BentoBox clues:
- bentobox_createisland(
islandowner, gamemode)
- bentobox_enterisland(
islandowner, gamemode)
- bentobox_exitisland(
islandowner, gamemode)
- bentobox_jointeam(
islandowner, gamemode)
- bentobox_leaveteam(
islandowner, gamemode)
- bentobox_resetisland(
islandowner, gamemode)
- bentobox_visitisland(
islandowner, gamemode)
BentoBox Challenge Clues:
- bentobox_challengecomplete
(challengeid, completedcount)
BentoBox Level Clues:
- bentobox_levelcalculated
islandowner represents the name of the island owner
gamemode represents the BentoBox gamemode name of the island
challengeid represents the challenge id of a challenge
completedcount represents the number of the amount completed
level represents the level as a number
Renamed fabledskyblock_islandcreate clue to fabledskyblock_createisland