Fixed a bug where the villager reloads the crossbow even when receiving a crossbow already loaded with a projectile.
Fixed invalid texture error when a villager tries to load the previously assigned texture when spawning and the texture has been removed; whenever this happens again, a new texture will be assigned.
Added 2 options to set a required amount of reputation to ask a villager to follow you or stay in a place; if the player doesn't have the required reputation, the villager will send a message and shake his head.
Improved the system to ignore villagers from other plugins; if there are other plugins that use villagers and this plugin converts them to RealisticVillagers ones and is not listed in the overview under "Supported plugins", please let me know.
All messages in messages.yml can be disabled individually, leaving the message with empty double quotes, like this: "".
Added a subcommand to receive a wedding ring and avoid having to craft it: /realisticvillagers ring (check the required permissions in the overview under "Commands").