New Clues and Bug Fixes
== Version 2.4.0 ==
- MoreFish hook
- Added morefish_catch clue (length, name, rarity)
- You can only purchase a cluescroll if there's space in your inventory. If there is no space, it is not purchased and the player is messaged that they need inventory space.
- Data that uses numbers, you can now specific a range. Example: 10-50. Ex: On the new morefish_catch clue you can use ranges for the length
- CrateReloaded hook
- Added AuctionHouse hook
- Added Auctions hook
- Added Autorank hook
- Added auctionhouse_start clue (startingprice, material, itemdata, itemname)
- Added auctionhouse_win clue (soldprice, material, itemdata, itemname)
- Added auctionhouse_sell clue (soldprice, material, itemdata, itemname)
- Added auctions_start clue (startingprice, bidincrement, material, itemdata, itemname)
- Added auctions_win clue (soldprice, bidincrement, material, itemdata, itemname)
- Added auctions_sell clue (soldprice, bidincrement, material, itemdata, itemname)
- Added autorank_promote clue (world, fromgroup, togroup)