HuskTowns 3.0.5 adds support for Minecraft 1.21, adds more placeholders, and fixes bugs.
- Added support for Minecraft 1.20.6 and Minecraft 1.21
- Town advancements have been temporarily disabled in this release due to a compatibility issue
- Significantly improved the PlaceholderAPI hook, courtesy of @Rubenicos (#463)
- All the current_location_town and town_leaderboard_{type}_{index} placeholders now can get an extensive town information, like mayor, members, member_count, claim_count, max_claims, max_members, crop_growth_rate, mob_spawner_rate, money, money_formatted, level_up_cost, level, max_level.
- New money_formatted placeholder to get town money with a short formatting method, for example 1003000 will be converted to 1M3k.
- Leaderboard placeholders now can be parsed without providing a player.
- Fixed the WorldGuard hook failing to initialize in most cases, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#468)
- Fixed calculated flags not caching correctly, causing performance regressions (#458)
- Removed the "brigadier tab completion" and commodore support. A better solution will be implemented in the future.
To update, just drag+drop.