MoreMobHeads icon

MoreMobHeads -----

Adds all of the mob heads as chance drops.

MoreMobHeads v1.14_1.0.19
Added giveBH to give players BlockHeads. Use with caution, as it is not tested, and results may vary. GiveBH does not require CustomWanderingTraders to be turned on, but does require the moremobheads,give permission.(edited)
Added a new debug logging system, that saves all debug messages to /plugins/MoreMobHeads/logs/mmh_debug.log
This file should be included with issue reports, along with the latest.log.
Fixed NullPointerException when placing a head.
Added more debug logging to givebh command.
Should load the blockheads files if they are not loaded already when doing the givebh command.
Fixed tab complete for giveBH, and long block names.
Added some debug logs to CustomTrade/CT and PlayerHead/PH commands. If something goes wrong with them please upload mmh-debug.log from the plugins/MoreMobHeads/logs folder.
Fix for the fix for placed heads losing name.
Added debug checks for fixhead stack
Fixed minor bug in debug logging of fixhead stack.
Fixed an issue where placing a head would spam console.
Added more debug checks to the CT and PH commands.
Fixed internal error when itemstack has no lore.
New method of creating heads for the giveph command.
Back to a modified method of making heads for giveph
added a load config after save config for custom trades, and player heads.
Added some debug language, fixed mob.whitelist/blacklist not working unless names are all UPPERCASE, now names can be miXeD cAse.
D23-Added block_heads_1_17.yml, block_heads_1_17_2.yml, block_heads_1_17_3.yml, and added 1.17 Mobs into chance_config.yml.
Added new config options to set the min/max for blocks before 1.16, at 1.16, and at 1.17
D25-fixed language mob names.
----------, Jun 13, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 113,942
First Release: Jan 3, 2020
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings