SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! icon

SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! -----

The most popular Skywars plugin, but updated! New features, fixes and much more.

SCHEMATIC CAGES + A lot of Fixes and Adds
First of all, an important one, we are now hosting the downloads on our own platform: My GCNT. We will not be removing this resource from spigot or such a thing, we only changed the place to download it.
This is because of recent feature adds, we have to make a separate version for 1.8-1.12 and 1.13+. We were able to easily do this on our own site.
The page contains official builds and snapshots. Snapshots contain just-added features and fixes and are mostly not tested. If you want a stable version, you have to wait for it to become an official release. You will then be notified on SpigotMC.

Added PVP wait timer after cages have opened. If the timer ends, a title and message will be broadcasted (this can be changed/disabled).
Added schematic cages for SOLO cages. This is not yet for team games!!
Added quick death. When a player reaches a certain y-coord, it marks them as dead.
Added game kick on world teleport. If a player gets teleported out of an arena, they will be removed from the game. This could be useful for servers that have a /hub or /lobby command which doesn't let the player quit the game automatically.
Added join sign support for worlds other than the lobby world.
Fixed not being able to die in the void when fall damage was disabled.
Fixed not being able to remove a join sign because you always kept joining. Note that if you are OP, you can no longer join a game while shifting.
Fixed the map failed to register message not being shown properly.
Fixed a bug in the chest manager.

When downloading, make sure to download the version matching your server version!
----------, Apr 21, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 140,612
First Release: Jul 17, 2019
Last Update: Oct 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
193 ratings
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