Version 6.2.0 adds kill assists and brings some improvements to arena setup. It also fixes a LOT of bugs.
As usual, updating the translation files is recommended to ensure the best game experience.
Additions: - Version 1.20.4 support.
- Added the assists system, with different options available:
- - Enable it in a specific mode "game.assists.enable", values may be "never", "when_solo", "when_team" (default) and "always".
- - Grant kill to the assist with greatest percentage "game.assists.grant_kill_to_best", defaults to "false". This was an idea from CubeCraft's forum I liked.
- - The time amount it takes to forget an attack "game.assists.forget_time", defaults to 20 seconds.
- Statistics are now also saved on a different database table, called "ew_stats". This may get reverted or changed in the future.
Changes: - Changed how cages work internally.
- - This will allow for custom cage structures in the future.
- Command "/ews toggleEditMode" can now be used from console.
- Setup GUI improvements:
- - Now internally separated by arena, meaning that there will be a setup-gui item per arena.
- - Some sub-menus are now cached, improving performance.
- - When a basic or team setting is changed, the setup gui of the arena will get updated for all players.
- - The item is now also given to the player when creating the arena.
- - Right clicking a sign with the item in hand at the lobby will now turn the sign into an "arena-join" sign.
- Option "game.skip_solo_lobby" has been renamed to "game.skip_lobby" and now can have 4 different values; "never", "when_solo" (default), "when_team" and "always".
- Tweaked compasses; now update twice as fast but no longer indicate target team and distance, to better match CubeCraft. The old compass info can still be kept by using the old translation.
- Added and changed some translations.
Fixes: - Fixed being able to see players outside an arena on tab when "hide_players" option was enabled, if they joined the server after you entered the arena.
- Fixed still being able to place blocks next to a dragon egg, when other players are intersecting with the block collision box.
- Fixed "You can't destroy your own team's egg" message sometimes appearing twice when right clicking only one time the dragon egg.
- Fixed scoreboards from the lobby being removed for the player when it joins and leaves an arena.
- Fixed to bugs about lobby and release countdowns:
- - They weren't working when default value is set to 0.
- - Countdown in hotbar (experience number) starting one second later.
- Fixed generator signs opening the sign edit screen when the arena is in setting mode.
- Fixed explosions being unable to break "breakable" blocks specified in config, if they were not placed during the game.
- Fixed being able to replace blocks that were not placed during the game ("breakable" will still bypass this).
- Fixed being able to place TNT on some illegal places, and also not counting for "blocks placed" statistics. (This latest is for parity with Cubecraft)
- Fixed sometimes replaced/broken blocks not being correctly regenerated between different games.