[FREE] EggWars Mini Game (Remastered) icon

[FREE] EggWars Mini Game (Remastered) -----

Based on Cubecraft's "EggWars" mini game; Originally by gaelitoelquesito, but I remastered its code.

Support for 1.20.2, and more fixes!
Version 6.1.2 adds support for Minecraft 1.20.2 and optional team-shared ender chests, makes a few tweaks and fixes some significant bugs.

Updating language/translation files is required to prevent unwanted behaviour.

- Ender chests can now be shared through the whole team, this is controlled by config option "game.share_team_ender_chest" (disabled by default).
- Re-added "/ew lang <locale>" command. (Though it never was removed from "/ew help".)
- - It has been added back as an alternative due to "/ew menu" command not being a finished feaure yet.
- - Functionality has been improved.

- Damage caused by low food is now disabled by default, for CubeCraft parity. It can be re-enabled through new config option game.player.allow_starving.
- "Leave" item is now defaulted to a Red Dye instead of a Red Bed.
- Arena names now support spaces:
- - Arena folder now has the Name IDs in lowercase with underscores.
- - Many commands will now mainly use namespaced ids, but regular names are still usable for now.
- - Arena placeholders now require the arena's id rather than its name.
- Renamed some fields for arenas:
- - "Countdown" command/translations/keys to "StartCountdown".
- - "GameCountdown" command/translations/keys to "ReleaseCountdown".
- - "ArenaLobby" command/translations to "WaitingLobby".
- - Id for "Waiting" arena status, from "lobby" to "waiting".
- - Renamed field keys will now convert old keys from config to new keys, including the "Glasses" section that was renamed to "Cages" a while ago.
- Added more color to messages from setup commands.
- Smaller optimizations.

- Fixed a glitch that allowed players to place blocks when right clicking a dragon egg, even if the player's collision box intersected with the block.
- Fixed Spectator Hud not appearing after death, that caused being unable to teleport to other players.
- Fixed "/ews cloneArena" command not working.
- Fixed scoreboard not being properly updated when a team was eliminated.
- Fixed not being able to put items on furnace slots.
- Attempted to fix some odd behaviour related to player language detection when joining/leaving the server.
- Fixed "Respawning in <x time>..." message not always appearing when respawn delay value was very high.
- Fixed some incosistencies between key names of "lobby.sign_status. x" options and their corresponding arena status id.
- Removed "/ew global" command info from list generated by "/ew help", because that command was removed long ago.
----------, Oct 8, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,053
First Release: Nov 12, 2021
Last Update: Jan 28, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings