Another 17th, another update!
- Added the possibility to have multiple pingmessages, of which one will be randomly chosen on each ping when maintenance is enabled (you can also just keep it at one)!
- Added permissions per subcommand (see below or on the overview page under the "Permissions" section)
- Reworked / fixed the "/maintenance setmotd" command
- Added "/maintenance motd" command to list all set maintenance pingmessages
- "/maintenance whitelist" now also shows the UUID connected to each name
- Minor message changes / typo and description fixes
- Minor improvements
The config will be updated automatically, so you won't have to change anything if you were using an older version of the plugin.
New permissions:
maintenance.command (required to use any of the commands)
maintenance.toggle (to use /maintenance <on/off>)
maintenance.reload (to use /maintenance reload)
maintenance.update (to use /maintenance <update/forceupdate>)
maintenance.timer (to use /maintenance <starttimer/endtimer> <minutes>)
maintenance.whitelist.add (to use /maintenance add <player>)
maintenance.whitelist.remove (to use /maintenance remove <player>)
maintenance.whitelist.list (to use /maintenance whitelist)
maintenance.setmotd (to use /maintenance setmotd <index> <1/2> <message>)
maintenance.motd (to use /maintenance motd)
... or use the "maintenance.*" permission to have access to all of the ones listed above
The rest of the already existing permissions can be found on the overview page.