MoreMobHeads icon

MoreMobHeads -----

Adds all of the mob heads as chance drops.

MoreMobHeads v1.14_1.0.14
  1. Added 1.16 Mob heads
  2. Added 1.16 Block heads
  3. Added some Block heads from previous MC versions.
  4. Split block_heads_1_16.yml into 2 parts
    the old 107 blocks updated to work in 1.16 are in block_heads_1_16.yml
    the new blocks are in block_heads_1_16_2.yml
    the max of block heads is devided into two, each block_heads file getting half the chance to be added to custom trader. So 5 will get 2 and 2, but 8 will get 4 and 4.
  5. temporarily removed the blockheads commands.
  6. added:
    1. Smithing Table
    2. Cartography Table
    3. Fletching Table
    4. Blast Furnace
    5. Smoker
    6. Loom
    7. Barrel
    8. Honey Block
    9. Bone Block
    10. End Stone
    11. Wool
    12. Sponge
    13. Slime Block
    14. Chiseled Nether Bricks
    15. Red Sandstone
    16. Honeycomb Block
    17. Beehive
    18. Bee Nest
    19. Lit Redstone Lamp
    20. Respawn Anchor
    21. Lodestone
    22. Polished Blackstone Bricks
    23. Netherite Block
----------, Jul 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 113,942
First Release: Jan 3, 2020
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings