D1 Added TNT and End Crystal(Hands, Arrow, Snowball, Trident) as possible weapons in the beheading messages.
D2 Changed to a per player random system, this should make the odds more accurate.
D3 Changed Wither and Vex to be able to drop more than 1 head. Wither up to 3, Vex up to 2.
D4 Fixed a naming issue with Wither heads.
D5 Fixed default chance value to be 13% and not 0.13%. Fixed chance_config.yml values to be whole(1.0=1%) instead of fractional(0.01=1%).
D6 Fixing color code conversion for beheading messages. Fixed some damage sources.
D7 Fixed beheading weapon detection. messages.yml will now auto update, preserving old messages.
D8 Fixced GiveMH with several mob names. Added new Wither/Vex coding to 1.19 EventHandler.
Killed by lore can now display color codes. Can be changed in countrycode_mobnames.yml file.
If your en_US_mobnames.yml does not have "killedby: <RED>Killed <RESET>By <YELLOW><player>", delete your lang folder, mmh will repopulate it.