing players from the maintenance whitelist now accepts uncapitalized names
  • A couple of other bug- as well as typo fixes too little or irritating to explain :p
Note for users previously using an older version of this plugin: Even though the config will theoratically be updated automatically, you should delete it. As many fields of the old config have been removed, I'd just recommend you deleting the old one to create a new, much cleaner one.
Applied config changes can be viewed here:

As always, please report any occuring bugs on the issue tracker (or otherwise in the discussion section with a detailled description of the bug)!
----------, Sep 17, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 84,957
First Release: May 10, 2017
Last Update: Sep 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
115 ratings
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