Crazy Vouchers icon

Crazy Vouchers -----

Allows you to create custom items to give to players that give them special perks!

v1.6 Update || New Config, New Features, and some bug fixes.
Hello, I have been working to Add some new features that have been requested.

This update redoes the whole config.yml.
It is highly recommended that you backup your config.yml. You will need to generate a new config.yml because it changes just about everything.

Add this line at the bottom.
Code (Text):
  Two-Step-Authentication: '&7Right click again to confirm that you want to use this voucher.'

- GiveAll Command.
- CaseSensitive option for codes.
- Items: option in the config.yml.
- Enchantments for the items can be the in-game name of the enchantment.
- Fireworks option to each voucher.
- Two Step Authentication option. This allows your players to not accidentally click the voucher.

- Full config overhall.

- Fireworks in 1.11.2 damage players. This has been fixed so the new firework damage doesn't damage the player.
- Error when a player didn't have permission to use the give command.
----------, Dec 23, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,310
First Release: Oct 23, 2015
Last Update: Jul 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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