Crazy Vouchers icon

Crazy Vouchers -----

Allows you to create custom items to give to players that give them special perks!

- Player Heads were not stacking previously, they should now.
----------, Jul 2, 2024

- 1.21 support (3.6)
- Added support for HeadDatabaseAPI (3.6.2)
Code (YAML):
voucher :
  # The material.
  # The name of the item.
: '&cA player head example'
  # The lore of the item.
   - '&7Use this voucher to get fancy trims.'
    - '&7&l (&6&l!&7&l ) &7Right click to redeem.'
  # Only uncomment this if using HeadDatabase by Arcaniax
: '61151'
  # The items to give when claiming the voucher.
    # Only uncomment this is using HeadDatabase by Arcaniax
    - 'Item:PLAYER_HEAD, Skull:61151, Name:&cA fancy head, Lore:&eA fancy lore,&7with lines, Amount:3, Glowing:true'
- Issue with one of our dependencies #70 (3.6.1)
- Null pointer exception with HeadDatabaseAPI (3.6.3)

- 1.20.6 support (3.6)
----------, Jul 2, 2024

- 1.21 support (3.6)
- Added support for HeadDatabaseAPI (the previous way of doing custom heads i.e. going to and grabbing data there will be removed in the next major version of Minecraft.) (3.6.2)
Code (YAML):
voucher :
  # The material.
  # The name of the item.
: '&cA player head example'
  # The lore of the item.
   - '&7Use this voucher to get fancy trims.'
    - '&7&l (&6&l!&7&l ) &7Right click to redeem.'
  # Only uncomment this if using HeadDatabase by Arcaniax
: '61151'
  # The items to give when claiming the voucher.
    # Only uncomment this is using HeadDatabase by Arcaniax
    - 'Item:PLAYER_HEAD, Skull:61151, Name:&cA fancy head, Lore:&eA fancy lore,&7with lines, Amount:3, Glowing:true'
- Issue with one of our dependencies #70 (3.6.1)
- Null pointer exception with HeadDatabaseAPI (3.6.3)

- 1.20.6 support (3.6)
----------, Jun 25, 2024

- config.yml got deleted after migrating causing the plugin to disable.
----------, Jun 12, 2024

- Do not create voucher-codes.yml or vouchers.yml if the option use-old-file-system is set to false.
----------, Jun 10, 2024

- Updated how the menu opened by /vouchers admin is handled, this should fix the issues people had with the next/back button sending an error in console.
----------, Jun 10, 2024

- 1.20.6 Support
- Switch between old and new file systems.
- Folia Support.
- Categories files in vouchers/codes folders by subfolders.

- 1.20.4 Support
- NBT-API usage in the ItemBuilder.

- is no longer needed when using Custom Heads from
- Improved performance with configuration files.
- Improved performance with choosing prizes.
- No longer remapping the plugin when booted on paper servers.

- Custom Skulls using player names or textures from weren't working.
----------, Jun 9, 2024

You can find newer 1.20.4 builds below:
Click Me


Removed example sub-folder which caused initial runtime error on first install
----------, Mar 28, 2024

This version of CrazyVouchers only works on newer versions of 1.20.4 server jars, It will error on any old server jars as the API cannot be found.


Updated to use recently added damage source api. The previous way to prevent firework damage stopped working.
----------, Feb 16, 2024

Fixed the whole bug and nothing but the whole bug with /vouchers open - It is recommended you update.
----------, Feb 9, 2024


Fixed a critical bug, It is recommended you update.
----------, Feb 9, 2024

Fixed an NPE with the itembuilder.
----------, Dec 19, 2023


Bumped to 1.20.4
Bumped nbt api
----------, Dec 11, 2023

Please read the changelogs for v3.1-3.1.4 ( shh ) for any other information which you will likely need.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed all the bugs when migrating old configs to the new format - If you are using this plugin as a fresh install, You can ignore this.
    • If you have a backup of your CrazyVouchers files pre-update, you can delete your current CrazyVouchers folder
    • You can then just drop in your old CrazyVouchers folder and hit start, It should auto convert properly
    • If you don't have a backup, You can contact us in Discord and we'll help you get sorted.
----------, Oct 6, 2023

Please read the changelogs for v3.1-3.1.4 ( shh ) for any other information which you will likely need.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed all the bugs when migrating old configs to the new format
    • If you have a backup of your CrazyVouchers files pre-update, you can delete your current CrazyVouchers folder
    • You can then just drop in your old CrazyVouchers folder and hit start, It should auto convert properly
    • If you don't have a backup, You can contact us in Discord and we'll help you get sorted.
----------, Oct 6, 2023

Please read the changelogs for v3.1-3.1.2 ( shh ) for any other information which you will likely need.

  • Changed default permission messages in `Example.yml` when plugin first enables.
Bugs Fixed:
  • The migration service I thought I fixed wasn't actually fixed, It is now fixed in 3.1.5... Do not use this version if you are updating from an old version.
  • Fixed duplicate prefixes in messages
  • Fixed coloring in certain messages
  • Fixed two-step-authentication
----------, Oct 6, 2023

Please read the changelogs for v3.1 and v3.1.1 for any other information which you will likely need.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed an issue where vouchers were potentially stone? I couldn't reproduce it.
----------, Oct 4, 2023

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed locale reloading.
----------, Oct 4, 2023

Release 3.1, Please take a backup of your CrazyVouchers folder.

Please read the previous change-log as it has information you need to know.

If you have any problems, Please make a github issue so we can look into it.

  • Added 1.20.2 support.
  • Made sounds respect client side sound settings
  • Properly handle how Metrics shuts down and turns on when you change the true/false.
  • Add more verbose logging with an option to turn off the spammy garbage.
  • Internal placeholders such as %random% or %player% which are handled by us have been changed to {random} or {player}.
  • Added volume/pitch controls to each sound section in the vouchers.
Breaking Changes:
  • Vouchers have been moved out of the Config.yml into a folder called vouchers
    • All the configurations should auto migrate. Let me know if I missed something.
  • Voucher codes have been moved from VoucherCodes.yml to the codes folder.
  • No longer use the player object in hashmap's/arrays just the uuid as god intended.
Developers / API:
  • Cleaned up some internals, reduce duplicated code.
  • The api artifact id is now crazyvouchers-paper-api. Note: this is subject to change in the future so just be mindful of what your doing. I am actively designing a proper api for everyone to use which won't change as much.
  • Bumped nbt-api.

Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support -> Click Me
Please check #general-updates for more information.
----------, Oct 3, 2023

We are aware of a weird error, You can go back a release for the time being or grab our latest jenkins build to see if it is fixed or not.

  • Properly apply the damage to the items given to you when you right click the voucher.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #general-updates for more information.
----------, Aug 12, 2023

New Features:
  • Added the ability for an item to have damage applied to it.
    • You might need a mod to be able to see how much durability an item has by default in order to apply the correct damage.
  • Added the ability for armor trims.
Code (YAML):
: '&8&l>&7&l>&cTrim Example&7&l<&8&l<'
  # Only works on items with durability. This will make the item appear more damaged.
  # It does not set the durability but subtracts this number from the durability
  # Durability is 100, It subtracts 50.
  # It cannot be 0.
: 50
    # Available Materials:
    # Available Patterns:
   - '&7Use this voucher to get fancy trims.'
   - '&7&l (&6&l!&7&l ) &7Right click to redeem.'
: true
  # Available Materials:
  # Available Patterns:
   - 'Item:DIAMOND_HELMET, Damage:50, Trim-Pattern:SENTRY, Trim-Material:QUARTZ, Amount:1, Protection:4, Respiration:1, Aqua_Affinity:3, Unbreaking:3, Thorns:3'
   - 'Item:DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, Damage:50, Trim-Pattern:DUNE, Trim-Material:REDSTONE, Amount:1, Protection:4, Unbreaking:3, Thorns:3'
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #general-updates for more information.
----------, Aug 12, 2023

  • Added 1.20 support. This build does not work on 1.19-1.19.4, You will have to use for that!
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #general-updates for more information.
----------, Jun 10, 2023

  • Changes it from using the CraftItemEvent to PrepareCraftItemEvent so vouchers cannot be used as materials for recipes while not interfering with custom recipe plugins.
  • Added 2 new config options
    • Prevent-Using-Vouchers-In-Recipes.Toggle which defaults to true, Prevents crafting recipes from being complete when including a voucher.
    • Prevent-Using-Vouchers-In-Recipes.Alert which defaults to false, Sends a message when an item that is a voucher is in the Crafting Table's 9 slots.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.

I was a lemon and forgot to change the plugin.yml so it didn't boot, had to re-upload
----------, Apr 27, 2023

  • Changes it from using the CraftItemEvent to PrepareCraftItemEvent for preventing vouchers from being used in recipes.
  • Added 2 new config options
    • Prevent-Using-Vouchers-In-Recipes.Alert which defaults to false, Sends a message when an item that is a voucher is in the Crafting Table's 9 slots.
    • Prevent-Using-Vouchers-In-Recipes.Toggle which defaults to true, Prevents crafting recipes from being complete when including a voucher.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Apr 27, 2023

  • Add a toggle to prevent people from opening vouchers in creative.
  • Removed the update checker for Spigot, The option in config.yml is a paperweight.
  • Removed unused config / messages.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Apr 13, 2023

  • Added 1.19.4 support.
  • Removed 1.18.2 and below support.
  • Simplified build script.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Mar 22, 2023

⚠️ 1.18.2 support and below will shortly be dropped from the plugin. This is your warning! ⚠️
  • Added update checker / config version with toggles.
  • Added 1.17-1.17.1 support.
  • Re-organized the build script for the last time.
  • Cleaned up a few pieces of code.
  • Bumped nbt-api to 2.11.1.
  • Fixed the nbt-api link.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Feb 6, 2023

  • Added 1.18.2 support.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Jan 8, 2023

  • Do not rename "Vouchers" folder if "CrazyVouchers" already exists with console warnings.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Dec 29, 2022

  • Added an update checker with a configurable toggle.
  • Automatically rename Vouchers directory to CrazyVouchers.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Dec 23, 2022

  • Added 1.19.3 support.
Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
Please check #plugin-updates for more information.
----------, Dec 14, 2022


Legacy Support has been fully removed from this build.

Due to the plugin being open source, we are now accepting pull requests for the Main branch.

Plugin is free.

Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Aug 6, 2022



Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Aug 5, 2022


Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jul 30, 2022


Versioning not being updated is because the jars didn't update properly on my pc, Fixed now.

Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jul 20, 2022


Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jul 19, 2022


Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jul 6, 2022


Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jul 6, 2022

>> Important <<


Pay your respects to the skipped versions!

Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jul 3, 2022


Pay your respects to the skipped versions!

Make sure to join our discord if you have any questions or would like support ->
----------, Jun 28, 2022

Added 1.18.1 Support.
----------, Feb 2, 2022

Added 1.17 support.
----------, Jul 23, 2021

- New Permissions: option in the Whitelist-Permission: option. This option makes it so a player has to have all listed permissions to be able to open a voucher.

- OutOfBound when no codes or vouchers are found using /voucher list.
- /voucher open page was not showing all available vouchers.

- The Node: option was removed from the default config files for the Whitelist-Permission: option as it now has the list option which does the same thing but more then the Node: option did. The Node: option will still work the same as it did before this update but this just removes it from the default file but will still work.
----------, Sep 15, 2019

- /voucher admin aliases of /voucher open.
- /vouchers aliases of /voucher.
- All commands now have a Tab Complete when hitting tab while typing the commands.

- An issue with high CPU usage due to the constant saving of data file.
- /voucher list would show the voucher code's filename instead of the code it uses.
- NPE from some servers when clicking air.
----------, Sep 12, 2019

- GUI border items in 1.14+ didn't show correctly.

- Updated the default 1.12.2 down config's link for sounds for 1.8.8 to use a new site hosted by me due to the old site being shutdown.
----------, Aug 1, 2019

- %player% placeholder works for the following messages

  • Black List Message
  • White List Permission Message aka No-Permission-To-Voucher Message
  • White List World Message
- Commands: option has been added to the following options.
  • Being denied from using voucher due to white list permission.
  • Being denied from using voucher due to white list world.
  • Being denied from using voucher due to blacklist permission.

Works for both physical vouchers and voucher codes.
----------, Jun 27, 2019

- Updated internal NBTTagAPI library.

- Error on load due to the server still using the old version of VoucherCode.yml.
----------, Jun 23, 2019

- Servers running 1.13.2 could not load Vouchers due to 1.14 API causing issues.
----------, May 14, 2019

- Vouchers now supports Minecraft 1.8.8-1.14.

- Updated bStats to the new version for 1.14 support.
----------, May 13, 2019

- /Voucher give would sometimes give an error when giving out vouchers.
- /Voucher giveall would not give the right argument when used.

- /Voucher giveall now can use the "%random%:#-#" placeholder for the argument option.
----------, Apr 27, 2019

- /Voucher list would cause an error in the console and not work.
----------, Apr 27, 2019

This update contains file changes.

In this update, the VoucherCodes.yml file has been completely redone and requires you to use the new version. It is suggested you back up your old one and then delete the old one and restart to get the new version of the file.

- %arg% placeholder has been added to whitelist permission message, blacklist message, and whitelist world message.
- Item stacks that have broken material types will be made into an error item which will be shown.
- RedeemVoucherEvent for when the player redeems a voucher.
- RedeemVoucherCodeEvent is fired when a voucher code is used.
- bStats to replace the old MassiveStats.
- New message for when a voucher code has already been used.
- When generating the config.yml it now will load the version of the config.yml that works with 1.12.2 down and a newer version for 1.13+ servers.
- Added new placeholder for a random number generator. Placeholder: "%random%:#-#" Example: "%random%:1-1000" will give a random number from 1-1000.

- MassiveStats due to its shutdown.

- Sounds are now 1.9+ default.
- Did a complete overhaul of the VoucherCodes.yml file to allow new settings and options found in the normal physical vouchers.
- A complete overhaul on the internal system of the voucher codes.

- Spelling mistake in a package path.
----------, Apr 25, 2019

- 1.13.1 Support has been added. 1.12.2 and down should also work fine as vouchers do not have any code that is very version specific.
- New Whitelist worlds option for each voucher.
- New multi-command feature for the chance and random commands.
- New message option in the Messages.yml for Not-In-Whitelisted-World just in case the voucher doesn't have a message option for the WhiteListed deny.

- Config.yml has been updated to 1.13.1 items. If you errors make sure you're on 1.13.1 to use the item names and not IDs.

- Fixed an issue in the Messages.yml where instead of "Reloaded" it says "Reloadeds" in the /voucher help command.

----------, Sep 27, 2018

- If given a voucher from the /vouch give/giveall command the user would not receive the voucher if the user's inventory was full. The voucher now drops on the floor under them instead.
----------, Jun 27, 2018

Hello, a lot of people have requested me to add the ability to have the voucher pick a random command and a way of having chances on commands. This update adds those 2 features.

Random Commands:
Pick a random command from the list of commands. No chance system is in place it just picks a random one.

Chance Commands:


The examples have been placed in the new default config which can be found here.

- New random and chance commands options.

Bug Fix:
- The whitelist and blacklist permissions were not working due to the path in code missing a step.
- Old MCUpdate class spitting out blank messages in the console.

- Switched from the old SettingsManager class to my new FileManager class.
- Switched out the old MCUpdate class for its new MassiveStats class.
----------, Jun 4, 2018

Bug Fix:
- The whitelist and blacklist permissions were not working due to the path in code missing a step.
----------, Feb 2, 2018

- Error from the NBT API plugin used inside of this.
- Errors in some servers with the unbreaking option.
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Bug Fixes:
- Older Spigot/PaperSpigot servers would get an error when loading the plugin.
----------, Jan 19, 2018

- Now recoded in maven for easier coding.
- Ability to use the %arg% permission to the blacklist and whitelist placeholders.

- Now using NBT Tags for the placeholders to allow easier reading of arguments and what the voucher is.

PS: All old vouchers will still work as it will check if the voucher has an NBT tag 1st and if so then use that otherwise it will use the old method of getting the voucher's information.
----------, Jan 18, 2018

The last update I forgot to update the plugin.yml's version so people were getting the update message every time. Sorry about that, this time I made sure to update it to the right version.

- New %x%, %y%, %z%, and %world% to the commands placeholders.
----------, Oct 29, 2017

- /Voucher Open [Page] - You can now see different pages of Vouchers.
- Added a paging system to the Voucher Open GUI. This allows you to scroll through all your vouchers and not just 54.

Bug Fixes:
- Servers running CraftBukkit would get errors from the /voucher open command.
----------, Oct 19, 2017

Bug Fixes:
- %Arg% placeholder still was having problems in some cases.
----------, Aug 20, 2017

Bug Fixes:
- Using %Arg% placeholder would make the voucher stop working in some cases.

- Recoded to use a new Vouchers object which should help performance a bit.
----------, Aug 17, 2017

This update is just to fix a quick bug that has been found.

Bug Fixed:
- Versions class not giving correct unsupported version causes an error with glowing items in unsupported versions.
----------, Jul 3, 2017

This update fixes some bugs that have been reported. I also added a requested option. I hope you guys enjoy.

This update contains a file change.
This change isn't needed as it will use the default message from the Messages.yml.

Add the Message: line like this. This is not needed unless you wish to use it.
Code (Text):
          Toggle: false
          Message: '&cYou already have this rank and can''t use this voucher.'
            - 'voucher.blacklist.rankup'

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed some of the color codes not working.
- Fireworks in 1.12 would damage players.
- If a player has more than one blacklisted permission it sends multiple messages.
- 1.7.10 down would error when trying to add glowing to the voucher. 1.7.10 down now do not glow even when set to true.
- If you had multiple vouchers with the same name only the top voucher would be used.

- The MCUpdate class has been updated.
- New option to send specific blacklisted permission message to a player.
----------, Jun 28, 2017

This is just a quick update.

- MCStats metrics has been removed due to it being dead.
----------, Apr 12, 2017

Hello, this is just a quick update.

Bug Fixes:
- Some messages missing their prefix.

- New MCUpdate metrics.
----------, Apr 6, 2017

Hello, I have been working on fixing some stuff and making sure everything is working right.

This update contains a file change.
Please add the new lines to protect from errors.

Please add this line under the Prefix: option.
Code (Text):
  Updater: true
Each Sound: option for each voucher needs to be changed to this.
Code (Text):
          - 'CLICK'

Bug Fixes:
- Fireworks from vouchers in 1.11.2+ damage players.

- Option in the config to disable the updater.

- Moved the updater to Async to stop any lag from accruing.
----------, Apr 3, 2017

Hello, I have recently gotten a request to add a blacklist permission option to Vouchers. What this allows you to do is check if a player has 1 or more permissions that might be blacklisted. If they have one of those permissions then they will not be able to use the voucher.

This update contains file changes.
Please add these new changes to avoid errors from happening.

Please change all of the Permissions: options to this.
Code (Text):
        Whitelist-Permission: #The player needs this permission to use it.
          Toggle: false #Toggle the permission on or off.
          Node: 'money' #The permission node.
        Blacklist-Permissions: #If the player has any of these permissions then they can't use the voucher.
          Toggle: false #Toggle if it checks for black listed permissions.
          Permissions: #List all the blacklisted permissions here.
            - ''
Here is an example of what the new voucher settings looks like:
Code (Text):
    Item: '331'
    Name: '&8&l>&7&l>&c%Arg% Voucher&7&l<&8&l<'
      - '&7Use this voucher to rank up to &c%Arg%&7.'
      - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
    Glowing: false
      - 'pex user %Player% group set %Arg%'
      Message: '&7Congratulation, you have just ranked up to &6%Arg%&7.'
          Toggle: false
          Node: 'rankup'
          Toggle: false
            - 'voucher.blacklist.rankup'
        Toggle: false
        Limit: 10
        Toggle: false
        Toggle: true
        Sound: 'CLICK'
        Toggle: true
        Colors: 'Black, Gray, Red'

Add this line at the bottom of the file.
Code (Text):
  Has-Blacklist-Permission: '&cSorry but you can not use this voucher because you have a black-listed permission.'

- New blacklist permission option. This allows you to make the player not able to use a voucher if they have a permission.

- Changed the packages names so they follow the java standards.
- Version class was moved to the API package.
- Some small code cleanup to make it nicer.
----------, Mar 25, 2017

Hello, in this update I have added a new option that was requested. It is a Glowing: option to the vouchers so if you want them to have that enchanted effect you can.

This update contains new optional lines.
These lines do not need to be added but it is recommended.

Add the Glowing: option under the Lore: option. Here is an example:
Code (Text):
    Item: '331'
    Name: '&8&l>&7&l>&c%Arg% Voucher&7&l<&8&l<'
      - '&7Use this voucher to rank up to &c%Arg%&7.'
      - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
    Glowing: true
      - 'pex user %Player% group set %Arg%'

Bug Fixes:
- 1.9+ servers when right-clicking a block with more than a stack of 1 voucher would use 2 vouchers instead of one.

- New Glowing: option for the vouchers.

- Code clean up.
- Default config now has the missing links for the sounds for 1.8 down and 1.9 up.
- 1.8 down sounds:
- 1.9 up sounds:
----------, Mar 10, 2017

Hello, this is a quick bug fix that I was just told of.

Bug Fix:
- Using a voucher in your off hand would not be taken away.
----------, Mar 9, 2017

Hello, I got a report about a strange bug happening when having multiple vouchers using the %Arg% placeholder.

Bug Fix:
- Multiple vouchers with the %Arg% placeholder would error out.

Make sure to tell me what you think of the new Icon and Banner <3
----------, Dec 23, 2016

Hello, I have been working to Add some new features that have been requested.

This update redoes the whole config.yml.
It is highly recommended that you backup your config.yml. You will need to generate a new config.yml because it changes just about everything.

Add this line at the bottom.
Code (Text):
  Two-Step-Authentication: '&7Right click again to confirm that you want to use this voucher.'

- GiveAll Command.
- CaseSensitive option for codes.
- Items: option in the config.yml.
- Enchantments for the items can be the in-game name of the enchantment.
- Fireworks option to each voucher.
- Two Step Authentication option. This allows your players to not accidentally click the voucher.

- Full config overhall.

- Fireworks in 1.11.2 damage players. This has been fixed so the new firework damage doesn't damage the player.
- Error when a player didn't have permission to use the give command.
----------, Dec 23, 2016

This update has a small change to one command. Make sure if you use the Command in crates and stuff you will need to change the give command when you update.

- /Voucher Give <Player> <Type> <Arguments> to
/Voucher Give <Type> [Amount] [Player] [Arguments]. This is how the new command looks and you will need to use it like this.​
- New File Messages.yml. You can edit most messages now.​
----------, Jun 12, 2016

Hello there, In this update I have worked on Voucher Codes. This update will make a new file called VoucherCodes.yml. In there is now where you put your voucher codes. So if you have voucher codes in your config you will need to remake them in this new file.

Please look at the new Default Config and Default VoucherCodes.yml on the main page to see what they now look like. I recommend either deleting your config.yml and start fresh. Or backup your config then delete it and then look at the new config and vouchercode.yml and start moving everything to the right spots.
----------, Jun 2, 2016

Hello there, Thanks to @GypsySix for reporting a problem.

- Per voucher perms not working.​
----------, Apr 21, 2016

Hello there, Today I have added so you can have sounds play to the player when they use the voucher. To add sounds to your voucher you can ether delete your config or go to the vouchers you wish to add a sound to and put under VoucherPerm:

SoundToggle: true
Sound: <Sound>

Make sure to check the default config on the Main page to see how it is used if you wish.

- Added Sounds

1.8 sounds are found here:
1.9 sounds are found here:
----------, Apr 18, 2016

Hello there, I was asked to add a limiter to the plugin and so I have. It is very easy to use. All you need to do is in your config is go to the voucher which you would like to add it to and under VoucherPerm and add

VoucherLimitToggle: true
VoucherLimit: <limit>

and then save the config and /Voucher Reload and it should add it right in.

- Added Limiter
- Added a short cut command /Vouch
----------, Apr 16, 2016

Hello there. Today I have added a new command that can easily give you a Vouchers. When you now do /Voucher Open it will open a GUI with all your vouchers in it and when you click one it will give it to you. It will show all vouchers but the once that use the %Arg% in the item wont work since you can't put a argument in.

- New Commands to open a GUI with all vouchers in it. /Voucher Open​
----------, Dec 23, 2015

Hello there. Today I have fixed a bug where when setting the Voucher Item type in the config you cant do 35:14. This has been fixed in this update.

Bug Fixed:
- Can't do <ID>:<MD> in the Voucher type in the config.​
----------, Dec 19, 2015

Hello there. Today i have fixed a bug that occurs when you right click a block with no item in your hand.

- Console Error when right clicking the ground with no items in hand.​
----------, Dec 18, 2015

Hello there. I have just made another fix for yet another bug. This one fixes the bug that doesn't allow Vouchers to be given by Console.

- Console can't give vouchers​
----------, Dec 16, 2015

Hello there. In the last update about an hour ago. A bug was generated that didnt allow the config.yml to create. That problem has been fixed.

- Config.yml would not create​
----------, Dec 16, 2015

Hello everyone. Today i have added a highly requested feature. Custom Lores. With the new lore system it is highly recommended for you to back up your old Config.yml and load in the new one. It adds the Custom lore function. With this update the pesky <Argument> in the command /Voucher give <Player> <Argument> is now optional. You only need to add the <Argument> if you use %Arg% in the config. I have also added a new Types command so you can see in-game what Type of Vouchers and what codes you have available to use.

- /Voucher Types
- Custom Lores
- Ability to use &n color code​
- Bunch of code cleanup
- Changed the default Config.yml to all Custom Lores​
----------, Dec 16, 2015

Hello there. Today I fixed a small error when right clicking items with out a name.

- Right clicking an item with a lore or enchantment but not with a name. causes a console error.​
----------, Dec 7, 2015

Hello there. Today i have fixed a bug when you right click an item that isn't a voucher an error shows in console.

- Right click an item gives errors in console.​
----------, Nov 18, 2015

Hello everyone. Today I have found a bug that someone tried explaining to be but I never understood until I was messing around and found it. Crate plugins could not give players Vouchers because Console couldn't send the command. I have just fixed that Problem and now should work much better.

- Console couldn't give players Vouchers​
----------, Nov 2, 2015

Hello there. At the request of Dawson7272 and DomMinesDiamonds I have added Per Voucher Names. So now the vouchers will have a specific name and only one line in the lore. This will make Nicer Vouchers for players to have and use.

- Per Voucher Names​
- Globle Wide Voucher Name​
----------, Oct 28, 2015

Hello there. I have removed some Debugging code I forgot to remove before.

- Debugging Code.​
----------, Oct 25, 2015

Hello there. Today I have fixed some bugs where the config would not always work with the in-game commands. This is just to make it run better this update.

- Config not remaking when deleted
- In-Game commands not working with Config​
----------, Oct 25, 2015

Hello there. Today I have added messages to the Voucher Codes. I didn't realized i left it out so now I have added it back. If you are using the v1.2 config your good to go. When a player redeems the code it will give them a default message. It will also add it to the config. I recommend either adding the Message: to the Voucher Codes part of the Config or just delete the old config you have a let the default config load in when u reload the plugin.

- Messages to Voucher Code in config.​
----------, Oct 25, 2015

Hello there. Today I have added a New Voucher Type. Voucher Codes. Voucher codes is like in-game codes or coupons. If a player uses the Code it will run commands for them that are set in the config. Please check out the Main page for more info on this Voucher Type. I have also added the ability to use Multiple Commands per Voucher and Voucher Code.

- Voucher Codes
- Multiple Commands Per Voucher​
- Fixed Right clicking a item with a lore Error in Console.​
----------, Oct 24, 2015

Hello there. Today I have added Per Voucher Perms. Thanks to HappyHarm for the Recommendation to the plugin.

- Per Voucher Perms
----------, Oct 23, 2015

Hello today I have fixed a Permission problem and added Per Vouchers Items.

- Per Voucher Items
- Checks if Voucher Type is in Config
Bug Fixes
- Permissions not Working
----------, Oct 23, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,310
First Release: Oct 23, 2015
Last Update: Jul 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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