1.17 support! Oh sorry, to clarify this is 1.17.1 not 1.17.0!
This should've been out sooner honestly, but issues keep popping up and I'm overwhelmed with work.
* Fixed some disguise methods not working
* setDynamicName now works in more scenarios that should've worked to begin with
* Adventure text is now shaded in the plugin, making it easier to do custom messages
* Fixed startups not handling errors properly
* Added modifyuuid alias to modifyplayer command
* 1.17 support
* Bump required PL version for 1.17
* Fixed scoreboard teams not updating for player disguises
* Fixed disguise events method names being missing
* Fixed a small error for weird urls for grabskin command
* Shulker disguises can now move around in 1.17
* Changed PL update message and removed a terrible idea for spamming normal users too
* Removed unused BlowDisguises config option
* Fixed inventory packets sometimes hooking into the wrong part
* Fixed y modifier offset not properly being applied in many cases
* Fixed a small issue with /disguisemodify help
* Fixed ender_crystal popping into the ground
* Fixed versions prior to 1.16 not getting colored chat with adventure text
* Injected a secret thingy that doesn't exist and this message is superfluous.