- There's is an entirely new way of defining clues in the config with much more options available! These will be documented in more detail on the plugin page.
- Added MythicMobs support with the mythicmobs_death clue
- Added Boss support with the boss_death clue
- Permission clue is now disabled by default (set to -1 in config). It is known to pose many lag issues.
- Change to PlayerClueCompletedEvent
As usual, configs will update themselves.
============== INTERNAL ==============
horsejump: variant, color, style, world
blockbreak: material, blockdata, blockx, blocky, blockz, world
blockplace: material, blockdata, blockx, blocky, blockz, world
breed: entitytype, entitycustomname, world
bucketempty: bucketcontents (water, lava, or milk), world
bucketfill: bucketcontents (water, lava, or milk), world
craft: material, itemdata, itemname, world,
eat: material, itemdata, itemname, world
enchant: material, itemdata, itemname, world
fish: material, itemdata, itemname, world
glide: world
harvest: material, blockdata, world
kill: entitytype, entitycustomname, world
permission: permission
ride: vehicletype (an entitytype), world
shear: entitytype, woolcolor (DyeColor string) or wooldata (to specify the data id value of the color), world
swim: world
tame: entitytype, entitycustomname, world
walk: world
============== EXTERNAL ==============
askyblock_challengecomplete: challengename, rewardtext
askyblock_islandcreate: schematicname, protectionsize
askyblock_warpcreate: NONE
askyblock_enterisland: islandowner (player name), protectionsize
askyblock_exitisland: islandowner (player name), protectionsize
askyblock_joinisland: islandowner (player name), protectionsize
askyblock_jointeam: teamleader (player name)
askyblock_leaveisland: islandowner (player name), protectionsize
askyblock_leaveteam: teamleader (player name)
askyblock_minishopbuy: material, itemdata
askyblock_minishopsell: material, itemdata
askyblock_warpremove: NONE
askyblock_islandreset: NONE
askyblock_visitisland: islandowner (player name), protectionsize
autosell_autosell: material, itemdata
autosell_sellall: material, itemdata
autosell_signsellall: material, itemdata
chatreaction_win: word
towny_nationcreate: nation, world
towny_nationenter: nation, world
towny_nationexit: nation, world
towny_towncreate: town, world
towny_townenter: town, world
towny_townexit: town, world
votifier_vote: service, address
worldguard_regionenter: region, world
worldguard_regionexit: region, world
boss_death: entitytype, entitycustomname, bossname, world
mythicmobs_death: entitytype, entitycustomname, mythicmobtype, world