Lib's Disguises [Free] icon

Lib's Disguises [Free] -----

Lib's Disguises, the premier disguise plugin

Released 10.0.26 with 1.17.1 support
1.17 support! Oh sorry, to clarify this is 1.17.1 not 1.17.0!
This should've been out sooner honestly, but issues keep popping up and I'm overwhelmed with work.

* Fixed some disguise methods not working
* setDynamicName now works in more scenarios that should've worked to begin with
* Adventure text is now shaded in the plugin, making it easier to do custom messages
* Fixed startups not handling errors properly
* Added modifyuuid alias to modifyplayer command
* 1.17 support
* Bump required PL version for 1.17
* Fixed scoreboard teams not updating for player disguises
* Fixed disguise events method names being missing
* Fixed a small error for weird urls for grabskin command
* Shulker disguises can now move around in 1.17
* Changed PL update message and removed a terrible idea for spamming normal users too
* Removed unused BlowDisguises config option
* Fixed inventory packets sometimes hooking into the wrong part
* Fixed y modifier offset not properly being applied in many cases
* Fixed a small issue with /disguisemodify help
* Fixed ender_crystal popping into the ground
* Fixed versions prior to 1.16 not getting colored chat with adventure text
* Injected a secret thingy that doesn't exist and this message is superfluous.
----------, Jul 16, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 793,550
First Release: May 17, 2013
Last Update: Apr 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
275 ratings
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