HuskTowns 2.3 adds some new config options for setting a town creation cost, re-adds shift+right clicking to inspect nearby chunks while holding the inspection tool, adds advancement rewards, and adds support for running HuskTowns as a paper plugin.
- Re-added the ability to hold shift when right clicking while holding the claim inspection tool to inspect all nearby claimed chunks. (#229)
- Added an option to config.yml to use the level 1 deposit requirement as the collateral requirement for creating a town (#230)
- Added certain rewards for completing town advancements, including a few item rewards in the default advancements.json file (#227)
- Added support for running HuskTowns as a Paper plugin on Paper servers running 1.19.4+ (#226)
- Added a config option to let you specify which slot to display town entry/exit and teleport complete notifications in (#228)
- Fixed a ConcurrentModifcationException caused when using HuskTowns with certain hooks (#224)
- API: Added an option to set the advancements being used programatically (#227)
To update to 2.3, you must regenerate your config and messages files. You may also want to regenerate your
advancements.json file in
plugins/HuskTowns/ if you want as it's been updated with new rewards. Enjoy!