Configs from 4.x are NOT compatible with the new ones!!!
Arena schematics have been disabled due to performance issues. Arenas now will come 'static' - blocking and placing blocks is disabled until I found the solution.
There are may be bugs and errors.
[New] Storage types: MySQL and SQLite (no Flatfile anymore).
[New] All GUIs now are fully configurable!
[New] Modules. Now you can disable the some parts of the plugin if you don't want to use them.
[New] Kits, Shop and Stats now are modules and you can disable it.
[New] Scorebard was remaked. Now it requires ProtocolLib to work.
[New] Arena next wave conditions.
[New] Shop Holograms. Now you can buy items by clicking on item holograms. (HolographicDisplays required).
[Added] Citizens traits instead of old npc system.
[Added] Scoreboard placeholder to show time until the next wave.
[Added] An option to disable certain lobby items.
[Added] An option to spawn mobs only in nearest to player spawners.
[Added] An arena option to spawn items in containers in random order.
[API] Added ArenaSpectateEvent.
[Fixed] A huge code optimization, refactor and performance improvement.
[Fixed] Kit selector will no more be given if kits are not 'permament'.
[Fixed] Tons of the bugs and glitches.
[Fixed] Tons of GUI issues.
[Fixed] Placeholders in messages.yml.
[Fixed] Console errors.