Massive code cleanup for both the Bungee and Spigot version of the plugin
Minor performance improvements
Fixed start- and endtimers not being cancelled properly
Fixed an error for the "/maintenance update" command in the Spigot version
Fixed an error regarding the ServerListPlus integration in the Spigot version
Adapted changes from 2.0
Fixed some permission and message bugs
You can now put the plugin not only inside your Bungee plugins folder, but also your Spigot/Bukkit one! Both will have the same feautures, but simply on their own platform. However, the Spigot version doesn't have MySQL support (as you would normally use BungeeCord for connecting multiple Spigot/Bukkit servers) and you can't use playercount-message, besides this, it has all its main features.
On BungeeCord you can make your own custom messages for the playercount On Spigot you will see "N/0" (N being the actual count). If you also have ProtocolLib on your server, "0/0" will be displayed.
As many of you asked me: MaintenanceMode now supports the plugin ServerListPlus
Performance improvements
Fixed problems with adding and removing players from the maintenance whitelist