Another day, another large update.
The biggest change this update is disguises can now support multi line names!
You'll need to enable this in the config, Ctrl+F "Armorstand"
Split lines with \n
- Squid no longer bugs out and moves itself
- Fixed an error when attempting to use a null item in the command
- New armorstand option to both have multiple lines in your disguise name, but longer names. This supports all disguises. Permission to do so as a player is libsdisguises.multiname. Split names with \n
- Renamed "Now disguised as a %s" to "Now disguised as %s" for messages
- Increment and get the entity id, not the reverse. This fixed a few rare cases of entity ids
- Added command aliases for disguiseplayer and disguiseuuid
- Disguise config now states if it needs updating, but updates automatically anyways
- Added setUpsideDown to make your disguises turn upside down. You should use this with the armorstands option.
- Renamed tall disguise option and fixed it being enabled by default
- Friendly warning that craftbukkit is messed up
- Handle armorstand interaction for command interaction
- Add more debug to /ld debug
- Fixed updater not allowing a force check
- Updated dynamic name to support non-player disguises
- Deny setcustomnamevisible if overriden custom names
- Added rainbow wool to sheep
- Added config option to disable random disguise values on disguise creation (fox type for example)
- Added config option and merged other player name display types into it. Aka the armorstand option
- Fixed a watcher not using the proper settings, and added setEnraged. Only affects zombie and indicator from quick tests
- Added 'custom' and 'vanilla' so you can exclude/include custom disguises by permission
- Don't output setNoGravity to parsed disguise
- /ld Permtest slight more info
- Tab removal is now delayed on login to hopefully fix skins not loaded on login