Crazy Vouchers icon

Crazy Vouchers -----

Allows you to create custom items to give to players that give them special perks!

v1.6.2 Update || New Black List Permission Option
Hello, I have recently gotten a request to add a blacklist permission option to Vouchers. What this allows you to do is check if a player has 1 or more permissions that might be blacklisted. If they have one of those permissions then they will not be able to use the voucher.

This update contains file changes.
Please add these new changes to avoid errors from happening.

Please change all of the Permissions: options to this.
Code (Text):
        Whitelist-Permission: #The player needs this permission to use it.
          Toggle: false #Toggle the permission on or off.
          Node: 'money' #The permission node.
        Blacklist-Permissions: #If the player has any of these permissions then they can't use the voucher.
          Toggle: false #Toggle if it checks for black listed permissions.
          Permissions: #List all the blacklisted permissions here.
            - ''
Here is an example of what the new voucher settings looks like:
Code (Text):
    Item: '331'
    Name: '&8&l>&7&l>&c%Arg% Voucher&7&l<&8&l<'
      - '&7Use this voucher to rank up to &c%Arg%&7.'
      - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Right click to redeem.'
    Glowing: false
      - 'pex user %Player% group set %Arg%'
      Message: '&7Congratulation, you have just ranked up to &6%Arg%&7.'
          Toggle: false
          Node: 'rankup'
          Toggle: false
            - 'voucher.blacklist.rankup'
        Toggle: false
        Limit: 10
        Toggle: false
        Toggle: true
        Sound: 'CLICK'
        Toggle: true
        Colors: 'Black, Gray, Red'

Add this line at the bottom of the file.
Code (Text):
  Has-Blacklist-Permission: '&cSorry but you can not use this voucher because you have a black-listed permission.'

- New blacklist permission option. This allows you to make the player not able to use a voucher if they have a permission.

- Changed the packages names so they follow the java standards.
- Version class was moved to the API package.
- Some small code cleanup to make it nicer.
----------, Mar 25, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,310
First Release: Oct 23, 2015
Last Update: Jul 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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