AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ] icon

AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ] -----

The most powerful mob arena! With rewards, map progression, kits and custom mobs!

5.0.0 Beta Recoded
Configs from 4.x are NOT compatible with the new ones!!!

Arena schematics have been disabled due to performance issues. Arenas now will come 'static' - blocking and placing blocks is disabled until I found the solution.

There are may be bugs and errors.

[New] Storage types: MySQL and SQLite (no Flatfile anymore).
[New] All GUIs now are fully configurable!
[New] Modules. Now you can disable the some parts of the plugin if you don't want to use them.
[New] Kits, Shop and Stats now are modules and you can disable it.
[New] Scorebard was remaked. Now it requires ProtocolLib to work.
[New] Arena next wave conditions.
[New] Shop Holograms. Now you can buy items by clicking on item holograms. (HolographicDisplays required).

[Added] Citizens traits instead of old npc system.
[Added] Scoreboard placeholder to show time until the next wave.
[Added] An option to disable certain lobby items.
[Added] An option to spawn mobs only in nearest to player spawners.
[Added] An arena option to spawn items in containers in random order.

[API] Added ArenaSpectateEvent.

[Fixed] A huge code optimization, refactor and performance improvement.
[Fixed] Kit selector will no more be given if kits are not 'permament'.
[Fixed] Tons of the bugs and glitches.
[Fixed] Tons of GUI issues.
[Fixed] Placeholders in messages.yml.
[Fixed] Console errors.
----------, Feb 4, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,783
First Release: Jul 28, 2016
Last Update: Nov 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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