Version 6.2.3 fixes a few bugs due to high request. The current dev source is still very glitchy to release 6.3, so I'm only adding the fixes for now.
- Added new config option "game.keep_abandoned_eggs" which determines if eggs should persist even if the team is empty.
- - The strategy behind this option is that by setting this to "always" or "when_team_leaves", tryhards will waste some time moving to empty teams to destroy their eggs for statistics and points.
- Bundle items now get recolored like all other color items.
- - Also fixed being unable to re-color uncolored candle.
- Fixed bug #20: Could not find method CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(CraftItemStack) when using leaf/purpur.
- Fixed furnaces not working on the entire server, it now only affects in-game arenas as intended.
- Fixed a bug that limited stack size for menu items (for 1.20.6 and newer, swords at vote menu don't allow amount superior to 1) via new method "meta.setMaxStackSize(99);"
- Fixed a bug when generator was placed using old sign edit, where signs didn't auto add the generator text on versions 1.20 and newer.
Version 6.2.2 fixes some bugs and tweaks a few features in preparation for next update, which will be focused on arena management.
- Support for Minecraft version 1.21.4.
- Arena-joining signs feature is available for standing signs once again.
- - On other hand, format version of signs.yml is now tracked to prepare it for future changes.
- Arena status "Finishing" is now colored orange instead of magenta, as magenta will be used for "Full" in the future.
- Some translations have been updated; "" and ""
- - You need to update them manually to make the changes effective.
- Some commands that have arenas as arguments will no longer recommend arena names in addition to arena namespaced ids, but will still accept them.
- Renamed "Setting" arena status to "Configuring".
- Fixed pistons not working during the game, only player-placed pistons work now.
- Fixed team Purple having magenta blocks assigned instead of (obviously) purple blocks.
- - This affected leather armor as well.
- - Small comparison here:
- Fixed placed blocks that needed support sometimes left dropped items between games (after map ends and it restarts).
- Fixed being unable to drop items outside the inventory using click when the villager shop is open.
- "Team eliminated" message no longer appears when a player leaves during a solo game.
Version 6.2.1 brings eggwars back to latest MC version and fixes various bugs and improves optimization a little. I've been (and still am) very busy this year, for next update I will try to improve arena managing.
Unlike other times, and only for servers running in versions 1.20.5 and over, instead of updating translation files you will need to update trades and kits files due to major changes on item structure.
- Added support for version 1.20.5 through 1.21.3.
- When buying items or upgrading generators, the items to sell get removed from the smallest stack. (Classic CubeCraft EggWars parity)
- Removed automatic conversion for old (pre "gameplay"->"game") "config.yml" file and other conversions for "arena.yml" file.
- - If you haven't converted yet, please use a version between 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 or do it manually.
- K/D (kill-death radius) now displays decimals with dots "." instead of commas ",".
- Updated trades.json and kits.json files to make items use data components instead of NBT.
- - Old files are still preserved on EggWars's jar for usage in older versions. (you will need to copy these instead)
- Finally fixed most of the bugs that could happen when trying to place a block against the dragon egg.
- - Due to spigot limitations, some bugs can't be totally fixed and not all added fixes are available for versions prior to 1.19.
- Fixed an ingame bug where water, lava or fire couldn't get removed or replaced, and other new flowers also couldn't be broken.
- Fixed eggwars plugin creating fake arenas for every folder in "arenas" folder without an "arena.yml" file.
- Fixed team selection menu not updating size when adding a new team (a server reload was needed).
- Fixed items desappearing when clicking them on "Basic Settings" from arena setup GUI.
- Fixed sometimes being unable to teleport to arena bound location from arena setup GUI.
- Fixed an exception caused by version incompatibility when using team ender chest.
- Fixed classic shop not working in 1.20.4.
- Firework "launch" sound now plays again when upgrading a generator.
- Fixed a bug that occurred for the entire plugin's lifetime: When removing an arena using commands, placed signs that lead to them aren't fully removed, causing exceptions when reloading server.
- Fixed 3 more minor bugs. (reload cache when "generators.json" didn't load yet, "HashSet" "Team.villager" not removing entity referenes from previus games, unoptimized villager name tag)
Version 6.2.0 adds kill assists and brings some improvements to arena setup. It also fixes a LOT of bugs.
As usual, updating the translation files is recommended to ensure the best game experience.
- Version 1.20.4 support.
- Added the assists system, with different options available:
- - Enable it in a specific mode "game.assists.enable", values may be "never", "when_solo", "when_team" (default) and "always".
- - Grant kill to the assist with greatest percentage "game.assists.grant_kill_to_best", defaults to "false". This was an idea from CubeCraft's forum I liked.
- - The time amount it takes to forget an attack "game.assists.forget_time", defaults to 20 seconds.
- Statistics are now also saved on a different database table, called "ew_stats". This may get reverted or changed in the future.
- Changed how cages work internally.
- - This will allow for custom cage structures in the future.
- Command "/ews toggleEditMode" can now be used from console.
- Setup GUI improvements:
- - Now internally separated by arena, meaning that there will be a setup-gui item per arena.
- - Some sub-menus are now cached, improving performance.
- - When a basic or team setting is changed, the setup gui of the arena will get updated for all players.
- - The item is now also given to the player when creating the arena.
- - Right clicking a sign with the item in hand at the lobby will now turn the sign into an "arena-join" sign.
- Option "game.skip_solo_lobby" has been renamed to "game.skip_lobby" and now can have 4 different values; "never", "when_solo" (default), "when_team" and "always".
- Tweaked compasses; now update twice as fast but no longer indicate target team and distance, to better match CubeCraft. The old compass info can still be kept by using the old translation.
- Added and changed some translations.
- Fixed being able to see players outside an arena on tab when "hide_players" option was enabled, if they joined the server after you entered the arena.
- Fixed still being able to place blocks next to a dragon egg, when other players are intersecting with the block collision box.
- Fixed "You can't destroy your own team's egg" message sometimes appearing twice when right clicking only one time the dragon egg.
- Fixed scoreboards from the lobby being removed for the player when it joins and leaves an arena.
- Fixed to bugs about lobby and release countdowns:
- - They weren't working when default value is set to 0.
- - Countdown in hotbar (experience number) starting one second later.
- Fixed generator signs opening the sign edit screen when the arena is in setting mode.
- Fixed explosions being unable to break "breakable" blocks specified in config, if they were not placed during the game.
- Fixed being able to replace blocks that were not placed during the game ("breakable" will still bypass this).
- Fixed being able to place TNT on some illegal places, and also not counting for "blocks placed" statistics. (This latest is for parity with Cubecraft)
- Fixed sometimes replaced/broken blocks not being correctly regenerated between different games.
Version 6.1.2 adds support for Minecraft 1.20.2 and optional team-shared ender chests, makes a few tweaks and fixes some significant bugs.
Updating language/translation files is required to prevent unwanted behaviour.
- Ender chests can now be shared through the whole team, this is controlled by config option "game.share_team_ender_chest" (disabled by default).
- Re-added "/ew lang <locale>" command. (Though it never was removed from "/ew help".)
- - It has been added back as an alternative due to "/ew menu" command not being a finished feaure yet.
- - Functionality has been improved.
- Damage caused by low food is now disabled by default, for CubeCraft parity. It can be re-enabled through new config option game.player.allow_starving.
- "Leave" item is now defaulted to a Red Dye instead of a Red Bed.
- Arena names now support spaces:
- - Arena folder now has the Name IDs in lowercase with underscores.
- - Many commands will now mainly use namespaced ids, but regular names are still usable for now.
- - Arena placeholders now require the arena's id rather than its name.
- Renamed some fields for arenas:
- - "Countdown" command/translations/keys to "StartCountdown".
- - "GameCountdown" command/translations/keys to "ReleaseCountdown".
- - "ArenaLobby" command/translations to "WaitingLobby".
- - Id for "Waiting" arena status, from "lobby" to "waiting".
- - Renamed field keys will now convert old keys from config to new keys, including the "Glasses" section that was renamed to "Cages" a while ago.
- Added more color to messages from setup commands.
- Smaller optimizations.
- Fixed a glitch that allowed players to place blocks when right clicking a dragon egg, even if the player's collision box intersected with the block.
- Fixed Spectator Hud not appearing after death, that caused being unable to teleport to other players.
- Fixed "/ews cloneArena" command not working.
- Fixed scoreboard not being properly updated when a team was eliminated.
- Fixed not being able to put items on furnace slots.
- Attempted to fix some odd behaviour related to player language detection when joining/leaving the server.
- Fixed "Respawning in <x time>..." message not always appearing when respawn delay value was very high.
- Fixed some incosistencies between key names of "lobby.sign_status.
x" options and their corresponding arena status id.
- Removed "/ew global" command info from list generated by "/ew help", because that command was removed long ago.
Version 6.1.1 adds a few options and requested improvements, and also contains a fix for a critical bug and a couple of things I accidentally broke in previous version. Have fun!
Only a new translation has been added, so you can just add "gameplay.ingame.cant_destroy_your_egg" from the new lang files.
- More TNT options:
- - Whether if TNT should auto ignite when placed ("game.tnt.auto_ignite"), when disabled only flint and steel will work.
- - Customize TNT's fuse time and strenght ("game.tnt.fuse_ticks" and "game.tnt.strenght", respectively)
- New option to enable player drops ("game.player.drop_inventory"). Note if you enable this and keep inventory, items will be dropped AND players will keep their items on respawn.
- New red message "You cannot destroy your own team's egg!" when you click your own egg without performing any action.
- Placeholder %eggwars_points%, returns points count number.
- Countdown time for releasing will now also appear on the xp bar on team mode.
- When the game is finishing, players won't be able to pick up items anymore.
- Renamed configuration section "gameplay" to "game", to be distingishable from "gameplay" translations in code.
- - Config using the old key is automatically converted to use the new key.
- Generator's "fast_items" option now also disables item repositioning to improve its optimization.
- Changed item count detection radius for generator's maximum item capacity from 2.0 to 2.5.
- Player team appearing on TAB before the game started (at lobby).
- Being unable to upgrade/open generators using the block below when "generator.use_below_block" was enabled.
- Fixed some glitches that ocurred when a spectator entered the game before it started (when enabled).
Version 6.1.0 adds a bunch of cubecraft features, new messages, along with juicy bug fixes.
Updating language/translation files is required to prevent issues.
- Minecraft 1.20 is now supported.
- Added "You need
TOKEN to purchase this item!" message when trying to buy an item that you can't afford.
- Added "Congratulations, you win!" message that appears when you win the game.
- New death messages for various death causes. (Can be changed at config.yml)
- Number of kills are now shown in the tab list.
- - It can be disabled by setting config option "gameplay.show_kills" to "false".
- New config option "generator.enable_apss" which defaults to true. If set to "false", it disables APSS.
- Moved "database.useSSL" to "database.url" to allow more freedom with database options. This is converted automatically.
- Inventories are now cleared out when the game finishes.
- Void damage now bypasses invincibility.
- Ender Chests are now isolated for games.
- Command "/ew" will now only suggest sub-commands that the sender is allowed to use.
- Even more tweaks to End of Game Statistics:
- - Some statistics will now appear only if they are greater than zero.
- - Changed translation format to be even more customizable. (Now you can completely remove the stripes)
- Altered order of some messages to be more intuitive.
- Winner message now says the player name if the game is on solo mode.
- Team eliminated message no longer appears on solo mode.
- Setup GUI improvements:
- - Messages and components are now translatable.
- - Renamed various menus; 'Main' setup is now 'Basic' settings (and more...), to become more user-friendly.
- - Right clicking single location settings now teleports you to its position. (If set)
- APSS now requires minecraft version 1.16.4 or greater in order to work. (Due to spigot limitations for a fix)
- You can now leave empty "item_lore" translations without creating additional void lines.
- - A new empty translation has been added for the "Random Team" item lore description, due to the change above.
- An easter egg that allowed you to destroy eggs by shooting them with a crossbow. This was just for fun but it could affect gameplay if someone wanted to use crossbows on their server.
- Removed support for old "signs.yml" format.
- Fixed generator inventory updating if other generator was upgraded. (Thanks MPK1)
- Fixed players being able to swap items hand from hand outside gameplay.
- Fixed items leaking from generators at sometimes. Items are now moved a bit more towards center than before to prevent this.
- Fixed TNTs and projectiles other than arrows not detecting the source player, allowing team mates to hurt each other and also not giving proper kill credit.
- Fixed shutting down a server not properly restoring data and saving stats for players present in active arenas.
- Fixed shop offer purchase not being fully canceled when the inventory was full, giving free items it the stack was not complete.
- Fixed being unable to pick items when the inventory was almost full with APSS enabled.
- Fixed death screen not being automatically skipped on final death and if the game still didn't end.
- Fixed spectators that join an active game not seeing the team of players playing at it.
- Several improvements regarding kill credit detection.
- Arena bounds start/end are now recalculated again, fixing an issue that could prevent players from placing blocks inside them.
- More minor fixes and optimizations.
Version 6.0.2 introduces a cubecraft parity addition, along with some critical bug fixes and improvements. This probably will be the last update for 6.0, with the next update going into 6.1 as planned. (It will be a bigger update than this one)
This update requires to update language/translation files, for the end-of-game statistics (specifically).
FINALLY, source-code available!
- I've been asked to share it a lot of times, so there you go heh. Just don't forget to use the same license (GPL v3) and give proper credit if you want to make your own version, thanks!
- The link is at the overview page, just below supported versions.
- Added "APSS" (short of "Awesome Produce Sharing System") from CubeCraft.
- - I liked that joke from rubik cube man so now it's cannon. (jk)
- - It consists of rotating each player's turn to pick up items produced by an item generator (when there's more than one player) when standing next to it, so everyone can gather a fair amount of items from the same generator.
- Arenas will now be automatically set to Edit Mode when loading from incomplete config.
- End Of Game Statistics improvements:
- - Now also have number of Eggs Broken.
- - Format is now customizable through translations.
- - Tweaked statistic translations.
- Slightly changed generators; they will now generate items at the center of the block first, and then in split a second they will spread.
- Reward points have been adjusted to match CubeCraft. This will be only applied to new configuration files though.
- A normal kill now rewards 1 point, a final kill 3 points, when breaking an egg 6 points. Points on win stay the same.
- Fixed NullPointerException when saving arenas with no bounds set. This caused the whole arena to not save properly.
- When exiting Edit Mode, the arena world now performs an instant FULL world save instead of an "auto-save" one. (As initially intended)
- - This may impact performance a little but has fixed some level corruption issues that happened in my setup.
- Added missing translations for kit item at the player menu.
- Fixed a bug where you could break wooden blocks from the map after being stripped with an axe, with the help of MPK1.
Version 6.0.1 brings a few quality of life changes to options, cubecraft's solo mode system and a requested fix. Unlike other updates, this one doesn't require to change any file to work fine.
- Entering to play in "solo" mode arenas will now automatically set the player's team and will be directly teleported to the cage. (CubeCraft parity)
- - This behaviour can be disabled by setting new option "gameplay.skip_solo_lobby" to "false".
- Added option "", and it is currently used only in solo mode.
- Option "gameplay.move_tnt_on_ignition" now defaults to true as originally intended.
- Option default for breakable blocks ingame now include:
- - Tall Grass, Dead Bushes, Crimson Roots, Warped Roots and Nether Sprouts.
- Renamed option "inventory.kit_selection.slot_on_starting" to "inventory.kit_selection.slot_in_cage".
- Fixed being unable to purchase items using tokens from the offhand.
- Fixed leave item being obtainable in certain cases when full count down was 0.
Version 6.0.0 adds a multiplier for points, fixes a lot of bugs, among a bunch of reworks and quality-of-life changes. Oh, and an internal overhaul. Don't forget to report bugs at discussion!
Yes, this is the big update that I promised a year ago. (Well, I think, because I don't even remember)
- This update brings a lot of changes internally, including configurations and databases.
- I heavily recommend to remove all configuration files, even the database file. However arenas have not been throught lots of changes so they will be automatically converted.
- If there are a lot of complains about this, I will make a tool to convert from old config to new.
- Versions 1.19.3 and 1.19.4 are now supported.
- Added arenas and translation placeholders (more info at main page). They can be very useful for plugin setups.
- Added points multiplier for rewarded points:
- - It is controlled by config option "gameplay.points.multiplier". Defaults to 1.0.
- - Includes a translation for when a multiplier is applied.
- - Added new permission "eggwars.multpoints" for applying multipliers to players.
- - Removed old weird "eggwars.mult.<number>" option at permissions config that didn't really work.
- Kits now save the time when they were bought. (CubeCraft parity)
- - Changed how player kits are stored on databases, this means that old kit data will be lost
- Added tipped and spectral arrows to normal and overpowered villager shops.
- New configuration option "plugin.hide_players" for hiding players from arenas:
- - Players in arenas will not appear on tab to players outside the arena or on a different one and vice versa.
- - Defaults to true, so you will have to disable this to revert to old behaviour.
- Added 'year' unit to time translations.
- Trades are now reloadable through command "/ew reload". More information at changes.
- Arenas in setting mode are now saved, meaning that the changes made on setup will now be saved after closing the server. (FINALLY!)
- - Includes newly created arenas that haven't finished setup, so you will be able to continue later without losing any progress.
- Added Main Setup Settings to the Setup GUI:
- - You can now set the Arena Lobby position, the Arena Center position, and the start and end positions for the arena bounds.
- - It also includes a button to show the to-do list.
- Re-added "/ews cloneArena" command, which is useful if you want to rename an arena or duplicate it. It was present on gaelito's version.
- You can now move items inside your inventory while the villager shop is open.
- Added a message that was missing when failing to remove a team glass/cage.
- "Your egg has been destroyed!" red message now also appears on chat (CubeCraft parity).
- Players in an arena world are no longer able to break or place blocks there if they are not playing on it without edit mode on.
- Full Count Down setting has now become optional.
- - If set to -1 or lower, it will now be disabled and the counter will not change when the arena becomes full. (Default)
- - If set to 0, the game will start inmediately.
- - It will appear on the to-do list marked as "optional", to not forget about it.
- Improved Arena Bounds setting:
- - It is optional once again.
- - Changed 'infinite' argument to 'remove'.
- - Can now be set up/or reset at the Setup GUI.
- Reworked villager shop.
- - Removed category limit, and added support for multiple pages.
- - Changed Json structure, all shop types are now stored in a single file.
- - Different shop types cannot have different categories anymore.
- - Removed category IDs. They will now be sorted in the order they are written on the json.
- - Merchant inventory menus are now cached.
- - Changes for arena/map specific trades:
- - - They are now limited to have only a single category, and is visible and selectable on all shop pages (when there's more than one).
- - - Format is now a bit different from main shop due to this.
- - - Have their own built-in .json file, that will be copied to the arena folder when have specific trades are enabled. They have no offers written on it, so you will have to add your own ones.
- - - Also added translations for the built-in json category translation keys.
- Revamped kits:
- - Removed kit IDs. They will now be sorted in the order on the json definition.
- - Added an optional cooldown time override for specific kits.
- - Removed parameter "on_every_death" now instead you have set "cooldown_time" to -1 disable kit regeneration.
- - Kits key are now namespaced by default.
- - Kit name and description are now translation keys with and have their respective translations.
- - Removed description parameter, it will now appear on translation files.
- - Changed items predefined slots format. "set_slot" has been renamed to "custom_slot" and now it is an equipment slot string intead of a number.
- Improved some translations.
- - Changed a lot of translation keys to be more understandable and intuitive.
- - Changed time translations:
- - - Some time messages will now be capped to two time units, to prevent them from being too large.
- - Changed generator sign translation keys and format. For all lines param '{0}' is equal to '{TYPE}' and '{1}' is equal to '{LEVEL}'.
- - Changed arena sign translations format. For all lines param '{0}' is equal to '{ARENA}', '{1}' is equal to '{STATUS}', '{2}' is equal to '{PLAYERS}' and '{3}' is equal to '{MAXPLAYERS}'.
- Dragon eggs inside an arena will no longer teleport, even when in edit mode.
- Players that fall now start to die at y -65 instead of -40.
- Changed command "/ew reload" a little, and also fixed a few bugs caused by it:
- - Token types will also reload along trades and generators.
- - When reloading trades, arenas that are ingame will not be affected by the reload until the game finishes.
- - When reloading generators, active generators will now properly reload on all arenas. If an existing generator could not load its type, it will not do anything, but will still be saved/loaded.
- - Reloading languages, kits and generators will now close menus that are using them, making it less bug-prone.
- Overhauled "/ews teamList" command to be more intuitive. It can now be used outside the arena by providing the arena name, and it also works on unfinished arenas.
- Renamed "glasses" to "cages", including commands, translations and config (old config will be converted).
- Team villager, egg, respawn and glass/cage locations are now automatically centered to the middle of block.
- When the game finishes, the ingame scoreboard will be used instead of a different one, for parity with CubeCraft.
- Renamed option 'plugin.override_player_language' to 'plugin.ignore_client_language' to be more understandable. Previous value will be reset.
- Changed option's "gameplay.breakable_blocks" format to directly use the block ID, to fix a bug.
- Option's "spectator.spectator_allowance" different values have been split up into their own separate options:
- - "spectator.can_stay_at_game" (true/false). Allows the player to stay spectating the arena when it is eliminated from the game.
- - "spectator.can_enter_ingame" (true/false). Allows players outside the game to enter the arena to spectate.
- Removed saved non-temporal arena worlds (worlds called 'eggwars-map-<name>' without the 'tmp'), as they had no use because the arena world files are actually saved/loaded from their arena folder.
- - This was the originally intended behaviour.
- - If these files were in your server folder you will have to remove them manually.
- - Now when the arena exits setup mode, the world will don't need to be reloaded, to save performance.
- [Internal] Chunk tickets are now created differently. Instead of creating a chunk ticket to keep it loaded inside all the arena world, it will now be created at places like generators, villagers, etc. and at the location where an entity spawns.
- Arena worlds now have gamerule "spectatorsGenerateChunks" set to false.
- Active arenas, when not in setup mode, now have the gamerule "randomTickSpeed" set to 0, to prevent undesirable block changes during gameplay (that would remain on later games).
- Changed some placeholders:
- - Renamed "%eggwars_arena%" to "%eggwars_id_arena%"
- - Renamed "%eggwars_team%" to "%eggwars_id_team%"
- - "%eggwars_<type*>_time_played%" now returns only the value in seconds
- Colorless shulker box and all candles can now be colored by team.
Source-code related:
- The plugin's source code will be eventually published on Git-Hub, but FIRST I need to make sure that gaelito doesn't get
mad, but at this point internally the game is a LOT different from his version. What do I do?
- Changed eggwars source code package name from 'es.minetsii' to 'me.rosillogames'. (RIP minetsii)
- Re-arranged, tweaked and optimized a massive part of sourcecode. This is why the file size is lower than the previous version.
- Fixed placing TNT during game causing the TNT to displace a bit upwards when it ignites.
- Fixed a bug that made a comeback where block place restriction area for villagers and respawns was not centered.
- Fixed a bug where an arena would not load if there were no generators.
- Fixed being unable to break dragon egg blocks while editing an arena.
- Fixed dragon eggs completely disappearing in non-eggwars worlds when clicked, and now behaves like in normal minecraft.
- Fixed some problems with arenas that used negative Y.
- Fixed invisible items in team setup GUI.
- Fixed generators being able to be removed from an arena when it wasn't on edit mode.
- Fixed "Server is now FULL! Game starting in <num>!" not properly saying the time unit.
- Fixed the possiblility for some messages with minutes or another unit present to also display 0 seconds.
- Fixed a typo found on 'en-us' language.
- Fixed an exception when trying to remove a glass/cage location from a team that had no glasses/cages.
- Fixed command "/ews removeTeamGlass" adding a new glass/cage position instead of removing the last one.
- Fixed "ConcurrentModificationException: null" when saving all players to data base at certain cases.
- Fixed arena's world day time being reset to 6000 on server (or arena world) reload.
- Fixed "eggwars.command.reload" permission not working.
- Fixed kit cooldown not resetting between games.
- Fixed some kits loading even if there were errors.
- Fixed kits with defined slots not properly putting the item on the right slot.
- Fixed "database.auto_mode" default being printed as string instead of boolean.
- Fixed scoreboards not re-translating when reloading languages.
- Worlds are now fully reloaded when entering setup, to ensure some improbable 'leftovers' from previous games are gone.
- Arenas now properly reset when they leave setup mode.
- Fixed 2 more bugs (Only snow with layer 1 was able to break, hours and days not being translated at certain cases)
Version 5.4.1 fixes a reported bug and removes lag on arena reset. (Like always, update your translation files)
- Setting the arena's bounds is now mandatory an you will need to set it before playing!
- Say goodbye to lag when an arena map restarts, now instead of recreating the world every time, placed blocks and entities are now removed after a game ends
-- The old method can still be enabled by setting this new option "plugin.regenerate_worlds" to "true" in config.yml
- Arena bounds now must be set, and don't set it to infinite because chunks inside the area will always be loaded and could cause lag.
- Fixed chat component exceptions at 1.16
- Fixed "Respawning in.." subtitle appearing when already respawned, also appearing twice
- Fixed another bug with global chat
Version 5.4.0 adds some features related to cubecraft parity and improvements, support to new version and some fixes.
The reason why this took a many time is because I got a job, so I left this project beacuse I had no time. I'm still very busy, so don't expect a new update soon.
I also highly recommend to remove all resources such as "custom" folder and language files in order to them for staying updated.
- Players now can select a "Random Team" when in game lobby (cubecraft parity)
- It only works if you already joined a team
- Added support for 1.18.2 and 1.19
- Improved Armor Trading:
- Added "multi offers", wich consists on getting multiple items on a single trade. (Useful to buy full set of armor)
- Added auto equipping when buying armor, now if you buy a helmet (f.e) it will be automatically equipped in your helmet if the slot is empty or the item on it is inferior
- Now you can see the armor you are currently wearing at the armor page
- In order to these changes to take effect, you will need to delete or reconfigure your custom/trades files.
- Improved Generator GUI
- Generator info and titles now have the same format as cubecraft's eggwars
- Also made a few corrections, and generator info for the next level will appear at the upgrade item
- Maximum item capacity for a generator now also appears
- Also to update translations, you will need to delete your translation files.
- Improved statistics
- Stats gathered during the game now appear on chat at the end of every game
- Added new stats: eliminations (final kills), time played, blocks placed and blocks broken
- Stats are now separated from game mode (Solo and Teams)
- Spawn position are now individual per player and now has been renamed to glass locations or glasses
- You will need to set these to enter your arena again
- Are now smaller and have the default shape from cube
- Villager, egg and respawn positions are now automatically set at block center
- Rewritten how player data is stored
- Unfortunately old player data will be lost.
- Databases are now always used, and "database.enabled" option has been replaced by "database.auto_mode". If enabled, a database in SQLite will be automatically created (wich is stored at /plugins/EggWars/EggWars.db)
- Team chat will now be always available in arenas with a team player capacity greater than 1, also in global chat, team name will appear next to the player name
- Blocks can now be placed on dragon eggs whitout sneaking (cubecraft parity)
- Removed conversion from old config to new
- Token colors are no longer defined by translations, now are defined at custom/tokens intead
- Time now is also measured in days and hours, and its text color is now defined in other translations instead of itself
- Signs for joining arenas are now saved differently
- When a team is eliminated, the message sent is now spaced and makes a sound effect (cubecraft parity)
- Invincibility when respawning is now cancelled if the player hurts someone.
- Kits now must use unique IDs
- They must be positive numbers (including 0)
- If there's no ID or another kit wears the same one, it will display an error on console
- To make this work, you must delete or reconfigure your custom/kits.json files.
- Changed placeholder names and formatting, more information at plugin info <-- TODO
- Compass now updates on (exatly) every second. Now to update the player target the compass must be used in main hand.
- Fixed generators level 0 being unable to upgrade via GUI
- Fixed double click at Setup Gui
- Fixed 7 more bugs/errors (they weren't too relevant, so didn't specify)
Version 5.3.9_01 fixes bugs. I used a backup of 5.3.9 to make these changes since everything new is WIP and buggy.
Bad News:
- I've gotten very busy, so the 'bigger' update will be delayed to End of year or January.
- New features are insanely hard to add because my lack of experience (no, I'm not asking for help)
- Block placing restriction area now is now cubic (cubecraft parity)
- Teams at spectator gui now have their names colored
- Fixed bungee mode not working
- Removed "villager teams" at spectator gui
5.3.9 mainly fixes bugs. Now i'll start working on leaderboards for next update...
- Villager name now have also the "click to open" tag (cubecraft parity)
- Removed "Time" arena setting because world time can be adjusted using vanilla commands
- World time now defaults to 6000 when creating a new arena
- Improved "/ews removeArena" functionality
- Glass no longer appears when there are no players on team
- Villager name tag is now yellow (cubecraft parity)
- Removed some extra unnecessary code
- Generator progress not resetting to 0 when the arena restarts
- When a winning player falls to the void, it is teleported to the arena lobby instead of the arena center
- Fixed "/ews teamList <arena>" printing empty chat line
- It seems that the fix from 5.3.8_01 didn't work properly (the game still doesn't finishes at glass in some cases), so it has been fixed again.
- Null pointer exception when restoring stored player data when leaving on bungee mode
- Voting menus not updating when a player with no team leaves the arena
- "Time" arena option not doing anything
- Fixed console error when removing a newly created arena using "/ews removeArena <arena name>"
- Pistons working during game and creating undestroyable levers
- "/ew reload all" does not reload generator config
- EggWars villagers are affected by gravity and still being pushable
- "EggWars shop" (villager tag) incorrectly capitalized
This is how villagers will look like now

Version 5.3.8_01 is a tiny update since I'm on break. It fixes two reported bugs and changes a few things. If there are no more issues I'll start working on the bigger update for
- Player's vote "power" can now be set through api (it will not save when player logs out)
- - Useful for ranks, (incomplete?)
- - At class "es.minetsii.eggwars.api.EggWarsAPI" method "setVotePower" with params "(bukkit) Player" and "float: vote power"
- Number of votes can now be seen when hovering menu item (CubeCraft parity)
- Villagers now have AI (can now look at player and fall)
- Winning effect AFTER starting game when all other teams left while on countdown or glass (CubeCraft parity)
- Player winning when is alone on arena using forceStart and a spectator leaves
Version 5.3.8 adds support to 1.18, a Setup GUI (yay!) and re-organizes config, and brings more parity with
cubecraft's eggwars.
- Now supporting 1.18
- Added GUI setup for teams and generators
- - Use command "/ews getGuiItem" to obtain the item that opens the GUI
- New update checker, it can be disabled by setting "plugin.check_updates" to false
- Added option "gameplay.move_tnt_on_ignition" (defaults to true), which controls if the tnt will move after placed
- Added option "gameplay.invincible_time" (defaults to 10), which sets invincibility time when game starts and respawning
- Added "You are now invincible for <time>" message (CubeCraft parity)
- Added a warning message when kit cooldown starts (CubeCraft parity)
- Added "Respawning" popup message (CubeCraft parity)
- Renamed kit "slot" to "set_slot" at "items", and now is optional
- Optimized some internal code
- - Also removed few tick tasks that played all the time, this should save performance
- Completely renamed config keys, but don't worry, old config will get converted
- - Names are now more understand-able and namespaced
- - Removed option "kits.EnableCooldown", and cooldown now can be disabled by setting cooldown time to zero or below
- - Cooldown time now defaults to 120t - 2 minutes (CubeCraft parity)
- Equipping kit when game starts no longer starts cooldown (CubeCraft parity)
- Changed popup message when game starts (CubeCraft parity)
- On setting up, countdowns can now be set to 0, which will make them instant
- All players in an arena will be notified when said arena is force-started
- Upgrading generator message now also mentions level (CubeCraft parity)
- An empty print line (a debug code I left)
- Console error when opening kit menu with more than 9 kits
- "KeepInventory" default still saving as "KeepInv"
- Kit replacing inventory content when respawning with "KeepInventory" set to true
- No kit cooldown when "RespawnDelaySeconds" is zero or below
- Inconsistency on "/ew forceStart" errors
- I remember promising to release a new update is minecraft released a new version, so enjoy it!
- I changed some old code from original eggwars plugin, but still not enough for publishing it.
Version 5.3.7 adds item highlights and re-organizes bungee config. This update will be the last for a while since I see that the plugin already looks pretty good, so I will take a break and concentrate on my studes. Also I want next updates to be bigger.
- Added highlights (trades afford, selected kit and selected team will now appear enchanted)
- Changed item generator config to match cubecraft's
- Updated bungee config
- - Some options are now visible
- - Renamed "BungeeMode" to "bungee.Enabled"
- - Renamed "arenaName" to "bungee.DisplayArenaName"
- - Renamed "data.bungeeLobby" to "bungee.Lobby"
- - Renamed "BungeeRestart" to "bungee.Restart"
- - Renamed "GamesBeforeRestart" to "bungee.GamesUntilRestart"
- - Renamed "BungeeRandomArena" to "bungee.UseRandomArena"
- "spect.canChat" option now defaults to true
- Added snow layers to BreakableBlocks at config defaults
- Fixed arena ocassionally kicking player to the lobby when joining right after that arena got reset.
Version 5.3.6 updates some features to look like cubecraft's.
- Added "Your egg has brought you a new life!" message.
- Updated kits menu:
- - CubeCraft-like
- - Multiple pages
- - Kits can now be de-selected
- - You can now see your eggwars points
- - Kits now can have a description
- Renamed "coins" to "points", including options
- Removed team color Rainbow due to stability reasons (RIP)
- Removed "generator.infoItem" option from config.yml, as now it's always the generator's token
- Changed "generator.upgradeItem" option to "generator.upgradeInfoItem" at config.yml
- - Now defaults to experience_bottle
- Changed "gameplay.generator.upgrade_not_enough_items" to "gameplay.generator.upgrade_cant_afford" and now returns a new message
- Changed limit of kits to unlimited
- Translation "gameplay.generator.info_item_lore_broken" is now used
- Fixed some messages being in magenta color
- Adjusted "Your egg has been destroyed" message. (no longer bigger than screen)
- Fixed selecting team via hotbar at teams menu
Version 5.3.5_01 fixes a few bugs.
- Adjusted messages when a player leaves the game
- Fixed "gameplay.ingame.player_eliminated" when player leaves the lobby
- Fixed finish delay being still read as "FinishDelayTicks" at config
Version 5.3.5 adds placeholders, tweaks various features and fixes bugs.
- Added a plugin warning when eggwars loads from another eggwars version, recommending to update resources.
- Added placeholder support, more information soon
- - PlaceholderAPI is now a soft depend of this plugin
- Placing TNT now causes the tnt to ignite whitout moving
- Arena setup commands no longer requires arena argument, the arena is now the one you are in
- - Changed "/ews setLobby <arena name>" to "/ews setArenaLobby"
- - Removed coordinate arguments from "/ews setTeam<something>"
- Saving with "/ews toggleEditMode <arena name>" now teleports you to the eggwars lobby instead of kicking
- Renamed option "onJoin.tpToLobby" to "AutoTpToLobby" at config.yml, and now defaults to true
- Renamed option "KeepInv" to "KeepInventory"
- Option "TeamBalance" now defaults to false
- Changes to the delay when game finishes:
- - Renamed option "FinishDelayTicks" to "FinishDelaySeconds", and now counts as seconds
- - New default value is 10 seconds
- - Players will automatically leave the arena when the time of "FinishDelaySeconds" is reached out
- - Arena will restart when all players are outside the arena, rather than depending solely on "FinishDelayTicks"
- Fixed shop double-clicking
- Team m
enu now updates when a player leaves the lobby
- Fixed kit never regenerating when cooldown is enabled
- "/ews moveTeam <old color> <new color>" now changes the team's color correctly
- Removed a code duplicate at "/ews toggleEditMode <arena name>" causing the arena to save two times at once
If you're curious:
- Exactly today, two years ago, I started editing this plugin from gaelito, until two weeks ago I was encouraged enough to publish it.
Version 5.3.4 adds and fixs things from the Pre.
- Completed hardcore trades
- Removed classic shop option from eggwars menu settings
- Fixed inaccuaries at some trades
Version 5.3.4-pre introduces a lot of things, such a new villager menu, tokens, and improved customization.
- NOTE this version is incomplete (hardcore trades are not done) but due to difficulties I decided to publish it anyways
- New villager inventory for every trading section
- You can enable classic shop at settings
- If creating an arena with already existing world, teleport to spawn instead of generate stone.
- Tokens (iron, gold, diamond and emerald) are now customized separately from generators
- Completely removed GlobalChat option because it was an alternative to "!" character
- Villager shop now only allows tokens as price
- Trades are now limited to 7, plus one extra for arena specific
- Removed "/ews toggleTestMode <arena name>", now forceStart does everything
- All custom things are now at EggWars/custom/
- Fixed some inaccuaries in eggwars kit prices
Version 5.3.3 fixes a bunch of bugs from version 5.3.2, and also changes default kits.
- Skeleton Skull in "/ew menu" is now the correct player head.
- Added "Close" book to voting, item voting, health voting and generator menus.
- Changed default language description
- Replaced old default kits and with kits more similar to CubeCraft
- Default Language now gets selected correctly
- Fixed some errors when changing language
- Logging in no longer throws errors
- Fixed "close" menu button closing the inventory instead of going to previous menu.
- Fixed incosistencies between item voting and health voting menus
- Fixed "Team Selection" menu title being lime instead of dark gray
- Fixed an orthographic error in Spanish when upgrading generators
- Removed a remaining "globalChat" permission
- The villager main menu (not the shop) now looks like CubeCraft's. This is just a test.
- Added "/ew menu", which opens a menu where you can see your EggWars stats and change the language. It is still al little incomplete for now.
- Removed command "/ew lang <language code>"
- Removed command "/ew global", as now it can be changed at settings
- Number of trade limit is now infinite instead of 41.
- "Player Eliminated" and "Team Eliminated" now displays when player leaves
- Fixed some errors when changing language
- Compasses now work like in CubeCraft (detects nearest player instead of team)
- Using compass no longer throws console errors
- Distance and player indicator labels now appear again
ridodeezer for reporting.
- Fixed critical compilation problems (I was using spigot 1.16.2)
- The plugin now also supports 1.16.1 and 1.16.2
- "Main Trades" now loads a lot faster.
- Fixed "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" when sending "/ew join" without arena argument, now only sends syntax error
- "commands.force_start.usage" is now correctly colored
- Fixed "main trades" taking too long to load
- Players can now store their data with a MySQL database, it can be enabled at config "database.enabled" (disabled by default)
- Database URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD, and USESSL can be configured at config.yml
- If disabled, players data will be stored locally and will not be transferred between servers
- Command "/ew help" is now supported
- Added optional kit cooldown. Can be customized in config.yml with 2 fields: "kits.EnableCooldown" and "kits.SecondsOfCooldown"
- Removed debug command "/ew stats". It wasn't meant for the plugin but something similar will be introduced in the future.
- Some old code cleanup
- Command "/leave" is now supported. If you have more plugins with the "/leave" command, type "/eggwars:leave" to prevent collisions
- EggWars now also supports minecraft 1.16.3, 1.16.4 and 1.16.5
- More coding for databases using MySQL (not functional yet!)
- Removed command "/ew leave"
- Removed "CmdBlackList" and "LeaveCommands" from config.yml
- You will be unable to break accidentally the support block of arena signs at the lobby
- Fixed arena status changing to "Finishing" when a player is alone in the arena and leaves when waiting for game.
- Fixed breaking arena sign from adjacent block not applying as a change and remaining at list.
- Fixed "last_selected_kit" and "current_language" resetting upon server reload.
- Local player data now should save and load correctly.
- Fixed NullPointerException when player leaves the server.
- es_es.json is now semi-fully translated (except setup commands)
- Added support for language files in UTF-8 format. (Now es_es.json loads correctly)
- Updated custom inventories internally, so now it will be easier to add new GUIs in the future such as settings.
- Inventories and Items are now properly translated.
- Added initial code to re-introduce databases. (Doesn't works thought)
- Internal code to add support for versions other than 1.17 in the future. (Still only 1.17)
- The Generator Menu now updates when upgrading the generator instead of forcing the inventory to close.
- Fixed "gameplay.death.eliminated" untranslated string.
- Fixed kits being still red when you have permission.
- Added a new option to config.yml at "generator" called "simpleItems"; if enabled, items from generators will despawn after a while and will merge with similar items, to prevent server lagging.
- Fixed some permissions missing at plugin.yml.
- Fixed regular players (not op) being unable to use kits.