DO A BACKUP OF YOUR ARENAS FOLDER! ALL YOUR CURRENT SETTINGS WILL BE CONVERTED TO NEW FORMATS, BUT MISTAKES ARE POSSIBLE. PLEASE, CHECK THE PLUGIN WIKI FOR NEW TUTORIALS ABOUT ARENA MANAGEMENT AND CREATION. [New]Arena Script System. A new system comes to replace old Game Triggers! It's very-very simple, but a lot more flexible, customizable and extensible!
[Added] Support for Spigot 1.19.4
[Changed]Arena Containers renamed to 'Supply Chests'. They are not bound to regions anymore. Now you can use anycontainer as supply chest (Shulker boxes, Barrels, etc.).
[Improved] Arena Shop GUIs got better layout and some lore dynamics. [Improved] When item pickup is disabled on arena, all ground items will be burned out instead of laying there until the game end.
[Removed]Arena Amplifiers is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple scripts: 'adjust_mob_amount' and 'adjust_mob_level'. [Removed]Arena Auto Commands is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple script: 'run_command'. [Removed]Arena Region Waves is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple script: 'inject_wave'. [Removed]Lock/Unlock triggers for Shop and Regions is not a thing anymore. Their functional was implemented as simple scripts: 'unlock_shop', 'lock_shop' and similar. [Removed]Arena Reward triggers, chance and targets. Their functional was implemented as simple script and condition: 'chance' and 'give_reward'.
[Fixed] Various minor bugs and mistakes in all arena mechanics.
As you can see, a lot of things were removed and replaced by simple scripts instead of making configs every time for each of them. I hope it will make arena creation more clear and easier for all users.