RealisticVillagers icon

RealisticVillagers -----

Forget about those boring villagers and replace them with interactive humans!

  • Support for 1.21.4.
  • Fix skin preview issues.
  • Implemented a better version matching.
----------, Jan 3, 2025

  • Fix dupe issues when interacting with the equipment menu of a villager.
  • Fix metadata issues when a villager spawns.
  • Fix conversion issues with non-english servers.
----------, Oct 1, 2024

  • Fixed reload command not applying some changes for wandering traders.
  • Fixed compatibility manager issues.
  • Should fix crash issue when trying to apply random vanilla enchantments to items (1.21).
  • Now the display entities used for nametags (1.20.2+) are packet-based; this should prevent leftovers in the world.
  • Should fix issues when handling metadata packets.
  • Fixed villager menu not opening when disable-skins is true.
  • Fixed NPCs not being removed from the tab in 1.18.2 servers.
----------, Sep 18, 2024

  • Now villager-title-article and variable-text.profession can by edited per-sex.
  • Now all the anvil GUI used for player input will fallback to the previous menu when closed with the Esc key.
  • The close item that appear in most of the GUIs has been changed to back, which will go to the previous menu instead of closing the GUI.
  • Added the item property require-permission to the main GUI. When set to true, the player will be required to have the permission realisticvillagers.gui.{name-of-the-item}. For example, if you add the property to the item joke, the player must the permission realisticvillagers.gui.joke.
  • Fix issue when trying to add a nametag to a villager.
----------, Aug 25, 2024

  • Fix compatibility issue for 1.21 & 1.21.1 (SPIGOT).
----------, Aug 15, 2024

  • 1.21.1 support.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with ViaVersion.
  • Fixed nametags not updating when changing the name of a villager with a tag.
  • Should fix some issues related to inventory interactions.
  • Fixed item flags not being applied to any item.
----------, Aug 14, 2024

  • Fixed an issue in 1.20.6 and 1.21.
----------, Jul 9, 2024

  • Fixed an incompatibility issue with EliteMobs.
----------, Jul 6, 2024

  • Added 1.21 support.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to spawn a baby.
  • Fixed new nametags not being removed when a villager is turned into a witch.
  • New configurations to avoid breaking up villager farms (check here for more information!).
    • Within these settings, you can choose whether 2 villagers of the same sex can procreate, whether a villager can "cheat" on his current partner and whether 2 villagers of the same family can procreate. These new settings are disabled by default, so villager farms may not function properly.
  • Code cleanup and optimizations.
----------, Jul 5, 2024

  • Added support for 1.20.6 (including Paper).
    • 1.20.5 will not be supported as the same version was replaced by 1.20.6 a few days later.
  • Important: ProtocolLib has been replaced by PacketEvents (since it receives more updates and is much easier to use), so you must add it to your server.
  • Now the baby NPC villagers will have the same size as the baby vanilla villagers (only for version 1.20.6 onwards). When they become adults the size grows to the same as the adult villagers.
----------, May 25, 2024

  • Fixed NPCs spawning in WG regions (or any other plugin to prevent spawning) where villager spawning is not allowed.
----------, Apr 2, 2024

  • Added an option (villager-defend-attack-players) for villagers to defend players from attacks by other players (disabled by default).
    • If the villager does not have a weapon equipped or the attacking player is a member of the villager's family then the other player will not be defended.
  • Fixed an issue where new nametags were visible when villagers were invisible in < 1.20.4 servers.
  • Better handling of NPC metadata.
  • Fixed the rotation of the villagers' heads while sleeping.
  • Fixed the client being frozen when spawning NPCs.
  • Fixed (should be) crashes in some clients with mods when spawning NPCs.
----------, Mar 26, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where crafting recipes still worked even after deleting them from config.yml.
  • Fixed an issue that allows players to place items inside GUIs by drag-clicking.
  • Fixed whistle teleport not working.
  • Fixed the client freezing for 1-2 second(s) when right clicking a villager to open the main GUI.
----------, Mar 22, 2024

Changelog (click on read more)
  • Added the wandering trader.
    • For the time being, they do not have any changes, unlike the villagers, they continue to maintain their original function: wandering. Right-clicking on them will simply open the trade menu. They will also disappear after a period of time as they always do.
    • NOTE: The skin files have been updated so you must do it too, otherwise every time a wandering trader appears in the world you'll have to wait until the skin is generated to be able to see them.
      • To do this you have 2 options, you can either delete the skins folder and restart the server to download them again automatically OR, you must manually paste the new skins to your current files. If you choose the second option, copy and paste the new entries at the end of your female.yml and male.yml files.
    • If you have any suggestions on what changes to make to the wandering trader or how to improve them, you can leave your suggestion on the discord server.
  • Fixed an issue where new nametags were visible when villagers were invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where invisible villagers were visible when they should't be (mostly when spawning).
  • The way in which the skin preview is done has been changed, now an NPC will appear in front of the player rotating showing the selected skin for a short time.
Please report any errors on the discord server. :)
----------, Mar 18, 2024

Changelog (Image included, click on read more)
  • Added a new nameplate system (experimental). With this new feature you can further customize the villagers' nameplates.
    • Only works for 1.20.2 and 1.20.4 servers (since we use the new display entities).
    • Multiple lines.
    • Unlimited characters, any symbol and character can be used.
    • It can also display a small block above the name representing the villager's work block.
    • If you prefer to use the old nametags system (vanilla) simply set the lines to [].
    • NOTE: If you have a plugin that removes entities to "remove lag" add the display entities as an exception or they will be deleted.
  • Added back the render-distance option for villagers.
    • Don't set it too high or some players won't be able to see the villagers as some clients may stop rendering the villagers.
----------, Mar 9, 2024

  • Added new option in config, increase-baby-scale which allows baby villagers (if set to false) to pass through 1x1 blocks when the skins are enabled (they'll look as if they are suffocating).
    • On the other hand, in version 1.20.5 an attribute will be added to all entities which will allow to change the size of the entities, so finally it'll be possible to make the baby villagers look small with the skins enabled.
  • Fixed issue related to paper.
  • Increased the delay time of the entity tracker to prevent TPS downgrades.
----------, Jan 31, 2024

  • Now you can also choose which animals are attacked by the villager.
    • For the moment, you can't choose the aquatic animals because the villagers can't swim (yet), so they won't be able to approach them.
  • Now you can also choose which players are attacked by the villager.
    • When you add a player to the villager's target list, they will be attacked at first sight.
    • You can't add yourself or a member of the villager's family as a target.
  • Villagers can now tame, feed and ride horses, donkeys and mules.
    • The villager must have in his inventory a SADDLE and food to tame them, these must be any of: WHEAT, HAY_BLOCK, APPLE, GOLDEN_APPLE, ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE.
    • If someone removes the horse's saddle, the villager won't be able to ride it.
    • Villagers will ride their own horses as long as they are not working, going to sleep, or have been told by a player to stay in one place; if any of these things happen, the villager will get off the horse.
    • Villagers will also get off the horse if they are attacked or there is a threat nearby (only if they have a weapon to defend themselves), also when there is a meeting at a nearby bell and the villager is not following a player.
    • This behavior is disabled by default; you must enable it in config.yml by setting tame-horses to true. If you disable this option, any villager who is riding a horse will be dismounted and won't ride again until this option is enabled again.
    • If you find any error, please report them on the discord server or github as this feature is new.
  • By right clicking on a villager with a leash/lead, you'll make the villager start following you (if you have permission to ask him to follow you).
  • Added new variables to messages sent from the villager's perspective to the player (chat/gift/joke/etc. from messages.yml)
    • %player-name% - the name of the player receiving the message.
    • %random-player-name% - the name of a random player who has played on the server.
    • %villager-name% - the name of the villager involved in this conversation.
    • %random-villager-name% - the name of a random villager nearby.
    • For example, if you add the line "Hi %player-name%, I'm %villager-name%!" to one of the chat messages, it'll look like Hi triumpy, I'm Carla!.
  • Fixed issues when taking input from anvil GUIs.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from reviving villagers if the revival item is not a head.
  • Fixed some issues with the config updater.
----------, Dec 25, 2023

  • Added 1.20.4 support.
----------, Dec 12, 2023

  • Fixed IAE issue in 1.20.2.
----------, Nov 5, 2023

  • Fixed a significant bug related with EntityPickupItemEvent, sorry for the inconvenience.
----------, Oct 12, 2023

  • Update dependencies, remove unnecessary packets to listen to.
  • Fixed IllegalStateException when trying to procreate in 1.20.2.
----------, Oct 10, 2023

  • 1.20.2 support.
    • 1.20.1 is still supported, but will be removed when 1.20.2 is more stable.
  • Fixed issue where villagers spawned in the wrong location.
  • Removed (temporarily) the messages sent by villagers when a player who attacked them is out of range (messages.yml: reaction.ran-away).
----------, Oct 10, 2023

This may be the last version for 1.20.1 servers, the next ones will be only for 1.18.2, 1.19.4 and 1.20.2.

  • New behavior: now villagers (if they are part of your family) will help you if you need food (by giving you food if they have any), regenerate your life (if they have any potion that improves your health) or remove any poisonous potion effect (by giving you a bucket of milk if they have any).
  • Fixed baby villager scale when skins are disabled.
  • Added some bypass permissions, you can see them along with a description of what they do on the main page under permissions.
----------, Sep 26, 2023

We have reached 200 purchases, thank you! :D


  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException when parsing wrong color from leather-color in config.yml.
  • Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when opening main GUI.
----------, Sep 14, 2023

  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException when reading wrong region files.
  • Fixed frame being used in main GUI even if the frame was disabled in config.
  • Now you can use a selected list of colors to assign a random one for leather-color, like this:
    Code (YAML):
    leather-color :
    - "&#000000"
    - "&#00CAFF"
    - "&#EE00FF"
----------, Sep 3, 2023

  • Should fix IllegalArgumentException when starting the server.
  • Fix players being kicked when getting close to a villager when using version 1.7 (with ViaRewind/ViaBackwards) on newer server versions.
  • Added placeholder %reputation% to villager-information item in the main GUI.
  • Now you can use colors with the format &#RRGGBB on leather-color (for lether armor pieces).
----------, Aug 22, 2023

  • Fixed NPE in 1.18.2 servers.
----------, Aug 8, 2023

  • Villagers can be revived. In short, in order to revive a villager, the villager must have a cross in his inventory that can be craftable, although you can also disable the cross requirement, making all villagers drop the head to revive (not recommended). Upon death, his head will be dropped at the place of death. Now, all that remains is to create the monument with emerald blocks (as shown in the following video) and light the spikes.
    Experimental feature! may be removed in the future.
    • Disabled by default.
    • It's not possible to revive villagers killed by suffocation, void or world border.
    • Villagers turned into witches by being struck by lightning cannot be revived either. For villagers turned into zombies, you'll have to revive them in the normal way that zombie villagers are revived.
    • You can modify the reputation (positive) when a cross is given in cross-reputation.
    • The monument can't be modified yet (neither can the type of blocks).
    • The cross requirement can be disabled in config.yml.
    • You can modify the chance of an emerald block breaking when it receives a lightning strike.
    • You can modify whether you can only revive villagers at night or at any time.
    • You can modify the health, food and potion effects that the villager will receive when revived.
    • You can modify the entire bossbar.
  • Now you can use the villager skin in the GUI main and equipment using skin: SELF and material: PLAYER_HEAD.
  • Now you can modify the item that appears in the bottom left corner of the GUI equipment.
  • Added who-can-modify-villager-combat and who-can-modify-villager-home to config.yml. With this, you'll be able to choose who can modify the combat targets and the villager's home (bed).
  • Added family-bypass-ask-to-follow and family-bypass-ask-to-stay to config.yml. With this, players will be able to bypass the reputation requirement to ask to follow/stay.
  • Fixed issue where you couldn't rename villagers using a nametag even when the option in config.yml was enabled.
  • Should fix NPE when trying to spawn villagers in worlds created by other plugins.
  • Now villagers don't send welcome messages in hide, panic and fight activities.
  • Changed only-for-family to only-if-allowed for the set-home and combat items in the main GUI.
----------, Jul 17, 2023

Please report any issues on github or my discord; you can find both links in the plugin overview.


  • Fixed IllegalStateException that caused the server to crash.
  • Fixed NullPointerException when trying to render villagers (thanks to @Ghost_chu).
  • Fixed issues with EliteMobs (this plugin will ignore villagers that belong to EliteMobs).
  • Fixed compatibility with previously supported plugins listed in the overview.
    • This update should add compatibility with most plugins that use villagers (as long as they have the AI disabled), although there may be exceptions; if there are, let me know so I can fix them.
  • Fixed an issue in config.yml with the and GUIs, leading to the change listed below.
  • Changed to as there was a problem updating the configuration due to the error mentioned above. Unfortunately, [add-new-skin, clear-skin, profession & skin of] and [from-player & from-console of] had to be reset, so you'll have to modify them again if you have done so. This won't happen again.
----------, Jul 12, 2023

  • Added custom schedules for babies and adults.
    • With this you can choose at what time the villagers go to sleep (or if they shouldn't sleep), at what time they work, and so on.
  • Fixed issue where the main and whistle GUI ignored the selected inventory size.
----------, Jul 2, 2023

  • Fixed NullPointerException when rendering villagers.
----------, Jul 1, 2023

  • Fixed item properties being deleted from config.yml when reloading the plugin (such as model-data).
  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException when setting the slot of a main GUI item outside the inventory; you can set the slot to -1 to not display the item.
----------, Jun 30, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where villagers could tame a pet that's already tamed by a player.
  • Removed the cooldown when canceling the gift or canceling a villager's home establishment.
----------, Jun 20, 2023

NOTE: Some things changed in 1.20.1, any bug report it in private, discord or discussion please. (VIDEO COMING SOON)

Added (Please, read everything; click on see more)
  • Added support for 1.20.1.
  • To see the new commands added, go to the plugin overview.
  • Now you can add your own skins; this plugin will generate the textures with profession overlays when needed.
    • In order to add your own skins, you must generate an api-key on the mineskin page; click here to see how to do this (if you need help, send me a private message).
    • You can add them using a player's name, or by specifying texture and signature values (using a command from the console).
    • You can remove skins by right-clicking on the desired skin item (villagers with the removed skin will receive a new random skin).
    • You can also select the skins to be applied to children; this means no more bearded children (middle click on skin item).
    • You can disguise with the added skins to see how those skins look on the villagers.
  • The item to trade with the villager now shows the items you can trade with him.
  • Invalid names will now be displayed in the chat and GUIs (but not yet in the nametag).
  • You can now change the skin of a villager to another one with a new command that'll give you an item with the ID of the skin; by right-clicking on a villager, that villager will change to that skin (if the requirements are met: sex and age stage must be the same).
  • Added an option to set the jump chance when backing up, to give more realism and also to go up a step if possible.
  • Added %keyword% placeholder to clear-search items in paginatedGUIs to see the word used as a filter.
  • You can now also click on the entity head item of the combat GUI to enable/disable targets.
  • Added an option to allow collecting arrows shot by villagers.
    • This was allowed (but not customizable) in 1.18.2 but not in 1.19.X.
  • Added animations in GUIs.
  • Added %id% (unique ID of the villager), %skin-id% (the id of the skin the villager is using), %experience% (the current villager's experience), %max-experience% (the experience that the villager must have to level up) and %effects% (active potion effects) in main GUI.
  • Now the main GUI it's updated every second (only trade & information item).
  • Added only-for-clerics for divorce-papers.
  • Added only-if-married for procreate, set-home, combat and divorce.
  • Added an option to allow to modify the name of a villager using a nametag (EVERYONE/FAMILY/NONE).
  • Now you can modify the movement speed when eating, walking, sprinting and swimming (floating).
  • New behavior: if a villager has low health and a totem of undying in his inventory (not in the main-hand), the villager will equip the totem in his main-hand (the previous item will be saved in the inventory).
  • Now villagers will panic when there's a near TNT primed.
  • Added a countdown to spawning a baby; now you have to right-click 3 times with the baby item in order to spawn your baby.
  • Now villager randomly "hit" when following a target with a melee weapon.
  • Now you'll see dead messages of all of your family members (instead of only your partner) when they die (like when your named tamed pet dies).
  • Now you can cancel giving a gift or selecting a bed by doing shift + right click on the expecting villager.
  • Removed who-can-modify-villager-combat, now only family is allowed to modify the combat targets.
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC was not being cached when it first spawned, requiring a restart to make it appear correctly.
  • Fixed teleport when a villager is following a player flying (either with commands or an elytra) where the villager would smash to the ground and die.
  • Fixed NPCs rendering: now they don't magically disappear & can render from far away depending on the player rendering settings.
  • Now when an error occurs when modifying a config file, a backup file will be made of that config before resetting back to the default one.
  • Fixed issue where config files properties would be resetted when reloading.
  • Fixed issue where villagers would lost their previous items when switching them in other behaviors (usually when stopping the server).
  • Fixed rendering issue when spawning a villager riding a vehicle.
  • Fixed issue where villager would send a hurt message when already dead (fatal hit).
  • Now your reputation won't be reduced when killing a villager in creative.
  • Now a villager can marry again with another villager when his partner dies.
  • Fixed issue where throwing a gift to a hopper or flames (lava/fire) will set the expectation time to forever.
  • Fixed issue where you could only choose a villager's bed with an empty hand.
  • Reduced teleport-when-following-distance from 16 to 12 to match FollowOwnerGoal (used in most tameable entities).
  • Changed the %partner% behavior, now it shows every partner of a villager (including former partners).
  • Improved harvest behavior: now farmer villagers will create farmland using a hoe if there's any type of dirt in a radius of 2 blocks from water.
    • They also plant melon and pumpkin (and use bonemeal on them).
  • Changed harvest & fishing behavior: now they use a "virtual" tool when working. That means, they'll always have them to work.
  • Changed subcommands give_ring, give_whistle and give_divorce_papers to give-ring, give-whistle and give-divorce-papers respectively.
  • Now villagers will stop all type of interactions when reacting to a bell/horn.
  • Villagers will now recover their previous item (if they had one) when they are attacked and have changed their previous item (possibly a weapon) when running other behaviors. This means that if a villager is eating and had a weapon in hand, he'll stop eating and retrieve his weapon in order to attack the target.
  • Now the reload command runs on another thread, you'll have to wait a few seconds.
----------, Jun 17, 2023

  • Added /realisticvillagers force_divorce (player) subcommand, so both the player and the villager get divorced, no reputation loss and the villager will drop the ring.
  • Changed get_ring, get_whistle and get_divorce_papers subcommands to give_ring, give_whistle and give_divorce_papers, now you can specify a player to give.
  • Changed give items command permissions:
    • realisticvillagers.give.(ring/whistle/divorcepapers)
    • realisticvillagers.give.other.(ring/whistle/divorcepapers)
  • Fixed 1.18.2 compatibility.
  • Should fix issues with ViaBackwards (not tested) and when disabling the plugin.
----------, Apr 10, 2023

NOTE: Some things changed in 1.19.4, any bug report it in private, discord or discussion.


  • Added support for 1.19.4.
  • Dropped support for 1.19.3, use 2.0.1, or (plugin) or upgrade to the latest version (server).
  • Fixed an issue where the sex of the newborn baby was changed when giving an invalid name.
----------, Mar 23, 2023

  • Should fix some issues with ProtocolLib.
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve this plugin? you can do so in our github or via discussion page!
----------, Jan 26, 2023

  • Updated dependencies; fixes an error when procreating (in 1.19.2).
----------, Dec 30, 2022

NOTE: Some things changed in 1.19.3, any bug report it in private, discord or discussion.


  • Added support for 1.19.3.
  • Dropped support for 1.19.2, use version from 1.0 to 2.0 (plugin) or upgrade to the latest version (server).
----------, Dec 29, 2022

NOTE: This is (possibly) the last update for version 1.19.2 and the native version will be changed to 1.19.3 in future updates; also, keep an eye on the performance notes added in the overview as the next update will be more focused on performance improvement!

Changelog (new video added to overview)

  • Modify inventory size & slots of items in the main GUI.
  • Added automatic welcome messages when walking near a villager; take a look here.
  • Added the whistle; use it to summon family members wherever they are.
  • Increased the hitbox of baby villagers to prevent them from suffocating in small spaces (only one block high).
  • Added a behavior to check the inventory for useful items, such as weapons, armor, etc.
  • Villagers now drink health potions (HEAL/REGENERATION/HEALTH_BOOST/ABSORPTION) when they need to recover health.
  • Villagers now drink "fight" potions (MOVEMENT_SPEED/DAMAGE_BOOST/DAMAGE_RESISTANCE/FIRE_RESISTANCE) before a raid wave.
  • Villagers now feed their pets if they need to regain health.
  • Switched to a better equipment system; take a look here.
  • Now you can specify your child's initial reputation at birth.
  • Commands:
    • Added the subcommand get_whistle.
    • Added the subcommand get_divorce_papers.
    • Changed the subcommand "ring" to "get_ring" to match the format of the new subcommands.
  • Now you can modify the divorce papers that the player receives from the cleric.
  • Messages:
    • The help message has been removed from messages.yml and can no longer be modified.
    • Moved @cleric-divorce-papers to @cleric.divorce-papers, before updating, make a copy of those messages!
  • Changed the villager tracking system; the villagers.yml file is no longer needed (it will be automatically deleted when updating).
  • Added a glass pane frame to the main menu.
  • Removed the reputation limit from the gossip system.
  • Reduced the amount of gossip transfer when villagers gossip with other villagers.
  • Villagers now have a chance of success when taming pets (just like players).
  • Villagers can now tame parrots and even carry them on their shoulders.
  • Added an option for villagers to defend the player they are following.
  • Changes to the @villager-defend-hero-of-the-village option: now the player who has killed at least one raider is also considered "hero of the village"; this means, the player who will receive this effect if the raid is successfully defended.
  • Changes to the @villager-defend-family-member option: now villagers also defend family members who are villagers.
  • Now villagers can throw their tridents if they have the RIPTIDE or LOYALTY enchantment.
  • Added an option to decide if the riptide attack damages other villagers.
  • If a villager is hit by a lightning spawned from a trident with the CHANNELING enchantment used by a villager, the villager won't be converted into a witch (if @Witch-conversion is true).
  • If the villager is equipped with a bow or crossbow and has no projectile to throw but has a melee weapon, that weapon will be used.
  • Now villagers can adopt pets of other villagers who have died (with only 1 taming food).
  • Added an option to prevent iron golems created by villagers from attacking the player after being hit (accidentally or not) during a raid (the player must be a candidate to become the hero of the village).
  • Added an identifier for wanted items so that they can only be picked in chests.
  • Now villagers only grab one item of each type when looting a chest.
  • Fixed some errors when drinking a honey bottle.
  • Added an option for villagers not to harm other villagers with the explosion of a firework launched from a crossbow.
  • Now you can specify the amount of items a villager grabs from a chest when looting wanted items.
  • When the villager grabs a weapon/armor piece of the same material as the one he already has equipped and without enchantments, the one with less damage will be equipped.
  • Increased the villager's speed when they are in water to prevent them from taking too long to get out of the water.
  • Now arrows shot by villagers (either from a bow or crossbow) cannot be picked up by players (like arrows shot by skeletons).
  • Now the children of a villager can be displayed one line below the other in the information item found in the main menu; to do this, you must change the variable %childrens% to %children% and format it the way you want. Have a look here.
  • Now you can modify (or remove) the death symbol that appears next to the name of a dead villager.
  • When a villager is killed, nearby family members will attack the player (except in raids).
  • Added an option so that tridents with riptide can only be thrown by villagers when in water or exposed to rain.
----------, Dec 15, 2022

NOTE: this is (possibly) the last update for version 1.19.2 and the native version will be changed to 1.19.3 in future updates; also, keep an eye on the performance notes added in the overview as the next update will be more focused on performance improvement!

Changelog (new video added to overview)

  • Modify inventory size & slots of items in the main GUI.
  • Added automatic welcome messages when walking near a villager; take a look here.
  • Added the whistle; use it to summon family members wherever they are.
  • Increased the hitbox of baby villagers to prevent them from suffocating in small spaces (only one block high).
  • Added a behavior to check the inventory for useful items, such as weapons, armor, etc.
  • Villagers now drink health potions (HEAL/REGENERATION/HEALTH_BOOST/ABSORPTION) when they need to recover health.
  • Villagers now drink "fight" potions (MOVEMENT_SPEED/DAMAGE_BOOST/DAMAGE_RESISTANCE/FIRE_RESISTANCE) before a raid wave.
  • Villagers now feed their pets if they need to regain health.
  • Switched to a better equipment system; take a look here.
  • Now you can specify your child's initial reputation at birth.
  • Commands:
    • Added the subcommand get_whistle.
    • Added the subcommand get_divorce_papers.
    • Changed the subcommand "ring" to "get_ring" to match the format of the new subcommands.
  • Now you can modify the divorce papers that the player receives from the cleric.
  • Messages:
    • The help message has been removed from messages.yml and can no longer be modified.
    • Moved @cleric-divorce-papers to @cleric.divorce-papers, before updating, make a copy of those messages!
  • Changed the villager tracking system; the villagers.yml file is no longer needed (it will be automatically deleted when updating).
  • Added a glass pane frame to the main menu.
  • Removed the reputation limit from the gossip system.
  • Reduced the amount of gossip transfer when villagers gossip with other villagers.
  • Villagers now have a chance of success when taming pets (just like players).
  • Villagers can now tame parrots and even carry them on their shoulders.
  • Added an option for villagers to defend the player they are following.
  • Changes to the @villager-defend-hero-of-the-village option: now the player who has killed at least one raider is also considered "hero of the village"; this means, the player who will receive this effect if the raid is successfully defended.
  • Changes to the @villager-defend-family-member option: now villagers also defend family members who are villagers.
  • Now villagers can throw their tridents if they have the RIPTIDE or LOYALTY enchantment.
  • Added an option to decide if the riptide attack damages other villagers.
  • If a villager is hit by a lightning spawned from a trident with the CHANNELING enchantment used by a villager, the villager won't be converted into a witch (if @Witch-conversion is true).
  • If the villager is equipped with a bow or crossbow and has no projectile to throw but has a melee weapon, that weapon will be used.
  • Now villagers can adopt pets of other villagers who have died (with only 1 taming food).
  • Added an option to prevent iron golems created by villagers from attacking the player after being hit (accidentally or not) during a raid (the player must be a candidate to become the hero of the village).
  • Added an identifier for wanted items so that they can only be picked in chests.
  • Now villagers only grab one item of each type when looting a chest.
  • Fixed some errors when drinking a honey bottle.
  • Added an option for villagers not to harm other villagers with the explosion of a firework launched from a crossbow.
  • Now you can specify the amount of items a villager grabs from a chest when looting wanted items.
  • When the villager grabs a weapon/armor piece of the same material as the one he already has equipped and without enchantments, the one with less damage will be equipped.
  • Increased the villager's speed when they are in water to prevent them from taking too long to get out of the water.
  • Now arrows shot by villagers (either from a bow or crossbow) cannot be picked up by players (like arrows shot by skeletons).
  • Now the children of a villager can be displayed one line below the other in the information item found in the main menu; to do this, you must change the variable %childrens% to %children% and format it the way you want. Have a look here.
  • Now you can modify (or remove) the death symbol that appears next to the name of a dead villager.
  • When a villager is killed, nearby family members will attack the player (except in raids).
  • Added an option so that tridents with riptide can only be thrown by villagers when in water or exposed to rain.
----------, Dec 15, 2022

  • Added a name check when giving a random name to a villager; if a valid name (from names.yml) is not found, the villager's name will be hidden.
  • Fixed an error in 1.18.2.
----------, Nov 14, 2022

  • Now you can add cooldown when giving gifts to villagers.
  • This should fix the bug of villagers not taking gifts.
    • Make sure that the gamerule mobGriefing is enabled, otherwise villagers won't be able to pick gifts.
  • Now you can interact with other villagers even if another villager is waiting for a gift.
  • Now villagers will send a message and shake their heads if they have no trades.
  • Now villagers will equip the armor/weapon they loot from the chests (if they are wanted items).
  • Fixed a bug where villagers loot the same chest twice in a row after interrupting the villager while looting.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with RainbowsPro and Villager Market.
  • Now villagers can use fireworks on crossbows.
  • Fixed a bug where the villager reloads the crossbow even when receiving a crossbow already loaded with a projectile.
  • Fixed invalid texture error when a villager tries to load the previously assigned texture when spawning and the texture has been removed; whenever this happens again, a new texture will be assigned.
  • Added 2 options to set a required amount of reputation to ask a villager to follow you or stay in a place; if the player doesn't have the required reputation, the villager will send a message and shake his head.
  • Improved the system to ignore villagers from other plugins; if there are other plugins that use villagers and this plugin converts them to RealisticVillagers ones and is not listed in the overview under "Supported plugins", please let me know.
  • All messages in messages.yml can be disabled individually, leaving the message with empty double quotes, like this: "".
  • Added a subcommand to receive a wedding ring and avoid having to craft it: /realisticvillagers ring (check the required permissions in the overview under "Commands").
----------, Nov 7, 2022

  • Some performance improvements when working with files and behaviors.
  • Added another solution to villagers not taking gifts.
  • Now baby villagers and healed villagers (after zombie infection) won't receive equipment when spawning (obviously, they'll still be able to receive and use equipment).
----------, Nov 2, 2022

  • Villagers are now allowed to loot chests! Take a look at the newly added option.
    • While this may seem like a simple thing to add, it took me longer than I expected; lots of visual errors to fix.
    • Soon, you'll be able to choose the amount of items a villager can grab per item.
  • If you try to give an invalid name to a baby villager after procreation you'll receive a warning message; a valid name must follow the same requirements as the name for a premium account, check here.
  • Should fix the error of some villagers not taking the gifts.
    • This is a very strange error that so far has only been reported by 2 people, I'm still looking into the reason for this error; please, be patient.
    • There may be interference when a villager has a job block nearby and tries to go to it, but I'm still not quite sure.
  • Now villagers must have at least one empty slot to be able to throw food to another villager; this was implemented to prevent villagers from throwing food at each other non-stop, possibly lagging the server momentarily.
NOTE: My apologies, I would have liked to do a special update for Halloween, perhaps where the villagers can trick or treat or something similar; but unfortunately I didn't have the time. That being said, happy Halloween!
----------, Oct 31, 2022

  • Fixed interactions not working when skins are disabled.
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException and skins not showing after healing a zombie villager.
  • Should fix a crash when trying to load a villager's bed position in an unloaded chunk.
NOTE: I'm busy with some personal stuff; I'll be back from Monday 24th onwards, I hope y'all understand.
----------, Oct 19, 2022

  • Fixed time format used in cooldowns when the time is higher than an hour.
----------, Oct 6, 2022

  • Now villager can fight with a trident (riptide not implemented yet).
  • Now villager can wear a turtle helmet.
  • Changed the way nametags were disabled to prevent real players having their nametag hided because of sharing the same name of a villager.
  • Now villager can use all types of arrows (tipped/spectral) in bows/crossbows.
    • Firework rocket can't be used in crossbows yet.
  • Option require-arrows-for-projectile-weapon removed from config.yml in favor of the feature mentioned above.
  • Fixed bug where villager would lay in bed even when interacting with a player.
  • Fixed a bug where the player couldn't interact with other villagers after the death of a villager expecting a gift.
  • Now you can choose whether villagers can ride a boat when they're near it.
----------, Oct 6, 2022

  • Now villagers can eat cakes.
  • Villagers will drink a milk bucket if they have any harmful effects.
  • Fixed CustomModelData not being applied on items.
  • Now you can use color codes in villager message format.
  • Now you can change the melee attack range.
  • Villagers should back up when fighting melee (based on melee attack range).
----------, Oct 5, 2022

  • Fixed NoSuchElementException when a villager isn't a realistic one. This fix should make the plugin compatible with almost every plugin which spawn villagers (vanilla or custom).
----------, Oct 2, 2022

  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException when other plugins spawn villagers.
  • Added an option to modify the inventory of a villager (read here for some precautions).
----------, Oct 2, 2022

  • Fixed UnsupportedOperationException when using a shield.
  • Added an option to change the jumping chance when attacking with a sword/axe.
----------, Sep 29, 2022

Changelog (new video added to overview)
  • Added behaviors to tame animals (atm, WOLF & CAT only). A villager must have a bone (for wolfs) or raw cod/salmon (for cats). Other tameables such as parrots and horses may be added in the future if requested by buyers. Once tamed, these animals will behave the same way the they do when tamed by players.
  • Now you can define wanted items (materials/tags) by villagers; using the same system as the gifts.
    NOTE: This option will be added automatically to the config.yml (like all new options do), just update your .jar.
  • Should fix some issues with BKCommonLib.
----------, Sep 29, 2022

  • Added compatibility for Shopkeeper plugin, to prevent them to be disguised as players and interacting with other villagers.
  • Added an option to disable nametags for villagers.
  • Added profession condition for gifts (more information here).
  • In the last update, a world filter was added, but I made the mistake to leave it to WHITELIST by default, so when you updated the version of the plugin, all your villagers were normal villagers; dumb mistake by me. Now has been changed to BLACKLIST by default.
----------, Sep 27, 2022

  • Added an option to disable skins (NOT RECOMMENDED).
  • Added an option to disable the plugin behavior in defined worlds.
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs weren't rendered after switching worlds through a portal.
----------, Sep 25, 2022

Changelog (new video added to the overview)
  • Villagers now have a hunger system, which helps the villager to heal when hurt.
  • That said, villagers now eat any food they have in their inventory that doesn't contain any insaluble effects.
  • Now the fisherman villager has a unique job just like the farmers; fishing and storing the fish in the barrel.
----------, Sep 23, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 408
First Release: Sep 23, 2022
Last Update: Jan 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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