SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! icon

SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.21 Support! | New features! | Supports all MC versions! -----

The most popular Skywars plugin, but updated! New features, fixes and much more.

Version: 5.6.33
I keep getting a version update notice in console saying its version 5.6.32 even though I've redownloaded the current version, 5.6.33. Is there a updated link to the current version?

Version: 5.6.33
Excelente plugin de skywars, sin duda uno de los mejores plugins de skywars, además de que es gratuito, puedes hacer mil maravillas 10/10 :D

Version: 5.6.33
Excelente plugin para el skywars, se puede customizar como quieras, el único problema que veo es que si pones comandos cuando el jugador gane o haga kill, estos no se ejecutan porque no reconoce la variable %player_name%, o cualquier variable igual a esa, no la conoce por lo que no tiene sentido coloclar comandos ahí

Version: 5.6.33
add support to mohist

Version: 5.6.33
Very good SkyWars plugin, but please add a placeholder that returns a number if XP is required to level up.

Version: 5.6.32
Cool plugin I just think it's a shame that you can't customize anything, neither the messages nor the scoreboard

Version: 5.6.29
I do not recommend this plugin
it's very unstable and some of the most basic features are removed on purpose to be sold as an extention
(which is open source but doesn't work when compiled)
the support doesn't respond to any messages sent to them on discord and there are a lot more issues such as not having a command to open the map selector menu and the spawn set mechanism is very unresponsive and unstable

Version: 5.6.29
The developer lies, he doesn't have 24/7 support, the support is the same shit, I've been trying to solve something for months and on Discord they don't give me a fucking answer

Version: 5.6.29
Pls 2024 update /swkit price !!!

I love this plugin but v6 is need!!


Version: 5.6.29
Does this plugin HAVE to have different servers it can work in?
can i not just use multiverse?

Version: 5.6.29
Hello. In general, the plugin is normal, but when you make a top list of players and insert placeholders here, for example from LuckPerms, they are not replaced. If you add the ability to insert these placeholders into leaderboards, that would be great!

Version: 5.6.29
Discord support is very slow and there is no response when submitting an issue. If you want to use this plugin as your server tool, give it some serious thought.

Version: 5.6.29
purpur1.20.1 will cause the map to become void after players reset after completing some games. Players will die when entering. Only by reloading the plug-in will the map return to normal.

Version: 5.6.29
I have been using this plugin for years, always reliable, it works very well. I recommend.

Version: 5.6.29
This plugin is amazing only issue is that i tried to join the discord for support and it seems the link doesnt work anymore

Version: 5.6.29
The plugin is very cool and has a lot of functionality, but there is this error in the console: "

[15:37:23 ERROR]: Could not pass event AsyncPlayerChatEvent to Skywars v5.6.29
java.lang.IllegalStateException: InventoryOpenEvent may only be triggered synchronously.
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callInventoryOpenEventWithTitle( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callInventoryOpenEventWithTitle( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.entity.CraftHumanEntity.openCustomInventory( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.entity.CraftHumanEntity.openInventory( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.menus.IconMenu.openInventory( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.29.jar:?]
at ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.29.jar:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.listeners.ChatListener.onAsyncPlayerChatEvent( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.29.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor129.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at io.papermc.paper.adventure.ChatProcessor.process( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-196]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at$handleChat$18( ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?] "

Version: 5.6.29
Yes but how do I put the scoreboard and stuff on? if anyone can send a tutorial so my players can see their stats kills deaths etc

Version: 5.6.29
So good but add feature like another /party plugins acception + Add big text "Check if you are having newest ProtocolLIB instaled" Othervice good plugin! :)

Version: 5.6.29
Nothing less than perfect... I even purchased the extension felt amazing i can even do custom leaderboards and so much more!

Version: 5.6.29
Been using this and the original plugin for over 3 years now and just realized I never wrote a review so here's one. This is an absolutely great plugin for Skywars and with great support too. The extension is worth checking out and is worth every cent. This is a five star from me!

Version: 5.6.22
It is an excellent plugin but I don't know if you could tell me how to remove the prefix.

Version: 5.6.22
Yeah! im using this plugin for a long ago and its very nice, i recomend for people but 1 doubt i have, how i can use de placeholders because i installed placeholder api and the plaeholders don't work, i need to install an extension or what? If anyone can help I'd appreciate it, but the plugin is a 10/10

Version: 5.6.22
The plugin is very good and it has improved a lot, but I would like them to add skywars ranked since there are many plugins that do not have it and that the ranked kits are individual to the normal ones, that is, Ranked and Solo/Team do not have the same kits and that have to be done separately.


/swk [name] (The one normally used)

In case you want to implement it

/swk [name] [solo/team/ranked]

Version: 5.6.12
The Plugin is very good. I don’t know what to say else. But: the title says that this plugin supports 1.19.4. But It doesn’t. In the updates you wrote that this plugin supports 1.19.3. Yes, that’s correct. I had my server on 1.19.3 but then, two days ago I decided to update it to the latest version. I read the title and I was happy that this plugin supports 1.19.4. But then, today I have seen that the plugin was disabled. Please don’t write in the title something which is not correct. I hope you will update it. But again, it is a good plugin :D

Version: 5.6.12
No 1.19.4 support and it spits out a HUGE paper eeror on restart and when a game ends

Version: 5.6.12
The loot is WAY too op. Good otherwise and easy to use, would recommend for sure

Version: 5.6.12
Great plugin a friend uses it on a bungee cord server, works amazingly!!

Only problem I cant create a skywars map on my own server, gives me some internal error message.

Im running on Spigot 1.19.2, I have a suspicion that the creation of a new world might be affected by the "multi verse core" I have installed.

Is it possible I can contact a dev to fix the problem?

Version: 5.6.12
Good! I wanted to tell you about a bug that I discovered, I'll tell you how to do it: You create a party and invite a player, they enter a map, then the party leader leaves the map and the partner stays inside, then the party leader the party re-enters the same map and puts them both back on that map and puts one more player on the scoreboard, that is, if there are 2 in the party and they make the bug on the scoreboard, 3 players will appear instead of 2 and if they do it all the time, they will continue to add one more player. If you could fix that bug in an update it would be great because with that bug the parties cannot be used, because depending on the players in the party it is what is added to the scoreboard and when the real players die the map does not end because players who are not there continue to appear on the scoreboard. Thanks for your attention!

Version: 5.6.9


[WARNING] at java.base/

[WARNING] at java.base/

[WARNING] at java.base/

[WARNING] at java.base/

[WARNING] at java.base/

[WARNING] at java.base/

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.http.HttpClient.openServer(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.http.HttpClient.openServer(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.<init>(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(

[WARNING] at java.base/ www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(

[WARNING] at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.utilities.mygcnt.GCNTUpdater.checkForUpdate(

[WARNING] at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.SkyWarsReloaded.lambda$checkUpdates$0(



[WARNING] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

[WARNING] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

[WARNING] at java.base/

Version: 5.6.9
Its a good Skywars plugin but it doesnt support 1.19.3. If they add it the plugin is five stars, but for now its 1star. PLS 1.19.3 UPDATE

Version: 5.6.9
It is a very good plugin but I have a question: does it work with FastAsyncWorldEdit (FAWE).

Version: 5.6.9
Great Plugin . But I'm having problems changing the kits ui. I can't make it bigger. How can I make it bigger? I tried this:
menuSize: 54
randPos: 0
noKitPos: 53
noKitItem: GLASS
but it didn't work. It said that it can't be higher than 35. Pls help.

Version: 5.6.9
This is a really nice plugin to set up a bit complex to set up for beginners otherwise a really simple plugin. My request is to only remove the error printing again an again in the console (The error is provided below by a member).

Version: 5.6.9
4.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.http.HttpClient.openServer(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.http.HttpClient.openServer(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.<init>(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.utilities.mygcnt.GCNTUpdater.checkForUpdate(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.SkyWarsReloaded.lambda$checkUpdates$0(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
14.10 07:45:43 [Server] WARN at

Version: 5.6.9
Lo mejor una maravilla de plugin super facil de configurar y trabaja al 100% recomendado ♥

Version: 5.6.4
What are the stats??? I type /sw top and it just tells me to use stats but it doesn't.

Version: 5.6.4
Really best skywars plugin ! Stability 10/10 , menu design and others 6/10 owner can do more designed menus like a default . One of pluses this plugin , he is OPEN SOURCE ! and it's so good !

Version: 5.6.4
Is this also for multiverse? .

Version: 5.6.3
the best free skywars plugin. i recommend it so much. thx for making it free thxx

Version: 5.6.3
How to enable it?
I have Worldedit installed:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.Material.WOOD_SWORD
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf( ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.Material.valueOf( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.ItemsManager.addItem( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.3.jar:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.ItemsManager.getLobbyItem( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.3.jar:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.ItemsManager.<init>( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.3.jar:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.SkyWarsReloaded.load( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.3.jar:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.SkyWarsReloaded.onEnable( ~[SkyWarsReloaded 5.6.3.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.reload( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at$ensureRunningOnSameThread$1( ~[?:?]
at ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-379]
at ~[?:?]

Version: 5.6.2
Can you make a new feature that if you win you get money? Bdw it is a very good plugin i recommend it!

Version: 5.6.2
Amazing Plugin! Thank you so much for creating it, it's a great plugin and useful! Please keep updating it :D

Version: 5.6.2
Thank you very much for updating to 1.18.2! I'm so excited for v6! Keep up the great work!

Version: 5.6.1
Nice Plugin .
keep updating the plugin, it's excellent!
I like the plugin it is very useful for aternos and to create a skywars server

Version: 5.6.1
Pretty good plugin but how do you place signs in a lobby that you can press to teleport to a skywars game instead of using the blue helmet ?

Version: 5.6.1
This is a great plugin, I love it, I just want to ask if 1.18 support is coming. And does 1.17 version of this plugin work for a 1.18 server?
Author's response
v5 uses NMS (version specific code) that needs to be updated with every Minecraft release. Therefore it does not support 1.18.
We will not be updating v5 to MC 1.18 because we are currently working on the major recode for V6 (which will not dependent code anymore). It is going to take some time though for us to finish V6, but in the meantime we will not be updating the current version.

Version: 5.6.1
Plugin working fine, i was having a problem with signs and bungee but with the support team i managed it and solved, really patient, Thank you <3! :D

Version: 5.6.1
This is a great plugin but, can you put it without using extrernal site, this will be helpful to Aternos users

Version: 5.6.1
great plugin, no problems, well made and runs fine on a few servers using 1GB of ram behind bungeecord.

Not sure why people are complaining about the support - it is literally a FREE plugin, the developers made it for u for free, it costs u nothing. U not being able to use the plugin properly or saying there is bugs there isnt is not their bad, especially as it costs you nothing and makes them nothing. Be grateful, it's incredibly nice of them not to charge.

Version: 5.6.1
It's an okay-ish resource.

as previous people said, support is unfriendly, and mostly ignoring sadly. also, some essential functions seem to be missing, and it somehow messes with pressure plates, tried on a clean server with only SWR and when walking over pressure plates it forces you into a random map.

hence why I also don't understand why they call the plugin the "best skywars plugin" ever made.

Version: 5.6.1
okay the plugin is fine except for a few bugs, this is third review lmao

So the support is bad like the other people said, i went to the discord and told them spectator spawns count as player spawns and the person who replied denied that it was an issue and they said it works fine and said to stop wasting there time? what???? literally.

Other than the support the plugin is fine.

Version: 5.6.1
This plugin is great for you IF you are willing to read the docs or watch a tutorial. It is lightweight, works in 1.8 with 6 arenas with 1GB ram and it's free. 5 Stars from me!

Version: 5.6.1
The plugin seemed to be fine and I liked it a lot but the support is bad, the plugin has a lot of bugs and when I reported them in the plugin discord they never responded, they also do not accept suggestions in 1 in 500, when they change that I will change my review

Version: 5.6.1
o te recomiedno tanto pero si tienes un servidor de 5GB 0 10 GB si te lo recomiendo pero si tienes un servidor de 1 GB o 2 GB te va a consumir mucho la ram y por lo tanto te ira lageado el servidor por eso le doy 3 estrellas

Version: 5.6.1
The plugin is full of bugs. With each update, the developers fix some critical bugs, but add new ones. In the old versions, due to errors, it was impossible to save the arena, in the new version, it is impossible to add spawn places for the players. There are a lot of errors in the console all the time.
Events such as a ghasts or an ender dragon are useless, since their spawn locations are not configurable, and the dragon simply flies away in a random direction without attacking the players.
The plugin is unusable, and the developers are in no hurry to fix anything.

Version: 5.6.1

Version: 5.6.1
So far this plugin SUCKS its not a good plugin anymore every time i go to start my server and this stupid plugin loads its full of errors and bugs then after load up the plugin crashes my whole server so far this plugin should just stop being updated its is just a waste of time now to download this plugin and have a server crash because you guys don't know how to update a plugin im never going to support, download this horrible plugin ever again.

Version: 5.6.1
Nice plugin but I have problem. When i set win command it doesn work etc: /cc give v classic 1 %player%

Version: 5.6.1
The plugin is very good, but the spectator mode breaks for some reason, the spectators see each other and can pick up the items from the ground, I had to deactivate it so that it would not be so annoying and the level system does not seem to work, ask for 5 levels to unlock something but not unlocked.
If they are my problems, I do not know if they can help me, but in general it is a very good and complete complement.

Version: 5.6.1
Excelent, you cant add price for kits?
80 chars---------------------------------------

Version: 5.6.1
i will change this to 5 stars if you change the download via external site to direct downlaod coz thn aternos players can play too

Version: 5.6.1
2 star because every time i start the server up the plugin wont stop spamming console with errors non stop for 2 minutes and every time after a skywars match is done and the map reloads it respams the console so far this plugin need work to be done to make it STOP spamming peoples console it gets very annoying but, this plugin either way is still a nice plugin to use for skywars.

Version: 5.6.1
This plugin is the best.
Streamers, Players on my server are saying that skywars is fun!
because of this plugin I installed

Version: 5.6.0
Solved the problem by changing the setting
useSeparateCages: false

There is still a problem with saving the map

Version: 5.6.0
Very good plugin, but always if i go to the world of SkyWars or /sw lobby all my items get cleared and i can't get them back... PLZ HELP ME!!!!!!
Author's response
Disable 'clearInventoryOnLobbyJoin' in the config.
Please join our Discord first before leaving a relatively 'bad' review without doing research first.

Version: 5.6.0
I wish the Plugin would be for Aternos :(
Pls make it for aternos too
I need it

Version: 5.6.0
The plugin is good, but it would be nice if it were downloaded directly, not through an external site, so that it could be aternos.

An error is that when voting for the type of chests one falls out of the cell, and I cannot put the Placeholders

Version: 5.6.0
This is definitely a 6-star plugin! Bugs are patched quickly and SkyWars is simply fun to play with this plugin. The Vault integration is also really helpful, it really incentives people to save up coins to buy SkyWars cosmetics on my server. Keep it up GCNT!

Version: 5.6.0
You need to disable to ability to save if a map is unregistered. It will kick you out and completely erase the map. Way too often do maps get erased because they were marked as unregistered.

Version: 5.6.0
its good but i need it to be not a via external site download so i can use it on aternos plssssssss plsss

Version: 5.6.0
Its ok, but i cant save my maps! Pls help I am using 1.17.1 Otherwises this plugin is cool

Version: 5.6.0
These plugins missing soo many features. The list is given below:

1) Match Place Holders
2) Config have no example win command
3) No command `/sw join <MapName>` If we type `/sw join` server just join us on a random map.
4) No Winning Celebration
Still, many things are missing that I didn't mention. Kindly improve your plugin

Note: Your service is too slow. Like too slow

Version: 5.6.0
They fixed the 2 commands I mentioned. Holograms still broken though. And I do have HolographicDisplays installed, those holograms work - the sw leaderboard ones just don't :I

Version: 5.5.0
Tengo una pregunta de como puedo usar variables como para que me diga que kit estoy usando o que celda o efecto en el scoreboard del lobby

Version: 5.5.0
Amazing skywars plugin, gonna start using it on my server. Really easy to setup and so far works with factions no complaints

Version: 5.5.0
I'm just giving this a 5 star review again, as this plugin is outstanding. It is fully customizable, and the dev team and other members of their Discord are very helpful.

Just please add some more documentation. There is some on the website but it is not adequate. There are no comments in config, leaving me to always have to go on Discord and wait 2-3 hours for a response as to what config options do.

Version: 5.5.0
They are missing, he removes them and that is why I put 4 stars but it's very very good

Version: 5.5.0
i loved this for years but now i cant save my maps anymore, swm save <name> gives me the message of an internal error. please help me on discord FoxCraftGaming#5329

Version: 5.5.0
Hello! Recently you've said you would change the download link to this website instead of your own, it's been 2 weeks since that and I would imagine it wouldn't take to long to do that. But i'll wait :)

Version: 5.5.0
Team Skywars maps do not work, when you reload a plugin or restart server it unregisters itself and you can't register it cause of unbalanced teams, even though you could before.

Version: 5.5.0
This is amazing! It has everything, I world like to use it and I love it! I setup a map very easily and there are no issues!

Version: 5.5.0
good plugin, could you add the option to create animated boxes? for example rainbow that changes color thanks keep it up.

Version: 5.5.0
Hey can you pls help me? I setup all correctly. I put the team size to one and i had multiple Spawns! But every time the players got into one Cage ?? If you could help me i would give this plguin 5 stars!
Author's response
Please join our Discord.

Version: 5.5.0
I used the old version but i wanted to play on 1.16 then i found this one! It is awesome Thanks For This Pluginn!!!

Version: 5.5.0
Hello, this is a very good plugin however my server host doesn't allow me to upload custom files or download plugins from external websites (with some exeptions), with that knowledge could you change the download link to this website instead of an external one? (I'd doubt you'd do it just for me but it would be nice)
Author's response
Oh my bad. The link should go directly to the download instead of the MyGCNT resource page. I will change this soon.

Version: 5.5.0
This plugin is the best skywars plugin that I have ever tried. Everything is there. But I cant add it because it downloads through an external link(website). Can you make it download through spigot itself. Or, give me copyright access so I can upload this same plugin in spigot and make it so it downloads through spigot itself. Hope you understand and take the necessary action.

Thank You

My previous review
My reply:
The sky wars reloaded updated plugin is awesome but I cant use it as it downloads via external link. Ya download works fine to me. But cause I use aternos for some servers, Aternos cant add plugins that download via external website. I researched a little and looks like this plugin does not have a post on bukkit( ) can you post it on bukkit and make it so it downloads through bukkit itself and doesn't link to another website. Please help by doing that much. Or you can just unlink download from another website in spigot.
Please understand and help
Thanks for the great plugin


Version: 5.5.0
The plugin is good overall but... I messed up ONE line and lost ALL my messages.yml file cuz it resetted :CCCCCCCCCCC
Author's response
Unfortunately that's how YAML files saves itself from corrupted files. One mistake noticed and it resets itself.

Version: 5.5.0
The discord team is amazing (specifically minifridge) and the plugin has very little bugs! must say one of my favorite plugins
Author's response
gang, thanks bro

Version: 5.5.0
Excellent plugin for every minecraft server
It is one of the best plugins!
i recommend to everyone
Author's response
Thanku sir

Version: 5.5.0
I like this, but it has some problems. No matter what I do, this plugin will tell me that there is a new version and I cannot close it.
Author's response
This issue has been resolved.

Version: 5.4.2
Plugin is good but there is lot of bugs. You can add blocked commands what we can't use when game starts.
Author's response
A lot of them will be fixed in the upcoming update. We've decided a lot.

Version: 5.4.2
This is a really good SkyWars plugin, my friends and I wanted a free solution for us to make and play our own SkyWars maps and it works perfectly with no lag on a 2.1GB RAM Aternos server!

Just one thing: is there a way to remove the link in the scoreboard in-game? I understand it is a free plugin, but if there is any way to remove it without editing the plugin I would like to know.

Author's response
Of course there is :)
You can change it in the messages.yml under "scoreboards".

Version: 5.4.2
i make video tutorial for indonesian

Version: 5.4.2
The plugin itself is very good but i have an issue that appears in the server console and i dont know how to fix it, please help.

17.02 19:48:58 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to Skywars v5.4.2
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnection.a( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInArmAnimation.a(SourceFile:31) ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInArmAnimation.a(SourceFile:9) ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$0( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask(SourceFile:144) ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext(SourceFile:118) ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks(SourceFile:127) ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_211]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get ID of Modern Material
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.isTrue( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.Material.getId( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.listeners.PlayerInteractListener.onInteract( ~[?:?]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1314.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_211]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_211]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( ~[Spigot_Latest_1.16.4.jar:git-Spigot-a93cbb1-7a6c3c9]
17.02 19:48:58 [Server] INFO ... 21 more

Version: 5.4.2
Great plugin but how to add reloaded chest in round time 90 second maybe........
Author's response
Add the chest refill event through '/swm arenas'.

Version: 5.4.2
It's a very good looking plugin but I don't recommend it to people looking for a SkyWars plugin which works perfectly.

It has lots of bugs at the moment and there currently is a game breaking bug which makes the plugin essentially useless, because you can't win a game. I hope that they are working on fixing this bug because you basically can't use this plugin right now if this bug occurs.

Good luck to the developers with fixing this and I hope I can use this plugin in the future.
Author's response
We're working on fixing it. You can downgrade to v5.4.1, which should work perfectly fine (at least not the win/death bug). Hang tight.

Version: 5.4.2
This is amazing! It has everything I need and I love it! I setup a map very easily and there are no issues!

Version: 5.4.2
Its a great plugin with super support and an awesome developer, and btw i agree with the review under this one. (waiting lobby with voting)

Version: 5.4.1
Very good i love it. But can you add a like waiting lobby feature with map voting?
Author's response
Lobby voting would be almost impossible to create because we'd have to recode a huge part of the plugin. Also players would have to create a lot more maps for each arena, so it wouldn't be practical.

Version: 5.4.1
idk what the 1 star reviews are talking about, i got 8gb of ram on my server and i experience no lag, great plugin!
Author's response
That's what I said!

Version: 5.4.1
me gusta pero tiene muchos errores como cuando creo un mapa no me deja entrar a el mapa devuelta y no me deja cargar mapas que yo tenga

Version: 5.4.1
Plugin is extremely laggy. It makes lag the whole server when the game starts. Please help me to decrease lags. They are too bad :(. And I do not want to use another plugin because this is so good. Plz help me. If u have discord DM me: Gamemaster2930#1238
Author's response
You can contact us on Discord if you have issues like these.

Version: 5.4.1
I recommend this plugin to literally everyone who wants to have Skywars in their server, plus, if you’re making a minigames server, you don’t even need Bungeecord! This has an easy system and if you have a hub and other games, it won’t merge into them because you only set the lobby in one certain world. Easiest configs I’ve used, ever. Just a quick note, it has very minor bugs, I say minor because they’re nothing game breaking.
Author's response
We are aware of some 'minor' bugs and are trying to fix it asap. We have regular meeting among our dev team to fix as much as possible and give you the features you deserve.

Version: 5.4.0
Very good!!! a really good job from this developer

Author's response
18/5 stars, niceee

Version: 5.4.0
Best skywars plugin out there! I would love if you could add lore to the icons in kits
Author's response
we already have that :)

Version: 5.3.3
Amazing plugin, very easy to use, the developers are very nice, and they explain things well. however there are a few bugs, where i couldnt add in holograms, and where i cant remove player spawns in the maps. other than that it is a great plugin and i would highly recommend it!
Author's response
We fixed the hologram thing together though... and the spawn thing is fixed in the next update along with much more bugs.

Version: 5.3.3
Plugin is great, would be 5 stars if I knew how to delete skywars player spawns.
Author's response
The latest release of the plugin contains a fix for this. Just break the diamond blocks that represent the player spawns. Please consider re-reviewing once fixed.

Version: 5.3.3
Best skywars plugin with so many features !! but im wondering if its 1.8 pvp or 1.9
Author's response
that really depends on your server version XD
If your server is 1.8, you'll have 1.8 PvP. Otherwise 1.9 PvP. However, there are plugins that allow you to recreate 1.8 PvP on 1.9+ servers.

Version: 5.3.3
The developer is active and also very polite and quick to respond to problems and requests.
Definitely is the best choice for your minigames server.
Author's response

Version: 5.3.3
Se puede usar en la 1.16.4 ?? porfavor responde...............................................
Author's response
The latest version should support all versions from 1.8 to 1.16.4. If the plugin is not enabling, something else went wrong. Head to our Discord channel to let us help you further.

Version: 5.3.3
BEST SKYWARS PLUGIN YAY..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Author's response

Version: 5.3.3
Had a few issues with setting up the arena but the dev came and helped out :) BEST PLUGIN EVER
Author's response
that's what we for :)

Version: 5.3.3
Does this have 1.16.4 support?
I used it on 1.16.3 and it worked perfect thanks, but I updated my server to 1.16.4 and it didn't I'm hoping this update lets me use this again.
Author's response
late response, but yes it does :)

Version: 5.3.1
A very good plugin! It worked the first time I used it! Works on bukkit perfectly and spigot! One question can you make duo matches! 10 stars!

Version: 5.3.1
Great plugin... worked first time on Paper 1.16.3.

Quick and easy to use. Only had one minor 'issue' but Discord support was helpful.. although the issue seemed to fix itself.

Thanks to the dev for a great plugin :o)
Author's response

Version: 5.3.1
Adicione para que os players comprem kits ao invés de disponibilizá-los de graça!

Version: 5.3.1
Bro u are the best i like u soooo much thanks for this amazing plugin. In new version its a lot of fixes and more features keep going like that bro

Version: 5.3.1
Best Skywars Plugin I Have Ever Had. Dev has fixed over 10 bugs just on my end. I stress test this plugin to the max on my servers have tried a lot of other ones in the past and none are as good as this one.
Author's response
:) You're welcome.

Version: 5.3.1
Hello! This is a great plugin =)
I have questions
1) Is it possible to add a translation of the inscriptions in the hologram?
2) Can autojoin be enabled like that? Because the players write, I step on the pressure plate, they join on different maps

Version: 5.2.0
This plugin is the better than other premoum skywars plugins. Can you add the chest hologram and name tag like hypixel?

Version: 5.2.0
Six stars!! The plugin is perfect on every side! I recommend to all
Author's response
*pleading face emoji*

Version: 5.2.0
This Plugin is the best Skywarsplugin i have ever seen. But i want to be able to selekt Kits per Player. is there a way to do that?
Author's response
players can select their own kit in the kit menu in-game. They can select all the kits they have permission for.
If the kit menu doesn't open, you don't have any kits yet. You can create them with the "/swk" command.

Version: 5.2.0
Hey, i have request, can you add direct download ?
Because, aternos community wants this plugin so much.
But Aternos can't add this plugin because it's on download external site.
Please! Thank You :D
Author's response
we are working on this. Next update will support this.

Version: 5.2.0
Best SkyWars plugin I've ever seen, it has tons of features and It's fully configurable! 10/10
Author's response

Version: 5.2.0
El plugin me parece bien pero solo tengo una pregunta se pueden crear Kits que cuesten dinero???

Version: 5.2.0
The negativity of some people towards this plugin is incredible, in people it is a really well done job, I think you are going in the right direction, I congratulate you, I imagine how difficult it must be to try to make it compatible with all versions, An extraordinary job since it allows to modify almost everything of it, I am very grateful for your work, keep it up!

I'm sorry for my bad English, I'm from Argentina.
Author's response
Thank you so much for this review. Obviously we are strive for a flawless plugin, but with all versions and features coming out, it won't be perfect in one day; it takes time.

Thanks for your amazing words

Version: 5.2.0
Works. That's about all I can say this has got going for it.

I've bumped into a few compatibility issues with other common plugins. There's quite a few minor bugs that, while usually benign, can be frustrating to deal with. Not ideal unless this is the only thing you want running on your server.

It's also lacking in documentation and just for basic setup you will likely need support which means you will have to wait for a response on Discord.

Version: 5.2.0
It would be Ok if they put a waiting spawn of skywars and more events and MysteryBoxes
Author's response
We already have a waiting lobby for team games. If you have any event ideas, shoot 'em. And there are lots of other MysteryBox plugins that you could use.
Please do not request features in the review section, especially if you are giving a bad/medium 3-star review. It gives a wrong indication of the actual worth of the plugin.

Version: 5.2.0
Its "playable" but all the menus are broken, cant choose kits or cages or particles, wouldnt recommend.
Author's response
We are aware of this and working on a fix.

Version: 5.2.0
gracias por este plugin gratuito y por hacerlo compatible con la version 1.15.+ es el mejor plugin gratuito de skywars

Version: 5.0.0
i was editing a map then suddenly the gamemode started, all my items disappeared, even my friend's item who was just roaming around the wilderness also had his item disappeared, and when we were chatting we had a [SkyWars] Prefix, how to fix this?
Author's response
If you have "clearInventoryOnLobbyJoin" enabled in the config.yml, items are removed when you join the skywars lobby world. And you can disable the chat prefix in the config.yml, and change the format in messages.yml.
But please do not report your problems in the review section; use our Discord for that!

Version: 5.0.0
I bought 2 premium Skywars plugins $15 each and this one was still insanely better, I would 10/10 recommend this plugin. Don't make the same mistake I did wasting money, this is definitely the plugin for you.
Author's response
You could invest in us too :)
(just saying, donation link is above)

Version: 5.0.0
Version 5.0.0 works as stated in its plugin notes. However, I still do not see an example of how to create a TEAM type arena and the videos do not expose that topic.

Please could someone tell me if I have already tried creating that type of arena in this plugin?

Best regards
Author's response
You simply have to create an arena, set the teamsize to something greater than 1, set all team spawns (/swm spawn player [team number]), then do all other stuff, save and register the arena. And you're done!

Version: 5.0.0
Not much more to say. Any issues, which are very rare, are solved practically instantly on Discord! Cannot believe the amazing team behind this plugin. They are doing it in their spare time, providing regular big updates and providing pretty much 24/7 support! Hands down to you guys, you deserve a medal!
Author's response
Thank you so much! We're dedicated to helping everyone as soon as possible, with the best help possible. :)

Version: 5.0.0
okay....thats my favourite plugin :) i really like the custom features and the perfect config file!!!
Author's response
Thank u!

Version: 5.0.0
this plugin is great, but I have a problem when a player falls from island:

[Skywars] Task #8560 for Skywars v5.0.0 generated an exception
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.entity.CraftPlayer cannot be cast to net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.EntityPlayer
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.nms.v1_16_R1.NMSHandler.respawnPlayer( ~[?:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.utilities.Util.respawnPlayer( ~[?:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.MatchManager$ ~[?:?]
at ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-0287a20-7560f5f]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-0287a20-7560f5f]
Author's response
Do you mind continuing this conversation in Discord ( or in a DM so I can help you easily?

Version: 5.0.0
Update Review: I HIGHLY recommend this its super useful for monetization using the permission stuff for the kits and people really wanted the kits to work on my server and because of the new update they work better than I expected So if your a small server looking for a skywars plugin to boost your server I would really try this out it has everything you ever want and more, Thank you developers ~ mcjkids
Author's response
Thank you so much for the review :)

Version: 5.0.0
This Plugin is a 10/10 must have for skywars. Any bugs or issues I had were fixed very quickly by the great support in the discord. Overall very happy with it.
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 4.4.2
This plugin is very useful definitely for monetizing your Minecraft server but for some reason the kit selecting thing isn't there hopefully there is a way to fix this. More details (1.16 - 1.15) using via-version I know you said it doesn't work on 1.16 so if that's the problem ill make it 1.15 only until further notice, And thanks for the amazing plugin. ~ mcjkids
Author's response
The beta version has fixed for the kit selection item. Try it out.
Also, if you read the first line of the description page you'd see that we do not support 1.16 yet. Read the yellow part below and you'll see that we are almost done with it and testing it out.

Version: 4.4.2
One more thing i forgot to mention tnt doesnt hurt u idk if its config but it just doesnt

Version: 4.4.2
any chance this will be 1.16 by tmr? hosting a tournament and this is the closest plugin to 1.16, so...

Version: 4.4.2
Thank's for this plugin I will use it in my server. I wait for the 1.16, nice work ;)

Version: 4.4.2
I give this qualification to the complement because I have used it for a long time, but the things that I will mention would make it even bigger than it is: 1) Pay kits with their corresponding states in other words a store. 2) Create a fill hologram on the empty status chests or just the count. 3) Create more detailed messages when winning a game and joining it ...

Basically it would be that ... there is more, but I believe that the plugin will meet the most requested Standards in this type of game ...

Thank you very much and I hope you have had an excellent vacation ...

PD I apologize for my bad English is not my mother tongue

Version: 4.4.2
Pls make the Plugin 1.16 my Server is on the Version 1.16 pls make the Plugin 1.16
Author's response
Please read the first few sentences in big red letters on the top of the page. I'm currently on vacation and am not able to do this. 1.16 will come with a big update for (team) games

Version: 4.4.2
didnt try but its spams the console with like random things.

i dont think it will work cuz the spam
Author's response
Check the startup error. The spammed error is probably PlayerMoveEvent.
Please make sure that it does not yet support 1.16

Version: 4.4.2
It has lost all support on 1.16 and wouldn't run but on 1.15 and updates prior to it work wonderfully without lagging the server too hard.
Author's response
Bruh kid... 1.16 has only released like a week ago. We are adding 1.16 to the big update that's coming soon. For a plugin like this, it's gonna take some more time because it's not just a simple, small plugin.
Just be patient. We are doing our best.
And besides, spigot is not our life, not even our job, it's a hobby and we are giving it most of our spare time, mostly for free. Just wait, thanks.

Version: 4.4.2
Great plugin, Great support, Very recommended, Super easy config, Supports Placeholders, Thank you :D

Version: 4.4.2
This plugin is very good easy config, but I miss one thing that there are no paid kits that players could buy for earned money in the arena.
Author's response
We're working on that :)
Next update is gonna take a while though. Gonna be big

Version: 4.4.2
There are no words to describe this plugin, literally a masterpiece! .. I only found some details but not at all serious:
when translating texts into Spanish it has too many characters and the plugin does not support it. but apart from this there are no words to describe this simply perfect plugin, as soon as you have money donating for this masterpiece. I use it in 1.8.9 spigot, and the last inconvenience but nothing serious that the commands are scattered throughout the different plugin publications and you must go from page to page to find them hahaha but who cares !! hahahha

Version: 4.4.2
The plugin is very good, events, chests and particles work just as they should, but I have a problem with scoreboard when in-game. When I'm in the cage I have nothing while I should have vote thing to vote for hearts, etc. Also when the game starts there is no scoreboard. The scoreboard is only shown when I go to die and go to the spectator mode. Please help me.

Version: 4.4.2
One of the best free alternatives if you want to have a Skywars server. Good Support, good functionalities. It would be great if they added the edge event, improve the scoreboard a little more and fix some errors. Otherwise great. I recommend it.
Author's response
We'd like to know what to improve and what to fix. Just saying "fix some errors" won't help us solve them. Please join our Discord and we can help you out.

Version: 4.4.2
Holograms won't work: They are enabled in the config but when I /sw hologram wins leaders, it says they are disabled, so I disable them and enable them again and it just throws an internal error, here it is:

Version: 4.4.2
Amazing plugin and author!
Helped with the problem very quickly and correctly.
Who has problems don't be afraid to ask in their discord, the author will help.

Version: 4.1.1
guenardo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Version: 4.4.0
[18:34:33] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skywars] Task #8750 for Skywars v4.4.0 generated an exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.nms.v1_15_R1.NMSHandler.removeFromScoreboardCollection( ~[?:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.MatchManager.preparePlayer( ~[?:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.MatchManager.access$000( ~[?:?]
at com.walrusone.skywarsreloaded.managers.MatchManager$ ~[?:?]
at ~[SkyWars.jar:git-Spigot-2f5d615-aae46f8]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [SkyWars.jar:git-Spigot-2f5d615-aae46f8]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.b( [SkyWars.jar:git-Spigot-2f5d615-aae46f8]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.DedicatedServer.b( [SkyWars.jar:git-Spigot-2f5d615-aae46f8]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.a( [SkyWars.jar:git-Spigot-2f5d615-aae46f8]
at [SkyWars.jar:git-Spigot-2f5d615-aae46f8]
at [?:?]
Author's response
Please do not report your issues here, use our Discord instead.

Version: 4.3.5
Have a reload hologram over the crates and recharge the crates, and have a unique chest in the middle or anything that would be more valuable for better things and also reload.

Version: 4.3.5
Hey there can i ask how i can set rewards and how can i set price for kits? Your plugin is really good, but i need to set price and rewards for my server.

Version: 4.3.5
Great plugin ! :D

Version: 4.3.5
HOW DO YOU REMOVE LEADERBOARDS PLEASE HELP! But Also The plugin is really good but i need to know how to get rid of the leaderboards.
Author's response
/sw holoremove will do the trick.

Version: 4.3.5
Very good! Though when I join the game for the first time, it glitches and my hotbar is all messed up. Then I have to rejoin and im not placed back into my cage. If you could help me find a solution for this that would be great.

Version: 4.3.5
Hey, I need some help. When the game ends, the blocks that were placed are still there. Need help

Version: 4.3.5
this also kinda sucks that when i recieve a kit its the same problem can u fix dis pls
Author's response
Not sure what problem it is. Please contact me first.

Version: 4.3.5
Omg I absolutely love this plugin, this is the best plugin you could ever get. This plugin is open for suggestions with voting systems which is another reason why I love this plugin. This plugin gets better and better with every update. Keep up the awesome work GCNT!
Author's response
Haha thanks :)

Version: 4.3.4
this plugin is great but the elo level thing does mess up the ranks on my server is there a way to hide them?

Version: 4.3.4
Report Bug
if I make a custom spawnpoint for skywars and quickly click Shift then it will teleport down

Version: 4.3.4
Very good update of SkyWars Reloaded, my congratulations!

But it has bugs, for example when someone chooses a kit the game is bugged, the glass does not break and an error appears in the console. Also when they are in the middle of the game (4 people) one of them leaves the game (to the main hub) and when they all die, the one who remains does not win, he has to commit suicide so that no one wins. And then when you kill someone it doesn't update the players on the scoreboard. (These tests have been using TacoSpigot and PaperSpigot, I do not know if the plugin will be incompatible or something, I am also going to try now with normal Spigot). A greeting!

Version: 4.3.4
PERFECTO!!! has support for 1.8! is very cool!!! 10/10 points really!
thank you very much for this contribution to the community.

Version: 4.3.4
Be sure that this is the best plugins ever! Good support from staff and the plugin works perfectly also

Version: 4.3.4
Working great! there was one little bug i reported to the dev. and he fixed in a few hours!

Great Support ! Thanks again!
Author's response

Version: 4.3.3
Author's response
This is fixed in the latest version. Please update

Version: 4.3.3
Amazing plugin, Great for you mini-games server or servers. I love the bungeecord support! This is the plugin to get if you want skywars!

Version: 4.3.3
Good support and best Skywars plugin :) .

Version: 4.3.3
Best Skywars plugin on the market. Very good support for the plugin just join the discord server.

Version: 4.3.2
i have a bug everyone can drop there lobby items. can enyone help me pleas????????
Author's response
Please do not post your problems here. Just send us a message and we will try to figure it out together.
Please join our Discord

Version: 4.3.2
great but does that support MySQL stats? cuz I wanna make a PlayerProfile and I wanna ask I that works :D

* btw fix your pl name *
New featuers!
Author's response
Thanks for the typo. Fixed it.
And about MySQL, SkywarsReloaded supports MySQL. You can enable this in the config.yml and if the connection has been made, it will save all player info on the database.

Version: 4.3.2
Add custom chest item (i want to add trident to chest)
I test change chest.yml and i break plugin
Please add chest editor

Version: 4.3.2
The best plugin that could EVER exist! If you want to grow your server, there's no better way than installing this plugin. This plugin has so many fonctions that will make your server's skywars experience THE BEST! The support is really friendly so there's no reason why you shouldn't get this plugin. Getting this plugin is not a question if you want to make the BEST minigame server!
Author's response
Haha thank you bud. Really appreciate it.

Version: 4.3.2
Nice plugin and it helps me a lot!
I'm a Chinese server owner using the plugin. Could you please allow me to translate your plugin and advertise it to MCBBS? I'll show them your spigotmc page and let them download the plugin here. I'll NEVER claim it as mine, I just 、let more people know it. I'll NEVER leak the jar file.
Hope for your reply!

Version: 4.3.2
This plugin is very very good but there is a bug. In other worlds appears in your inventory the "SKYWARS JOIN MENU" item, it's so stressfull!! Pls fix this bug.

Version: 4.3.2
Great plugin is there a option so players cant drop items?.................................

Version: 4.3.2
Everything about this plugin is awesome, The commands are simple and support in discord is just awesome 10/10

Version: 4.3.2
Works extremely well! Very easy to create maps and kits. One question though, how do you create teams?
Author's response
To create teams, just set the team size to something higher than one.

Version: 4.3.2
An amazing plugin that is simple to operate yet creates amazing results. An easy to use plugin that has many layers on it is the best to describe this.
Author's response
Thanks for the review

Version: 4.3.2
A great plugin with alot of features and fast support on discord! Love it
Kind regards,
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 4.3.2
Why regesiter not working

windows 10
1.8.8 version
did all commands
just not working

please fix... or why it isnt working
Author's response
Try setting the spawnpoints again. Then save and register again.

Version: 4.3.2
Can I add my PAPI to the Board? If possible, how? In % it doesn 't work -
Author's response
Currently, that's not possible.

Version: 4.3.2
Amazing plugin! Had an issue and the dev team was insanely quick to help fix! Def a plugin/team to have!

Version: 4.3.1
Great plugin! But there is one problem. Players who have experience go to the map, and when they go out, experience disappears. Many players complain about it. Can you fix it?

Sorry for my English, using a translator

Version: 4.3.1
Great plugin, work on 1.15.2
Please added mysql support. :)
Thank you.

80 Characters
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Next time message us first, because there already is MySQL

Version: 4.3.0
Works great on my 1.13.2 server. Thanks!឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵

Version: 4.3.0
After saving my map with a lot of work put into it, the world suddenly corrupted. Only 2 diamond bloack, the player spanws were left. My day is ruined. Do not download!

Version: 4.3.0
The complement is very good since there is not yet a formal update for the 1.14.X ...

The only thing is that I found errors when placing the signs of the statistical positions of the players.

I have left all the information about the matter in your Discord ...

Please, I ask you what to do to solve this error

Best regards

Version: 4.3.0
I love. It is great, wonderful, spectacular and easy to use.

It has some errors in holograms and spawn, but I think the new update will be fixed.
Author's response
Great that you like it.
If you join our Discord, we can fix those errors together.

Version: 4.3.0
I waited for 6 months for the update for support for 1.14 and 1.15. thanks so much for keeping this updated!
Author's response
Hehe sure :)

Version: 4.2.6
The plugin is great and the creator is excellent.

Answer all questions and is really friendly.
Author's response
Love to help

Version: 4.2.6
A very good plugin, goto plugin if i'm going to do SkyWars. Can recommend. Easy to setup, be sure to follow the guides & it'll be even easier! 10/10
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 4.2.5
I had some issues and I went over to the Discord server for help but after 1 hr none of the stuff replied and immediately deleted the plugin in disgust.
Author's response
Please know that the Discord is for help. And we are all helping other people in our SPARE TIME. Yesterday, I did not have any due some major tests I had to study for.
This kinda is a bit immature not having the patience to wait another day. If you rejoin I can help you further as I'm free for the rest of the day and don't have any more tests.

Version: 4.2.5
Good to see this plugin is still updating, and it has the placeholderapi fixed, join npcs and more!! THANKS !!!

Version: 4.2.5
The reason im giving 4 out 5 stars is because i just made a map but whenever I do /swm create (map name) it says an internal error occurred but everything else worked fine, but do I need to make a map so that it can work, the mc version is 1.8.9
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Could you join our Discord so we can fix this together?

Also, next time, please contact us first before writing a review with some kind of problem in it.

Version: 4.2.5
This is such a good plugin.
I didn't know there was an updated version until they helped me in their Discord and sent me the link of this resource. BTW, they're reacting really really quick.
The official plugin didn't support 1.14, but this one does. I first had troubles with the signs being blank on walls, but that's now fixed too.
I'd highly recommend it to everyone who's looking for a good Skywars plugin.
Author's response
Big thanks :)
It took quite some time to fix that annyoing bug

Version: 4.2.4
my best plugins i have ever used its 10/10 best developer best everything ! <3 ty for everthing
Author's response
Thank you very much for all appreciations

Version: 4.2.4
Great support and well made plugin :) Great plugin to have on your minigame network
Author's response
And you thanks for the video :)

Version: 4.2.4
Very Nice Plugin! With such a nice plugin came such good support! If anyone is having a problem, please view the Discord as they were so fast to respond and resolved my issue in less than 5 minutes. The game itself is really nice too.
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 4.2.2
Amazing plugin! AND ITS FREE! also the devs are really helpful and are free to help in their discord!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 4.2.2
Kind developer, and kind support. Actually the best SkyWars free plugin.

Excelente soporte por Discord. Desarrollador dispuesto a ayudar. El mejor plugin de SkyWars y es gratis !!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 4.2.2
This is such a good plugin. SkywarsReloaded was already the best, but with all these fixes and new features.. oof
Highly recommend it to everyone who wants a proper Skywars plugin for their server.
I also recommend the Extension they made as it adds a lot of cool stuff to the game as well.
The owner, GCNT, also responds really fast on their Discord if you need help. They're also really friendly.
Author's response
Thanks for the great review.

Version: 4.2.1
I love the plugin and especially the creators. Quick support on their discord! Recommend this plugin to everyone! Running Spigot 1.14.3
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Love ya too lol

Version: 4.2.1
It is a really good plugin, fast support if you join their discord, very friendly to anyone that reports bugs
Author's response
Thanks for reviewing. Fast and good support is the thing we can do best :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 140,551
First Release: Jul 17, 2019
Last Update: Oct 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
193 ratings
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