Villagers are now allowed to loot chests! Take a look at the newly added option.
While this may seem like a simple thing to add, it took me longer than I expected; lots of visual errors to fix.
Soon, you'll be able to choose the amount of items a villager can grab per item.
If you try to give an invalid name to a baby villager after procreation you'll receive a warning message; a valid name must follow the same requirements as the name for a premium account, check here.
Should fix the error of some villagers not taking the gifts.
This is a very strange error that so far has only been reported by 2 people, I'm still looking into the reason for this error; please, be patient.
There may be interference when a villager has a job block nearby and tries to go to it, but I'm still not quite sure.
Now villagers must have at least one empty slot to be able to throw food to another villager; this was implemented to prevent villagers from throwing food at each other non-stop, possibly lagging the server momentarily.
NOTE: My apologies, I would have liked to do a special update for Halloween, perhaps where the villagers can trick or treat or something similar; but unfortunately I didn't have the time. That being said, happy Halloween!