AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ] icon

AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ] -----

The most powerful mob arena! With rewards, map progression, kits and custom mobs!

  • AMA requires Java 21 or higher now.
----------, Nov 19, 2024


v2.4.0 TO USE v7.18.4 OR NEWER

Updated CoinsEngine integration.
----------, Oct 31, 2024

Fixed damage issues
Fixed arena broadcast colors
Fixed some mobs being invulnerable
Fixed minor issues
----------, Sep 7, 2024

Updated to 1.21.1
Fixed some bugs and errors.
----------, Aug 27, 2024

Fixed console errors
----------, Jul 29, 2024

REQUIRES nightcore v2.6.3


  • Support for 1.20.6 / 1.21
  • Player Type parameter for the 'Give Reward' script. Filters dead/alive players.


  • A bug, where arena signs not updated properly sometimes.
  • A bug, where MOB_KILLED event can't use EVENT_PLAYER target.
  • Minor bugs in scripts.
----------, Jul 22, 2024

  • EVENT_PLAYER target value for some arena script actions (run_command, give_reward, broadcast).


  • Arena Spots now properly saves NBT data of tile entities (heads, banners, etc.).


  • A bug, where players can put items in campfires and decorated pots on arenas.
  • A bug, where some mobs became invulnerable on latest spigot patches of 1.20.4
  • A bug, where pets can not be teleported to players on arena even if they are allowed.
  • A possible error for invalid block datas in arena spots.
----------, Mar 1, 2024

Fixed NoDefClassFound error when trying to open Arenas GUI without CoinsEgine plugin installed.
----------, Feb 7, 2024

  • Arena List GUI got better layout & bugfix.
  • Arena Shop GUI got better layout & bugfix.


  • A bug, where creating stats signs can cause errors in some cases.
  • A bug, where arena shop product currency not saved properly.
  • A few improvements for mob teleport event handlers.
----------, Jan 31, 2024

  • Attribute Modifiers for Kits! Now you can adjust player's attributes (Movement Speed, Max Health, etc.) when use certain kits.


  • 'Delay' parameter for script actions. This makes script action to execute X ticks later.
  • Commands to manage player's kits: /ama kit [add | remove].
  • Kit purchase confirmation GUI.
  • Config option to toggle TNT placement & auto ignition.
  • Config option to 'fix' splash potions.
  • Config option to toggle fireball launch using Fire Charge.
  • Config option to prevent share of kit items on the arena.
  • Config option to restore player inventories even if kits are not used.
  • Config option to define fuse ticks for placed TNTs.
  • Config option to define randomized mob spawn location offset (to make it look more natural).
  • Button types 'KIT_SHOP' and 'KIT_SELECTOR' for Kit GUIs. So you can quickly switch between them.


  • Kit GUI configs were moved to '/menu/' plugin folder out of '/kits/'. Don't worry, the plugin will do it for you.


  • Mob Target algorhythm. Mobs will target nearest players now. Previously they choosed random ones and tried to follow them no matter what.
  • Ally mobs will follow their owners now (or random player if has no owner).
  • Banned arena items will be removed from player inventories during the game.
  • Kit Preview GUI got better layout and supports Kit placeholders now.
  • Kit Shop and Selector GUIs got better layout and dynamic kit status in lore.
  • Kit Limits now supports asterisk '*' that defines limit for all non-listed kits.
  • Kits can contain up to 36 inventory items now (was 27).
  • When 'Permanent Kit Purchase' setting is disabled, purchased kits will last on player's account until they play a game with it.
  • Default kits remaked and improved.
  • Decreased fuse ticks for placed TNTs, so they explode faster.


  • Players & Mobs can not damage/debuff each other with splash or lingering potions (toggleable with config option).
  • A bug, where players can damage ally mobs.
  • A bug, where invisible players still being targetted by mobs.
  • A bug, where offhand items in kits not worked.
  • A bug, where potion effects not removed in spectating while dead.
  • A bug, where kits order was random in Kit Shop and Selector GUIs.
  • A bug, where players can use items while awaiting respawn from death.
----------, Jan 15, 2024

  • Support for 1.20.4


  • Possible errors with user data related to arena cooldowns.
  • A bug, where mobs uses the same spawn points when amount of mobs is greatly smaller than amount of spawners.
  • A bug, where 'RETURN' button type not worked for Shop GUI.
  • A bug, where players can damage pets of other players.
  • A bug, where 'broadcast' script actions does not work for 'GLOBAL' target argument.
  • A bug, where disabling Totem in arena does not prevent resurrection.
  • A bug, where some script actions with Game End events does not affect dead players.
----------, Dec 27, 2023

  • Arena Cooldown feature. You can find it in Gameplay Settings -> Requirements. Bypass permission included.
  • Arena Gameplay setting for auto-leave arena on death when no lifes left.
  • Script Condition "mob_id". Only for "MOB_KILLED" event!
  • Script Actions to create custom variables: "create_variable", "set_variable", "inc_variable", "dec_variable".
  • Script Conditins for custom variables: "variable_exist", "variable_not_exist", "variable_value".


  • Arena Event in script editor now can be selected from chat instead of switching it.


  • Players will get their money back when leave arena before it started.
  • A bug, where spectators get "GAMES_PLAYED" stat added on game end.
  • Minor arena config save bug.
  • Minor editor bugs.
----------, Nov 29, 2023

  • Global arena protection zone. You will need to add this to your current arenas!
  • Region spawner groups. Now you can split spawners by groups instead of using confusing ids in your scripts. You will need to correct your spawn scripts! By default all region spawners will be auto-updated and put under 'default' group. All scripts with invalid/outdated spawner parameter will attempt to spawn mobs on all available spawners.
  • Script condition 'spot_in_state' to check if certain spot has certain state. Example: 'spot_in_state = gate:eek:pen' checks if spot 'gate' has 'open' state.
  • Priority option for Script Categories. Allows you make certain scripts to be executed before others.


  • A bug, where offhand slot in Kit Armor Editor worked incorrect.
  • A bug, where some mobs refuse to follow & attack players in some cases.
----------, Nov 17, 2023

> Requires NexEngine update (Patch 03/11/23).

> Please, do backup of your /arenas/ & /lang/ folders.


  • Added extra GUI to edit script's action parameters.
  • Added suggested values for the most action parameters!
  • Added icons for script action parameters.
  • Added icons for arenas, waves, mobs, scripts.
  • All objects in editor now sorted by their IDs.
  • Revisited GUI editor. Compacted and uncluttered.
  • Whitelisted commands in Gameplay Editor respects all their aliases now.


  • All non-arena commands are disabled now for all arenas. To allow any command, use '*' in allowed commands list in Gameplay Editor.
  • Removed 'Allowed Kits' setting from Gameplay Editor. Put them in 'Kit Limits' instead.


  • A bug, where players can use spawn eggs infinite times.
----------, Nov 2, 2023

  • Arena mobs will switch their target to whom last damaged them if it's closer than their current target.
  • Proper mob AI support for 1.19.4


  • A bug, where arena mobs not despawned sometimes after the game.
  • A bug, where scoreboard does not works on 1.20.2
  • A bug, where some mobs not working properly on 1.20.2
  • A bug, where setup tools were missing their colors in name and lore.
----------, Oct 16, 2023

  • Support for 1.20.2


  • A bug, where plugin was unable to spawn mobs sometimes due to internal mob provider error.
  • A bug, where players can not interact with allied mobs.
  • A bug, where auto open/close times works incorrect sometimes.
----------, Oct 6, 2023

You must update NexEngine to install this update.

- Engine update.
----------, Sep 28, 2023

  • A bug, where players not being teleported to new region if were in inactive one when new round starts.
  • A bug, where certain mobs may permanently lost interest in attacking players if they were too far away.
  • A bug, where certain mobs tried to attack their allies due to internal mob logic (Iron Golems and Slimes especially).
  • Mob's follow range attribute is no more used for their conditions to target arena players - they will attempt to follow you on any distance.
  • Slime's jump delay was highly reduced to make their movement faster.
  • Slimes with size of 1 now can deal damage, too!
----------, Sep 13, 2023

  • Commands section for mob kill rewards.


  • A bug, where Warden mob was not available to use.
  • A bug, where large arena region can cause client lags and disconnect when editing.
----------, Sep 4, 2023

[Added] Support for MCPets, AdvancedPets, CombatPets
----------, Aug 21, 2023

Dropped support for 1.17.

Currency Changes:
Added Support: CoinsEngine.
Removed Support: GamePoints, PlayerPoints.
Internal Arena Coins currency is still here.

Now you can run AMA without any economy or currency plugin(s), but any 'cost' features will not work.

Removed currency related commands (you should do that via their plugin commands).

[New] Ally Mobs (Beta)! Now you can summon allied mobs with Spawn Eggs that will fight together with you against the arena mobs!

[Added] Dedicated options for AMA mob Display Name and Boss Bar format.
[Added] Support for Phantoms Size in Mob Editor.
[Added] Config option to make mobs spawned by Spawn Eggs allied to players on arenas.

[Improved] (1.20+) AI for Piglin (+Brute), Hoglin, Zoglin, Goat, Frog, Allay mobs. They all properly attacks and follows players now.
[Improved] (1.20+) AI for all mobs. Now they properly selects arena players as their target.

[Changed] Command 'skipwave' renamed to 'skipround'.
[Changed] Mob kill streaks uses only commands now.
[Changed] Mob kill rewards uses a bit different names now (see config comments).

[Fixed] A bug, where 'skipround' command works incorrect and may cause arena to stuck.
----------, Jul 26, 2023

Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)

WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.

[Hopefully Fixed] A bug, where mobs can remain on the arena after ending.
----------, Jul 11, 2023

>>> Update NexEngine

[Added] Support for 1.20.1
[Added] An option to set auto-resurrection time for dead players.

[Changed] Player Death Item Drop option renamed to Keep Inventory. Config path changed, make sure to re-enable it for your arenas.

----------, Jun 14, 2023

[Added] Improved version of 'wave_number' condition: 'round_number', where you can set multiple values (1,5,7,etc).

[Fixed] A bug, where players can be revived if they died with only 1 life.
[Fixed] A bug, where players not being teleported to previous location when leaving arena.
[Fixed] A few bugs with the 'inject_wave' script.
----------, May 10, 2023

[New] Spectate System & Ghost Players.

Instead of just spectate location, all spectators will be moved into 'SPECTATOR' gamemode, as well as players who died with no extra lifes left.

This change will allow spectators to freely moving on the whole arena map and choose their own spots to spectate the game.
All spectators are now considered as arena players, so they will get notifications about all events inside arena. But they won't be affected by any of it mechanics.

Dead players (with extra lives) will be revived at the end of a round instead of insta-respawn.

[Added] 'spawners' parameter for the 'inject_wave' action.
[Added] Permissions to bypass arena payment and level requirements.

[Improved] Players joined lobby during the active game, will join the arena at the end of a round rather than when it starts.

[Changed] A few messages and their config paths were changed, please do expect some message became 'default'.

[Fixed] Arena timeleft placeholder will display 'infinite' symbol instead of zeros if no timeleft was set.
[Fixed] Removed message 'Player is not ready to play' when new player joins the lobby.
[Fixed] Death on arena with infinite waves no more counted as 'lose' to your stats.
[Fixed] Minor bugs in editor.
----------, Apr 15, 2023

Support for 1.19.4 + Engine Update (UPDATE IT)
----------, Mar 27, 2023

UPDATE NexEngine !!!



[New] Arena Script System. A new system comes to replace old Game Triggers! It's very-very simple, but a lot more flexible, customizable and extensible!

[Added] Support for Spigot 1.19.4

[Changed] Arena Containers renamed to 'Supply Chests'. They are not bound to regions anymore. Now you can use any container as supply chest (Shulker boxes, Barrels, etc.).

[Improved] Arena Shop GUIs got better layout and some lore dynamics.
[Improved] When item pickup is disabled on arena, all ground items will be burned out instead of laying there until the game end.

[Removed] Arena Amplifiers is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple scripts: 'adjust_mob_amount' and 'adjust_mob_level'.
[Removed] Arena Auto Commands is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple script: 'run_command'.
[Removed] Arena Region Waves is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple script: 'inject_wave'.
[Removed] Lock/Unlock triggers for Shop and Regions is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple scripts: 'unlock_shop', 'lock_shop' and similar.
[Removed] Arena Reward triggers, chance and targets. Their functional was implemented as simple script and condition: 'chance' and 'give_reward'.

[Fixed] Various minor bugs and mistakes in all arena mechanics.

As you can see, a lot of things were removed and replaced by simple scripts instead of making configs every time for each of them. I hope it will make arena creation more clear and easier for all users.
----------, Mar 17, 2023

Fixed a bug, where arena waves loses their amplifier settings on reload.
----------, Mar 11, 2023

Fixed a bug, where player's items got duplicated on death if item drop was disabled.
----------, Mar 10, 2023

[Added] BossMania support.
----------, Mar 7, 2023

Update NexEngine to the latest build!
Do backup of your /arenas/ folder!

[Added] EliteMobs integration.

[Improved] Region wave spawn triggers now accept all other triggers too! Not only WAVE_START one. Just be careful when using them, you may easily result in infinite mob spawning :D.
[Improved] Players on the arena now dies naturally instead of death-simulating. This should fix various broken integrations with other plugins.
[Improved] Players joined the arena during the game now have to set their status as 'ready' to join the game on a next wave.

[Changed] Wave amplifiers are bound to the whole arena now rather than to arena waves. This should make amplifier setup more simplier. You can create a few amplifiers and then simply specify them to waves you want them have effect for. All your current amplifiers will be auto-converted. Make sure to validate your wave amplifier settings.
[Changed] In arena waves editor, you have to select the mob provider now (AMA / MythicMobs / EliteMobs). This should make things more clear.

[Fixed] A bug, where mobs can be spawned when the game is about to finish.
[Fixed] A bug, where some mobs become babies when should be adult.
[Fixed] Overall code fixes and improvements.
----------, Mar 5, 2023

[Added] Command 'setactive' to change arena active state. Inactive arenas can not be played.

[Fixed] A bug, where allied MythicMobs got removed on new wave start.
----------, Jan 31, 2023

[Added] An option to set a list of 'ally' MythicMobs (they won't be counted as arena mobs).

[Improved] Kit Armor Editor now accepts offhand slot.

[Fixed] A bug, where Stats GUI config does not saves made changes.
----------, Jan 11, 2023

!!! Update NexEngine !!!

[Added] Arena Join Level requirements. For now only MMOCore is supported.
[Added] Arena Auto Open/Close Schedulers. Now you can setup automatic arena opening/closing to play at certain day times.

[Fixed] A bug, where Game Triggers gets duplicated when adding trigger with the same type in editor.
[Fixed] A bug, where Drowneds and Piglings does not target players.
[Fixed] A bug, where Piglings Brute can despawn during the game.
[Fixed] A bug, where MythicMobs not being removed after the game end.
----------, Dec 26, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where region containers are not refilled correctly sometimes.
----------, Dec 14, 2022

Please update NexEngine
Added Support for 1.19.3
----------, Dec 11, 2022


You need NexEngine v2.2.7 (DOWNLOAD)

[New] Hologram display for mob kill rewards. Now you can display amount of gained money/score for killed mob via holograms!

[Added] Multi-Currency support. Now you can use different currencies per arenas/kits/shops. Also, new plugins supported: PlayerPoints, GamePoints.
[Added] Command '/ama currency <give/take>' to easily give/take currencies.
[Added] Multiple currency support for Arena Join Requirements, Kits, Shop Products and Mob Kill Rewards.
[Added] Support for 'DecentHolograms' plugin.
[Added] Option to enable text glowing for arena signs.
[Added] An 'OR' keyword for Arena Game Triggers. Now you can set multiple value groups for a game trigger. Example: WAVE_START: '%2 OR %5'.
[Added] Hologram format per each hologram type in the main config file.
[Added] Kit 'Description' option. You can use it instead of a kit icon lore.
[Added] Options 'Name' and 'Description' for Shop Categories and Products.

[Changed] 'Hologram' command now allows you to create holograms for all other arena objects, not only for stats.
[Changed] All sign formats moved in the config.yml as well as sign locations storage. This change will break your current signs (last time I swear!!), please re-place them.
[Changed] All hologram formats moved in the config.yml. This change will break you current holograms, please re-create them.
[Changed] Improved all editor GUIs. All texts moved to the lang config.
[Changed] Improved all Setup Items. All texts moved to the lang config.
[Changed] Shop Enable option moved to the shop settings config.
[Changed] Arena Game Triggers no more can display formatted values (which were used in holograms, GUIs) due to internal changes (You can still see them in editor, but in a 'raw' format).

[Fixed] A bug, where arena takes money from players for 'joining', when opening Arenas GUI.
[Fixed] A bug, where 'GAME_END' and 'GAME_START' triggers does not work at all sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where Stats Holograms disappears after using /ama reload.
[Fixed] A bug, where Stats GUI reset items, and broken default config.
[Fixed] A bug, where some commands suggests all arenas instead of only ones that can be affected by that commands.
[Fixed] Improved Stats module. Now faster & more accurate. Citizens skins will not blink anymore for the same players.
[Fixed] Improved plugin commands & permissions. Check wiki for changes.
[Fixed] Minor issues in Editor GUIs.
[Fixed] Various minor bugs.
----------, Nov 16, 2022

!!! Update NexEngine (DOWNLOAD) to v2.2.6 !!!

- Improved Database stability and performance.
- Improved User Data handling.
- Added 'Table_Prefix' option for the 'Database' section in 'config.yml'.
- Permissions are now registering internally.
----------, Oct 4, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where arena game immediately ends when the latest wave should start.
[Fixed] Now players can leave the arena during the final game countdown and not lost any rewards.
[Fixed] Players can not move arena lobby items in their inventory anymore.
[Fixed] Disabled arenas will not prevent mob spawning in their areas anymore.
[Fixed] AMA will not change Target AI for MythicMobs anymore.
[Fixed] Added missing equipment items to some of default mobs.
----------, Sep 17, 2022

Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2.4
----------, Aug 25, 2022

Support for 1.19.2
----------, Aug 9, 2022

[Improved] Mob Equipment Editor now has special slots for each equipment type (Head, Hands, Legs, etc.). DO BACKUP OF YOUR MOB EQUIPMENT SETTINGS OTHERWISE IT WILL BE LOST!

[Fixed] A bug, where Arena Game Triggers not saved for many arena objects when editing.
[Fixed] Errors when spawning Piglins.
----------, Aug 6, 2022

Recompiled for 1.19.1
----------, Aug 1, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where asterisk ('*') was not supported for the region wave spawner names to include all the region spawn points.
[Fixed] Mob spawners are shuffled now every time a new mob group is about to be spawned for a proper randomizing.
[Fixed] Arena signs can be broken now in Creative gamemode while sneaking instead of processing actions.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jul 30, 2022

Fixed errors in the editor.
----------, Jul 18, 2022

Fixed ProtocolLib errors
----------, Jul 3, 2022


Please reset '/editor/arena/shop' folder.

[New] Arena Shop Categories. Now you can spread your shop products in different categories. Each category has options for Allowed Kits and Lock/Unlock triggers.


[Changed] Arena scoreboard settings were moved out of 'scoreboards.yml' file to 'config.yml'. Now you can specify for each arena which scoreboard should be used in gameplay settings instead of creating scoreboards for each arena. Please transfer your scoreboards and update '/editor/arena/game/gameplay.yml' config.
[Changed] Arena join/ready sign locations were moved out of 'signs.yml' file to the corresponding arena configs. Sign namespaced keys were changed also. OLD JOIN/READY SIGNS WILL NOT WORK ANYMORE, PLEASE RECREATE!
[Changed] Arena List GUI config was moved out of '/arenas/' folder to '/menu/arena.list.yml'.
[Changed] Arena Shop GUI config was moved out of '/arenas/shop/' folder to '/menu/'.

[Improved] Arena scoreboard now supports unlimited amount of characters, as well as HEX colors. Top stats in scoreboard were temporary disabled.
[Improved] A bit improved particle display for arena region/spot cuboids when editing.

[Fixed] Player's kill streak will not reset during the next wave timer anymore.
[Fixed] A bug, where player's kill streak not reset on death.
[Fixed] A bug, where ArenaMobDeathEvent not called if mob dies not from a player.
[Fixed] A bug, where 'TNT Exploded' stat was counted in a wrong event.
[Fixed] Removed unnecessary code.
----------, Jul 2, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where mobs can be spawned inside the arena region when there is no active game.
[Fixed] A bug, where mob highlight feature break the arena on game end or arena reload.
----------, May 8, 2022

[Config] Update/Reset '/editor/arena/game/gameplay.yml' config file to apply new changes.

[Added] Mob Highlight feature. When enabled, all alive mobs on the arena (depends on % of total spawned mobs) will have a glow effect with certain color.

[Changed] Removed 'Slime Split' gameplay setting since you can add it to allowed spawn reasons instead.

[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, May 4, 2022

[Changed] 'Sounds' section was removed from the 'config.yml' since you can add sounds directly to any message you want in the 'lang' config.

[Fixed] A bug, where Totem of Undying does not work in main hand.
[Fixed] A bug, where 'SCORE_INCREASED' and 'SCORE_DECREASED' game triggers works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug, where negative score amount for the mobs was ignored on config load.
[Fixed] A bug, where players/mobs can teleport to other arena's locations while in game.
[Fixed] A bug, where Piglins and Hoglins were not immune to zombification.
[Fixed] A big, where 'ama-shop' Citizens Trait never been registered.
[Fixed] Better compatibility for arenas load with multi-world plugins.
[Fixed] Minor fixes and code improvements.
----------, May 2, 2022

Fixed default config.yml
Fixed Region Hologram Tool
Updated to the latest Engine
----------, Apr 27, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where Citizens NPC were counted as alive mobs on the arena.
[Fixed] Added a bit of setup mistakes checks for Arena Region Waves.
----------, Apr 26, 2022

NexEngine compatibility fixes
----------, Mar 15, 2022

[Added] Support for 1.18.2
[Added] Placeholder %ama_coins_raw% for PAPI.
----------, Mar 8, 2022

[Added] Separate permissions for each plugin subcommand (see documentation).

[Fixed] A bug, where Totem of Undying has no effect on the arena.
[Fixed] A bug, where mob kills were count to the last player who inflicted damage on arena mob removal.
----------, Mar 3, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where arena mobs targets invisible players.
[Fixed] Now uses mojang mappings in the NMS source code.
----------, Feb 13, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where Arena Game Trigger options works incorrect sometimes.
[Fixed] Engine fixes and improvements.
----------, Feb 11, 2022

[Fixed] A bug, where MOB_KILLED event not worked causing issues with mob spawning and other arena mechanics.
[Fixed] Console errors on mob spawning.
----------, Jan 9, 2022

[Engine] Updated to the latest NexEngine.

[Removed] Spigot 1.15 support.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

1.18 Support + 1.17 mob attack/pathfinder fixes
----------, Dec 6, 2021

[Fixed] 'Ready State' lobby item not given to players.
[Fixed] Join signs can not be created.
----------, Nov 28, 2021


[Added] GUI Mob Editor.

[Fixed] A few errors in arena mob settings.
[Fixed] Minor fixes.
----------, Nov 26, 2021

[Added] 'Ready' state for arena players. Now, players can use a special item/sign to mark themselves as 'ready' to play. When all players are ready, the lobby timer is dropped to certain value defined in the config, so the game can start earlier.

[Fixed] A minor bug with join signs, where player can not join the arena properly sometimes.
----------, Oct 26, 2021

Reset editor/arena/region/wave_settings.yml and editor/arena/region/wave_list.yml configs to apply new editor changes.

[New] Now you can provide multiple arena waves for a region wave. It will randomly spawn only one of them.

[Fixed] A bug, where arena wave progress can stuck sometimes when gradual spawning is enabled.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Oct 17, 2021

[Fixed] A bug, where Arena Event Triggers works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug, where lobby items can not be disabled with /ama reload.
[Fixed] A bug, where arena end announce displayed even if it was disabled.
----------, Oct 11, 2021

[Fixed] A bug, where Arena Game Events not updated properly when added via editor.
[Fixed] A bug, where arena mobs not spawned when all players were in a locked region and been teleported too late.
[Fixed] A bug, where you can't drag on drag items to change kit icon in editor.
[Fixed] A few errors in default lang config.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Sep 30, 2021

[Fixed] A bug, where Player Drop Items option worked incorrect.
[Fixed] Kit Inventory editor.
----------, Sep 29, 2021

[Fixed] A bug, where text trigger conditions worked incorrect.
----------, Sep 27, 2021

[Fixed] A bug, where adding MythicMobs to an arena wave not worked.
[Fixed] A bug, where /ama forceend command not worked.
[Fixed] A bug, where /ama list command not worked.
----------, Sep 23, 2021

Fixed mob spawn amount
----------, Sep 22, 2021




(I lost full changelog, so here is the global changes only)

[New] Arena Game Event mechanics. Now many of arena aspects can be used when the certain event is happened. For example, unlock region(s) when a new wave starts, give reward(s) at the end of a wave, execute custom command(s) when player dies, increase amount of upcoming mobs when a new player joined, etc.
[New] Arena wave amplification mechanic. Instead of global settings, now every arena wave has its own amplification settings. Instead of being applied on certain waves only, you can define new triggers when this amplification will have effect. For example, you can set it so mobs amount will be increased by X every Y waves, and decreased by Z when player dies, etc.
[New] Improved gradual mob spawn settings. Now uses percents and timer.

[Added] A config option to set a list of banned from usage items on the arena.
[Added] A config option to set a list of allowed spawn reasons for mobs on the arena (useful for compatibility with external mob plugins).
[Added] Full in-game editor (for Region Containers, Rewards) for all Arena settings.

[Fixed] Improved mob spawning calculation. Now spawns correct amount of mobs.
[Fixed] A lot of errors, bugs and mistakes.
[Fixed] Huge code refactor and optimization.

[Changed] Arena configuration split into multiple config files.

[Removed] Arena next wave conditions. Now players have to clear a wave completely.
----------, Sep 20, 2021

Added support for 1.17.1
----------, Jul 12, 2021

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a bug, where player dies from mobs due to incorrect damage calculation.
▸ Fixed a bug, where external mobs (such as MythicMobs) not displayed in Arena Waves Editor.
▸ Fixed a bug, where spawned amount of mobs from arena config wave was higher than possible amount.
▸ (Engine) Fixed a clickable editor tips not displayed when the max lenght of a list was too long.
----------, Apr 22, 2021

New Additions:
▸ Implemented GUI editor for Arena Shop.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed incorrect display of shop item unlock conditions.
▸ Improved editor handlers.
----------, Mar 18, 2021

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a bug, where kits with zero cost, but with permission requirement were added to user's kits.
▸ Fixed default GUI settings for Kit Preview.
▸ Fixed a bug, where Kit Selection/Shop GUI reopened when trying to preview a kit due to certain lobby item in hand.
▸ Fixed minor issues with stat signs.
▸ Minor fixes in animal's attack pathfinder.
▸ Code improvements.
----------, Mar 4, 2021

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed arena Exit location.
▸ Fixed duplicated board stats.
▸ Fixed server crash when spawning passive mobs.
▸ Fixed some issues when players disconnecting while in arena.
----------, Feb 16, 2021

New setup video is HERE

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

▸ Now displays new messages after the latest arena wave timer.
▸ Minor editor fixes and improvements.
----------, Feb 5, 2021

Fixed some editor issues.
----------, Feb 2, 2021


New Additions:
▸ Added a command to lock/unlock regions during the game.
▸ Added an Editor GUI for arena gameplay options.
▸ Added an Editor GUI for arena waves management.
▸ Added an Editor GUI for region waves management.
▸ Added an option for gradual mob spawning. For a correct work, use it only when the next wave conditions are to kill 100% of all arena mobs and bosses.
▸ Added 'on-wave-start' and 'on-wave-end' options for arena gameplay auto-commands.
▸ Added PlaceholderAPI placeholders for in-game arena variables.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a bug, where 'spectate.enabled' arena gameplay option had has no effect.
▸ Fixed a bug, where 'wave-skip' option had has no effect at all.
▸ Fixed a bug, where no mobs being spawned if player(s) are in regions without spawners. Now if players are in regions without mob spawners, mobs will be spawned in nearest unlocked regions.
▸ Minor fixes and optimizations.
----------, Jan 21, 2021

New Additions:
▸ Updated to the new NexEngine.
----------, Nov 12, 2020

Support for 1.16.4
----------, Nov 3, 2020

New Additions:
▸ Added 'auto-commands' section to arena config under 'gameplay' section.
▸ Added an ability to join the arena during the game with permission advancedmobarena.bypass.join.ingame.
▸ For /ama forceend command added support for an end reason (timeleft, win, force).

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Minor fixes.
----------, Oct 23, 2020

New Additions:
▸ For arena wave progression settings added a list of mobs that this progression will affect.
▸ Added 'scoreboard.yml' config which provides arena scoreboard format (instead of lang config) with an ability to create different scoreboards for different arenas.
----------, Oct 9, 2020

Support for 1.16.3
----------, Sep 16, 2020

New Additions:
▸ Added support for Spigot 1.16.2.
▸ Added support for Magic spell cost with arena score and coins (ama_coins, ama_score).
▸ Added a command to manage player's score while they're in game: /ama score.
▸ Added a command to manage arena spot's states in game: /ama spot.
----------, Sep 8, 2020

[Fixed] A bug, where mobs amount could override the mobs limit setting.
[Fixed] PlaceholderAPI hook.
----------, Jul 31, 2020

[Added] Support for 1.16.

[Fixed] A bug, where arena saves dropped items even after end of the game.
----------, Jul 15, 2020

[Fixed] A bug, where TNT kills does not counts for players.
----------, Jun 10, 2020

[Fixed] Minor issues in arena wave progression.
[Fixed] Coins Spent stat does not count.
----------, May 1, 2020

[Fixed] A bug, where arena shop does not takes coins on buy.
[Fixed] A bug, where some player stats not saved after the game.
[Fixed] Arena mobs now should not disappear when far away from players.
[Fixed] Items lost when kits are disabled.
[Fixed] Minor fixes and improvements.
----------, Apr 30, 2020

[Fixed] Arena chunk unloading issues.
[Fixed] Permission for /ama shop command.
[Fixed] A little mistake in default configs.
----------, Apr 13, 2020

Fixed some console errors on mob spawning.
----------, Apr 8, 2020

Fix for location zero coordinates.
----------, Apr 8, 2020

Dropped 1.13 support.
Updated to the latest FCore.

This is technical update that fixes minor bugs and uses updated version of plugin core.
Promised features and settings will be added in the next update(s).

[Fixed] Minor issues in mob spawning algorithm.
----------, Apr 4, 2020

Fixed MySQL table creation.
----------, Mar 19, 2020

Fixed MySQL Core bug.
----------, Mar 18, 2020

Global Plugin Overhaul
Almost every plugin aspect have been changed in this update to improve and enhance the gameplay!

Arena GUI Editor Changes
To speed up the update process, GUI setup has been highly reduced. Some GUI editors will be added back in the next updates.
While it's good and sometimes easier to configure things in-game, some of them are better to be configured via config files.
Now GUI editor contains only the most important things that requires some kind of in-game interaction, visualization, etc.
All other simple settings like numbers, true and false values, lists, etc. have to be configured via config file.
You can find configuration tips and guides at the updated plugin wiki:

Arena Triggers and Conditions
A new system of custom conditions gives you even more control on the game on each arena!
Now you can define multiple condition sections, where you can provide the only conditions you want to proceed.
When more than 1 condition section is present, it will look for ANY section which met all the requirements.
This system allows you, for example, to require player to have certain permission to join the arena OR have certain amount of money, or both of them!

Arena Dynamic Spots
New feature that allows you to bring more dynamic into arena gameplay!
This system allows you to create a special places, that could be changed during the game on certain triggers (wave start/end, region lock/unlock, score amount, etc).
With this system you can make something like a levels, where level doors will be opened only at the certain time.

Arena Kill Streaks
To make mob killing and arena progression more funny, there is a Kill Streak feature!
With kill streaks you can reward players with extra coins and score points.
Kill streaks also contains configurable message with output type and commands list.

Arena Rewards
Rewards obtain a new pretty useful option called 'instant'.
This option defines if reward should be instantly given to the player in game or not.

Arena Shop
Now every arena has it's own shop config file instead of global one. No categories anymore.
Added an option to hide items that are not suitable for player kit; an option to lock the shop until wave ends.
Added new product unlock conditions (see above 'Arena Triggers').

Mob Leveling
Another new feature that opens a bit more possibilities to the mob customization.
Now any arena mob will have a level that can be increased by arena wave progression options.
Also you can adjust mob attributes depends on it's level!

Mob Spawning
Mob spawning system has been improved a lot to keep the arena balance.
Now if arena has more than 1 active region, mob amount and spawn location will depends on player amount in each arena region. The more players in region = the mobs will be spawned there.
If some arena regions becomes inactive during the game while there are alive mobs, they will be moved to the active arena region to prevent them stuck in unaccessible areas.

Kit Selection
Fixed auto default kit selection.
Now it respects user obtained kits and it's conditions, and will randomly choose one of them if it's possible.
Also respects 'default' option of all kits instead of the first one.

Huge Performance Improvements
A lot Reduced RAM and CPU usage.
A lot improved runtime performance.
Removed duplicated, unnecessary messages.
----------, Mar 18, 2020

Fixed errors and traits
----------, Oct 12, 2019

Inventory fix
----------, Oct 2, 2019

[Fixed] Inventory management bug.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Sep 30, 2019

Finally fixed errors
----------, Sep 29, 2019

Fixed console error
----------, Sep 28, 2019

[Added] Support for multiple rewards at once.
[Added] An option to disable arena inventory manager.

[Fixed] A little issue with kits.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Sep 28, 2019

[Fixed] Arena coins multipliers.
[Fixed] PlaceholderAPI hook.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Sep 25, 2019

Quick fix where players got stuck in the arena after death if they joined from a different world.
----------, Sep 3, 2019

Quick fix where players got suck in arena after death if they joined from a different world.
----------, Sep 3, 2019

[Fixed] Incorrect scoreboard stats order.
[Fixed] A bug, where increasing mob attributes doubles the default mob attribute value each time.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Aug 29, 2019

[Added] 'default: true/false' kit option.

[Fixed] Improved mob spawn algorithm.
[Fixed] Stats improvements.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jul 18, 2019

Added missing error message for kit selection.
----------, Jun 23, 2019

[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jun 21, 2019

[Fixed] Pets target issues.
[Fixed] Editor errors.
[Fixed] Minor game errors.
----------, Jun 15, 2019

[Fixed] Player interact bugs
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jun 11, 2019

Fixed console errors
----------, Jun 10, 2019

[Fixed] A bug, where slimes were unattackable sometimes.
[Fixed] PlaceholderAPI errors.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jun 9, 2019

[New] Zones. Now you can define zones inside the arena region to manage mob spawn and create map progression.

[Added] 'required-kits' option for Kit configs. Player must buy/have specified kits before buy the next one.
[Added] Placeholders '%mobs%' and '%bosses%' to action bar wave status. Shows amount of mobs/bosses left in percentage.
[Added] 'slot' option for lobby items.
[Added] Support for new water mobs from 1.13
[Added] Support for new animal mobs from 1.14

[Changed] Arena config waves, commands and rewards format. Now it's a bit more flexible.
[Changed] Arena rewards may contain multiple items and commands.
[Changed] Arena reward commands now supports executing from Console, as OP and as a Player.
[Changed] Wave increasing settings. Now you can provide any of entity attribute (speed, damage, health, armor, etc).
[Changed] Sorted config options.
[Changed] Boss waves were removed from waves.yml config. Bosses now auto-detects by plugin.
[Changed] Removed boss waves from arena configs. Boss waves auto-detects when boss-mob is spawn.

[Fixed] Now free kits from shop auto-adds to user account.
[Fixed] Arena region protection for paintings, armor stand, frames, etc.
[Fixed] A bug, where option to allowing slime split on the arena does not works.
[Fixed] A bug, where rewards can be lost if player's inventory was full.
[Fixed] A bug, where shop items can be lost if player's inventory was full.
[Fixed] A bug, where arena scoreboard always show even if disabled.
[Fixed] A log of possible bugs, issues, code refactor and optimizing.
[Fixed] Huge performance improvements.
[Fixed] A lot of bugs/issues related to GUI editors.

[Removed] Some useless arena options.
[Removed] Some useless messages.
----------, Jun 9, 2019

This update fixes a critical database bug which causes server to crash.

After this update your current user data will be wiped!!!

Soon plugin will going to support only 1.13+, make sure to update your servers.

Support for 1.14 will be added in the next update, which can took a while.
----------, May 19, 2019

Fixed console errors
----------, Apr 21, 2019

[Fixed] A bug where 'req-clear-inv' works incorrect.
[Fixed] Arena commands executing.
----------, Mar 25, 2019

Fixed Kit and Leave signs.
----------, Mar 10, 2019

[Added] Config option ''

[Fixed] Improved data saving.
[Fixed] Editor issues.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Mar 5, 2019

[Fixed] Database errors.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Feb 17, 2019

Fixed rewards saving and loading.
----------, Feb 9, 2019

Fixed Essentials hook.
Fixed console errors.
----------, Feb 8, 2019

Fixed errors
----------, Feb 8, 2019

Fixed console errors
----------, Feb 7, 2019

Configs from 4.x are NOT compatible with the new ones!!!

Arena schematics have been disabled due to performance issues. Arenas now will come 'static' - blocking and placing blocks is disabled until I found the solution.

There are may be bugs and errors.

[New] Storage types: MySQL and SQLite (no Flatfile anymore).
[New] All GUIs now are fully configurable!
[New] Modules. Now you can disable the some parts of the plugin if you don't want to use them.
[New] Kits, Shop and Stats now are modules and you can disable it.
[New] Scorebard was remaked. Now it requires ProtocolLib to work.
[New] Arena next wave conditions.
[New] Shop Holograms. Now you can buy items by clicking on item holograms. (HolographicDisplays required).

[Added] Citizens traits instead of old npc system.
[Added] Scoreboard placeholder to show time until the next wave.
[Added] An option to disable certain lobby items.
[Added] An option to spawn mobs only in nearest to player spawners.
[Added] An arena option to spawn items in containers in random order.

[API] Added ArenaSpectateEvent.

[Fixed] A huge code optimization, refactor and performance improvement.
[Fixed] Kit selector will no more be given if kits are not 'permament'.
[Fixed] Tons of the bugs and glitches.
[Fixed] Tons of GUI issues.
[Fixed] Placeholders in messages.yml.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Feb 4, 2019

Fixed console errors
----------, Oct 30, 2018

Quick fix for 1.13
----------, Oct 29, 2018

[Fixed] Some bugs with GUI's on 1.13
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Oct 29, 2018

If you have errors on plugin startup, delete your kits folder.

Fixed .jar for 1.13
----------, Oct 24, 2018

If you have errors on plugin load, regenerate your kits folder!

[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Oct 23, 2018

[Fixed] Arena teleport bug.
[Fixed] CombatPets hook.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Oct 16, 2018

Fixed a bug where player can not enter the arena.
----------, Oct 11, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where players still gain coins even if currency was Vault.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Oct 5, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where arena containers does not refills correctly.
[Fixed] A bug where arena scheme still creates even if arena destroying was disabled.
[Fixed] A bit increased mob follow range.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Sep 17, 2018

[Added] Support for Spigot 1.13.1
[Added] Config option 'Show: <true/false>' for stats.yml

[Fixed] A bug where players don't get items from the shop.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Sep 9, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where lobby items can be dropped.
[Fixed] A bug where arena containers does not refills correctly.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Aug 24, 2018

Added second version for Spigot 1.9 - 1.12
----------, Aug 8, 2018


[Added] Support for Spigot 1.13
[Added] Arena option 'LevelToJoin'.

[Fixed] A bug where wave Increasing settings works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where arena options does not applies correctly in the editor.
[Fixed] A bug where mobs does not follows the players on big size arenas.
[Fixed] A bug where items bought in lobby disappears when arena starts.
[Fixed] A bug where kit limits works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where taking coins works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where coins messages still displays even if disabled.
[Fixed] A bug where arena disables itself on plugin reload.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Aug 8, 2018

[Added] Arena config option 'Players.ClearPotionEffects'.

[Fixed] A bug where arena kit limits works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where players can join the arena without selected kit.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jul 14, 2018

[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jul 5, 2018

[Added] Config option 'General.PermanentKits'.
[Added] Arena options: 'AllowEnderPearl' and 'AllowChorus'.

[Fixed] Some bugs in mobs target mechanics.
[Fixed] A bug where Coins Tables works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where wolves does not attack mobs and bosses sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug in Kit Editor where remove potion effect did not works.
[Fixed] A bug in Boss Editor where Entity Types does not changes.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jul 4, 2018

[Fixed] Multiple reward commands.
[Fixed] "lock" the arena at the last wave until all mobs are killed.
[Fixed] A bit improved arena scheme saving task.
----------, Jun 26, 2018

[Added] Config section 'ArenaSelect'
[Added] Arena config options: 'Display.Slot' and 'Display.Page'.

[Fixed] Console errors.

[Misc] Code optimization.
----------, Jun 20, 2018

[Added] Kit Shop. Now all the kits are perma-buy.
[Added] Kit Preview for Kit Shop and Kit Selector.
[Added] Config sections: 'KitShop', 'KitSelector'.
[Added] Config option 'Page' for kit configs.

[Changed] 'stats' folder has been renamed to 'userdata'.

[Fixed] Some mistakes in Editor.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jun 16, 2018

[Added] Shop category config option 'Slot'.
[Added] Shop category and items config option 'Page'.
[Added] Shop category and items config option 'UnlockWave'.
[Added] Config option for the 'Shop' section 'Pages'.
[Added] Config options for the 'Shop' section 'Title', 'FormatCategory', 'FormatItem'.

[Changed] Now you can change your kit in the lobby until the game starts.

[Fixed] Some mistakes in shop editor.
[Fixed] Reward chances.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Jun 12, 2018

Fixed errors on Spigot 1.9/1.10
----------, May 25, 2018

[Fixed] Some bugs and mistakes in the Editor
[Fixed] A lot of console errors.
----------, May 25, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where wolves and mounts does not have a name.
[Fixed] A bug where mounts have attributes from wolves.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, May 6, 2018

Fixed console errors
----------, May 6, 2018

[Added] Arena waves editor (every, after, boss).

[Fixed] Arena scheme percentage calculation.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, May 5, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where players can't leave the arena.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, May 3, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where players can not leave the arena.
[Fixed] Console errors
----------, Apr 25, 2018

[Fixed] Console errors on hologram creating.
----------, Apr 15, 2018

[Fixed] A small bug in mob editor GUI on changing the entity type.
----------, Apr 14, 2018

[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Apr 14, 2018

I lost the change log, so you can see the changes by installing a new version of the plugin x'D. Please report any bugs if you found any.
After installing the new version it will backup your current AMA folder.

[New] Now with passive mobs!
[New] Now with custom mobs!
[New] Now with boss abilities!

[Added] Custom mobs configs.
[Added] Attack mechanic for passive mobs.
[Added] Top scores in arena scoreboard.
[Added] Something else...

[Fixed] Tons of bugs and errors.
[Fixed] Code optimize.
[Fixed] Performance improvement.
----------, Apr 11, 2018

[Fixed] Console errors
----------, Mar 1, 2018

[Fixed] A bug where an arena option 'save inventories' works incorrect.
----------, Feb 26, 2018

[Fixed] Console errors when editing the shop.

[Misc] Preparing for a big update 4.0
----------, Feb 25, 2018

[Fixed] Stats recording issue
----------, Feb 4, 2018

[Fixed] A bug with instant player death
[Fixed] A bug with stats recording.
[Fixed] A bug with shop slots per kits.
----------, Jan 21, 2018

[Fixed] An issue with saving arena items in craft inventory after leave the game.
[Fixed] Rounded number values in GUIs.
----------, Jan 6, 2018

[Added] New commands: /ama forcestart <Arena> and /ama forceend <Arena>
[Added] Permanent potion effects for kits. See at 'PotionEffects' section in kit configs.
[Added] Boss spawners. You can change it in /ama editor. If no spawners set, bosses will use mob spawners.

[Fixed] A bit performance improvement
----------, Dec 22, 2017

[Added] Arena option: Display.Slot - change slot in the arena list GUI
[Added] In-game chat for arena players. See config for the options.
----------, Dec 14, 2017

[Fixed] A bug with /ma command
[Fixed] Mistakes in the messages and stats files (thanks to @Verum).
[Fixed] Performance improvement.
----------, Nov 20, 2017

[Added] Kit option - GUISlot: <0-44>
[Added] Shop item option - slot: <0-44>
[Added] An arena wave option - TimeBeforeFirst: <Number>
[Added] Config option - CoinsMessage: <true/false>
[Added] Full item data support for the shop item display.
[Added] Player balance icons to the shop pages.
[Added] Increasing types: AMOUNT, HEALTH, DAMAGE, MYTHIC_LEVEL. Check waves.yml for details.
[Added] Formula for every increase type.

[Fixed] Some bugs with signs
[Fixed] A bit performance improvement.

[Dev] Added new events: AMACompleteWaveEvent, AMAStartArenaEvent, AMAEndArenaEvent
----------, Nov 15, 2017

[Fixed] Possible stats reset issue.
----------, Nov 10, 2017

[Fixed] A bug with boss waves
----------, Nov 9, 2017

[Added] A new stat type: Waves Passed. It counts the maximal wave that player has reached on the arena.
[Added] An arena option to enable/disable mcMMO on the arena.

[Changed] Stats are now only generating if the player has played the arena at least 1 times.

[Fixed] A bug where mobs have been despawned sometimes if the size of arena is large.
[Fixed] A bug where one arena kill mobs in all arenas.
[Fixed] A bug with player lives.
[Fixed] Some bugs with Arena editor.
[Fixed] Long NPC names in leaderboards.
[Fixed] Integration with PlaceholderAPI.
[Fixed] Console errors caused by commands and signs.
----------, Nov 8, 2017

[Added] Holograms plugin support
[Added] Stats purging. Disabled by default.

[Fixed] Some small bugs
[Fixed] A bug with config updating
[Fixed] Performance improvement
----------, Nov 1, 2017

[Added] /ama balance command
[Added] A config option AllowNotArenaMobsDamagePlayers: <true/false>

[Fixed] A bug with coins message
[Fixed] A small bug with shop editor
[Fixed] Player names in arena join message
----------, Oct 23, 2017

[Added] Support for Spigot 1.12.2
[Added] /ama coins <add|take|set|reset> commands
[Added] An option to add items from inventory to shop editor

[Fixed] Some console errors
----------, Oct 18, 2017

  • Fixed bugs with signs
  • Fixed console errors
----------, Oct 9, 2017

  • Fixed scoreboard not shows for all players
  • Fixed rewards unable to remove the item in game editor
----------, Oct 2, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,783
First Release: Jul 28, 2016
Last Update: Nov 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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