Lib's Disguises [Free] icon

Lib's Disguises [Free] -----

Lib's Disguises, the premier disguise plugin

This is a small bugfix build, interesting how issues always crop up just after a release.

* Fixed /undisguise not working correctly for 1.16 and older
* Fixed error occuring if a minecraft skin did not exist when doing a lookup
* Saved disguises should now persist better on server crash
* Fixed bisect hosting not enabling premium properly
* When warning about possible malware, note how many extra files
----------, Apr 10, 2024

Hello world!

This is a minor release

* Amended warning about modified jar
* Fixed spectator camera not working on a fresh disguise
* Fixed wolf disguise setAngry for versions older than 1.16
* Cleaned up some nms and code, removed legacy comments
* Added warning for modded servers (Lib's Disguises doesn't support em)
* Added a message to startup to help people be aware about tall self disguises hiding by default
----------, Apr 5, 2024

Another release? Wow!

* Added basic malware check for Lib's Disguises
* Fixed old versions of Minecraft not displaying player disguises properly
* Fixed some inheritance of dependencies for other plugins which was annoying them
* Added support for a future change in paper which breaks nms
----------, Jan 28, 2024

Welcome to the super not late release of 10.0.41
I really should bump that version number to a major one sometime...

This introduces 1.20.4 and a few bugfixes.

* Fixed an issue where notify bar wasn't displayed as per user preference
* Fixed disguise parsing not working on a newly added custom disguise
* Fixed an error when using viaversion with player disguises
* Switched logs uploading from pastebin to finally..
* Scoreboards has been disabled for now on 1.20.4 for health bars of the disguise itself, this only means it doesn't update. If you don't notice, you're good.
* Fixed authlib update breaking Lib's Disguises across a few versions of Minecraft
* More verbose reason for PL update is now logged
* Partially fixed llama spit disappearing when in non-solid block, however a full fix is impossible due to how spit works (It's not supposed to stick around)
----------, Jan 17, 2024

This is a hotfix for an issue with custom disguises permissions and console
----------, Nov 15, 2023

This is just a bugfix release

- Improves on startup times
- Fixed disabled methods not being lowercased
- Hidden a packet error when joining on 1.20.2
----------, Nov 13, 2023

This release is all bugfixes and 1.20.2 support.
I will note that you may need to update ProtocolLib yourself,
However, Lib's Disguises should update the plugin. But you'll likely need to restart the server for it to take effect as it cannot do a live update.

Here's the changelog!

  • Fixed a minor issue with unexpected missing server setting
  • Fixed a small issue in skript with entity destroy packet
  • Fixed extended names in scoreboards not properly unregistering, and thus spamming the scoreboards with teams
  • Fixed nametag serialization adding the chatcolor white when it shouldn't have
  • Added all the newer entity poses, most of them probably won't do anything
  • Fixed player skins not updating on a live player disguise
  • Added 1.20.2 support
  • Made ProtocolLib updating smarter
----------, Oct 6, 2023

This is simply a hotfix for a bug where a self disguises velocity would break for all versions, and throw errors for versions earlier than 1.19.3
----------, Jun 25, 2023

  • Fixes entity sound packet
  • Now can allow broken ProtocolLib builds
  • Exposes ticks frozen in flag watcher
  • Added 1.20 support
----------, Jun 23, 2023

This version marks several bugs fixed.

* Fixed some color codes not being applied for /grabskin
* Fixed /grabskin saving :skin as part of the skin name
* Fixed translation issue for saved disguises
* Fixed villager disguise level not being changeable
* Villager biome & level is now randomized on disguise
* Fixed an error not being caught properly
* Fixed a "Not premium" message being marked as a warning, not an info message
* Fixed /grabskin not working properly for weird file names
----------, Jun 4, 2023

Bit of a quick update, this is mostly just bugfixes.

* Elaborated on some descriptions of the display disguises for /dhelp
* Fixed the protocollib link having changed
* Fixed incorrect version of ProtocolLib being required
* Fixed an issue for 1.12 servers
* Swallow exceptions for outdated 1.19.4 servers to allow the plugin to use
* Attempt to make scoreboards slightly less laggy
* Fixed older versions of servers throwing errors for self disguises
* Added protocollib update message to use permission "libsdisguises.update"
----------, May 16, 2023

Welcome to the update for 1.19.4

  • Fixed riding horses error, no this doesn't mean you can control disguised horses
  • Fixed horses disguised as other horses not being controllable
  • Fixed issue where it could create a lag spike and spam for riding stuff disguised as a horse
  • Fixed some metadata issues for 1.12
  • Fixed Villager disguise not having items in commands auto complete
  • Minor text changes when updating ProtocolLib, so its more obvious what its doing
  • Fixed rainbow wool on sheep self disguises not working properly
  • Added 1.19.4 support
  • Added new DisabledDisguises config options, used to make certain disguises OP only. The new Display disguises are in here as they are easily abused
  • Fixed some pitch issues on misc disguises
  • Added new config option DisabledMethods, which disables methods that are prone to abuse. Eg, setYModifier
  • Fixed saved disguises not working properly in newer versions of Minecraft
  • Saved disguises are now saved on the entity itself, instead of using flatfile
  • Fixed fox disguise not saving the fox type
  • Added support to change the tablist name of a player disguise seperately from the player name
  • Fixed dropped item disguises floating into the air due to gravity conflicts
  • Added extended parameter support for disguises parsed from string.
  • All disguises can now be constructed without an argument
  • Certain disguises now accept the arguments where they didn't before, such as item frames.

  • The new disguise disguises now have default values to make them more usable. Such as text_display now being "center" not "fixed"
  • The defaults of the display disguises now have stone & "text display" to prevent invisibility. But this does not stop anyone from abusing the display disguises, they should be limited to trusted members.

  • Another attempted fix for velocity issues with self disguises and jumping twice, though it occurs to me that maybe it didn't fix
  • Armor and held items with enchantments that the client relies on, eg, riptide or swift sneak. Are no longer removed from self disguises.
----------, Apr 25, 2023

This update took longer than expected, but provides 1.19.3 support!
Notably, no more names showing up in tablist for player skins, unless you want to!

Please note that this is disabled if you're using viabackwards, and will go back to the old code.

There is no support for the new experimental features in 1.19.3, wait until they're released for real.

  • Better handle client interaction packets async
  • Fixed an issue with item frames
  • Added faster reflection
  • Added more fast reflection, thanks okx-code!
  • Fixed upside down or rainbow wool interacting badly with custom names
  • Fixed a bad permissions check using translations
  • Fixed translations not using utf-8 explicitly
  • Fixed non-plugin folder installs not working
  • Removed ability of commands to access setItemInMainHand(Material)
  • Fixed custom builds of ProtocolLib not being detected as custom
  • Fixed piglin angry sound not working
  • Hide purpur's modded server decision so its no longer reported as an error
  • Removed 1.19.0 support
  • Added setUnsafeSize to slime disguises, only accessible by OPs
  • Some small code cleanup
----------, Feb 3, 2023

Adds 1.19.2 compatibility
----------, Aug 9, 2022

This is a simpler release, mostly for 1.19.1 support.
  • Fixed an error with 1.12
  • Fix an issue with player nametags being null
----------, Aug 5, 2022

And several weeks late comes the Lib's Disguises 1.19 update!

As an apology, take a 33% off sale from the premium version!

Limited time offer.

And here's the changelogs.
  • Fixed multiline names not saving properly
  • Fixed a message saying console has no permissions, instead of is not allowed.
  • Corrected some logic for wildcard parsing of negated permissions.
  • Panda disguise now has "setGene" instead of the "setMainGene" and "setHiddenGene"
  • Fixed some disguise help messages not being shown, thanks Crilian
  • Now print an error for 1.18 and 1.18.1, but not 1.18.2
  • Fixed "DisableFriendyInvisibles" work in the config, and change it to false by default
  • Fixed toggling of tall self disguises effecting self disguises.
  • Fixed player skin parts not correctly mapped, and thus being weird.
  • Fixed armorstand watcher armorstand flag not being set properly - Thanks UnderscoreTud for the change!
  • Added permission node "libsdisguises.disguise.valid.<disguise>.setBurning so you can add the permission to use the method to the <disguise> if they own it already, without adding it to them.
----------, Jul 18, 2022

Super long overdue, this features 1.18.2 support!

  • Added 1.18.2 support
  • Tall self disguises are now disabled by default, this means they don't block your view
  • Random UUIDs for non-player disguises can now be disabled
  • Methods that are not used by some disguises are now hidden from disguise help
  • Added a way to remove a custom disguise in the API
  • Better support for weirdly named plugin folders
  • Print what malformed disguises had in their file for better debugging
  • Fixed a sound issue with death sounds
  • Fixed empty strings not being quoted when parsing a disguise to a string again
  • Fixed an error with modified sound groups, not sure on the cause but its fixed!
  • Fixed tab complete on disguise option values showing values they can't access
  • Fixed sound groups not working entirely correctly
  • Added alias toggleselfdisguise to disguiseviewself command
  • Added setNameYModifier to change the height of the floating name tag
  • Player Disguise now overrides setCustomName as some people just don't want to use setName
  • Fixed a weird issue where setting color on dead entities becomes really weird
  • Fixed metadatas that are not able to be converted, not returning the original values
  • Armorstand nametags are now the default
  • Convert between spigot colorcodes and my own
  • Now mention why you must be disguised for /savedisguise
  • A small workaround for scoreboards not liking async
  • Fixed custom sounds not working properly
  • When copying an entity to a disguise, try avoid failing the copy
  • Stupid numbers are no longer permitted
  • Scoreboard teams are now more unique, longer names to make conflicts even more obviously not my fault
  • Falling blocks now have their disguise name properly set on disguise construction
  • Fixed a concurrent modification error when calling disguiseToAll wrongly
  • Fixed isUpsideDown not working properly when using a premade player skin
----------, Mar 22, 2022

So this is the first update in a while!
Lots of code changes too!

I would bump a major version but it feels weird...
Huge shoutout to Martoph for their work on the 1.18 update!
This update wasn't expected to be this year without their efforts.

  • Updated for 1.18.1
  • Fixed an error when disguising non-living entities, as a living disguise
  • Fixed namespace using Plugin instead of Plugin Name
  • Fixed DisguiseAPI sometimes not letting the plugin work
  • Fixed sounds on disguises sometimes being weird. Eg: not playing, too loud
  • Changed how I'm doing scoreboard, fixes it throwing errors
  • Changed getPlayer to getPlayerExact when we're finding the display name of a player disguise
  • Improved performance for sounds, thanks Jok on discord!
  • Improved premium check for bisect hosting
  • Fixed action bar check not working properly
  • Fixed a tiny tiny memory leak for metadata
  • Fixed an error when attempting to interact with entities on 1.17
  • Fixed an error when people start up spigot in a weird way, thanks buepas!
  • Fixed DisguiseParseException not throwing a colored message
  • Fixed chinese player UUID's generation
  • Fixed armorstand metadata being mapped incorrectly, especially for setting it as a marker
  • Fixed player and some similar entities not right clicking properly with their equipment
  • Removed /u from command aliases
  • Nag about 1.17 (1.17.1 is fine)
  • Fixed an error thrown when someone tries to make enderman hold a non-block item
  • Lots of sound fixes for NotFaceguy, who helpfully provided the code along with a cleanup
  • Fixed more messages having coloring issues
  • Fixed falling block grid lock not working properly in 1.12 and 1.13
  • Fixed Axolotl Variant typo
  • Fixed inability to change setEnraged, setAI and setMainHand to false
  • Fixed wrong version for a paper check in tracker fetching
  • More paper changes, fixes saved disguises. Or blames paper. Forgot which.
  • Fixed scoreboard debug command throwing error if no team found
----------, Dec 23, 2021

1.17 support! Oh sorry, to clarify this is 1.17.1 not 1.17.0!
This should've been out sooner honestly, but issues keep popping up and I'm overwhelmed with work.

* Fixed some disguise methods not working
* setDynamicName now works in more scenarios that should've worked to begin with
* Adventure text is now shaded in the plugin, making it easier to do custom messages
* Fixed startups not handling errors properly
* Added modifyuuid alias to modifyplayer command
* 1.17 support
* Bump required PL version for 1.17
* Fixed scoreboard teams not updating for player disguises
* Fixed disguise events method names being missing
* Fixed a small error for weird urls for grabskin command
* Shulker disguises can now move around in 1.17
* Changed PL update message and removed a terrible idea for spamming normal users too
* Removed unused BlowDisguises config option
* Fixed inventory packets sometimes hooking into the wrong part
* Fixed y modifier offset not properly being applied in many cases
* Fixed a small issue with /disguisemodify help
* Fixed ender_crystal popping into the ground
* Fixed versions prior to 1.16 not getting colored chat with adventure text
* Injected a secret thingy that doesn't exist and this message is superfluous.
----------, Jul 16, 2021

Hi hi hi

Summed up, lots of fixes, translations should now be easier to write and if you want you can do fancy messages with paper using adventure text stuff and so on.
And added Java 16 support. You shouldn't be on Java 16 though. It's a bad decision by Minecraft 1.17 and FAWE as it is not a long term support release.

* Fixed /vsd being in the /disguiseviewbar command
* Fix a minor issue with illegal /reloads
* Fixed evoker fangs disappearing after disguising
* Fixed an error when updating ProtocolLib through the plugin
* Fixed a weird issue where sometimes json would fail to deserialize
* Evoker Fangs and Fireworks now start their disguises nicer
* Github is now contacted less, fixes a contacted too many times error
* Metadata is no longer sent for inactive disguises
* Disguises are now tried to not refresh if they don't have to be
* Wolf setAngry has been changed to setAnger which is an int
* Removed a duplicate and ignored config option
* Disguise event now contains the command sender if applicable
* AddFutureDisguise has an issue fixed where it wouldn't take effect
* Changed an API method for disguise cloning
* SetGlowColor is now fully implemented
* No longer uses self disguises scoreboards and all disguises now have scoreboards
* Fixed max health on disguises not working properly, added golem cracked support
* Invalid jars for premium check are now deleted automatically
* Hex support fully added
* Removed some placeholders that were duplicates
* MiniMessage from Adventure Text is now used when possible, translations converted to cover this
* LD should now forcibly update if it starts up with an error
* Fixed a small issue with utility commands now working properly in 1.12
* Falling Block now works properly on 1.12 again
* Java 16 support added
* Fixed llama unable to remove carpet
* Fixed modify collisions config option not being respected
* Fixed a distance in different worlds error
* Name lengths are now properly enforced on player disguises
* Fixed a 'classes' error that was harmless
* Saved Disguises are now saved in human readable format along with the disguise custom data
* Added a warning for offline players if they're grabbing skins, may be inaccurate cos its their own fault
* Added support for mineskin api to provide a key for faster skins
* Translations log messages has been improved
* Translations now remove duplicate strings
* setRightClicking should now be covered properly for stuff like shields
* Wither skull now looks up/down properly
* Exp should now display nicely and no longer disappear in fire
* Added a .5 second rate limit to players using disguise commands to try prevent possible issues
* Add a check to make sure disguises don't run in an offline world
* Added a new config option to cover creative self disguises removing armor
* Placeholders now treat target as sender when sender is null. Placeholders are covered in the wiki
* Toggling of self disguises is now better
* setDynamicName now works properly for player disguises and player entities
----------, Jun 7, 2021

There were some issues in the last release, sorry about that.

  • Fixed score being set async in 1.12 breaking stuff
  • Fixed yaw, pitch and y modifiers not being cloned properly and thus effecting mostly saved disguises
  • Fixed a tablist issue where the wrong names appeared in tab which broke name visibility
  • Empty names are now &r instead of LD_NoName or an empty string, this is for hiding nametags
  • Try to detect more reload scenarios
  • Now tries to redirect users to discord if the ProtocolLib jenkins is down
  • The /ld scoreboard, now prints off potential packet listeners for pushing issues
----------, Feb 13, 2021

Hi all!

Read the previous changelog if you didn't already, this is just a hotfix.

This fixes compatibility with 1.12, and adds 'log' as an aliases to /ld logs
----------, Feb 3, 2021

This update is mostly due a sudden surge of a configuration exception being removed from some servers, which makes an error.

Two big changes!

The first is that the configuration system is converted over to its own folder and separated into multiple files. This cannot be converted back to the old system, and instead you'll need to manually copy all the text into a single file again.

The second is that you can now customize commands including their name, permission, aliases, etc.

  • Fixed an error where metadata wouldn't be sent properly for player disguises for servers that use a lot of them
  • Dependencies are no longer passed onto plugins relying on this as an API
  • Rate limiting is now much more smarter for github release checking
  • Fixed the plugin not being smarter about where the update folder is
  • Armorstands on player disguises are now trying to be smarter when its still loading the skin
  • Packets are no longer sent anyways when the player can't see that disguise
  • Invisibility meta on player disguises is now sent a tick later to try prevent a glimpse of player disguise
  • Fixed an error when updating ProtocolLib
  • Fixed an error when a scoreboard team was null
  • Team packets are now handled async
  • Removed an exception from imports as someone has removed it from their server software and I don't want to bother checking who or why
  • Fixed an error when a player didn't exist for inventory packet handling
  • Fixed an explicit permission issue where it didn't work to enable parameters
  • Added support for displaying health below names
  • MineSkin api calls are now handled smarter and enforces a better delay
  • Added ability to customize Lib's Disguises commands registration
  • Fix an issue where a player is riding a disguised entity, disguised as a player
  • Rewrote config system to move it into the configs folder in seperate configs
  • "" a blank name is no longer used, and instead "LD_NoName" is used to fix an issue with another plugin
  • Fixed name not updated when setting name visible, or deadmau, or upside down
----------, Feb 2, 2021

Hi! This update fixes several issues and now has a "better" ProtocolLib enabling functionality. In that it downloads the plugin if not found, or updates it if its outdated a lot.

  • Console now notes how many saved disguises were saved
  • Particle, Falling block and itemstack serialization are now handled correctly
  • Disguised dogs are now sittable with some hackyness
  • Fixed a damage sound issue for non-living disguised
  • Bounding boxes can now be modified unsafely for the rare people who do per-player disguises
  • Fixed an issue with experience disguise
  • Fixed a problem where the metadata on a disguise sometimes wasn't initialized, or was null
  • The /saveskin now assumes the name from the file.png as well
  • Thanks to PimvanderLoos for their fixes with the recent ProtocolLib changes breaking the plugin
  • ProtocolLib is no longer required to be downloaded manually, it auto downloads if not found
----------, Jan 6, 2021

Hey all
This update is a bit soon, but a recent change in the latest versions of Spigot breaks the older versions.

  • Fixed /ld logs
  • Fixed a build error
  • Added ability to enable self disguises, but have it off by default
----------, Nov 27, 2020

Hello again, it's that time for another release!

The changelogs are always bigger than I thought they would be.
The main appeal I have for this update is spamming update protocollib messages.
If your disguises work fine, you have nothing to worry about. 1.16 users though..

  • Newlines are no longer saved improperly to the custom disguises file
  • No longer sends unneeded custom name packet changes on a disguise
  • Did some bug correctin for multi-line names
  • Did a fix for player disguises sometimes being invisible
  • Did another fix for player disguises sometimes being in the wrong spot
  • Added missing ravager & pillager sounds
  • Fixed ocelot type not being usable due to it being old
  • Fix /ld logs - Not working on 1.12
  • Fixed blockdata parameter not working if capitalized
  • Fixed exp orb disguise being assumed a self disguise
  • Fixed an extreme lag spike in a custom spigot fork with packets not handling raw values
  • Update messages for ProtocolLib if outdated, are now even more extreme. Also spams normal users! And on command usage!
  • Added "updatepl" and "protocollib" as aliases for the update command
  • Fixed ghosts armor for player disguises when they first spawn
  • Fixed odd self disguise behavior when nearby other disguises
  • Fixed player disguises not disappearing from tab if killed instantly on spawn
  • Added cooldown for /ld logs
  • Added ability to set deadmau5 ears, they will be black however as it requires a special skin only deadmau5 has
  • Update checking now takes longer if there's a rate limit problem, or longer by default
  • Basic obfuscation for giggles on some internal files
  • Added MineCart sounds, dunno if it works
  • Fixed SoundGroup being broken for defining own sound groups.
----------, Nov 20, 2020

Welcome to 10.0.18

The change you'll most be interested in is that player disguises have skins that bug out a lot less

10.0.17 was skipped due to a bug

  • Fixed Falling Disguise
  • Fixed an issue with PaperMC
  • Fixed preferences.json preventing plugin from loading
  • Fixed an error where self disguises couldn't always refresh properly
  • Min radius of area cloud is now 0.1
  • Fixed a Y issue in falling block disguise grid lock
  • Added setGlowColor to FlagWatcher, currently doesn't support non-player disguises
  • Fixed a case where serialized player disguises sometimes were bugged
  • Fixed falling blocks for 1.12
  • Added ability to lock pitch and yaw
  • Added command aliases for /grabskin, /saveskin hmm
  • Clarified some /ld scoreboard debug
  • Don't set global locale langauge
  • Player Disguises have skins handled a bit differently, where they try to ensure they're loaded especially if you're frozen
  • Fix setExpires not working properly
  • Fix riding a player while disguised being weird
  • Add command alias for /ld logs
  • Fix inability to ride something disguised as a horse without bugging out
  • Fix multi-name breaking for non-premium
  • Fixed /ld update being unreliable
  • Added ability for player disguises to copy existing players display name
  • Fixed scoreboard colors not being copied properly for player names
  • Config has been clarified for multiname
  • Fixed falling blocks not locking to grid properly
  • Fixed an issue with itemstacks not serializing properly if they included special data, especially player heads
  • Added ability to customize what name is displayed above head, when turned on in config
  • Added ability to change the Y modifier on a disguise, if non-player or OP'd
  • Added messy fix for setEnraged turned to false
  • setArmor is no longer included in disguise string, instead it calls the individial armor methods
----------, Oct 9, 2020

Adds 1.16.2 support
This update is mostly to stop people asking me why their outdated ProtocolLib doesn't work (It spams you now)

It has a few bug fixes, and a performance boost.

  • Add more information for debug commands (/ld)
  • Some bug fixing
  • Log file name to help me find problems
  • Smarter falling block snapping to grid
  • ProtocolLib has a better grace period for 1.12, also spams you if you're outdated
  • Skin saving fixed
  • Allow creepers to unignite
  • Enabled fancy chat for 1.12
  • Allowed /undisguiseradius to work for command blocks
  • Oh. Forgot I now enforce a Locale to English. Hope this doesn't upset anyone. dumb bugs. I should've made this a config option, maybe.
  • Added more command aliases
  • Updated the premium message for disabled commands to better inform people why it doesn't work
  • Added "themselves" for setName permission on player disguise, to let them disguise as theirself
  • Added better placeholders, and can now use %<player>-armor% and so on
  • Fix /ld update
  • Config view self disguise option can't be ignored anymore
  • Fixed empty names leaving old names behind on multi name stuff
  • Armostands multi-name is now a premium feature
  • Majority of reflection is now cached. Performance boost.
  • Internals changed to refer to entity id, not entity uuid. Performance boost.
  • Added ability to disguise as falling block, blockdata
  • Broke Async Compatibility, it was never supported
  • Preferences now fails safely if refuses to load
  • Updated to 1.16.2 with new disguise type
  • Fixed Piglin (baby & shaking)
  • Fixed listener being registered when not required
  • Fixed disguise names not having spaces for block/item names
----------, Aug 27, 2020

This update is a bit sad, a bug with player disguises forced my hand.

Not only that, this is build 666
The devils update.

  • Updates now properly handle new updates that're still being compiled
  • Sound Groups now allow default settings, and multiple sounds across different sound types
  • Update checks no longer run every single startup, but instead every 6 hours
  • Fixed player disguises using the names of the first player disguise to be activated.
----------, Jul 8, 2020

Amazing how many issues crop up when you do a release.

  • Removed ItemStack placeholders for falling_block types
  • Fixed /ld update forcing
  • Fixed ProtocolLib version check
  • Fixed isRightClicking
  • Fixed some equipment packet bugs
  • Added setSpinning
  • Fixed /ld uploadlogs on 1.12
  • Added ability to save preferences for self disguise toggling
  • Added command to toggle notify bar visibility
  • Fixed boss bar not disappearing properly
  • Fixed notify bar settings not persisting on saved disguises
  • Action Bar, Player names and custom names now supports hex colors
  • Hex colors now has a better conversion system
  • Better message sending, supports more messages for hex colors
  • Super long player names is now possible
  • Fixed some 1.12 incompatibility, including item parsing
  • Default of 2 ticks is now 3 ticks for tablist removal packet
----------, Jul 5, 2020

This is an update for 1.16, and remains compatible with 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and the secret 1.NaN

Among the update comes several new fixes and features.
And this changelog is 4x bigger than I thought it was..

  • Added command /ld updateprotocollib
  • Improved nms version checking
  • Now screams like a banshee when you're running old ProtocolLib, no opt out
  • Added hex color support to translations, format is "<#abcabc>My message"
  • Reworked how interaction packet is caught to be faster
  • Now cries better when you're not running spigot at least
  • Now able to disguise as more falling blocks types, like flower pots
  • Fixed bee meta being read wrong
  • Fixed multi names not upgrading from old LD versions
  • Make setskin smarter about game profiles/skin names, especially for player disguise constructors
  • Added setDisguiseName, which doesn't require a special permission to use
  • Fixed players being sent the "Allowed Disguises" message when they're not allowed anything
  • Fixed tablist entries sometimes not being removed
  • Fixed enderman item holding not being sent
  • I now see who doesn't bother removing the default libraryaddict disguise, I'm disgusted in you all. Really.
  • Added /grabhead
  • Now uses saved skins if possible instead of skin api
  • Added /ld uploadlogs
  • Added more debug info for /ld permtest
  • Fixed null disguises error when changing worlds and self disguised
  • Added config option to turn off login payloads, only really used for modded entity disguises
  • Cleaned up the disguise runnable a bit, maybe fixes performance issues? Not sure
  • Always set the watcher when cloned, fixed some data not being copied
  • Fixed disguise data loading order to prevent wrong data being loaded as defaults
  • No longer wraps disguises in synchronized map or lists
  • Disguise parsing methods now parse in opposite order to provide cleaner strings
  • Fixed modded entities not being supported properly, it now implements the forge method of registration (For 1.15 at least)
  • Now tells you error if github fails to update
  • Don't let clients know that dolphins secretly have the ability to walk, also known as spinning randomish
  • Delay head rotate packet for paper users to try avoid xray issue, I hate you paper!
  • Cleaned up spacing for config
  • Add ability to set parrots on player shoulders
  • Fixed bug for setting villager disguise level
  • Added more information to translations on how to translate
  • You've reached the final message of the changelog, please start from the beginning to read more.
----------, Jun 30, 2020

Fixed 10.0.11 refusing to load
----------, May 24, 2020

This update is a bit soon after the last one due to a bugfix, however I've still managed to sneak in a nice feature!

Now you have SoundGroups! This means you can set custom sounds on your disguises! Use either premade sound groups of default disguises, or make your own in sounds.yml!

  • Fix error on player join
  • Add SoundGroups
----------, May 24, 2020

Another day, another large update. (With hotfix)

The biggest change this update is disguises can now support multi line names!
You'll need to enable this in the config, Ctrl+F "Armorstand"
Split lines with \n

  • Squid no longer bugs out and moves itself
  • Fixed an error when attempting to use a null item in the command
  • New armorstand option to both have multiple lines in your disguise name, but longer names. This supports all disguises. Permission to do so as a player is libsdisguises.multiname. Split names with \n
  • Renamed "Now disguised as a %s" to "Now disguised as %s" for messages
  • Increment and get the entity id, not the reverse. This fixed a few rare cases of entity ids
  • Added command aliases for disguiseplayer and disguiseuuid
  • Disguise config now states if it needs updating, but updates automatically anyways
  • Added setUpsideDown to make your disguises turn upside down. You should use this with the armorstands option.
  • Renamed tall disguise option and fixed it being enabled by default
  • Friendly warning that craftbukkit is messed up
  • Handle armorstand interaction for command interaction
  • Add more debug to /ld debug
  • Fixed updater not allowing a force check
  • Updated dynamic name to support non-player disguises
  • Deny setcustomnamevisible if overriden custom names
  • Added rainbow wool to sheep
  • Added config option to disable random disguise values on disguise creation (fox type for example)
  • Added config option and merged other player name display types into it. Aka the armorstand option
  • Fixed a watcher not using the proper settings, and added setEnraged. Only affects zombie and indicator from quick tests
  • Added 'custom' and 'vanilla' so you can exclude/include custom disguises by permission
  • Don't output setNoGravity to parsed disguise
  • /ld Permtest slight more info
  • Tab removal is now delayed on login to hopefully fix skins not loaded on login
----------, May 22, 2020

Another day, another large update.

The biggest change this update is disguises can now support multi line names!
You'll need to enable this in the config, Ctrl+F "Armorstand"
Split lines with \n

  • Squid no longer bugs out and moves itself
  • Fixed an error when attempting to use a null item in the command
  • New armorstand option to both have multiple lines in your disguise name, but longer names. This supports all disguises. Permission to do so as a player is libsdisguises.multiname. Split names with \n
  • Renamed "Now disguised as a %s" to "Now disguised as %s" for messages
  • Increment and get the entity id, not the reverse. This fixed a few rare cases of entity ids
  • Added command aliases for disguiseplayer and disguiseuuid
  • Disguise config now states if it needs updating, but updates automatically anyways
  • Added setUpsideDown to make your disguises turn upside down. You should use this with the armorstands option.
  • Renamed tall disguise option and fixed it being enabled by default
  • Friendly warning that craftbukkit is messed up
  • Handle armorstand interaction for command interaction
  • Add more debug to /ld debug
  • Fixed updater not allowing a force check
  • Updated dynamic name to support non-player disguises
  • Deny setcustomnamevisible if overriden custom names
  • Added rainbow wool to sheep
  • Added config option to disable random disguise values on disguise creation (fox type for example)
  • Added config option and merged other player name display types into it. Aka the armorstand option
  • Fixed a watcher not using the proper settings, and added setEnraged. Only affects zombie and indicator from quick tests
  • Added 'custom' and 'vanilla' so you can exclude/include custom disguises by permission
  • Don't output setNoGravity to parsed disguise
  • /ld Permtest slight more info
  • Tab removal is now delayed on login to hopefully fix skins not loaded on login
----------, May 22, 2020

This update is just a bugfix update for versions 1.12 and 1.13

  • Fixed plugin having update and config issues on 1.12 and 1.13
  • Console now logs where the update is being downloaded to
----------, May 2, 2020

Hey all!
This update is a bit early as I'm renaming the jars to reflect where you downloaded them from.
Doesn't change anything, but there's been issues that md_5 believes is people downloading from the wrong location, and I couldn't verify otherwise.

  • Remove permissions and commands if not registered
  • Fixed paper breaking in one of their latest updates
  • Config now automatically updates by default
  • Modded entities no longer re-register on reload
  • Jenkins changelogs now properly handles unsuccessful builds
  • Some types of misc entities disguised as living entities now handle their facing direction better
  • Tall disguises renamed in the disguise to an easier name that's easier to find with tab complete
  • Tall disguises are now enabled if you specifically set viewselfdisguise to true
----------, May 1, 2020

Welcome to yet another update of Lib's Disguises!
This update is exciting, because it now features automatic updating! That's right!
You no longer have to manually update!

By default this is turned on, you can disable in the config.
You can also see the changelog in the same system!
Try /libsdisguises changelog, or heck, try /libsdisguises help

You can still update at any time through the commands, even if you disable both update notifications and auto updates.

Another exciting feature is tall disguises that interfere with self disguises, are no longer shown by default!
You can turn this off in disguise options when creating it, or in the config.

  • Added auto updating for both release and dev builds, no longer fetches version from spigot
  • Added config option and disguise option to auto hide tall disguises
  • NoGravity no longer appears in disguise parser
  • Better /libsdisguises options and commands handling
  • Removed ability to set permission for who receives updates
  • Fixed a chatcolor issue with longer names where the color would be split incorrectly in rare cases
  • internal config now has a config that better handles itself
  • Fixed player disguises sometimes having a blank name, despite scoreboard teams working correctly if reusing a disguise
  • Added /ld debug to help debug scoreboard issues on a player disguise
  • Added getUniqueTeam(prefix) to DisguiseUtilities for other plugins to use if desired
  • Fixed clone() not cloning dynamicname setting
  • More information for /libsdisguises scoreboard, including informing players that yes, pushing being enabled is bad
  • Update messages are improved
  • Self disguises no longer hides sprinting particles
  • Added /libsdisguises help
  • Code cleanup on DisguiseAPI.disguiseNextEntity() to cleaner and more reliable
  • Fixed EntityPose being called CROUCHING not SNEAKING, fixes 1.14
  • Added info for /libsdisguises config for missing config entries
  • Added ability to get or set disguise helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots separately
  • Custom Disguises retain their own disguise name for disguise info
  • Falling Block and Dropped Item display their proper disguise name with material type
  • Reloaded message is more obvious, (reloading is bad! But /ld reload is fine)
  • Added insurance for when paper changes stuff in the future
  • Added new permission libsdisguises.<command>.valid.options-to-set, this lets you set options that apply to all disguises the player is allowed to use. Without giving the disguises themselves.
  • Fixed potential issue with cloned disguises refering to old disguise
  • Fixed permissions in plugin.yml not being formatted properly, and thus potentially invalid
  • Updated metrics for api version to use an existing chart
  • Added /libsdisguises count
  • Fixed a few hardcoded colors in translations
  • Removed debug for misc disguises of "..."
  • Set custom name being visible to false by default, when a player is disguised
  • Added config option to delay tablist removal, I should remove it again
  • Fixed # not being count for build number parsing when updating premium jar
  • Renamed CustomDisguise to ModdedDisguise, and the relevant areas
  • Allow CustomDisguise to accept the name of a custom disguise which will then fill itself in
  • Allow multiple disguises in disguise option permission with a / as seperator
  • Added setName and setNameVisible to PlayerWatcher
----------, Apr 27, 2020

Cough. 10.0.4 didn't last long. I forgot to fix a bug.
  • Added metrics to see how many people use API version
  • Fixed disguise sounds not correcting if entity is hurt
----------, Apr 17, 2020

This is the API version of Lib's Disguises!

This will be actively maintained, but please check the plugin page for more information.
----------, Apr 17, 2020

This is the final update for this resource page.
The plugin has been moved here

The plugin has been updated to include many features, including tab complete on commands, creating your own disguise, hiding your name in tablist and always showing player disguises in tablist.

For those who hate permissions, there's a new config option to disable invisibility for all disguises.

You can still download the latest versions for free, people who have donated before can send me a message and I will add them to the buyers.
----------, Dec 1, 2016

This update was mainly done as a courtesy to @Keystirras, Cocopixelmc, HavocMC, some Thai guy, and three other people who donated.

Minor version bump to fix a small bug.

----------, Nov 26, 2016

This update was mainly done as a courtesy to @Keystirras, Cocopixelmc, HavocMC, some Thai guy, and three other people who donated.

They are the only ones to donate in the last two years. @Keystirras is the only one to donate recently.

If @Keystirras hadn't asked me, I would not have updated this plugin; Its clearly not very popular.

I don't use this plugin, I don't get anything from maintaining this plugin, I don't even have the time to do this update.

I had created a backwards compatible version, and you can compile it yourself on another branch in the github. But its largely untested and I didn't see much interest in the project.

As another note, I was forced to redo some parts of the api due to changes by mojang.

----------, Nov 26, 2016

  • Fixed typo in InsentientWatcher
  • Fixed a crash bug when trying to use the FlagWatcher API with self-disguises
  • Fixed the wrong jar file name.
Also an announcement, I'm re-adding the donation button as well as a promise.

When there are enough donations, I'll add backwards compatibility.

The reason I haven't done so already is because its a large amount of work, and this plugin was made in my free time, of which I don't have much.

If you like this plugin, maybe making a few hundred a day just from selling disguises to your players..

Then feel free to donate.

If you're donating for backwards compatibility, be sure to mention it in the donation note!

----------, Jul 11, 2016

You will need ProtocolLib from here​

  • Fixed sleeping disguises
  • Fixed player disguises skins
  • Added ability to set skin blob using a command (Too large to use unless commandblock or console)
  • Fixed some disguises being "disabled"
  • Fixed some crashes
  • Fixed some errors
  • Fixed a concurrency server crash error
  • Fixed a nullpointererror
  • Fixed Enderman disguises
  • Fixed typo for EquipmentSlot
  • Added some stuff so outdated servers and outdated ProtocolLib can't complain directly to me the moment it fails to work
I probably missed some of what I did.. Eh.
Just acknowledge that this version works better than the last version.

To get the skinblob to use in the command, get it from

Code (Text):<TRIMMED UUID>?unsigned=false
Where <TRIMMED UUID> is the UUID of a player, but with the dashes removed.

Code (Text):

----------, Jul 8, 2016

  • Updated to 1.10
  • Required ProtocolLib is 4.0.2
  • Hopefully fixed a rare async crash, probably not.
  • Changed how FlagWatcher works internally, crashes should be even rarer.
  • Fixed some flagwatchers using the wrong values due to improper update
  • Added new PolarBear, Stray and Husk disguises
  • Added some options to some flagwatchers, such as snowman's hat.
  • Reenabled Item Frame disguise without testing
  • Broke compatibility with older versions, especially with player disguises
  • Fixed self disguises pushing you around
  • Removed bug where anyone can op themselves on any server which has been in there since 5.0.4 I'm joking
----------, Jun 13, 2016

Fixed errors in sounds, hopefully fixed the itemframes bug.

You need to be using the latest version of ProtocolLib! (4.0.0)
----------, May 15, 2016

Fixed bugs, tidied code up more, removed deprecated methods no one should be using.
----------, May 13, 2016

  • Fixed invalid flagwatcher constructor bug that prevented disguises working
  • Formatted the code a little nicer
----------, May 10, 2016

Fixed an issue with EnderCrystals

API Changes
Added options for toggling EnderCrystal base

For Spigot Version: 1.9 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
----------, Apr 10, 2016

Fixed Shulker disguises for Java 7 users (Odd, I know)
Fixed Horse options

API Changes
Fixed longtime POM issue where it wouldn't load in certain gradle clients due to group and versioning being missing the LibsDisguises .gradle
Modified versioning in plugin.yml to be dynamic

For Spigot Version: 1.9 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
----------, Mar 22, 2016

Fixed DroppedItem disguise
Fixed Fireworks disguise
Fixed SplashPotion disguise
Fixed Sheep disguise colors
Fixed Wolf disguise colors

API Changes
Added options to use DyeColor in Sheep and Wolf Watchers
Fixed error with isGlowing in FlagWatcher

For Spigot Version: 1.9 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
----------, Mar 21, 2016

Make sure you update ProtocolLib to 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT. Make sure your Spigot build is the latest and greatest available.
There are a LOT of changes in this version, please pay attention:

Plugin changes:

- 1.9 support has been added
- Fixed the datawatcher
- All disguises function in 1.9
- Added the Shulker Disguise
- Added the Area Effect Cloud Disguise
- Updated all animations for Zombies, Skeletons, etc.
- Fixed the bed animation
- Fixed nametags not appearing above mobs
- Fixed enderdragon positions
- New config option:

#Stop shulker disguises from moving, they're weird. This option only effects PLAYERS that are disguised, other entities disguised as shulkers will NOT be effected!

StopShulkerDisguisesFromMoving: true

API Changes:
- DisguiseWatchers now have appropriate methods of MainHand and OffHand
- Disguises no longer use ItemStack[] arrays, but EntityEquipment
- More methods in disguise watchers for various options

Upcoming Changes (Not implemented yet) :
- Sounds will be re-added shortly in the future
- Player elytra animation is missing, will be added
- Boat and Shulker Watchers are missing certain options, will be added

Full list of changes available on GitHub:

For Spigot Version: 1.9 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
----------, Mar 19, 2016

No feature changes, this is simply updating the resource location.


For Spigot Version: 1.8.8

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5+
----------, Feb 20, 2016

Fixed ConcurrentModificationException on PaperSpigot/SportsBukkit.

For Spigot Version: 1.8.8 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5+
----------, Dec 29, 2015

Hotfix for PaperSpigot/SportsBukkit issue with HashMap.KeySet() != Set

Should fix issues with PaperSpigot/SportsBukkit commit [ link]

For Spigot Version: 1.8.8 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5+
----------, Dec 29, 2015

There are no changes in this version.

The server location changed, so I reuploaded the resource using a different url.


Fixed bug where disguise would be visible for a few seconds after teleporting even if disguise was toggled.

For Spigot Version: 1.8.8 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5+
----------, Aug 22, 2015

Fixed bug where disguise would be visible for a few seconds after teleporting even if disguise was toggled.

For Spigot Version: 1.8.8 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5+
----------, Aug 12, 2015

Fixed bug where players switching worlds would become invisible.

Fixed bug where arrows wouldn't blow disguises.
Added default permission for /libsdisguises reload (only ops can use by default)

For Spigot Version: 1.8.8 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5
----------, Aug 3, 2015

Updated for 1.8.8.
Updated ProtocolLib version to 3.6.5.

Fixed a nullpointerexception In Disguise when the disguise would rarely despawn causing the entity to be invalid.

For Spigot Version: 1.8.8 and higher

ProtocolLib version: 8.6.5
----------, Aug 2, 2015

Added support for spaces in Player Disguises.

Use the "\_" (backslash underscore) to place a space in a name.

Example: /d player The\_Great\_Apple

Should look like this:

For Spigot Version: 1.8.7 and higher
----------, Jul 18, 2015

Quickfix for perms issue

Fixed permissions for /libsdisguises and /disguiseviewself

Correct permissions are:
libsdisguises.seecmd.viewself for /disguiseviewself
libsdisguises.seecmd.libsdisguises for /libsdisguises
libsdisguises.reload and libsdisguises.seecmd.libsdisguises for /libsdisguises reload

For Spigot Version: 1.8.7 and higher
----------, Jul 15, 2015

Added the new /disguiseviewself command, allows for toggling the disguise model when you see yourself.

Permission is libsdisguises.seecmd.viewself
Aliases are: dviewself, dvs, disguisevs, disvs, vsd, viewselfdisguise, viewselfd

Also cleaned up code.

For Spigot Version: 1.8.7 and higher
----------, Jul 15, 2015

- Added rudimentary support for disguising Custom Entities and Modded Entities

Please please PLEASE use the latest ProtocolLib!
You must use ProtocolLib v3.6.4 with this build!

For Spigot Version: 1.8.7 and higher
----------, Jul 14, 2015

Fixed block data not showing for FallingBlock disguises.

Added a new maven repository for plugin developers with updated API at

Since people don't seem to know which versions to use with Spigot, I will start to post them on updates.

For Spigot Version: 1.8.5 and higher
----------, Jul 1, 2015

Changed download link to Jenkins
Should be the correct jar version now.
----------, Jun 13, 2015

Updated for 1.8.6.
Fixed permissions.
Code cleanup.
Uploaded the correct version this time... :confused:
----------, Jun 1, 2015

Added a /libsdisguises reload to reload the config.
Fixed isInvulnerable error.
Added config option 'ContactMojangServers' to disable contacting Mojang servers for player skins to prevent server overloading on some servers, but it will disable player skins.
Tweaked a couple of things for a small performance boost.
----------, Mar 30, 2015

This is a simple update that adds support for Minecraft 1.8.3 (and adds plugin metrics).

Make sure you use the latest version of ProtocolLib when using this version.
----------, Mar 25, 2015

Note: This is the last update for 1.7.10, all builds after this are intended for Spigot 1.8 and higher.
  • Tons of code cleanups by Riking
  • Added Forge support by Riking
  • Tons of code cleanups by libraryaddict
  • Removed unused config option RemoveUnusedDisguises
  • Fixed disguise.clone() when it might make a error in a super-rare case
  • Check a second after disguiseNextEntity if its disguised, else remove disguise.
  • Fixed a bug where you can fake dye sheep and wolves on the client.
  • Added config option to choose whether to update the client that the dye didn't work. Or apply the dye to the watcher
  • Disguise commands now tell you when they didn't disguise successfully
  • Added new isDisguiseInUse() to Disguise
  • Added startDisguise() to Disguise where you can completely do the disguising from that method
  • Fixed horseWatcher.setRearing not working at all
  • Now uses WrappedGameProfile instead of Objects
  • Changed the disguise commands and disguisehelp commands to display better help
  • Colored up the disguisehelp commands when displaying the methods you can use to easily sort them visually.
  • Made the MiscDisguise constructor not so retarded and make it readable and unreliable for what you need
  • Attempt to use the uuid from wrappedgameprofile
  • Changed setGameProfile to setSkin
  • Fixed Minecart_hopper disguise not working
  • Fixed MiscDisguise ID and Data not being used properly
  • No longer attempts to use Disguises not in the current version of Minecraft
  • Fixed dropped item height being a minor problem
  • Allowed people to use EntityType's in DisguiseRadius as well
  • Changed permissions to use a better system
  • By default, libsdisguises.disguise.cow no longer gives all watcher commands. Instead you must use the option perms or .*
  • Printing off disguises you can use now looks nicer
  • Added new config option to remove disguises on world change for players
  • No longer sends bat velocity if it isn't flying
  • Fixed bats sinking slowly
  • People can now only see the watchers they can use
  • Boolean params in disguise watchers now default to true if there isn't a true/false after the method name
  • Max Health on a disguise is now correctly set on spawn
  • Added ability to remove tab-completion from commands - Riking
  • Renamed enquipment to equipment
  • When ignored watcher methods, it tells the user how many it ignored
  • Moved the Disguise and Undisguise into the Disguise method
  • Fixed error with retarded plugins doing async entity modifications (You should never do that)
  • Fixed unlooked-up playernames being lowercase
  • Self disguises now globally uses the integer -1 to allow easy plugin packets and tiny performance. Added methods to DisguiseAPI to reflect this
  • Fixed DisguiseNextEntity doing retarded names still
  • Removed cancelling of riding packets, I can't replicate the crash that made me add it.
  • Fixed all teleport packets being sent regardless of entity type
  • Fixed minor spelling mistake in minecart watcher
  • Added DisguiseType MINECART_COMMAND
  • Fixed disguise commands silently failing when disguise isn't supported
  • Fixed a bug where refreshing the tracker entries of a disguise should send the self disguise as well.
  • Disguise ITEM_FRAME now works
  • Cleaned up ITEM_FRAME watcher
----------, Jun 21, 2014

This should hopefully be the last update for a while.
  • Fixed a bad bug where disguiseToPlayers/disguiseIgnorePlayers api calls introduced a loop where they called theirselves
  • Added setSkin for player disguise. This is deprecated as I can't guarantee that it will stay in once 1.8 of minecraft is out. This is also added to the PlayerWatcher so you can use it as a option. Eg: /disguise player libraryaddict setskin Notch
  • Lots of code cleanups for the new features I added
  • Fixed customName in LivingWatcher not liking null strings
  • Fixed customname in LivingWatcher being defaulted to "" when it should be null
  • Fixed getOwner in tameable returning a empty string instead of null
  • Fixed horse using bytes when it should be using ints
  • Deprecated setHorseArmor(int) and added setHorseArmor(itemstack)
  • Renamed getHorseArmor() (returns int) to getHorseArmorAsInt() and added getHorseArmor() (returns itemstack)
  • Added method to get the disguisetype from a entity. This allows you to get it for zombie villager, different horse types and wither skeleton without adding checks of your own
  • Changed the "No permission to use command" to follow one message for all commands
  • Added constructDisguise api to construct a disguise to look exactly like this entity. Might have problems, if so. Please report.
  • Added DisguiseClone command which uses the constructDisguise api and gives you a reference which you can then use as a premade disguise in the other disguise commands. Such as /disguise @ge
  • Added config options to choose how long the plugin will wait for you to right click a entity in disguiseclone and disguiseentity commands
  • Fixed Wolf and Sheep watcher returning the wrong AnimalColor when trying to fetch the wool or collar color
----------, Jun 2, 2014

  • Fixed config getting its comments wiped
  • Config now retains its formatting, the only options which will stay in the config is the ones included in the default config
  • Fixed a memory leak when applying multiple disguises to the same entity without removing the old
  • Fixed DisguiseEntity command displaying weird names with disguisetypes containing a _
----------, May 30, 2014

  • Slime size has been clamped from 1-127. This prevents people turning invisible or so.
  • Added ability to disable metadata packet. Aka cached.
  • Fixed isRightClicking having slightly bad code
  • Added ability to se tthe max health of a disguise using attributes
  • Don't do checks if the player is self disguised. Perverts see everything.
  • Added tameable watcher
  • Added sendData for multiple meta
  • Exp packets don't belong in the velocity grouping
  • isOnline() is now used instead of trying to see if I can fetch the player
  • Fixed sendData not following the 'addEntityAnimations' option
  • Apparently isAdult had bad code for the MobDisguise.isAdult.
  • Cleaned up bits of code
  • Fixed the EntityType option in DisguiseRadius not liking strange spigot.jar names
  • Added Collection to the DisguiseApi so you can feed a collection of strings or player objects
----------, May 28, 2014

  • Fixed Entity Enquipment packet in the config not completely disabled, which could cause for weird disguises
----------, May 22, 2014

  • Config now saves sub-sections correctly
  • You can now disable packets in the config for a large performance boost
  • Disguiseradius command now supports disguising entities selectively
  • Allowed -baby to exist in a permission
----------, May 22, 2014

  • Fixed a bug where the disguise options sometimes didn't tell you the correct one that you can't use
  • Fixed multiple permissions with disguise options for the same disguise conflicting with each other
  • Disguise entity command is now much nicer text
  • Can no longer construct a Misc / Mob disguise with the wrong disguisetype. Such as a sheep in a misc disguise
  • Deprecated disguise constructors for replaceSounds boolean
  • Added new constructor for misc disguise for data
  • Removed true/false for baby disguising. So /disguise sheep true - will no longer work. Use 'baby' or 'adult' instead if you must
  • Added disguiseToPlayers method to the disguise api. I can't add a list as it would conflict with the string list.
  • The disguise flagwatchers are now verified to ensure that stupidity does not rule. Aka a zombie watcher on a sheep disguise.
  • Checking for updates no longer spams console with a error if it fails
  • Fixed a bad typo with itemstacks in the flagwatcher which could crash people. No one used it anyways
  • Setting the collar color of a wolf now auto tames it. Else the collar doesn't appear
----------, May 22, 2014

  • disguiseNextEntity now returns a int. Please recompile all plugins which use that method against this build
  • All player disguises are refreshed when the skin is looked up instead of the caller
  • Changed permission system slightly so people have a easier time. Also added it so you can do libsdisguises.disguise.animals/monsters/misc/ageable
  • Added methods so other plugins can lookup gameprofiles by hooking in
  • Changed a method so that entity trackers are only refreshed if the entity is valid
  • GameProfiles are no longer permanently stored
  • Fixed a potential loop for self disguises
----------, Apr 28, 2014

Gotta love mojang..
This update is using skin blobs and uuid lookups to grab the skins of offline players.
Basically. They re-enabled skins on players. With a little more functionality.
I would add support for disguising the players with other skins. But its extremely likely that it will be broken within 2 months.


This works on 1.7.9. I'm not supporting 1.7.6 - 1.7.8.
----------, Apr 14, 2014

Screwed up minorly with GameProfiles and skins
----------, Apr 12, 2014

Woo hoo!
100th update!

  • Disguising as yourself now keeps the skin
----------, Apr 12, 2014

  • Now supports craftbukkit 1.7.8
  • Player disguises in 1.7.6+ no longer have skins.
----------, Apr 12, 2014

Uses version 1 UUID's for player disguises.
This should allow the plugin to work on 1.7.8
----------, Apr 11, 2014

A small fix for bungeecord servers and potentially normal servers when disguising as a player who just left that same tick.

Also removed some code which is useless.
Looks like this will be a final build for a while
----------, Apr 11, 2014

Player disguises always send a empty UUID unless the player who you are disguising as is also on the server.

Aka. This works on 1.7.7
----------, Apr 10, 2014

  • Fixed a small bug where self disguises on a player with a player disguise fell out of sync after a UUID lookup finishes
  • Added new command alias for undisguise. /und
----------, Apr 9, 2014

  • Disguises are now stored using UUID's instead of entity ID's
  • Added new config options to keep disguises on player logout, entity despawn, and player death
  • Changed default value of 'RemoveHeldItem' to false as its incredibly annoying
  • Removed deprecated methods and added a few convenient methods to the Zombie and Ageable watchers
  • Fixed DisguiseEntity command saying to use the command disguise
  • Disguises are now removed at a safe time (20 ticks (200 for enderdragon) or respawn). Fixes a rare crash bug
  • Fixed disguises not supporting re-disguising
  • Fixed reloading the plugin throwing a error
  • Added new command /LibsDisguises - It informs the user that the server is running Lib's Disguises. If you hate. Please switch plugins.
  • Added support for 1.7.6 skins. Player skins will break entirely for 1.8. Thanks mojang.
----------, Apr 8, 2014

Added a check and fix with self disguises being ruined
----------, Mar 23, 2014

  • Fixed a bad set value for a disguise option I don't know why I added
  • Fixed the latest version of ProtocolLib breaking this plugin
  • When someone sees a disguise, it is now completely disguised on sight, my old method was slightly wrong.
----------, Mar 23, 2014

  • Minor performance cleanup
  • Removed deprecated warnings for two disguise methods
  • The disguised client no longer appears to mount vechiles if he is not a living disguise. This will bug out somewhat as he will appear to stand still
  • Added convidence method for me to refresh trackers for a entity
  • Blown disguises will also blow the disguise of the attackers
  • Fixed players hearing invisible sounds
  • Block disguise no longer supports the air disguise
  • Added disguise option to disable the disguise being removed.
  • Fixed experience orb self disguises kicking them
----------, Mar 20, 2014

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 793,549
First Release: May 17, 2013
Last Update: Apr 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
275 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings