MoreMobHeads icon

MoreMobHeads -----

Adds all of the mob heads as chance drops.

D1 Fixed NPE when getting noteblock sound on paper server.
D2 Fixed exception involving empty recipes list.
D3 Added new config for MiniBlocks perblock

All new features of future versions will be off by default when updating plugin.
----------, Aug 12, 2024

D1 Added better error and log handling
D2 Changed drop chance to handle less than 1 values.
D3 Fixed exception caused by long names.
D4 Paper 1.20.6 fixes
D5 Fixing 1.20.6 disabling of custom wandering trader.
D6 Testing new system for Custom Wandering Trader.
D7 Adding more persistent data.
D8 First 1.20.5 and 1.21 dev build.
D9 Fixed some missed code.
D10 MMHLib is back, added Armadillo and Wolf variants.
D11 Cleaning up code, fixing broken commands, some commands removed.
D12 Fixed numerical issue, added better file updater.
D13 Added MiniBlocks and some code fixes.
D14 Fixed reload command and fileVersion checker.
D15 Fixed chance for named_mob, fixed nametagged mobs to get player_heads of the name.
D16 Added a check for playerheads from named_mobs to ensure the player exists.
D17 Fixed an exception that could occur placing a head.
D18 Updated givePH command.
----------, Jul 21, 2024

D1 Removed Birthday Message code. Please accept my apologies.
----------, Apr 16, 2024

D1 Fixed a console spam bug.
----------, Mar 25, 2024

D1 Switched to SPS style getNickname for PvP displaynames.
D2 Fixed PvP head drop to properly use getNickname
D3 Now handles 99 percent of exceptions internally.
D4 Handles Fire_tick as damage source for announcements.
D5 Fixed some wrong sounds.
D6 Fixed issue where word head was added to heads.
Changed Logging method.
D7 Added Polski pl_PL_mobnames translation from janilowski
----------, Mar 24, 2024

D1 Fixed missing vex.angry head in giveMH command.
D2 Changed to PlayerProfile created heads via bukkit API.
D3 Fixed GiveMH and GivePH commands.
D4 Fixed CustomTrader heads losing sound 1.20-1.20.2 less than Build 3936.
D5 Build 3936 did not fix CustomTrader heads from losing their sound. Will use my fix until further notice.
D6 Fixed reload command. Removed block_heads_1_17_3.yml, and block_heads_1_19.yml
D7 Fixed issue with reload command causing exception.
D8 Fixed issue with player heads number set to zero. Fixed Mob heads having long name.
D9 Playerheads from player kills now are placed in inventory or dropped naturally instead of added to drops.
Added more debug logs, and made debug logs easier to understand on head drop.
D10 Added debug logs to player kill heads.
D11 Fixed chance_config updater.
D12 PlayerHead skin fix?
D13 Restructured config.yml, fixed displayname/name for Killed by lore.
D14 Testing Config value verifier.
D15 If debug is true for any reason mmh will dump the config into console on loading.
D16 Fixed mobname lang file checker so it does not replace files everytime.
D17 Fixed missing UUIDs from 5 mobs.
D18 NameTag if mob has helmet head will drop naturally, named mobs with helmet will not drop head when killed.
D19 Added Exception handling system.
D20 Fixed errors in some mobnames files.
D21 New logging system should look cleaner.
D22 Fixed issue with new logger system.
D23 Fixed base64 codes for Zombie Villagers.
D24 Fixed issue of some commands not telling user they do not have permission to use.
D25 Fixed and issue where chance_config.yml would be deleted upon config.yml update.
D26 Fixed some typos in config calls.
----------, Feb 3, 2024

D1 Fixed an issue with GiveMH that caused an exception.
D2 Fixed an issue with charged creepers, and added 1.20.2 support.
D3 Fixed an issue with commands and console not having permissions.
----------, Oct 11, 2023

D1 Added TNT and End Crystal(Hands, Arrow, Snowball, Trident) as possible weapons in the beheading messages.
D2 Changed to a per player random system, this should make the odds more accurate.
D3 Changed Wither and Vex to be able to drop more than 1 head. Wither up to 3, Vex up to 2.
D4 Fixed a naming issue with Wither heads.
D5 Fixed default chance value to be 13% and not 0.13%. Fixed chance_config.yml values to be whole(1.0=1%) instead of fractional(0.01=1%).
D6 Fixing color code conversion for beheading messages. Fixed some damage sources.
D7 Fixed beheading weapon detection. messages.yml will now auto update, preserving old messages.
D8 Fixced GiveMH with several mob names. Added new Wither/Vex coding to 1.19 EventHandler.
Killed by lore can now display color codes. Can be changed in countrycode_mobnames.yml file.
If your en_US_mobnames.yml does not have "killedby: <RED>Killed <RESET>By <YELLOW><player>", delete your lang folder, mmh will repopulate it.
----------, Aug 28, 2023

D1 Added a String variable for configVersion. This fixes an issue with the chance_config.yml resetting on /mmh reload command.
D2 Updated langauge files to I18n, Updated Version Checker, Added 22 named Tropical Fish.
D3 Fixed i18n language files.
D4 New features will be added to 1.19+ only from now on. Added configs for announcing beheadings, messages are stored in messages.yml and must be numbered "message_#"
D5 Fixed some issues with beheading announcements, weapon and entity name should appear now.
D6 Fixed issue where non players would cause an exception shooting arrows or throwing potions, and weaponName not displaying on unnamed weapons.
D7 Added Piglin vanilla head getter, Added Camel and Sniffer, Added sounds to all Mob/Player heads.
D8 Added Block heads Bamboo Block, Bamboo Plank, Cherry Log, Cherry Plank, Charry Leaves, Chiseled Bookshelf, Sniffer Egg. All Mob/Player's heads should have audio when place onto a note block.
Color codes &0-&R and <color> are now supported in beheading messages.
D9 Fixed colors in beahding messages not using bare hands.
D10 Fixed block heads for 1.20 not being able to given using command.
----------, Jun 16, 2023

D1 added config option to disable piston extend event check.
D2 Changed java version to 1.8 for backwards compatibility.
D3 Added 1_19_R2 to MoreMobHeadsLib for 1.19.3 compatibility.
----------, Feb 3, 2023

D1-Added checks to 1.19 handler to break infinite loops and to check if default values are larger than number of playerheads, blocks, or custom trades.
D2-Added a config setting parser for chance_config to remove ' and " from doubles, to prevent default values.
Fixed an issue where MMH would crash on loading in 1.19.1
D3-Fixed an issue where Wandering Traders spawning in 1.19.1 would cause a NumberFormatException
----------, Aug 2, 2022

Fixed an issue where paper/purpur would error when killing Frogs.
----------, Jul 14, 2022

D1-Minor changes to UpdateCheck Notifications.
Fixed an issue where 1.0.26 would not load on versions before 1.19.
----------, Jul 4, 2022

D1-Added silent_console config.
D2-Fixed an issue where /mmh reload would reset config.yml to default settings.
D3-Moved update checker to after version logging and config printout, and before metrics.
D4-Added 2 timeouts to update check, and added cause to exception catcher.
D5-Added BlockPistonExtendEvent to persistent head code.
D6-Added a debug check for someone not having moremobheads.players permission. Added a check for DropIt variable.
D7-Added check for chance_percent.player. Changed player heads to drop naturally instead of adding to drops.
D8-Added 1.19 mobs and blocks.
----------, Jun 12, 2022

D1-Added language entry for Killed by <player> lore.
D2-Fix to prevent NPE during /mmh reload, and or reloading server.
D3-Fixed an issue where whitelist/blacklist was not loading properly, now loaded by event handler.
D4-Redo of D3 issue, confirmed blacklist working.
D5/D6-Fixed issue with reload command that would cause a NPE in 1.18+.
D7-Fixed issue of explosions removing NBT data from heads.
D8-Added more mobs to NameTag Player Heads, all Skeletons, all Piglins, Wandering Traders, All Zombies.
----------, Mar 6, 2022

D1-Changed 1.17 event handler to check all custom trades, instead of randomly choosing them.
D2-Fixed Tuxedo Cat Head.
D3-Changed code to check that MC version is at least 1.14 or above, and added 1.18 to 1.17 event handler.
D4-Added Shivering Strider
D5-Fixed detection of Shivering Strider.
D6-Switched Strider to a 25% chance of being Shivering.
----------, Dec 4, 2021

Fixed NPE caused by missing file.
----------, Sep 25, 2021

To remove the plugin name from heads given by the Wandering Trader, you must delete the block_heads files, to allow the plugin to regenerate them without the lore attached. Otherwise no action is needed.

D1-Changed event priority for Persistent Heads, to avoid plugin conflicts preventing fixing head names when mined.
D2-Fixed an error where the config would be updated when reloading plugin.
D3-Fixed an issue with copying old chance_config.yml values to updated chance_config.yml from old_chance_config.yml.
D4-Fixed an issue with messages related to persistent heads not being debug messages.
D5-Made Wandering_Trader spawns Async to prevent server lag.
D6-NewMethod to load WanderingTrader Recipes.
D7-New method to load WanderingTrader Recipes added for 1.16 and under.
D8-Fixed issue where WanderingTrades heads had lore when lore was disabled in config.yml
D9-Switched from dropNaturally to adding heads to Drops, to allow other plugins to interact with the heads.
D10-Added an API getTextureFromEntity, That returns the base64 texture code of a living entity.
D12-Added an API getTexturefromEntityType, that returns the base64 texture code of an EntityType. Passing true will give a random variant, false will give a default variant.
D13-Fixed an issue where the wrong number of trades were loaded, causing a NPE error. Also fixed an issue where 1.17 blockheads would not work with the giveBH command.
----------, Sep 25, 2021

D1-Fixed a NPE error due to a missing MC Version check before loading a file.
D2-Moved Command handler to version specific event handlers. dropped support for 1.14, use older versions for 1.14.
----------, Jun 25, 2021

D1-fixed giveMH for goat and axolotl.
D2-Fixed checking and updating chance_config.yml, which fixes tab complete mob names, and fixed language mobname files being checked if outdated.
D3-Added new subcommand Display, /mmh display permissions - Displays your permissions, /mmh display permissions <player> - Displays that player's permissions,
/mmh display variables - Displays the variables of MMH.
D4-added a secret command, to display the NBT Data of a player_head
D5-Added checks at the end of the Persistent Head code, to confirm it worked.
----------, Jun 24, 2021

Added giveBH to give players BlockHeads. Use with caution, as it is not tested, and results may vary. GiveBH does not require CustomWanderingTraders to be turned on, but does require the moremobheads,give permission.(edited)
Added a new debug logging system, that saves all debug messages to /plugins/MoreMobHeads/logs/mmh_debug.log
This file should be included with issue reports, along with the latest.log.
Fixed NullPointerException when placing a head.
Added more debug logging to givebh command.
Should load the blockheads files if they are not loaded already when doing the givebh command.
Fixed tab complete for giveBH, and long block names.
Added some debug logs to CustomTrade/CT and PlayerHead/PH commands. If something goes wrong with them please upload mmh-debug.log from the plugins/MoreMobHeads/logs folder.
Fix for the fix for placed heads losing name.
Added debug checks for fixhead stack
Fixed minor bug in debug logging of fixhead stack.
Fixed an issue where placing a head would spam console.
Added more debug checks to the CT and PH commands.
Fixed internal error when itemstack has no lore.
New method of creating heads for the giveph command.
Back to a modified method of making heads for giveph
added a load config after save config for custom trades, and player heads.
Added some debug language, fixed mob.whitelist/blacklist not working unless names are all UPPERCASE, now names can be miXeD cAse.
D23-Added block_heads_1_17.yml, block_heads_1_17_2.yml, block_heads_1_17_3.yml, and added 1.17 Mobs into chance_config.yml.
Added new config options to set the min/max for blocks before 1.16, at 1.16, and at 1.17
D25-fixed language mob names.
----------, Jun 13, 2021

D1-Fixes player heads losing their name and lore when broke using water, retains vanilla mechanics.
D2-Fixes issue with WildStacker plugin.
D5-Added 2 new permissions, fixhead, and give.
D6-Minor tweaks to code.
D7-Uses getName instead of getDisplayName.
D8-Changed /mmh give to /mmh givemh, and added /mmh giveph(mh=mobhead, ph=playerhead)
D9-Split fixhead command into /mmh fixhead name and /mmh fixhead stack
D12-Added Axolotl, Glow Squid, Goat, and Warden Heads. Subject to change.
D13-Fixed issue with givemh and giveph. Added Charged Creeper.
D15-Permissions change, moremobheads.players, and mobs are true, moremobheads.showUpdateAvailable is OP, all others are false by default.
----------, Mar 27, 2021

Fixed Fox heads not translating.
Fixed Cats & Ocelots.
Prevents players from water logging heads to drop them. (Still looking for a better fix.)
Loads chance_config.yml when using /mmh reload
Fixed Shepherd villagers not dropping heads.
----------, Jan 21, 2021

Fix for wither heads
Fixed Ocelot, Trader_Llama, and Fox
World Whitelist and Blacklist
Added Piglin_Brute Head
Fixed Piglin_Brute texture.
Fixed Angry and Angry Pollinated bee head drops.
UpdateChecker updated.
Fix for custom_trades min/max
New method of keeping head name's persistent. Whether placed ojn ground or a wall.
Fixed issue of duplicates in Custom trader(Player heads, block heads, and custom trades)
----------, Nov 24, 2020

fixed the Null exception in isPlayerHead, onEntityPickupItemEvent.
and minor bugfixes.
----------, Aug 24, 2020

  1. Added 1.16 Mob heads
  2. Added 1.16 Block heads
  3. Added some Block heads from previous MC versions.
  4. Split block_heads_1_16.yml into 2 parts
    the old 107 blocks updated to work in 1.16 are in block_heads_1_16.yml
    the new blocks are in block_heads_1_16_2.yml
    the max of block heads is devided into two, each block_heads file getting half the chance to be added to custom trader. So 5 will get 2 and 2, but 8 will get 4 and 4.
  5. temporarily removed the blockheads commands.
  6. added:
    1. Smithing Table
    2. Cartography Table
    3. Fletching Table
    4. Blast Furnace
    5. Smoker
    6. Loom
    7. Barrel
    8. Honey Block
    9. Bone Block
    10. End Stone
    11. Wool
    12. Sponge
    13. Slime Block
    14. Chiseled Nether Bricks
    15. Red Sandstone
    16. Honeycomb Block
    17. Beehive
    18. Bee Nest
    19. Lit Redstone Lamp
    20. Respawn Anchor
    21. Lodestone
    22. Polished Blackstone Bricks
    23. Netherite Block
----------, Jul 18, 2020

Removed ANSI coding from plugin messages
fixed player_heads.yml, and block_heads.yml
Faster loading if custom trader is turned off.
----------, Jun 30, 2020

Added Hoglin, Zoglin, Piglin, Zombified Piglin, and Strider heads.

chance_config.yml file will be updated automatically, copying the old settings.
----------, Jun 26, 2020

change log
chance percent of 0 will negate looting.
added new configs
"apply_looting: true"

"wandering_trades.keep_default_trades: true"
"wandering_trades.player_heads.enabled: true"
"wandering_trades.player_heads.min: 0"
"wandering_trades.player_heads.max: 3"
"wandering_trades.block_heads.enabled: true"
"wandering_trades.block_heads.min: 0"
"wandering_trades.block_heads.max: 5"
"wandering_trades.custom_trades.enabled: true"
"wandering_trades.custom_trades.min: 0"
"wandering_trades.custom_trades.max: 5"

added permission
description: Allows player to use custom trader commands.
default: op
added custom_trades.yml
which allows adding custom trades with chance percents.
added 4 new commands
/mmh ct
/mmh ct add
/mmh ct remove #
/mmh ct replace #
Changed config.yml format to group like things.
Split config.yml into two files, config.yml and chance_config.yml
----------, May 11, 2020

split config.yml into two files, adding chance_config.yml

added configs for vanilla heads.
----------, Apr 3, 2020

split config.yml into two files, adding chance_config.yml

added configs for vanilla heads.
----------, Apr 3, 2020

split config.yml into two files, adding chance_config.yml

added configs for vanilla heads.
----------, Apr 3, 2020

split config.yml into two files, adding chance_config.yml

added configs for vanilla heads.
----------, Apr 3, 2020

split config.yml into two files, adding chance_config.yml

added configs for vanilla heads.
----------, Apr 3, 2020

Fixed an issue where some mobs would return null names.
Added Wandering Trades datapack from's vanilla tweaks.
Has all 27 Hermitcrafters, and 107 blocks.
Is customizable to add other player heads, and blocks.
----------, Mar 25, 2020

Added a fix for heads that are placed and then mined up losing their name, and
Fixed some textures.
----------, Mar 17, 2020

Added a fix for heads that are placed and then mined up losing their name, and
Fixed some textures.
----------, Mar 17, 2020

Added a fix for heads that are placed and then mined up losing their name, and
Fixed some textures.
----------, Mar 17, 2020

Added a fix for heads that are placed and then mined up losing their name, and
Fixed some textures.
----------, Mar 17, 2020

Added a fix for heads that are placed and then mined up losing their name, and
Fixed some textures.
----------, Mar 17, 2020

Fixed some bugs
----------, Feb 25, 2020

Fixed some bugs
----------, Feb 25, 2020

Fixed some bugs
----------, Feb 25, 2020

Fixed some bugs
----------, Feb 25, 2020

Fixed some bugs
----------, Feb 25, 2020

some bug fixes
fixed plains fisherman villager head, was dropping alex.
fixed wither skeleton, all versions caused exception.
added commands to reload plugin, and to toggle debug for error reporting. you no longer need to reload the server to get debug messages.
----------, Feb 7, 2020

some bug fixes
fixed plains fisherman villager head, was dropping alex.
fixed wither skeleton, all versions caused exception.
added commands to reload plugin, and to toggle debug for error reporting. you no longer need to reload the server to get debug messages.
----------, Feb 7, 2020

some bug fixes
fixed plains fisherman villager head, was dropping alex.
fixed wither skeleton, all versions caused exception.
added commands to reload plugin, and to toggle debug for error reporting. you no longer need to reload the server to get debug messages.
----------, Feb 7, 2020

some bug fixes
fixed plains fisherman villager head, was dropping alex.
fixed wither skeleton, all versions caused exception.
added commands to reload plugin, and to toggle debug for error reporting. you no longer need to reload the server to get debug messages.
----------, Feb 7, 2020

some bug fixes
fixed plains fisherman villager head, was dropping alex.
fixed wither skeleton, all versions caused exception.
added commands to reload plugin, and to toggle debug for error reporting. you no longer need to reload the server to get debug messages.
----------, Feb 7, 2020

Fixed a bug that could spam console.
Updated the update check system to reduce possible lag.
----------, Jan 26, 2020

Fixed a bug that could spam console.
Updated the update check system to reduce possible lag.
----------, Jan 26, 2020

Fixed a bug that could spam console.
Updated the update check system to reduce possible lag.
----------, Jan 26, 2020

Fixed a bug that could spam console.
Updated the update check system to reduce possible lag.
----------, Jan 26, 2020

fixed fileSeperator character to work with windows and unix systems.
----------, Jan 20, 2020

fixed fileSeperator character to work with windows and unix systems.
----------, Jan 20, 2020

fixed fileSeperator character to work with windows and unix systems.
----------, Jan 20, 2020

fixed fileSeperator character to work with windows and unix systems.
----------, Jan 20, 2020

Added config: player_chance_percent: 0.50

Added whitelist and blacklist configs, you can set certain player names that are whitelisted or blacklisted for the mob naming feature.
----------, Jan 11, 2020

Added config: player_chance_percent: 0.50

Added whitelist and blacklist configs, you can set certain player names that are whitelisted or blacklisted for the mob naming feature.
----------, Jan 11, 2020

Added config: player_chance_percent: 0.50

Added whitelist and blacklist configs, you can set certain player names that are whitelisted or blacklisted for the mob naming feature.
----------, Jan 11, 2020

Added config: player_chance_percent: 0.50

Added whitelist and blacklist configs, you can set certain player names that are whitelisted or blacklisted for the mob naming feature.
----------, Jan 11, 2020

port for minecraft 1.9-1.11
----------, Jan 9, 2020

port for minecraft 1.12
----------, Jan 8, 2020

fixed zombie villagers textures
----------, Jan 8, 2020

port to 1.13
still does not have tropical fish.
----------, Jan 8, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 113,914
First Release: Jan 3, 2020
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings