Crazy Vouchers icon

Crazy Vouchers -----

Allows you to create custom items to give to players that give them special perks!

v1.7.3 Update
This update contains file changes.

In this update, the VoucherCodes.yml file has been completely redone and requires you to use the new version. It is suggested you back up your old one and then delete the old one and restart to get the new version of the file.

- %arg% placeholder has been added to whitelist permission message, blacklist message, and whitelist world message.
- Item stacks that have broken material types will be made into an error item which will be shown.
- RedeemVoucherEvent for when the player redeems a voucher.
- RedeemVoucherCodeEvent is fired when a voucher code is used.
- bStats to replace the old MassiveStats.
- New message for when a voucher code has already been used.
- When generating the config.yml it now will load the version of the config.yml that works with 1.12.2 down and a newer version for 1.13+ servers.
- Added new placeholder for a random number generator. Placeholder: "%random%:#-#" Example: "%random%:1-1000" will give a random number from 1-1000.

- MassiveStats due to its shutdown.

- Sounds are now 1.9+ default.
- Did a complete overhaul of the VoucherCodes.yml file to allow new settings and options found in the normal physical vouchers.
- A complete overhaul on the internal system of the voucher codes.

- Spelling mistake in a package path.
----------, Apr 25, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,310
First Release: Oct 23, 2015
Last Update: Jul 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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