SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! icon

SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! -----

The most popular Skywars plugin, but updated! New features, fixes and much more.

Rewritten messages + Tab Complete + Join/Leave Messages
In this update, we've rewritten almost every message in the messages.yml to be more modern, have better grammar, and have colors that match each other better.
We suggest you remove your current messages.yml and let the SWR generate the new one for you. But only if you haven't modified most messages of it yourself.

Added tab complete for all commands.
Added new {votes} option to the messages that are sent when you vote for a game option.
Rewritten all messages in the messages.yml to have less ugly color combinations and better grammar.
Added join and leave messages in the chat.
Re-added the join titles. Apparently, the start titles were displayed on join.
Added some issue fixes in case a sign is missing at a registered sign location.
Added new {map} and {creator} placeholders to the game start titles.
Added a default string: "&cNo events" for the {nextevent_name} placeholder in case there are no events.
Fixed the random vote item still popping up in the menu when disabled.
Fixed some bugs for player option menus.
Removed some debug that was left from a bug fixing.
----------, Sep 5, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 140,612
First Release: Jul 17, 2019
Last Update: Oct 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
193 ratings
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