Lib's Disguises [Free] icon

Lib's Disguises [Free] -----

Lib's Disguises, the premier disguise plugin

Released 8.2.0
  • Fixed a bug where the disguise options sometimes didn't tell you the correct one that you can't use
  • Fixed multiple permissions with disguise options for the same disguise conflicting with each other
  • Disguise entity command is now much nicer text
  • Can no longer construct a Misc / Mob disguise with the wrong disguisetype. Such as a sheep in a misc disguise
  • Deprecated disguise constructors for replaceSounds boolean
  • Added new constructor for misc disguise for data
  • Removed true/false for baby disguising. So /disguise sheep true - will no longer work. Use 'baby' or 'adult' instead if you must
  • Added disguiseToPlayers method to the disguise api. I can't add a list as it would conflict with the string list.
  • The disguise flagwatchers are now verified to ensure that stupidity does not rule. Aka a zombie watcher on a sheep disguise.
  • Checking for updates no longer spams console with a error if it fails
  • Fixed a bad typo with itemstacks in the flagwatcher which could crash people. No one used it anyways
  • Setting the collar color of a wolf now auto tames it. Else the collar doesn't appear
----------, May 22, 2014
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 793,550
First Release: May 17, 2013
Last Update: Apr 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
275 ratings
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