SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! icon

SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! -----

The most popular Skywars plugin, but updated! New features, fixes and much more.

No more different versions! - Team chats - A lot of fixes!
It is FINALLY here!! The update that allows EVERYONE to download SkyWarsReloaded from whatever platform they want, including Aternos! Because SpigotMC downloads are back!!
We managed to merge both the 1.8-1.12 and the 1.13+ version of the plugin into one version, by doing some difficult stuff with the WorldEdit API.
But don't worry, nothing is going to change for you. Just install the latest version, and you'll be all set.
We have also added team chats, some placeholders, and fixed quite some bugs.
We have worked SUPER hard on this version, so please, please think about donating:

Added team chats! Send messages to your team members only. Use an '!' in front of the message to talk globally.
Added a {level} placeholder to the chat formats so you can display the player's EXP level.
Added support for both WorldEdit version in one SWR version! There's no need to download a server-based version anymore.
Added an option to set the team number as the material amount in the team selection menu.
Added a 5 tick (0.25 second) cooldown for lobby items.
Fixed bungeecord people not able to join games.
Fixed bungeecord signs not updating correctly.
Fixed the menus bugging back when opening from another menu on 1.16+.
Fixed the teamMaterial item in the selection menu not being shown when it wasn't WOOL, BANNER or STAINED_GLASS
Fixed a bug for chat messages in which the plugin would break when the message contained a '%'-character.
Fixed a typo in the messages.yml
Removed some debug.
----------, Oct 17, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 140,612
First Release: Jul 17, 2019
Last Update: Oct 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
193 ratings
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