Note: This is the last update for 1.7.10, all builds after this are intended for Spigot 1.8 and higher.
- Tons of code cleanups by Riking
- Added Forge support by Riking
- Tons of code cleanups by libraryaddict
- Removed unused config option RemoveUnusedDisguises
- Fixed disguise.clone() when it might make a error in a super-rare case
- Check a second after disguiseNextEntity if its disguised, else remove disguise.
- Fixed a bug where you can fake dye sheep and wolves on the client.
- Added config option to choose whether to update the client that the dye didn't work. Or apply the dye to the watcher
- Disguise commands now tell you when they didn't disguise successfully
- Added new isDisguiseInUse() to Disguise
- Added startDisguise() to Disguise where you can completely do the disguising from that method
- Fixed horseWatcher.setRearing not working at all
- Now uses WrappedGameProfile instead of Objects
- Changed the disguise commands and disguisehelp commands to display better help
- Colored up the disguisehelp commands when displaying the methods you can use to easily sort them visually.
- Made the MiscDisguise constructor not so retarded and make it readable and unreliable for what you need
- Attempt to use the uuid from wrappedgameprofile
- Changed setGameProfile to setSkin
- Fixed Minecart_hopper disguise not working
- Fixed MiscDisguise ID and Data not being used properly
- No longer attempts to use Disguises not in the current version of Minecraft
- Fixed dropped item height being a minor problem
- Allowed people to use EntityType's in DisguiseRadius as well
- Changed permissions to use a better system
- By default, libsdisguises.disguise.cow no longer gives all watcher commands. Instead you must use the option perms or .*
- Printing off disguises you can use now looks nicer
- Added new config option to remove disguises on world change for players
- No longer sends bat velocity if it isn't flying
- Fixed bats sinking slowly
- People can now only see the watchers they can use
- Boolean params in disguise watchers now default to true if there isn't a true/false after the method name
- Max Health on a disguise is now correctly set on spawn
- Added ability to remove tab-completion from commands - Riking
- Renamed enquipment to equipment
- When ignored watcher methods, it tells the user how many it ignored
- Moved the Disguise and Undisguise into the Disguise method
- Fixed error with retarded plugins doing async entity modifications (You should never do that)
- Fixed unlooked-up playernames being lowercase
- Self disguises now globally uses the integer -1 to allow easy plugin packets and tiny performance. Added methods to DisguiseAPI to reflect this
- Fixed DisguiseNextEntity doing retarded names still
- Removed cancelling of riding packets, I can't replicate the crash that made me add it.
- Fixed all teleport packets being sent regardless of entity type
- Fixed minor spelling mistake in minecart watcher
- Added DisguiseType MINECART_COMMAND
- Fixed disguise commands silently failing when disguise isn't supported
- Fixed a bug where refreshing the tracker entries of a disguise should send the self disguise as well.
- Disguise ITEM_FRAME now works
- Cleaned up ITEM_FRAME watcher