SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! icon

SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! -----

The most popular Skywars plugin, but updated! New features, fixes and much more.


1.20.6 and 1.21 support
----------, Oct 7, 2024


1.21 support
Added support for hanging (wall) join signs
Fixed signs not updating instantly
----------, Sep 28, 2024


1.20.2 support.

This feature should support upcoming versions from 1.19.2 and newer because of our new NMS system.
----------, Oct 31, 2023


1.20 and 1.19.4 support!
Added a bunch of API features as needed upon request.
Added checks to ensure people are using the correct extension version if present. Logs will inform the user which extension version is required for this SWR version.
Improved the chat handling.
Fixed skywars trying to format chat that's not part of the skywars lobby or games.
Fixed a few bugs related to world loading (especially when using SWM in 1.8).
Fixed messages.yml not being used for the name of modifiers voted in-game.
Fixed other various bugs.

And various updates & fixes
----------, Jun 16, 2023


Added MC 1.19.3 support.
----------, Jan 6, 2023


minor bugs reported over the last month
Added MyWorlds as a soft dependency to fix the load order of the two plugins .

This update only fixes small issues. SWR will not receive any feature updates due to the rewriting of the plugin as v6.
----------, Sep 23, 2022


incorrect default value for 1.13+ config.yml versions.
----------, Jun 25, 2022


1.19 support!
Changed default join items to swords.
----------, Jun 10, 2022

Hello everyone!

This version adds support for mc 1.18.2 (not other versions of 1.18!). Besides that, it does not add any other features or fixes. This is due to the fact that we are currently recoding this entire plugin from the ground up, aka v6.
Join our Discord to stay up to date on the latest changes.
----------, Apr 2, 2022

Fixed some bugs.
----------, Aug 11, 2021


1.17 support.
Added ability to create parties without specifying a name.
Added support for totem-of-undying.
Added a new message for /SWR list that displays if no maps were found.
Added ability to register map from console
Added ability to create parties without specifying a name
Improved map refreshing time.
Improved SlimeWorldManager world refreshing and saving.
Fixed scoreboard, title, experience, and chat countdown not synced.
Fixed bug with the game ending after one player died.
Fixed taunts still working in waiting mode.
Fixed items not dropping when a player dies.
Fixed player dying when dropping from their cage.
Fixed 31 other bugs.
----------, Jun 13, 2021

As many of you know, we messed up pretty badly in v5.4.1 causing a lot of bugs. We recently started recoding a big part of the game managers, such as leaving, dying, and spectating, and managed to fix all bugs regarding these things.
Please know that this is a beta! We did test it, but may not have been all bugs, so please report any bugs you encounter to our discord server

Recoded the leave managers. All plugins hooking into our SWR need to update!!
Converted the project to Maven.
Fixed double death messages.
Fixed not dying bug.
Fixed a lot more to mention.
----------, Mar 9, 2021


This update completely removes the ELO system from the plugin!! It was buggy and did not work as expected. Make sure to update your messages.yml file because the placeholders will no longer work!
We also recoded the kit lores. This requires your kits to be set up again (at least the lores!). We replaced lore1, lore2 etc. with a List lore: - ....

Full changelog:
Removed ELO from the plugin. Make sure to remove occurrences of the elo placeholders from the messages.yml, holograms.yml, and other files.
Recoded kit lores! They are no longer in format of "line1, line2" but are now in a list: "lores.unlocked"! [IMPORTANT!]
Added a 'SkyWarsReloadEvent' event for developers, called when '/sw reload' is executed.
Added a glow effect (enchantment) to the voting menu to the currently selected vote of a player.
Fixed '/swm delete' throwing an error.
Fixed scoreboard placeholders for spectators not being replaced.
Fixed '/sw quit' not working for spectators.
Fixed not showing the right scoreboard when leaving a game.
Fixed taunts still working while spectating a game.
Fixed being able to teleport to other players using the spectator menu.
Fixed next event placeholders for scoreboards not displayed the right events and going negative.
Fixed /sw holoadd's succession message placeholders not being replaced.
Fixed {winners..} placeholders sometimes not being removed on scoreboard.
Fixed game bug which caused players that were riding an entity when they joined to bug in a game.
----------, Feb 7, 2021

Fixed updater sending messages when no update had been found.

My GCNT message: this and the previous update contain a new My GCNT update-notifier which notifies server admins when a new version of the plugin is available. It checks through MyGCNT, not SpigotMC. As we often pre-release versions on MyGCNT, you may get a notification before it's released on SpigotMC. You can just download it from the link the plugin gives you, it's the same file.
----------, Jan 10, 2021


We've worked really hard on this update and we managed to fix a LOT of things. This time it's a big ass changelog, so enjoy! Check out the MyGCNT page for the full description.

Added a fun little updater to check for updates from MyGCNT.
Added a new config option to change the time display formats on scoreboards and other messages.
Added a new command to teleport players to the skywars lobby: /sw lobby
Added a new command to check if a chest is center/regular: /swm checkchest
Added default voting types to arenas (including default chests), configurable per arena.
Added a confirmation message to the /sw hologram command to let you know the hologram was created.
Added a new config option to allow the disabling of displaying the timer on the XP level bar: "game.displayTimerOnLevelbar".
Added configurable messages for the hologram creation and removing commands.
Added async to Bungeecord pings to decrease the threat weight.
Added a new option to the enderdragon event: "makeDragonInvulnerable" allowing dragons to be invulnerable.
Fixed breaking diamond block of spawn location not removing the spawn on solo games.
Fixed wrong inventory rollback when leaving a team game in waitstart.
Fixed enderdragons not being able to break blocks in matches.
Fixed teammates being able to damage each other when friendly fire was disabled.
Fixed the player count on leave messages being invisible.
Fixed UTF-8 characters not working in files.
Fixed commands sending wrong usage messages when the usage was right.
Fixed players getting kicked out of their game on Bungeecord servers.
Removed some junk classes, saving space.
----------, Jan 2, 2021

Fixed a bug where it would say your teams were unbalanced on register when separate cages were disabled.
Fixed a bug for bungeecord servers regarding JSON stuff.
----------, Nov 15, 2020

Added support for 1.16.4
Fixed PAPI placeholders 'kill_death' and 'win_loss' to only be detected when all characters were lowercase.
----------, Nov 6, 2020

Fixed a bug on 1.16 servers where the plugin would throw an error on QuickDeath.
----------, Oct 18, 2020

It is FINALLY here!! The update that allows EVERYONE to download SkyWarsReloaded from whatever platform they want, including Aternos! Because SpigotMC downloads are back!!
We managed to merge both the 1.8-1.12 and the 1.13+ version of the plugin into one version, by doing some difficult stuff with the WorldEdit API.
But don't worry, nothing is going to change for you. Just install the latest version, and you'll be all set.
We have also added team chats, some placeholders, and fixed quite some bugs.
We have worked SUPER hard on this version, so please, please think about donating:

Added team chats! Send messages to your team members only. Use an '!' in front of the message to talk globally.
Added a {level} placeholder to the chat formats so you can display the player's EXP level.
Added support for both WorldEdit version in one SWR version! There's no need to download a server-based version anymore.
Added an option to set the team number as the material amount in the team selection menu.
Added a 5 tick (0.25 second) cooldown for lobby items.
Fixed bungeecord people not able to join games.
Fixed bungeecord signs not updating correctly.
Fixed the menus bugging back when opening from another menu on 1.16+.
Fixed the teamMaterial item in the selection menu not being shown when it wasn't WOOL, BANNER or STAINED_GLASS
Fixed a bug for chat messages in which the plugin would break when the message contained a '%'-character.
Fixed a typo in the messages.yml
Removed some debug.
----------, Oct 17, 2020

In this update, we've rewritten almost every message in the messages.yml to be more modern, have better grammar, and have colors that match each other better.
We suggest you remove your current messages.yml and let the SWR generate the new one for you. But only if you haven't modified most messages of it yourself.

Added tab complete for all commands.
Added new {votes} option to the messages that are sent when you vote for a game option.
Rewritten all messages in the messages.yml to have less ugly color combinations and better grammar.
Added join and leave messages in the chat.
Re-added the join titles. Apparently, the start titles were displayed on join.
Added some issue fixes in case a sign is missing at a registered sign location.
Added new {map} and {creator} placeholders to the game start titles.
Added a default string: "&cNo events" for the {nextevent_name} placeholder in case there are no events.
Fixed the random vote item still popping up in the menu when disabled.
Fixed some bugs for player option menus.
Removed some debug that was left from a bug fixing.
----------, Sep 5, 2020

Fixed bug regarding the '/swm spawn' command producing an NPE.
Fixed bug regarding the '/swm debug' command to display an empty string in the command list.
----------, Sep 4, 2020

In this update, we've completely recoded the scoreboard system to go from line1: ... to a list of lines.
All your scoreboard configuration lines will be reset to default. You will not lose your current setup, but you will have to transfer the lines.

the scoreboard system! Added 1.16.2 support.
Added new placeholders to the scoreboards: {players_needed}, {waitingtimer}, {nextevent_time}, {nextevent_name}, {kills}.
Added support for (MVdW)PlaceholderAPI on Scoreboards!
Added support for SlimeWorldManager world storage, enable it in the config.
Fixed scoreboard gap lines for {winnerX} placeholders when there were fewer winners than placeholders; those empty lines will now be removed.
Fixed the {aliveplayers} placeholder on the scoreboard which wasn't updating. It now works!
Fixed the 'clearInventoryOnLobbyJoin' option which was clearing the inventory after giving the lobby items, it now clears it before.
Removed some junk code.
----------, Sep 4, 2020

It's finally here! A lot of blood, sweat, and tears; but from all that pain, some new features and fixes were born! We've fixed some things and recoded A LOT. Make sure to read everything below to know what all changed, so there are no surprises. Please consider supporting us on Patreon / PayPal: or
This is a big update. We highly recommend you to backup your player data files.
For all team games out there: spawns have to be reconfigured in order to work!

Recoded a LOT of the plugin's code!
Added waiting lobbies to team games.
Added separate cages for team games.
Added a new subcommand to set team spawns / the waiting lobby spawn (/swm spawn player <team> AND /swm spawn lobby).
Added 1.16 support.
Added a new option to disable colored names in the tablist based on the team.
Added a team selector menu for team games in waiting mode.
Added a new option to clear the inventory on lobby join.
Added an interaction block for WorldEdit wands when in a game.
Added the countdown timer for the game to be displayed as the player's exp level instantly.
Added more detailed messages in case registering an arena failed to complete.
Added a new API event 'SkyWarsSelectTeamEvent'.
Changed how kit and game options vote work. You are now required to be in a team in order to choose one.
Fixed a bug regarding the Bungeecord join game signs.
Fixed a bug regarding the ghast event.
Fixed a bug regarding the crate drop event.
Fixed an error that would come up on 1.13+ servers regarding the scoreboard.
Fixed a bug where teammates were able to hit each other.
Fixed a bug regarding the /swm register command where it would send the help message even after completing it.
Fixed a bug for 1.11+ where action bar messages would be sent as a regular message.
----------, Aug 7, 2020

Added a new feature that removes the player's join and quit messages.
Fixed bug where players were instantly being returned to the lobby when joining a game on Bungeecord servers.
Fixed the join menu being empty on Bungeecord game servers (this shouldn't really be used though).
----------, Jun 16, 2020

Added console support for the '/swm list' command.
Added a new option to disable the scavenger chest.
Added a new option to just disable the join items without disabling the menus completely.
Fixed some issues in the NMS (version based method) handlers causing the plugin to crash on some versions.
----------, Jun 15, 2020

Added bungeecord support. The previous system was not working.
Added sign support for bungeecord lobbies. Previously, it wasn't possible to join through signs on bungeecord networks.
Added a {level} placeholder to the lobby scoreboard, and %swr_level% and {swr_level} to (MVdW)PAPI.
Fixed some issues with the Messenger system that sends skywars messages.
Fixed a bug regarding the PvP-wait-timer.
Fixed the bug in Bungeecord games where you were teleported to a normal world first before being put in the game.
Fixed the bug in Bungeecord games where you were teleported to a normal world first after leaving a game before being sent back to the lobby.

A youtube tutorial about how to setup SkywarsReloaded on bungeecord will air later today.
----------, Jun 14, 2020

Fixed spectator menus not being clickable.
Changed some API changes for future extension updates.
----------, May 16, 2020

Entered the wrong download link. Should be fixed now.
----------, Apr 28, 2020

Version: 4.3.4

Added a new clear inventory on win option to the config
Added a new enable flight on win option to the config (this already was a feature, but now it's configurable)
Added quickRespawn for players that won a game. If they jump into the void and reach y=-10, they will be teleported to the spectator spawn
Fixed cages folder not being created automatically.
Fixed cages to support .schem files as well (for 1.13 )
Fixed players not getting damage in games
Fixed a bug regarding quickDeath
Fixed team cages being removed when a team member left
Removed the allowFallDamage option from the plugin
----------, Apr 28, 2020

First of all, an important one, we are now hosting the downloads on our own platform: My GCNT. We will not be removing this resource from spigot or such a thing, we only changed the place to download it.
This is because of recent feature adds, we have to make a separate version for 1.8-1.12 and 1.13+. We were able to easily do this on our own site.
The page contains official builds and snapshots. Snapshots contain just-added features and fixes and are mostly not tested. If you want a stable version, you have to wait for it to become an official release. You will then be notified on SpigotMC.

Added PVP wait timer after cages have opened. If the timer ends, a title and message will be broadcasted (this can be changed/disabled).
Added schematic cages for SOLO cages. This is not yet for team games!!
Added quick death. When a player reaches a certain y-coord, it marks them as dead.
Added game kick on world teleport. If a player gets teleported out of an arena, they will be removed from the game. This could be useful for servers that have a /hub or /lobby command which doesn't let the player quit the game automatically.
Added join sign support for worlds other than the lobby world.
Fixed not being able to die in the void when fall damage was disabled.
Fixed not being able to remove a join sign because you always kept joining. Note that if you are OP, you can no longer join a game while shifting.
Fixed the map failed to register message not being shown properly.
Fixed a bug in the chest manager.

When downloading, make sure to download the version matching your server version!
----------, Apr 21, 2020

It took us some time, but the arenas menu is back!
You can now manage your arenas through that menu again like you used to be.

Fixed arenas menu being empty.
Added option in the config.yml to disable the winning broadcast.

Make sure to install the Extension if you haven't already. It's really good.
----------, Mar 4, 2020

Fixed an error on startup that caused the plugin to not work.
----------, Feb 10, 2020

Added customization for the join menus. Item lores are now configurable in the messages.yml under the section menu.
Added per-arena customization for arena join icons in the join menu. Each arena can now have its own item on the menu.
Fixed a sign interaction error.
Fixed leaderboard signs giving errors on walls.
----------, Feb 10, 2020

Added 1.15 support!
Added a command to set the team size: /swm teamsize. Before, you had to set it manually which was pretty annoying. So here it is :)
Fixed join signs not working smoothly. You now no longer need an empty hand when joining through signs.
Fixed a bug where the plugin wouldn't load due spawn issues. This should help a lot of people as it has been reported a lot.

Please remember that you can get early access to all versions/updates of this (and all our other plugins) plugin via our dashboard site: My GCNT.
Just register, and go to the plugins page, click SkyWarsReloaded and download the most upper version. Join our Discord to stay up-to-date.
----------, Dec 20, 2019

Hey, so in the previous version I fixed the sign bug, but that created some other bugs regarding cross-version NMS things. But that's all fixed now.
So use this version and you'll be fine :)
----------, Nov 15, 2019

Okay, so here's the deal:
We kind of had a big struggle with the Signs where the wall signs kept being blank. But we fixed it. So I had no idea that the sign system had changed in 1.13, but I do not, added the new system support, and it works fine :)

Added 1.13+ support for wall signs.
Fixed wall sign bug for 1.13 and 1.14.
----------, Nov 4, 2019

This update adds support for the SkywarsReloaded-Extension.
If you set the option override_item_join_actions to true in the config.yml of the extension, Skywars will override the actions of the join menu when clicking the item in the menu based on what you set the option no_arena_specified_action to in that config.
----------, Aug 31, 2019

Added a small method for plugins to check if it's the updated version because this version has some new/changes methods that can cause errors if the server has installed the updated version but the plugin hooks into the actual plugin.
----------, Jul 30, 2019

Added look direction for arenas. You can set the location players will look at when they spawn in their cages. This is configurable in the config. Set it with /swm spawn look.
Added developer API events.
Fixed spawn bug being thrown on startup when it wasn't set.
Fixed wall sign bug for 1.13+
----------, Jul 30, 2019

Fixed sign bug for 1.13+ where it was only detecting POST signs
Added when deleting a world, all players in that world are being teleported to the lobby spawn
Fixed a bug where normal players where able to break signs. You now need the permission 'sw.signs'. You also need to sneak now
Fixed a bug where the gamemode was set before teleporting to arena. Could cause interruptions with perWorld plugins
----------, Jul 23, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 140,551
First Release: Jul 17, 2019
Last Update: Oct 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
193 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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