MoreMobHeads icon

MoreMobHeads -----

Adds all of the mob heads as chance drops.

MoreMobHeads v1.20_1.0.34
D1 Fixed missing vex.angry head in giveMH command.
D2 Changed to PlayerProfile created heads via bukkit API.
D3 Fixed GiveMH and GivePH commands.
D4 Fixed CustomTrader heads losing sound 1.20-1.20.2 less than Build 3936.
D5 Build 3936 did not fix CustomTrader heads from losing their sound. Will use my fix until further notice.
D6 Fixed reload command. Removed block_heads_1_17_3.yml, and block_heads_1_19.yml
D7 Fixed issue with reload command causing exception.
D8 Fixed issue with player heads number set to zero. Fixed Mob heads having long name.
D9 Playerheads from player kills now are placed in inventory or dropped naturally instead of added to drops.
Added more debug logs, and made debug logs easier to understand on head drop.
D10 Added debug logs to player kill heads.
D11 Fixed chance_config updater.
D12 PlayerHead skin fix?
D13 Restructured config.yml, fixed displayname/name for Killed by lore.
D14 Testing Config value verifier.
D15 If debug is true for any reason mmh will dump the config into console on loading.
D16 Fixed mobname lang file checker so it does not replace files everytime.
D17 Fixed missing UUIDs from 5 mobs.
D18 NameTag if mob has helmet head will drop naturally, named mobs with helmet will not drop head when killed.
D19 Added Exception handling system.
D20 Fixed errors in some mobnames files.
D21 New logging system should look cleaner.
D22 Fixed issue with new logger system.
D23 Fixed base64 codes for Zombie Villagers.
D24 Fixed issue of some commands not telling user they do not have permission to use.
D25 Fixed and issue where chance_config.yml would be deleted upon config.yml update.
D26 Fixed some typos in config calls.
----------, Feb 3, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 113,942
First Release: Jan 3, 2020
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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