NOTE: Some things changed in 1.20.1, any bug report it in private, discord or discussion please. (VIDEO COMING SOON)
Added (Please, read everything; click on see more)
Added support for 1.20.1.
To see the new commands added, go to the plugin overview.
Now you can add your own skins; this plugin will generate the textures with profession overlays when needed.
In order to add your own skins, you must generate an api-key on the mineskin page; click here to see how to do this (if you need help, send me a private message).
You can add them using a player's name, or by specifying texture and signature values (using a command from the console).
You can remove skins by right-clicking on the desired skin item (villagers with the removed skin will receive a new random skin).
You can also select the skins to be applied to children; this means no more bearded children (middle click on skin item).
You can disguise with the added skins to see how those skins look on the villagers.
The item to trade with the villager now shows the items you can trade with him.
Invalid names will now be displayed in the chat and GUIs (but not yet in the nametag).
You can now change the skin of a villager to another one with a new command that'll give you an item with the ID of the skin; by right-clicking on a villager, that villager will change to that skin (if the requirements are met: sex and age stage must be the same).
Added an option to set the jump chance when backing up, to give more realism and also to go up a step if possible.
Added %keyword% placeholder to clear-search items in paginatedGUIs to see the word used as a filter.
You can now also click on the entity head item of the combat GUI to enable/disable targets.
Added an option to allow collecting arrows shot by villagers.
This was allowed (but not customizable) in 1.18.2 but not in 1.19.X.
Added animations in GUIs.
Added %id% (unique ID of the villager), %skin-id% (the id of the skin the villager is using), %experience% (the current villager's experience), %max-experience% (the experience that the villager must have to level up) and %effects% (active potion effects) in main GUI.
Now the main GUI it's updated every second (only trade & information item).
Added only-for-clerics for divorce-papers.
Added only-if-married for procreate, set-home, combat and divorce.
Added an option to allow to modify the name of a villager using a nametag (EVERYONE/FAMILY/NONE).
Now you can modify the movement speed when eating, walking, sprinting and swimming (floating).
New behavior: if a villager has low health and a totem of undying in his inventory (not in the main-hand), the villager will equip the totem in his main-hand (the previous item will be saved in the inventory).
Now villagers will panic when there's a near TNT primed.
Added a countdown to spawning a baby; now you have to right-click 3 times with the baby item in order to spawn your baby.
Now villager randomly "hit" when following a target with a melee weapon.
Now you'll see dead messages of all of your family members (instead of only your partner) when they die (like when your named tamed pet dies).
Now you can cancel giving a gift or selecting a bed by doing shift + right click on the expecting villager.
Removed who-can-modify-villager-combat, now only family is allowed to modify the combat targets.
Fixed an issue where the NPC was not being cached when it first spawned, requiring a restart to make it appear correctly.
Fixed teleport when a villager is following a player flying (either with commands or an elytra) where the villager would smash to the ground and die.
Fixed NPCs rendering: now they don't magically disappear & can render from far away depending on the player rendering settings.
Now when an error occurs when modifying a config file, a backup file will be made of that config before resetting back to the default one.
Fixed issue where config files properties would be resetted when reloading.
Fixed issue where villagers would lost their previous items when switching them in other behaviors (usually when stopping the server).
Fixed rendering issue when spawning a villager riding a vehicle.
Fixed issue where villager would send a hurt message when already dead (fatal hit).
Now your reputation won't be reduced when killing a villager in creative.
Now a villager can marry again with another villager when his partner dies.
Fixed issue where throwing a gift to a hopper or flames (lava/fire) will set the expectation time to forever.
Fixed issue where you could only choose a villager's bed with an empty hand.
Reduced teleport-when-following-distance from 16 to 12 to match FollowOwnerGoal (used in most tameable entities).
Changed the %partner% behavior, now it shows every partner of a villager (including former partners).
Improved harvest behavior: now farmer villagers will create farmland using a hoe if there's any type of dirt in a radius of 2 blocks from water.
They also plant melon and pumpkin (and use bonemeal on them).
Changed harvest & fishing behavior: now they use a "virtual" tool when working. That means, they'll always have them to work.
Changed subcommands give_ring, give_whistle and give_divorce_papers to give-ring, give-whistle and give-divorce-papers respectively.
Now villagers will stop all type of interactions when reacting to a bell/horn.
Villagers will now recover their previous item (if they had one) when they are attacked and have changed their previous item (possibly a weapon) when running other behaviors. This means that if a villager is eating and had a weapon in hand, he'll stop eating and retrieve his weapon in order to attack the target.
Now the reload command runs on another thread, you'll have to wait a few seconds.