⭐ ClueScrolls ⭐ ║ [1.8 TO 1.21] [250+ clue types] NEW Default Config + Rewards!!! icon

⭐ ClueScrolls ⭐ ║ [1.8 TO 1.21] [250+ clue types] NEW Default Config + Rewards!!! -----

Complete scrolls and receive rewards! Similar to treasure wars! Quests Missions plugin

Biggest Update Since 2.0.0!
NOTE: Please hang tight while the plugin page is updated and documented.

== Version 2.1.8 ==

- Added word "mystery" to give and giveall command autocomplete. Fixes it in the ClueScrollsAPI class where the command tab complete gets it from.
- Added harvest clue (wheat, carrot, potato, and beet root in 1.9+)
- Added support for world guard. (Block break will not count if the player's access is denied)
- Added horsejump clue (dataType of Horse.Varient & metadata of wildcard (none). In the future metadata could specify style and color of Horse)
- Added some internal things to help implement new hooks into plugins.
- Added WorldGuard hook
- Added worldguard_regionenter clue. data is region name, meta data is world name.
- Added wordguard_regionexit clue. data is region name, meta data is world name. Must be either spawn, move, or teleport. A disconnection does not count.
- Changes to ClueScrolsAPI (giveScroll and giveRandomScroll will not obey if bind is enabled. There are new variations which allow you to specify the player, their UUID, or UUID string if obeying bind is needed)
- Added bind option to all tiers (and mystery scroll)
- Added not-bound-to-player message to language file
- Added config option inventory.reward.size
- Added config option inventory.reward.randomly-place-items to randomly place the reward items in the inventory
- Reward inventory has protection if there are more rewards to be given when there is space. On loading the plugin you will also receive a warning. Without these checks, it would be possible to crash the server upon receiving rewards.
- Added bucketfill and bucketempty clues. Uses data string water, lava or milk
- Added ASkyBlock hook
- Added askyblock_challengecomplete clue. Data is the challenge name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_islandcreate clue. Data is island shcematic name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_islandreset clue. No data, no meta data
- Added askyblock_enterisland clue. Walk/Enter an island. Data of island owner's name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_exitisland clue. Walk/Leave an island. Data of island owner's name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_joinisland clue. Join/become a member of an island. Data of island owner's name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_leaveisland clue. Leave/de-member from an island. Data of island owner's name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_minishopbuy clue. amount is quantity purchases, data is item type/material, meta data is item data
- Added askyblock_jointeam clue. data is team leader's name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_leaveteam clue. data is team leader's name, no meta data
- Added askyblock_warpcreate clue. no data, no meta data
- Added askyblock_warpremove clue. no data, no meta data
- Added askyblock_vistisland clue. data is island owner's name. no meta data. Similar to askyblock_enterisland clue except it only counts if the player is not owner or member of the island that is entered.
- Added Towny hook
- Added towny_townenter clue. data is town name, meta data is world name.
- Added towny_townexit clue. data is region name, meta data is world name. Must be either spawn, move, or teleport. A disconnection does not count.
- Added towny_towncreate clue. data is town name, meta data is world name.
- Added towny_nationcreate clue. data is nation name, meta data is world name.
- Added towny_nationenter clue. data is nation name, meta data is world name.
- Added towny_nationexit clue. data is nation name, meta data is world name. Must be either spawn, move, or teleport. A disconnection does not count.
- Added ChatReaction hook
- Added chatreaction_win clue. data is word name, no meta data
- Added votifier hook
- Added votifier_vote clue. data is service name, meta data is address
- New system of notifying if dependencies are missing. Will only notify if they're attempted being used.
----------, Dec 17, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 824
First Release: Oct 14, 2016
Last Update: Feb 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
91 ratings
Find more info at wiki.electro2560.com...
Version -----
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