HuskTowns 2.4 adds the ability to automatically prune inactive claims, re-adds the /town player command, and makes a significant number of minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Added the ability to prune inactive claims, both automatically and through a command (#255)
- The command to do this is /admintown prune <time> [confirm], requiring the husktowns.command.admintown.prune permission node
- You can also configure this to be done automatically on startup (this is off by default); a new section has been added to the config file letting you enable this and set a number of days before this occurs
- Re-added the /town player <name> command (alias: /town who), requiring the permission node, which tells you which town a player is in and the role they have in that town.
- Improved the boosted crop growth and mob spawning rate system (#268)
- Fixed issues with the rate calculations that prevented this system from properly working
- Added purple particle effects whenever a crop is grown faster or extra mob is spawned thanks to a boosted growth rate chance (you can configure which particle to use and/or turn this off in the config file)
- The numbers accepted for crop/mob rate boosts now accept full 100-point-scale percentage values instead of decimal values
- Added four new placeholders for crop/mob rate boosts; two for the player's town, and two for the town who owns the claim the player is standing in (#266)
- Added new locales for the /town list key sort option buttons (#267)
- Made it so entering a town name with a space in it will now cancel the town creation with a validation error message, instead of just creating a town with the first part of the user's entry before the space (#208)
- Added more comments across the different plugin config files to improve the setup and configuration experience
- Updated the special_types file to contain new 1.20 plants, and added seeds to the crop list to let players properly replant in farms
- Fixed /admintown bonus and /town unclaim all not TAB completing correctly
- Fixed /admintown unclaim all missing a confirmation step in certain circumstances, causing users to delete their own town's claims
To update to this release, it's strongly reccommended that you regenerate both your config.yml, messages-xx-xx.yml and especially your levels.yml files. When you do so, be sure to make a copy of the files and re-enter any changes you made to the default config (except changes to the percentage values for crop/mob boosts, as detailed previously). This build introduces database changes, and migrations will automatically be carried out on startup—you may wish to take a backup of your database however just in case.
Please note this release is not compatible with Purpur 1.19.4; this is because the last build of Purpur for that version does not include a correct implementation of paper-plugin.yml schema changes made in the last builds of Paper for 1.19.4. As a result, if you're running Paper on 1.19.x, make sure you download the latest Paper version.
Thank you!