!! SURVEY !! Please take ~6 minutes of your time to fill out our survey about SkyWarsReloaded V6, our upcoming and most exciting installment of the popular Minecraft game mode yet: SkyWarsReloaded V6 Survey
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We've had a lot of requests for updating the SkywarsReloaded plugin. We also had a lot of feature requests and bug reports. After quite a time, we decided to maintain the popular SkywarsReloaded plugin.
This plugin is the exact same version as the official one (4.1.3), but adds more features, fixes, and 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, and 1.21 support! You can just update to this version without removing any of your current Skywars files as it all works the same. Please note that the official Skywars plugin is no longer in development. The development of that plugin will be continued here.
If you want to even have more fun out of your Skywars game, make sure to install our Extension. It adds a lot more commands, allows you to import maps, a fancy in-game menu kit editor, NPCs, autojoin, and much more. For new feature requests, make sure to join our Discord server. The invite link is below.
Dependencies WorldEdit
Extra Features The features listed below are extra features. This plugin contains the same features as the official SkywarsReloaded plugin because this is an updated version. The official plugin is no longer in development, so we're continuing it.
Added tab complete for commands.
Added team chats. Use a ! in front of the message to talk globally.
Added join and leave messages on game join.
Added a new scoreboard system for less lag, more efficiency, and PAPI support.
Added a waiting lobby to team games!
Added the ability to enable separate cages for team games.
Added a team selector for team games.
Added an option to disable the join-waiting timer being reset every time a new player joins the game (config.yml -> game.resetTimerOnJoin).
Added detailed description messages in case an arena failed to register.
Added look direction spawn. Players will face this location when they join the map. Must be enabled in the config.
Hooks into the extension to override the actions when clicking the join item in the inventory.
Added join menu customization for items. You can now change the lores and display names.
Added join menu per-arena icons. Each arena can have its own icon.
Added option in config to disable the winning broadcast.
Fixed arenas menu being empty.
Fixed the PlaceholderAPI expansion error.
Fixed holograms giving errors when HolographicDisplays wasn't installed.
Fixed spectate skulls being duplicated.
Quick Death
Schematic cages for solo games (requires WorldEdit)
Fixed player spawn points being forgotten after setting them.
Fixed wall signs being empty bug on 1.13+.
Main Features These are the features that were already included by the main author (walrusone). These features may change and all new features will be listed above under 'extra features'.
5 different scoreboard types for different game statuses.
Supports (MVdW)PlaceholderAPI
20 custom placeholders
32 characters on 1.8-1.12, unlimited on 1.13+
BungeeCord support
Lobby server with join signs & menu
Game servers (auto arena join when joining the server)
Returned to lobby server after game ends
Solo games
Team games
Waiting lobby for team games
Team selector
Group cages/single cages
Join games through signs
Join games through menus
Chat system
4 chat formats
Lobby, spectate, ingame, and team chat
Option to disable custom chat, and use another plugin's chat system
Optional externalPrefix option to add a prefix to another plugin's chat system (disabled by default).
Okay so there are way more features, but I can't name them all, so these are the most important ones. Just install the plugin and you will see
Player Commands
sw quit: Quits from the current game
sw join: Join a SkyWars match
sw spectate [playername/mapname]: Spectates the game that the player is in or the map.
sw stats [playername]: Shows a players stats
sw top [stat]: Displays SkyWars leaderboard for the selected stat
sw options: Opens the options selection menu.
sw winsound: Opens the win sound selection menu.
sw killsound: Opens the kill sound selection menu.
sw glass: Opens the glass color selection menu.
sw taunt: Opens the taunt selection menu.
sw particle: Opens the particle effect selection menu.
sw projectile: Opens the projectile effect selection menu.
Admin Commands
sw setspawn: Sets the lobby spawn.
sw stat [playername] [stat] [method] [amount]: Changes a players stat based on the method. For integer stats, method can be "add", "remove", or "set". For non-integer stats, always use "set".
sw clearstats [playername]: Clears a SkyWars players stats
sw reload: Reloads SkyWars
sw chestadd [chesttype] [method] [percentage]: Adds item(s) in hand/inventory to the chesttype with the assigned percentage. Type can be basic, normal, op, or crate.
sw start: Forces a match to start without having the minimum players listed the maps.yml.
sw updatetop: Forces an update of the leaderboards.
sw hologram [stat] [format]: Adds a hologram at your eye location.
/sw holoremove: Removes the closest hologram leaderboard.
Kit Commands
swkit create [kitname]: Create a kit using the items in your inventory
swkit enable [kitname]: Toggles whether the kit is enabled or disabled
swkit icon [kitname]: Sets the icon for the kit to the itemstack in your hand
swkit lockicon [kitname]: Sets the locked icon for the kit to the itemstack in your hand
swkit perm [kitname]: Toggles whether a permission is needed to unlock the kit
swkit list: Lists all kits
swkit load [kitname]: Clears your inventory and loads the kit into your inventory
swkit lore [kitname] [number] [lore]: Used to set up to 16 lines of lore and locked lore. <number> can be between 1 and 16 or the string "locked". Can include color codes.
swkit name [kitname] [displayname]: Sets the display name for the kit. Can include color codes.
swkit position [kitname] [position]: Sets the icon position within the kit menu
swkit update [kitname]: Updates the kit <kitname> with your current inventory
Map Commands
swmap arenas:Opens an Arena GUI
swmap spawn look: Sets the face direction for the players. They will look to that location when they join the game.
swmap create [mapname]: Creates a map named [mapname]
swmap edit [mapname]: Opens a map named [mapname] for editing
swmap delete [mapname]: Deletes a map named [mapname]
swmap list: Lists available maps
swmap register [mapname]: Registers a map named [mapname]
swmap unregister [mapname]: Unregisters a map named [mapname]
swmap save [mapname]: Saves an open map named [mapname]
swmap minimum [mapname] [number]: Sets the minimum players for [mapname]
swmap name [mapname] [displayname]: Sets the display name for [mapname]
swmap creator [mapname] [creator]: Sets the creator name for [mapname]
swmap refresh [mapname]: Reloads the map.yml data file for the specific map. [mapname] can be set to "all" to reload all map.yml's.
swmap spawn [type] [team]: Adds a spawn at your location when in edit mode. Type can be "player", "spec", "look" or "death". If you are configuring a team game, you need to specify the team number.
swmap chesttype [mapname]: Toggles between the chest types that can be added.
swmap legacyload [mapname]: This will run the scanner and you will receive messages stating chests and spawns are added. See further instruction for this command below.
Party Commands
swparty create [partyname]: Creates a party named [partyname]
swparty accept: Accepts a party invite
swparty decline: Declines a party invite
swparty disband: Disbands your party
swparty info: Lists your parties info
swparty invite [player]: Invites a player to your party
swparty leave: Leaves your current party
swparty name [partyname]: Changes your parties name
Group Permissions
sw.admin: Allows a player to use all admin commands.
sw.maps: Allows a player to use all map commands.
sw.kits: Allows a player to use all kit commands.
sw.parties: Allows a player to use all party commands
sw.player: Allows a player to use all player commands
Player Permissions
sw.join: Allows a player to use sw join command and to join games.
sw.stats: Allows a player to view player stats.
sw.top: Allows a player to view the leaderboard.
sw.quit: Allows a player to use sw quit command.
sw.winsound: Allows a player to use sw winsound command.
sw.killsound: Allows a player to use sw killsound command.
sw.glass: Allows a player to use sw glass command.
sw.taunt: Allows a player to use sw taunt command.
sw.projectile: Allows a player to use sw projectile command.
sw.particle: Allows a player to use sw particle command.
sw.spectate: Allows a player to spectate using the spectate menu or the spectate command.
sw.vip1: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip1.
sw.vip2: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip2.
sw.vip3: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip3.
sw.vip4: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip4.
sw.vip5: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip5.
sw.kit.[filename]: Allows the player to unlock voting on a permission required kit. [filename] is the filename of the kit without the “.yml”
sw.votemenu: Allows a player to open the in game voting menu.
sw.chestvote: Allow a player to vote on the chest type in pregame menus.
sw.healthvote: Allow a player to vote on the health amount in pregame menus.
sw.timevote: Allow a player to vote on the time in pregame menus.
sw.weathervote: Allows a player to vote on the weather in the pregame menus.
sw.modifiervote: Allows a player to vote on the modifier in the pregame menus.
sw.pareffect.[name]: Allows a player you use a particle effect without having the required level. [name] represents the “Key” for the particle effect in the particleeffects.yml.
sw.proeffect.[name]: Allows a player you use a projectile particle effect without having the required level. [name] represents the “Key” for the projectile particle effect in the projectileeffects.yml.
sw.glasscolor.[name]: Allows a player you use a glass color without having the required level. [name] represents the “Key” for the glass color in the glasscolors.yml.
sw.killsound.[name]: Allows a player you use a kill sound without having the required level. [name] represents the “Key” for the kill sound in the killsounds.yml.
sw.winsound.[name]: Allows a player you use a win sound without having the required level. [name] represents the “Key” for the win sound in the winsounds.yml.
sw.taunt.[name]: Allows a player you use a taunt without having the required level. [name] represents the “Key” for the taunt in the taunts.yml.
The "Key" for each effect/sound/glasscolor/taunt can be found in their respective ymls. The "Key" in the following code sample is the highlighted value.
Admin Permissions
sw.setspawn: Allows a player to set a set the lobby spawn.
sw.stat: Allows a player to set a players stats.
sw.clearstats: Allows a player to clear a players stats.
sw.allowcommands: Allows a player to use commands when spectating or in game.
sw.reload: Allows a player to use the reload command.
sw.chestadd: Allows a player to use the chestadd command.
sw.start: Allows a player to use the start command.
sw.updatetop: Allows a player to use the updatetop command.
sw.hologram: Allows a player to use the hologram command.
sw.holoremove: Allows a player to use the holoremove command
Map Permissions
sw.map.arenas:Allows a player to use the Arenas GUI.
sw.map.create: Allows a player to create an arena.
sw.map.edit: Allows a player to edit an arena.
sw.map.delete: Allows a player to delete an arena.
sw.map.list: Allows a player to list the available arenas.
sw.map.save: Allows a player to save an arena.
sw.map.register: Allows a player to register an arena.
sw.map.unregister: Allows a player to unregister an arena.
sw.map.refresh: Allows a player to reload the map data file.
sw.map.creator: Allows a player to set the arena creator.
sw.map.name: Allows a player to set the arena display name.
sw.map.minimum: Allows a player to set the arena minimum number of players.
sw.map.spawn: Allows a player to use the spawn command.
sw.map.chesttype: Allows a player to use the chesttype command.
Kit Permissions
sw.kit.create: Allows a player to use the create command.
sw.kit.enable: Allows a player to use the enable command.
sw.kit.icon: Allows a player to use the icon command.
sw.kit.lockicon: Allows a player to use the lockicon command.
sw.kit.perm: Allows a player to use the perm command.
sw.kit.load: Allows a player to use the load command.
sw.kit.list: Allows a player to use the list command.
sw.kit.lore: Allows a player to use the lore command.
sw.kit.name: Allows a player to use the name command.
sw.kit.position: Allows a player to use the position command.
sw.kit.update: Allows a player to use the update command.
Party Permissions
sw.party.accept: Allows a player to accept a party invite.
sw.party.create: Allows a player to create a party.
sw.party.disband: Allows a player to disband a party.
sw.party.decline: Allows a player to decline a party invite.
sw.party.info: Allows a player to view their party info.
sw.party.invite: Allows a player to invite players to their party.
sw.party.leave: Allows a player to leave a party.
1: Create an arena using "/swm create <name>". 2: Set the teamsize to 2 or higher using "/swm teamsize <name> <2+>". 3: If you have separated cages enabled, set a cage for each team member using "/swm spawn player <teamNumber>". Performing this 2 times will add 2 spawns to the target team. 4: Set the waiting lobby spawn using "/swm spawn lobby". 5: Set all other stuff you might want to change, add chests etc. 6: Save and register the map. 7: Create a join sign and join the game (preferred with 2+ players).
Videos How to setup the plugin properly? See how to create new arenas, change custom chest loot, kits and holograms. This video has been made by SoulStriker.
Creating an arena Before you do anything else, you should set your lobby spawn using the command: /sw setspawn. This will set the player spawn for the lobby to your exact location.
Many of the commands will not work unless a spawn is set.
If you used SWR 2.8 previously, the map creation has changed slightly. Maps, inlcuding spawns are built within the map editor, no longer using the beacon system. Maps can be created and edited entirely in-game using commands.
To create a new map, simply use the command:
/swm create [mapname] [environment]
This will load a new blank world where you can design your map from scratch or paste a schematic if you so choose. The [environment] is optional. If nothing is inputted, the map will be a
normal overworld map. The other options available are
nether and
the_end. If you use
the_end environment, you will have to manually kill the Ender Dragon.
Spawns are added to the map by using
/swm spawn [type] command. The three types are:
player: Sets a player spawn that will appear as a diamond block. The plugin will automatically convert it into a cage when it loads the map. To remove a spawn, just destroy the diamond block.
deathmatch: Sets a deathmatch spawn that will appear as a emerald block. To remove a spawn, just destroy the emerald block.
spec: Sets the spawn for spectators.
To add chests to the map, simply add chests to the map in edit mode. You will get a message in chat confirming the addition. You can remove chests by simply destroying them.
SWR 4.0.4 added a new Center chest option, so that specific chests can be filled with different/higher tier loot. To use these new chests, you can toggle between the chest type you are placing by using the
/swm chesttype [mapname] command. This will toggle between "NORMAL" and "CENTER" chests and all chests placed will be set according to the current type that is set.
Once you are finished creating the map, you can save the map using:
/swm save [mapname]. A saved or open map can be returned for editing at any time by using:
/swm edit [mapname]. You can get a list of available maps using:
/swm lists.
Once a map is created and saved, it can be registered for use. To do this use the command:
/swm register [mapname]. As long as the map has more than two spawns, it will be registered and available as a playing SWR map. If for some reason, you want to stop using a map, you can use the command:
/swm unregister [mapname] to remove it from play.
Many other features can be set with commands and accessed using the command
/swm arenas to access the arena's GUI.
As maps are created, they will create a YAML file inside the mapData folder. In this file, you can edit some basic information for each map, including some extra options like displayName, minimum players, event details, spawn locations, signs, and more. When manually updating the mapData file, make sure to run
/swm refresh [mapname] to refresh the map data in-game.
Import/load a legacy map With a legacy map, we mean maps that were built for older versions of SkyWarsReloaded, where beacons were still being used as spawn points. To keep supporting these maps, we added a
legacy loader command, which uses a world chunk scanner to locate chests and beacons in the map and add them to the mapData file of the specified map.
This command is only meant to be used when pasting schematics. Be aware that this command will clear all the spawn point and chest configurations and override it with the new chunk scan.
If you want to import a map from a folder (an existing world), please take a look at the
SkyWarsReloaded Extension, where this is an explicit feature.
Here's how to legacy load a map:
/swm create [mapname] - to create an SWR world where you can paste your schematic.
* paste your schematic in the center of the map (around x=0, z=0). *
/swm legacyload [mapname] - to run the chunk scanner that looks for beacons and chests. You will be notified with the number of beacons and chests found so you can confirm this is correct.
/swm save [mapname] - to save the world.
/swm register [mapname] - optionally, if you want to enable the map as well.
Game signs Each map can have signs that players can click on to join that specific map. There is no limit on the number of signs each map can have. The only requirement for a game sign is that it needs to be located in the lobby world. To create an SWR sign, simply put the following text on the first two lines (don't put the map name between curly brackets):
[SW] {mapname}
Game Chests Chests in SWR can now support legacy Minecraft items, as well as custom items that use specific NBT tags.
You can modify the chest loot in-game using the following command: /sw chestadd [chesttype] [method] [percentage]. This command will add the item(s) in either your hand or your entire inventory to the "chesttype" selected at the given percentage.
[chesttype] - the type of chest that you want to modify. Available options are basic, basiccenter, normal, normalcenter, op, and opcenter.
[method] - whether you want to add only the item in your main hand or all the items in your inventory. Use hand for your main hand, and use inv to add your entire inventory.
[percentage] - A number between 1 and 100 representing how rare an item will be in the chest loot, with 1 being the rarest, and 100 meaning it will always spawn in each chest.
Here are some examples:
/sw chestadd normal hand 10 - adds only your main hand item to the normal chest type at a 10% chance of spawning.
/sw chestadd op inv 35 - adds all the items in your inventory to the overpowered chest type at a 35% chance of spawning.
Kits The kit creation system has also completely been revamped to allow for all custom items and in-game creations and modifications.
Besides that, the newer versions of SWR add the option for kit voting during games. With this option, kits can behave in one of two ways:
The default setting is that kits are personal and have to be manually selected by each individual player. Every player can select their own kit.
With kitVotingEnabled in your config file, kits will be voted upon instead of individually chosen. When the game starts, the kit with the most votes will be given to all players.
To create a kit, all you have to do is set up your inventory exactly as you would like the kit to be given to the player, followed by running the
/swk create [kitname] command. Everything including item locations and armor will be stored when the kit is created. You should then complete the following steps to finalize your kit.
If you want the new and fancy kit menu editor, download the
SkyWarsReloaded Extension. Below is a sneak peak:
Kit creation steps:
/swk create [kitname] - creates a kit with the given name using your entire inventory (armor and content) placing as kit items.
/swk icon [kitname] - changes the kit icon to the item in your main hand.
/swk lockicon [kitname] - Optionally changes the icon for when a kit is not unlocked by the player, to the item in your main hand. This item is by default a barrier.
/swk name [kitname] [displayName] - Changes the display name of your kit (supports colors).
/swk lore [kitname] [line 1-16] [value] - changes the lore (description) of the kit. This has to be entered per line. You can also use locked to change the message that is being displayed when the kit is not unlocked by the player.
/swk position [kitname] [position] - changes the slot position of the kit in the kit voting menu. This option is required, cannot be the same as another kit, and has to be a number between 0 and 44.
/swk enable [kitname] - enable the kit.
Wanna see what a kit looks like in your inventory? Use /swk load [kitname] to preview the kit in your inventory. Please note that this will CLEAR your inventory to make room for the kit contents. You can also use this command to make changes to the kit contents. Use the load command to load the current kit into your inventory, update it to your liking, and use /swk update [kitname] to save the updated kit contents.
Events SWR includes an event system to spice up an arena. These events have to be configured in the mapData file for a specific map and are therefore map-specific.
Below is a list of all the currently available events:
Events have specific settings that you may want to alter:
minStart and maxStart - these are two numeric values that represent the timeframe that the event could start in. Events are "random" and can therefore start anywhere between the two times. These values are in seconds since game start. Set them to the same value to have it start at a fixed time.
length - defines how long the event should last, in seconds. If you want the event to last until the game ends, set this value to -1.
chance - once again, events are random. This means that, based on this setting, that may not always occur. This is the chance (between 1 and 100) of the event being fired during the minStart and maxStart times.
announceTimer - determines whether the event timer should be announced to the in-game players as the event becomes closer to firing (eg 30 seconds).
repeatable - determines whether the event should be repeatable within a single game. When true, the game will pick a new random time to fire again, based on the minStart and maxStart time settings.
Some events have event-specific settings as well. These settings should be pretty self-explanatory.
Scoreboards Scoreboards are configurable in SWR. In the newer versions of SWR, there are a total of 5 different scoreboard states that you can configure in the messages.yml file.
Here are the different scoreboard states and when they are shown:
waitboard - is being shown in-game when waiting for a game to start, but the countdown hasn't started yet because there are too few players.
waitboard-countdown - is being shown in-game when counting down for a game to start.
playboard - is being shown during the game.
endboard - is being shown when a game has ended.
lobbyboard - is being shown in the SWR lobby world, if enabled. You can enable the lobby scoreboard by setting lobbyBoardEnabled to true in the config file.
In the newer versions of SWR, scoreboards are personalized. This means that it is not one general scoreboard that is being shown, but that it is altered to the player that receives it. Therefore, you can use player-specific placeholders in your scoreboard to show things like kills, wins, experience, etc.
Scoreboards support
PlaceholderAPI placeholders and an unlimited number of characters when playing on 1.16+.
In addition to PAPI placeholders, SWR provides its own placeholders:
Lobbyboard placeholders:
{wins} - the total wins of the player.
{losses} - the total number of losses of a player.
{kills} - the total number of kills of the player.
{deaths} - the total number of deaths of the player.
{xp} - the total number of SWR experience of the player.
{level} - the SWR experience level of the player.
{killdeath} - the K/D ratio of the player.
{winloss} - the W/L ratio of the player.
{balance} - the Vault economy balance of the player.
Game-specific placeholders:
{players_needed} - numbers of players left to join before the game can start (before countdown).
{waitingtimer} - the formatted countdown timer.
{nextevent_time} - formatted next event countdown timer or an empty string when no event is next.
{nextevent_name} - the title of the next event or "No events" when no event is next.
{kills} - the number of kills during this game by the player.
{mapname} - the display name of the map.
{time} - the formatted game timer.
{aliveplayers} - number of alive players.
{players} - number of waiting players when waiting for the game to start, number of alive players during the game, and total players when the game has ended.
{maxplayers} - the total number of spawns in this map.
{winner} - The name of the winning player/team when a game has ended.
{winner1...8} - Names of the players that won in a team. These placeholders can range from position 1 to 8 and have to be specified on a single line. When no winner is detected at the provided position, the line will not be displayed on the scoreboard. Examples are {winner1} and {winner6}.
{restarttime} - The countdown timer after the game has ended.
{chestvote} - The selected chest type (eg. normal or overpowered).
{timevote} - The selected time type (eg. day, night).
{healthvote} - The selected health type (eg. half or double health).
{weathervote} - The selected weather type (eg. rain or clear).
{modifiervote} - The selected modifier type (eg. jump boost).
Particle effects SWR contains particle effects that display when a player is moving or firing a projectile.
Most properties are pretty self-explanatory, but the particles property needs a little deep dive. The format for a particle is the following: <ParticleEffect>:<YLowerOffset>:<YUpperOffset>:<DataValue>:<AmountUpperLimit>:<AmountLowerLimit>
Here is what each option means:
<ParticleEffect> - as named in the spigot Javadocs
<Y Value Offset Lower Limit> - lowest point that a particle can form from the player.
<Y Value Offset Upper Limit> - highest point that the particle can form from the player.
<Data Value> - used to set the speed or color of some particles, can be set to random by using -1 as the value.
<Amount of Particles Upper Limit> - the most particles that will spawn per update.
<Amount of Particles Lower Limit> - the least particles that will spawn per update
The offset values can allow you to set the vertical location of the particles. So you can have particles spawn by a player's feet, body, or head. Particle trails can now be multi-effect as well. You can add multiple effects under particles as shown in the example above.
Cages Cages, also known as glass colors within SWR, are the structures that players spawn in when waiting for the game to start.
The newer versions of SWR support schematic cages. This requires WorldEdit to be installed. Schematic cages allow for much more dynamic cages, rather than the fixed-layout one-block cages that are the default.
Here is how to create a custom schematic cage: Make sure that you have WorldEdit installed.
Create the schematic. With the WE wand tool, select the exact boundaries of the already-built cage.
Copy from the right position. When copying the cage with //copy, make sure to stand inside the cage, at the position that the player should spawn.
Save the schematic. Save the schematic to the file system using //schem save [name]. Name it whatever you want.
Move the generated file. Move the generated schematic file from the WE schematics folder into the cages folder inside the Skywars folder. If you don't see this folder, you may have to create it yourself. Make sure the file has the .schematic or .schem extension.
Add the cage configuration. Lastly, add the schematic cage glasscolor configuration to the glasscolors.yml file. Make sure that the cage key has the following format: custom-[cageName]. All schematic glasscolors should start with "custom-", followed by the exact file name as specified in the cages folder (without the file extension). See the example below.
custom-<cageName>: # replace <cageName> with the name of the schematic file without .schematic
displayname: '&aMy Schematic Cage' # this is the cage title players will see in the chat and in the menu
level: 0 # this is the required level to see the cage
cost: 0 # this is the money cost
material: STONE # this is the item that the cage will have in the menu
datavalue: -1 # this is the data value of the material. Set this to -1 on 1.13+.
position: 38 # this is the position in the cages menu. Make sure this is identical, otherwise it will override the one with the same position
page: 1 # this is the page the cage is on. this is usually just 1 unless you need more than one page
For "normal" glasscolor cages, please use the same configuration as above. But instead of custom-<cageName>, just use the <cageName> format.
Kill and Win sounds SWR includes sounds that are being played whenever a player kills another player or wins a game. Both of these cosmetics have their own dedicated file but follow the same configuration format.
Please note that, while custom sounds are supported, a resource pack is required on the user's end in order to hear them, since they are resource pack-specific.
Taunts are cosmetics that were added in SWR v3. Taunts are particle effects that occur during matches when a player swiftly sneaks twice. It is a fun cosmetic to have and is highly customizable. A taunt exists of a sound and a particle.
Below is an example taunt:
name: "&4Fear Me!"
level: 20
position: 40
page: 1
cost: 100
addGlow: true
- "&b*Plays dragon growl."
- "&6*Surrounds player in fire and lava particles."
message: "&4Sniff....Sniff....I smell fear!!"
useCustomSound: false
volume: 10
pitch: 1
particleSpeed: 0.5
particleDensity: 35
Yet again, most properties are pretty self-explanatory and similar to previously seen configurations. But there are a few that need some more attention:
message - the message that is being broadcasted to the entire game when a player uses a taunt
sound - the sound that is being played when activating the taunt
particleSpeed and particleDensity - affect the speed and number of particles that spawn around the player.
particles - a list of particle effect names
addGlow - whether you want the item in the menu to glow, better known as being enchanted.
API Events
Code (YAML):
SkyWarsDeathEvent: Fired when a player dies in-game.
SkyWarsJoinEvent: Fired when a player joins a game.
SkyWarsKillEvent: Fired when a player kills another player in-game.
SkyWarsLeaveEvent: Fired when a player leaves a game.
SkyWarsWinEvent: Fired when a player wins a game.
SkyWarsSelectTeamEvent: Fired when a player selects a team in a game.
Placeholders Below are raw placeholders for (MVdW)PlaceholderAPI. If you use clip's version, then put them between % %, otherwise between { }.
swr_elo - ELO of the player swr_wins - The game wins of the player swr_losses - The number of games a player lost swr_kills - The total kill count of a player swr_deaths - The number of times a player has died swr_xp - The XP amount of a player swr_level - The XP level of a player swr_games_played - The number of games a player has played swr_kill_death - Kills divided by deaths of a player swr_win_loss - Wins divided by losses of a player
Support We know that this plugin may be a bit difficult to understand. That's why we've made a website with some useful tutorials for SkywarsReloaded. https://www.gcnt.net/skywars/
If that's not enough, we also have a Discord server where we're ready to help you 24/7. Our Discord server is the official one that's already been referred to on the actual SkywarsReloaded page!