AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ] icon

AdvancedMobArena ⚡ Сustom Mob Arenas & Dungeons [ HUGE REWORK COMING SOON ] -----

The most powerful mob arena! With rewards, map progression, kits and custom mobs!

7.0.0: REBOOT
Global Plugin Overhaul
Almost every plugin aspect have been changed in this update to improve and enhance the gameplay!

Arena GUI Editor Changes
To speed up the update process, GUI setup has been highly reduced. Some GUI editors will be added back in the next updates.
While it's good and sometimes easier to configure things in-game, some of them are better to be configured via config files.
Now GUI editor contains only the most important things that requires some kind of in-game interaction, visualization, etc.
All other simple settings like numbers, true and false values, lists, etc. have to be configured via config file.
You can find configuration tips and guides at the updated plugin wiki:

Arena Triggers and Conditions
A new system of custom conditions gives you even more control on the game on each arena!
Now you can define multiple condition sections, where you can provide the only conditions you want to proceed.
When more than 1 condition section is present, it will look for ANY section which met all the requirements.
This system allows you, for example, to require player to have certain permission to join the arena OR have certain amount of money, or both of them!

Arena Dynamic Spots
New feature that allows you to bring more dynamic into arena gameplay!
This system allows you to create a special places, that could be changed during the game on certain triggers (wave start/end, region lock/unlock, score amount, etc).
With this system you can make something like a levels, where level doors will be opened only at the certain time.

Arena Kill Streaks
To make mob killing and arena progression more funny, there is a Kill Streak feature!
With kill streaks you can reward players with extra coins and score points.
Kill streaks also contains configurable message with output type and commands list.

Arena Rewards
Rewards obtain a new pretty useful option called 'instant'.
This option defines if reward should be instantly given to the player in game or not.

Arena Shop
Now every arena has it's own shop config file instead of global one. No categories anymore.
Added an option to hide items that are not suitable for player kit; an option to lock the shop until wave ends.
Added new product unlock conditions (see above 'Arena Triggers').

Mob Leveling
Another new feature that opens a bit more possibilities to the mob customization.
Now any arena mob will have a level that can be increased by arena wave progression options.
Also you can adjust mob attributes depends on it's level!

Mob Spawning
Mob spawning system has been improved a lot to keep the arena balance.
Now if arena has more than 1 active region, mob amount and spawn location will depends on player amount in each arena region. The more players in region = the mobs will be spawned there.
If some arena regions becomes inactive during the game while there are alive mobs, they will be moved to the active arena region to prevent them stuck in unaccessible areas.

Kit Selection
Fixed auto default kit selection.
Now it respects user obtained kits and it's conditions, and will randomly choose one of them if it's possible.
Also respects 'default' option of all kits instead of the first one.

Huge Performance Improvements
A lot Reduced RAM and CPU usage.
A lot improved runtime performance.
Removed duplicated, unnecessary messages.
----------, Mar 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,783
First Release: Jul 28, 2016
Last Update: Nov 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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