AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ]
The most powerful mob arena! With rewards, map progression, kits and custom mobs!
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Version History
7.15.0 Kits Update
Attribute Modifiers
! Now you can adjust player's attributes
(Movement Speed, Max Health, etc.)
when use certain kits.
' parameter for script actions. This makes script action to execute X ticks later.
Commands to manage player's kits: /
ama kit
[add | remove].
Kit purchase confirmation GUI.
Config option to toggle TNT placement & auto ignition.
Config option to 'fix' splash potions.
Config option to toggle fireball launch using Fire Charge.
Config option to prevent share of kit items on the arena.
Config option to restore player inventories even if kits are not used.
Config option to define fuse ticks for placed TNTs.
Config option to define randomized mob spawn location offset (to make it look more natural).
Button types 'KIT_SHOP' and 'KIT_SELECTOR' for Kit GUIs. So you can quickly switch between them.
Kit GUI configs were moved to '/menu/' plugin folder out of '/kits/'. Don't worry, the plugin will do it for you.
Mob Target
algorhythm. Mobs will target nearest players now. Previously they choosed random ones and tried to follow them no matter what.
Ally mobs
will follow their owners now
(or random player if has no owner)
Banned arena items will be removed from player inventories during the game.
Kit Preview GUI got better layout and supports Kit placeholders now.
Kit Shop and Selector GUIs got better layout and dynamic kit status in lore.
Kit Limits now supports asterisk '*' that defines limit for all non-listed kits.
Kits can contain up to 36 inventory items now (was 27).
When 'Permanent Kit Purchase' setting is disabled, purchased kits will last on player's account until they play a game with it.
Default kits remaked and improved.
Decreased fuse ticks for placed TNTs, so they explode faster.
Players & Mobs can not damage/debuff each other with splash or lingering potions (toggleable with config option).
A bug, where players can damage ally mobs.
A bug, where invisible players still being targetted by mobs.
A bug, where offhand items in kits not worked.
A bug, where potion effects not removed in spectating while dead.
A bug, where kits order was random in Kit Shop and Selector GUIs.
A bug, where players can use items while awaiting respawn from death.
Jan 15, 2024
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Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Jul 28, 2016
Last Update:
Nov 19, 2024
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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