Maintenance | Bungee AND Spigot support! icon

Maintenance | Bungee AND Spigot support! -----

Lets you activate a maintenance mode on your BungeeCord as well as Spigot server!

Version 2.5 Changelog
  • Added the possibility on BungeeCord to also enable maintenance on Spigot servers managed by the proxy! (permissions and more info at the bottom)
  • Added a multiple-language-support system! It's currently not that big tho, with the only language added being de/German
    • If you like this plugin, know French or Spanish (or any other language that isn't yet supported by the plugin) and want to contribute a bit to it, translations of the default language.yml are greatly appreciated!
    • Note: There will be a new 'language-en.yml' file created, so if you changed any messages before, you have to do it again in the new file!
  • Improved updatechecks
  • Made the help message a little fancier
  • Fixed a bug with starttimers not being able to start properly
  • Some API changes
Applied config changes can be viewed here.
As always, please report any occuring bugs on the issue tracker (or otherwise in the discussion section with a detailled description of the bug)!
For any other questions or chats, you can now also join my Discord server!

Description of the new single server maintenance in the Bungee part:
  • /maintenance <on/off> will still simply enable/disable it for the entire proxyserver
  • /maintenance <on/off> <servername> will now set maintenance to a proxied Spigot server
  • /maintenance <starttimer/endtimer> <server> <minutes> works analog to the normal timer commands
  • /maintenance status shows proxied servers that have maintenance enabled
Added permissions for this are:
  • maintenance.toggleserver - to use the command with single servers
  • maintenance.servertimer - to use the start- and endtimer commands for single servers
  • maintenance.status - to use the status command
The single server maintenance is NOT implemented into MySQL, yet, as I haven't really figured out an efficient way of doing so (the normal/global maintenance still is, so that will work as usal for multiple proxies)
----------, Nov 17, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 84,957
First Release: May 10, 2017
Last Update: Sep 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
115 ratings
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