[FREE] EggWars Mini Game (Remastered) icon

[FREE] EggWars Mini Game (Remastered) -----

Based on Cubecraft's "EggWars" mini game; Originally by gaelitoelquesito, but I remastered its code.

The 1.18 Update! (Setup GUI & More)
Version 5.3.8 adds support to 1.18, a Setup GUI (yay!) and re-organizes config, and brings more parity with cubecraft's eggwars.

- Now supporting 1.18
- Added GUI setup for teams and generators
- - Use command "/ews getGuiItem" to obtain the item that opens the GUI
- New update checker, it can be disabled by setting "plugin.check_updates" to false
- Added option "gameplay.move_tnt_on_ignition" (defaults to true), which controls if the tnt will move after placed
- Added option "gameplay.invincible_time" (defaults to 10), which sets invincibility time when game starts and respawning
- Added "You are now invincible for <time>" message (CubeCraft parity)
- Added a warning message when kit cooldown starts (CubeCraft parity)
- Added "Respawning" popup message (CubeCraft parity)

- Renamed kit "slot" to "set_slot" at "items", and now is optional
- Optimized some internal code
- - Also removed few tick tasks that played all the time, this should save performance
- Completely renamed config keys, but don't worry, old config will get converted
- - Names are now more understand-able and namespaced
- - Removed option "kits.EnableCooldown", and cooldown now can be disabled by setting cooldown time to zero or below
- - Cooldown time now defaults to 120t - 2 minutes (CubeCraft parity)
- Equipping kit when game starts no longer starts cooldown (CubeCraft parity)
- Changed popup message when game starts (CubeCraft parity)
- On setting up, countdowns can now be set to 0, which will make them instant
- All players in an arena will be notified when said arena is force-started
- Upgrading generator message now also mentions level (CubeCraft parity)

- An empty print line (a debug code I left)
- Console error when opening kit menu with more than 9 kits
- "KeepInventory" default still saving as "KeepInv"
- Kit replacing inventory content when respawning with "KeepInventory" set to true
- No kit cooldown when "RespawnDelaySeconds" is zero or below
- Inconsistency on "/ew forceStart" errors

- I remember promising to release a new update is minecraft released a new version, so enjoy it!
- I changed some old code from original eggwars plugin, but still not enough for publishing it.
----------, Dec 4, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,053
First Release: Nov 12, 2021
Last Update: Jan 28, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings