Adds 1.16.2 support
This update is mostly to stop people asking me why their outdated ProtocolLib doesn't work (It spams you now)
It has a few bug fixes, and a performance boost.
- Add more information for debug commands (/ld)
- Some bug fixing
- Log file name to help me find problems
- Smarter falling block snapping to grid
- ProtocolLib has a better grace period for 1.12, also spams you if you're outdated
- Skin saving fixed
- Allow creepers to unignite
- Enabled fancy chat for 1.12
- Allowed /undisguiseradius to work for command blocks
- Oh. Forgot I now enforce a Locale to English. Hope this doesn't upset anyone. dumb bugs. I should've made this a config option, maybe.
- Added more command aliases
- Updated the premium message for disabled commands to better inform people why it doesn't work
- Added "themselves" for setName permission on player disguise, to let them disguise as theirself
- Added better placeholders, and can now use %<player>-armor% and so on
- Fix /ld update
- Config view self disguise option can't be ignored anymore
- Fixed empty names leaving old names behind on multi name stuff
- Armostands multi-name is now a premium feature
- Majority of reflection is now cached. Performance boost.
- Internals changed to refer to entity id, not entity uuid. Performance boost.
- Added ability to disguise as falling block, blockdata
- Broke Async Compatibility, it was never supported
- Preferences now fails safely if refuses to load
- Updated to 1.16.2 with new disguise type
- Fixed Piglin (baby & shaking)
- Fixed listener being registered when not required
- Fixed disguise names not having spaces for block/item names