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MoreMobHeads -----

Adds all of the mob heads as chance drops.

MoreMobHeads v1.15_1.0.22
To remove the plugin name from heads given by the Wandering Trader, you must delete the block_heads files, to allow the plugin to regenerate them without the lore attached. Otherwise no action is needed.

D1-Changed event priority for Persistent Heads, to avoid plugin conflicts preventing fixing head names when mined.
D2-Fixed an error where the config would be updated when reloading plugin.
D3-Fixed an issue with copying old chance_config.yml values to updated chance_config.yml from old_chance_config.yml.
D4-Fixed an issue with messages related to persistent heads not being debug messages.
D5-Made Wandering_Trader spawns Async to prevent server lag.
D6-NewMethod to load WanderingTrader Recipes.
D7-New method to load WanderingTrader Recipes added for 1.16 and under.
D8-Fixed issue where WanderingTrades heads had lore when lore was disabled in config.yml
D9-Switched from dropNaturally to adding heads to Drops, to allow other plugins to interact with the heads.
D10-Added an API getTextureFromEntity, That returns the base64 texture code of a living entity.
D12-Added an API getTexturefromEntityType, that returns the base64 texture code of an EntityType. Passing true will give a random variant, false will give a default variant.
D13-Fixed an issue where the wrong number of trades were loaded, causing a NPE error. Also fixed an issue where 1.17 blockheads would not work with the giveBH command.
----------, Sep 25, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 113,942
First Release: Jan 3, 2020
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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