Purchasing the plugin has temporarily been disabled, until we can decide on what to do.
The ability to customize the entirety of CrazyVouchers
If you have found something that you would like to be able to customize, please make a feature request, and we'll see about adding it.
Create an infinite amount of voucher codes
Voucher Codes can be redeemed through a command, you can even apply a limit of how many times a code can be used!
The ability to use hex colors
Hex Colors should be usable throughout the entire plugin.
#000000 is an example of how to use a hex color! You do not need &
Ability to switch between multiple files and mono files for vouchers and codes
You can find the toggle in config.yml if you prefer one config file for each. This will not migrate it for you.
Support will not be provided in the reviews section nor in Discussions.
It is recommended rather to contact us via the Discord Server.
We need information such as plugin version, server version, any console logs and related files to your issues like your vouchers. Try not to cross-post and only post in #crazy-vouchers
Reviews are not for posting bugs, or some that post a stack trace the size of California. They are for reviews of the plugin & nothing else. Any other reviews will simply be directed towards Discord. We have people that are willing to help you but cannot if you do post your issues in reviews.